Organizations fortunes failing
Brain storming meetings to generate new ideas, daily
Every day ritual,
Samosas, chips, doklas, espresso, green, dark, sloppy tea brought in by pricenly looking servers
A swarm of useless mouths crunch the destructive stuff hotly, without break
Irritating crunching sounds
More Stuff show up, more crunching, more irritating sound
Not a word verbally expressed on
organization's looming doom
Investors cash glutted by terrible money eating sharks
The day is curiously chilly
Television is turned on
Shocking news!
Channels declare organization's doom as breaking news!
Money eating Sharks go into hiding as they experience a baffling shiver inside their stomachs brought on by undigested food.
Their heads swrling because abundance of bile discharged into their blood stream.
Hapless investors, money lenders rue their fate on unfavourable distant stars.
People in Society sleep like sheeps.
Money eating Sharks are enjoying their swim in a distant sea with gay abandon!