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Bolaji Temilola Oct 2021
You hide behind your feelings
And keep the truth locked away,
But there's so much said in the things
You don't say.

You innocently tell me
Our time has come and gone
And that we can't go back
But I don't believe it
And this time you're wrong.

The distance you put between us
Is nothing more than time lost
A place for feelings to hide
Yet I can hear  the love in your voice
Each time we talk.

My patients has no end
When it comes to loving you
And i will wait a lifetime
For you to see the truth.

Real love doesn't go away
It doesn't fade into the past
It goes on forever
And always finds it's way back.

I will wait a lifetime for you
Because you are my soul
And behind all your doubt
I know you can't let go

You are my soul
And I am yours too
If two were meant to be
It's you and me!
Waiting for you
Bolaji Temilola May 2021

You are a Purest Angel
From heaven above
And I've fallen in love with you
And your soft gentle kiss
And a warm touch
Makes my heart skip

A beat feeling true love
As I hold you in my arms
And listen to you beat inside
In my heart,
We share a magical
Moment of true love
Coming true

And this love is so beautiful
Divinely made
Supernaturally supported
And every day my heart will
Beat for you.

My eyes only see you
My mouth only
Calls your name
And my heart only
Beats for you
And my body only
Answers to you.
Because I love you!

But I can't love you
For you need to love yourself first
You need to allow true love in your heart.

Is not going to allow forgiveness.
Which is making one to offend himself

I can't be with you until you are completely healed.
Until you give yourself the chance let the past be
Until you are totally healed and allow true happiness to enter your heart
Until you fight and win the giant Called FEAR

Until after you really realized I suit to take part of your full joy.
Because I can't complete you I can only complement you.

So ground yourself my beloved.
Follow your heart desires,
Learnt to leave the past behind.
This will help to give you clarity because it will hinder you to move to the future
Learn to be in the moment so as to follow your heart desires.
Know the God and the Angels are supporting you
Only you need to let the past be and live in the present

As you are entering a new year of your life tomorrow,
I wish you all your TRUE HEART DESIRES
A new year of soul Alignment
A new year of full joy
A new year of abundance of money,wealth, connection and sound Health

Happy birthday to you my love in advance.

My wishes for you on your new year
Bolaji Temilola May 2021
You are a Purest Angel
From heaven above
And I've fallen in love with you
And your soft gentle kiss
And a warm touch
Makes my heart skip

A beat feeling true love
As I hold you in my arms
And listen to you beat inside
In my heart,
We share a magical
Moment of true love
Coming true

And this love is so beautiful,
Divinely made,
Supernaturally supported,
And every day my heart will beat for you.

My eyes only see you
My mouth only
Calls your name
And my heart only
Beats for you
And my body only
Answers to you.
Because I love you!

But I can't love you
For you need to love yourself first
You need to allow true love in your heart.

Is not going to allow forgiveness.
Which is making one to offend himself

I can't be with you until you are completely healed.
Until you give yourself the chance let the past be
Until you are totally healed and allow true happiness to enter your heart
Until you fight and win the giant Called FEAR

Until after you really realized I suit to take part of your full joy.
Because I can't complete you I can only complement you.

So ground yourself my beloved.
Follow your heart desires,
Learnt to leave the past behind.
This will help to give you clarity because it will hinder you to move to the future

Learn to be in the moment so as to follow your heart desires.
Know the God and the Angels are supporting you
Only you need to let the past be and live in the present

As you are entering a new year of your life tomorrow,
I wish you all your TRUE HEART DESIRES
A new year of soul Alignment
A new year of full joy
A new year of abundance of money,wealth, connection and sound Health

Happy birthday to you my love in advance.

My true heart wishes
Bolaji Temilola May 2021
Every soul has a dream to accomplish
Many were achieved through pain and fear of the unknown
Many were shattered by the experience of the past.
And also some were made out of resentment

But what makes life worth living is the ability to heal from the past,
Ability to forgive YOURSELF
And those that caused the pains

And strength to walk past the fear and anxiety.
To conquer the spirit of past chaos, relationship Experiences, family background experience and friends disappointments.

Then the grace to heal from the past and live in the present help one to be fully happy and feel fulfilled

Money,wealth and affluence
Means nothing when the heart is not fully happy.
Life make sense to people watching us but we ourselves know that all are fake for the heart is not yet experiencing the total Happiness.

As you are crossing over to a your new wonderful year tomorrow
My prayer is for you to be fully aware of your true heart desires so that the blessings inscribed in your new year will bring you TOTAL HAPPINESS AND FULFILLED LIFE

I wish you the best of LUCK AND HAPPINESS the Universe can give to mankind.
Remember I may not reach out but I am never going to forget you and I always ask your Guardian Angel to always be with you
Happy birthday to you in advance
Dedicated to my TF on his back birthday
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2021
Opening my eyes
Beholding the great eyes next to me
I gradually stand up
But he held me back
Planting a hot kisses on my lips
Telling me how much he loves me

Breathless for some minutes
I was in 7th heaven then
But later,I opened my eyes
And I realised it was a dream.

Oh! What a dream?
I  love to experience this each morning

I pray God in heaven will make it comes so soon. Nothing in life can be compared to true love fulfilment.
Always in my heart
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2021
Entering the room with your arms wide opened,
I got lost on sighting you in that black top
When you hold me in your arms
And softly whispered "I miss you"
I was melting to the bone marrow.

When I say "I love You"
Believe me it was melting the only truth of my heart.
Just listen to my heart, its softly beating
"I love you" as I am recalling that faithful evening in your hotel room.
Can't forget the day love
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2021
April is a month of new beginnings.
A new leaves cropped up
A new month of great flowers blooming
A month of fall and wet land.
All souls born in the month are called blessed.

I celebrate you all
The April born people
Know you are a legend
A great souls that will always bloom
Greater height to you all.
Most especially my love

I wish I can reach you
To celebrate you my way
To give you all the love I have in me
To wish you a better life together
And to talk you
I will always love you
I know I still live on in your heart.

And no matter the distance
Our love will live on.
Our heart will continue to be in love
We will live as one till eternity
Happy birthday in advance my love
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