Lord, I beseech thee to grant peace to all wretched souls who wander in search of it. Lord, if you do not grant peace to these souls, they will sow seeds of doubt in every heart and cause upheavals in a society riven by unrest.
The sirens of ambulances carrying bombing victims lulled children to sleep. Mothers, many of whom were widows, were torn between mourning or thanking the deceased.
When the mind awakens, the world comes alive, But when the mind falls asleep, so does the world, So who makes the world, this star studded tapestry we see? Is it not the world crafted by our minds? The universe takes shape within our minds.
The times we are in right now seem to be unusual in certain ways. You seem to always feel as though something you really needed in life has been lost forever, no matter what you have in life.
A delirium-stricken breeze blew through the forlorn trees. The sound of bristling leaves resonated over the landscape. Nature was seduced into a state of trance.