Old and rusty
Creaky & squeaky
A source of pride & embarassment!
She runs miles after mile
tirelessly, day after day
She goes where none dare to.
She does not age!
She does not spit poison
into the air unlike her more glamorous cousins viz Cars, Trains, Planes, do.
If any one can save humanity
from a boiling earth, it's our humble bicycle. I bet, it's our humble bicycle
She will be our saviour
She will be our saviour...
I still bet.
We have kept her out for a long time. We have done a terrible mistake.
Let us bring her out and remove the dust that has gathered on her body. Let us make her shine again. Let us ride her on the roads.
Time is running out for us, earth is heating.. heating too quickly because we did unkind things to her.
We will be obliterated sooner than we think we would.
Bring back our humble bicycle
bring her back soon, time is running out. I want to see whole of humanity riding her on the roads.
The fate of humanity hinges on this humble machine.