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Aug 2020 · 142
Carla Aug 2020
It's exhausting being an empath ,in a world full of pain ..and hate. You feel so helplessly drowning ,in a deeply intertwined fate.  So blessed in the differences you can make, the knowing that they are for real...but cursed in the  knowing you cant help them all, nor can you help how you feel.
Being a light in the darkness is not easy, shine anyway!
Jul 2020 · 139
My Peaceful Place
Carla Jul 2020
Sometimes when life gets to be just too much, and I long for a safe place to hide. I curl up in the arms of Jeses and He holds me close by his side. I may not understand the hows, the whens, nor all the whys...but I know that whatever happens, Im loved ..and the love of the Lord never dies.
Apr 2020 · 111
Inner Beauty
Carla Apr 2020
Loving one another is not an easy way to go, sometimes its hard to love because loving hurts us so. But He takes all the pain of suffering and all the tears we've cried, and creates a masterpiece for us to carry deep inside. God makes the shattered pieces of our broken hearts into, the stained glass windows in our soul that lets His light shine through.
Let your light shine!
Apr 2020 · 110
Carla Apr 2020
I need to be washing the windows, there are dishes in the kitchen piled high. I should be doing some laundry, sorting the ***** and folding the dry.  But instead I am writing poetry, then I think "Oh ****", I need to clean out my closet and realize that I already am.
Home truly is where the heart is! But seriously i do neglect my housework when inspired to write lol
Apr 2020 · 103
To Close for Comfort
Carla Apr 2020
This burden is too great, I find betrayal such a heavy load. Tis not enough to say that I can pray it away, when the devil lives just down the road.
Out of sight does sometimes mean out of mind.
Apr 2020 · 115
Neither Here nor There
Carla Apr 2020
Be still, in a languid pause, to labor a quiet sigh. To gather peace of heart, as chaos passes by.  Be calm, in tranquil wait, allow faith a turn to guide. For in just a moment shall we be, safe on the other side.
Either way..its gonna be okay.
Mar 2020 · 99
Curtain Falls
Carla Mar 2020
I open the curtain and look out through the glass at a new world, a still world ,eerily silent. Something wicked this way comes, to mind. Inside,my worried breathe fogs the glass. Outside, is the unknown I wont invite in. Be calm, i tell my heart as I let the curtain fall down..on me.
Mar 2020 · 103
Carla Mar 2020
Some are rowing, some drifting, we are all in the same boat. Few are sailing, many still.  Others are barely afloat. The seas are uncertain, the waves seem immense. This worldwide storm has grown so intense. All of us worried, all of us thinking, how do we keep our own boats from sinking? Stay calm, and be hopeful, dont panic. Its a tragedy yes, but not the Titanic! We can weather this storm , and yes,we can break its tightening grip..if we band together by staying apart becoming the mightiest ship.
Come together by staying apart. Prayers to you all!!
Mar 2020 · 112
Renaissance Festival
Carla Mar 2020
I once felt so out of place in this world, like my soul was too old to belong here...Then one day God gently carried me to a clearing in the woods and dropped me, saying. "Here are your people."
In my opinion, A definate for any poets bucket list!
Mar 2020 · 97
Carla Mar 2020
Wisdom is only aquired through the mistakes we make in thinking we know it all.
Just a thought i thought worth saving🤔
Mar 2020 · 127
Dark Beauty
Carla Mar 2020
This woman, she did all that she could..she never went far, she bloomed where she stood.  There was rain, but seldom was there any light. So she lived as a flower that bloomed in the night.
Sometimes the best things are born out of the worst circumstances.
Mar 2020 · 108
Carla Mar 2020
Living in color or surviving in black and white, is walking in darkness or dancing in light.
Mar 2020 · 97
De Ja vu
Carla Mar 2020
I've heard all this before, I've seen your face looking just that way. Next your going to tell me something, I already know what you are going to say. I can feel in my heart what's coming , I'm already starting too cry. I've stood in this same place already, right here..on the edge of goodbye.
Mar 2020 · 115
Mad Poet Society
Carla Mar 2020
As the mad hatter once asked, so shall I ask you, "Are we mad?", and I say "Oh yes, yes it's true!" Crazy word magicians from near and from far..poets..and only the BEST people are!
A shout out to you all!🤪♥️
Mar 2020 · 92
The Fight
Carla Mar 2020
He drove me home late that night, the only time we had a fight. I threw his ring in disgrace as teardrops fell from down his face. As I tore his name off the jacket I wore, I got out of the car and slammed the door. Before I could say that I was wrong, I turned around but waited too long. He drove off and out of sight. I wish that I had apologized and said he was right. But I swallowed my pride ran up to my room looked out the window and stared at the Moon. I would apologize to him in a while as I picked up the phone and his number I dialed . It rang and rang in my head so I put down the phone and sat on my bed. He's probably not home yet I said to myself as I stared at his picture on the Shelf, he is such a handsome thing... but then the phone started to ring, I picked it up expecting it to be him, but the voice on the line sad and grim. Are you Robbie's girlfriend they quietly said, when I replied yes they told me he was dead. his car had ran off the road and crashed you couldn't see anything but broken glass. In his hand was the card I had made as they looked on the ground when his body was laid. Something was running in my eyes for I never said sorry the night he died. And oh... How I loved him so... But now he will never know.
This was the first poem I ever wrote I was 12 years old and it was in 1982. My parents said I meeded counseling lol turns out....I'm just a poet! 🤪♥️🙏
Mar 2020 · 114
Carla Mar 2020
Her dress is red,her eyes are too..silver tears surrounded by black and blue. greens and yellows ,fading down her back. Her mind is dark, her hearts gone black. Scars of white across her wrists, arms a pink /purple blend..all the colors and yet theres no gold ,at this painbows end.
Mar 2020 · 85
Love the Least
Carla Mar 2020
He was sitting on the sidewalk, with one hand holding a sign. The other hand gripping a bottle of wine. The sign said, "need help please ,God bless" his clothes were so *****, his hair was a mess. People walk by, but how many see that the man could be you,  that man could be me? If our lives had taken a wrong turn somewhere. Life can sometimes be unfair...if you see him , or her on your way. Stop and give them something , change tommorow today. Maybe, just maybe, they are angels  in disguise, choose well the condition in which your heart lies.
This whole scenario i wrote about actually happened to me and my husband the very next day after i posted this poem on this site. It was Ironic to say the least as my husband hadnt even read it yet.
Mar 2020 · 97
Within Yourself
Carla Mar 2020
She had a beautiful mind, but she left it behind, and follwed that boy down the road. The journey was rough, the going was tough, and she ended up carrying the load. Along the way, he didnt stay, and she had to walk on alone. Filled up with tears, fighting the fears, she just wanted to go home. So keep in your hearts, before the trip ever starts, that  place you are wanting to find...will only be found, with your feet on the ground, inside of your own beautiful mind.
Mar 2020 · 96
Mystic Mirror
Carla Mar 2020
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most messed up of all? Each time I look I hope I find, another face instead of mine. Don't you know some magic spell? From your world of fairy tales? To change this wicked witch into, the Cinderella he once knew. Mirror Mirror can't you see? That woman there just can't be me. But no matter how hard that I cry, Mystic mirrors never lie. Broken glass on the floor, so many years what's seven more? If all I deserve is what I get, well then I ain't seen nothing yet. Mirror Mirror can't you see? That woman there just can't be me...but no matter how hard that I cry, Mystic mirrors Never Lie.
A song i wrote for my blues band 2008

— The End —