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I'm tired of wasting time;
day after day -
continuously plugging away.
These issues of mine,
in short-order, are fine,
but, held-up for a future's bounty.
And for this "concern" that I lack,
since all's under attack,
you'd do well thinking on it until morning.
Plan a trip/set some goals-
anything to relieve doubt
& offers a, "sense of control".
We are all Lords of our own lives:
some Lords will choose to inspire you,
while others don't know how to play nice.
Kindness- it seems,
plays a definitive factor
in the general, overarching, scope of "things".
Paired-up along w/ respect,
and now you'd hold a couple of keys
that'll surely help you when dealing w/
"other's disease".
But, regarding all the things
that I'll never get to see,
will be written from the place
of our collective memory.