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 Jun 2020 Sara Nabeel
All is to be done
with dependence on none,
To love and support you
have no-one else but you

O you expect a lot
there's futility in thoughts of that sort,
You may help many but
do not expect in return a penny

It's all in the mind
just keep motivating from inside,
Don't wait for others to help as
none can help you the way you can do

~ S.G
21st April, 2020
'Cause even the force of the Universe helps only those who help themselves.
When sleep comes
Just like the snow
And settles like a blanket
On your toes

And covers both the day and night
In flakes of thought
And sheets of white -

Hold tight –
Don’t be afraid
Breathe in and take
A moment of the dreams you’ve made
For your tomorrow…

Walk among the wonders
Through the powder,
Melting tracks
Into the silence of the night –

And know –
This sleep will come and go…
Just like the snow.

— The End —