Life. Insufferably long, yet cruelly short. Life. Insanely difficult, and easy as laughter. Life. Selflessly caring, but brutally harsh. Your life. Wonderfully poignant, whilst utterly pointless. This life. Excitingly unknowing, and ultimately fatal. All life. Delicately fragile, yet fiercely resilient. Life. Ineffably beautiful, and unspeakably ugly.
People like to vent their spleen. On social media, you can come clean. Express thoughts, opinions without consequence? For what it's worth, give your two-pence.
It’s a right of course, to have one’s say. But surely we can do it with civility? Cruel words can sting, and wound and stab; we’re not all equipped to slip the verbal jab! So take some time before you send your words abroad, and remember - the pen is mightier than the sword.
Back yourself. In. All that you do. Put yourself. Up. For steep, lofty climbs. Take yourself. Out. Of dark, negative equations. Let yourself. Down. Gently, from tall orders.