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151 · Oct 2020
My wants and needs
Cheyenne Hobbs Oct 2020
I want solitude,
I need you.
I want you go away,
But I need somebody.

I need someone like you,
I need you to hug me
And tell me I'm ok.

Love burns the skin like a cigarette.
Small,but leaves a trail.
I wish I could stay away,but,
You keep me safe.

I wish..I didn’t love you,
But it's hard to lie to yourself.
130 · Oct 2020
Cheyenne Hobbs Oct 2020
L is for love is love. We all deserve love.
G is for greatness! We stand up for our greatness.
B is for both! We can choose both!
T is for touch. We touch our souls, and know who we are.
Q is for queens and kings, and that place in between.
I is for icons. We are very important.
A is acceptance, which we fight for!
+ is for many more, there is no end.
83 · Oct 2020
Cheyenne Hobbs Oct 2020
As I walk down the crowded hallway,
I feel as everyone is mindless, walking everywhere, eyes plain and black.
Then I meet your emerald eyes, and my heart stops for a moment.
Your eyes are like two cacti, sharp and natural.
I can't let go of this feeling, it makes me wanna be closer to you.
Its funny how just looking into your eyes, I see your soul.
That's how I fell for you, those emerald eyes.
68 · Apr 2020
The corona depression
Cheyenne Hobbs Apr 2020
I stay at home.
Out of sight,
while people get sick
but the future is bright.
At least I tell myself that.
Sometimes I believe it.
But other times I feel
like I'm in an endless pit.
The day is nice,
with a sky so blue.
but inside I'm wondering how
this problem grew.
67 · Mar 2020
Summer day
Cheyenne Hobbs Mar 2020
The clouds were made of sugar,
The sky was a creamy blue.
The sun kissed down on Earth:
A beautiful yellow hue.

The trees were glued to Earth.
The leaves swayed like a kite,
Holding on to the tree’s branches,
Taking in sun’s light

The wind blew problems rapidly,
Not a worry in the way.
The deer smiled faintly,
Eager to eat and stay.

Roses bloomed,
Their petals are ****** red.
The grass was soft like blankets,
Forming mother nature’s bed.
thank you for reading!!

— The End —