Time was less Huge throng Destination unknown Legs dragged forward while the mind dragged backwards Caught between two opposing forces Not sure which path to take Stuck in a limbo!
Looking back, you can see experience. You can see the future if you look ahead. When you look around, you will realise the truth. When you look within, your confidence will grow. Adversity can help you reach your goals if you take firm steps.
You visit me once in a while. Difficulties, on the other hand, are coming thick and fast. I'm not sure what good it does to share my woes with you. I suppose that you don't want to break your heart over my difficulties.
The letter you wrote for me has arrived. It's wet. I'm not sure what made it wet—your tears or the rain that poured along the way. It cannot be read. But I'm curious which of my two conclusions would please you.
In the same way that the dance of clouds does not disturb the sky, neither do the thoughts that fly through the mind disturb the calm and steady state of consciousness.
In your writings, you extol the virtues of human friendship, while avoiding all types of human interactions in real life as a barrier to your literary success.