When the mind awakens, the world comes alive, But when the mind falls asleep, so does the world, So who makes the world, this star studded tapestry we see? Is it not the world crafted by our minds? The universe takes shape within our minds.
A delirium-stricken breeze blew through the forlorn trees. The sound of bristling leaves resonated over the landscape. Nature was seduced into a state of trance.
Dreams of hardened characters disrupt ritualised sleep. Tough characters torment the inescapable life awake. It's hard to live life without feeling it.
As I travelled over the badly rutted road of my memories, I encountered my foes, who had been weakened by my absence and were hoping to catch a glimpse of me in order to resume their role.
I stood there with my wings outstretched, ready to soar into the sky of dreams with you, but I failed to notice that my feet were firmly stuck in the muck of attachment.