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Chuck Kean Jan 2021
A Better Way

    I don’t know just how but I know
We’ve gotta find a way off of this ride
Whatever it is that’s keeping us
Separated, we need to set it aside

For we know in his eyes
Red, yellow,brown, black and white
We are all beautiful and yes we are
All so very precious in his sight

So let’s find a way to shine
Let’s find a way to spread the light
In my heart I know that we can do it
We can take the wrong and make it right

Take the darkness and send it far away
Life is to short for bitterness and hate
If we really try we can find room for love
And with love it’s never too late

We can get closer to Jesus
We can reach out for connection
And know that we’re only human
It’s impossible for perfection

But we don’t have to be but I know
It’s a new year and it’s a new day
Hate spreads and love and kindness can too
So let this begin a better way

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/03/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2024
A Black Rose Butterfly

      Like a Warrior she fought, her
Heart was full of love and hope
Her eyes held the Stars of the Universe
Once only seen with Hubbles Telescope

But now she’s as cold as Winter
For reasons only Heaven knows
Her tears fall from the sky above
And give life to the Black Rose

The world never knew her for if it
Ever did it would be a better place
But her fate was sealed by a man
With blue eyes and a handsome face

Her love for Spring and the world
Could only be concentrated on her eight
A lifetime of suffering and sorrow and
Struggle to put food on our plates

Like a Caterpillar turns into a Butterfly
Its life gets to be redesigned
But the World lost its best chance
When our Angel left us Behind

In my heart she’ll always stay, forever
Burning tears my eyes will cry
Never forgetting our Angel
In my dream I see A Black Rose Butterfly

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
A Crazy, Crazy Dream

     Last night I slipped into a dream
Started out with red carpet glamour
And quickly changed to scenes like a
Video by Peter Gabriel, Sledgehammer

I was walking on water and was
Suddenly on a Ferris-Wheel
Then I was in a comedy act on stage
Slipping on a Banana Peel

I was behind the wheel of a NASCAR
Out on the track really racing
Next thing I knew I was on the streets
With the police behind me chasing

The next thing I knew
I was naked on a nudist beach
I didn’t have any where to hide
And my clothes were out of reach

Then I was in a restaurant eating Apple
Pie A la mode you know with Ice cream
I don’t even like Apple Pie
What A Crazy, Crazy Dream

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/12/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Nov 2021
A Drop Of Rain

    When you’re down and feeling lost
Like a needle in the hay
When the darkness surrounds you
And you feel you’ve lost your way

When the world doesn’t know your name
And it seems like you’re just a number
And if it seems you’re living in a never ending storm with constant lightning and thunder

Just hold on to your faith
And know that Jesus will carry you
And soon before you know it
The light will come shining through

And you can hold your head high
Because your faith was strong
And in your heart you know that Jesus
Can make right whatever was wrong

And if you ever start to feel sad
And your heart begins to fill with pain
You’ll know you never have to fear
Another day, with a drop of rain

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/30/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
After The Rain

    He’s got you wrapped around his finger
You’d follow him to the edge of the Earth
You’ve paid your price for love
But you’ve yet to know its worth

And all that you’d do for him
I would do for you
But his love for you is a falseness
And  my love is true

One day you’ll  see all of the things
That love has you blind
When you wake up one day and
Realize you’ve been left behind

He’s got his world and you are
There just to play a part
And one day you’ll be all alone
With nothing but your broken heart

The clouds will roll in and tears will fall
You’ll be overwhelmed with sorrow and pain
And when the storm subsides, I’ll be
Here waiting for you,  after the rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/13/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

     May 4th 1970, Kent Ohio
Fifty years ago, Four dead in Ohio
Neil Young wrote and sang
In reaction to this we know

(Tin soldiers and Nixon’s comin
We’re finally on our own
This Summer I hear the drummin
Four dead in Ohio)

Insert new lyrics, different time,
Different place
Same question look
Upon my face

(Tin soldiers and Biden’s comin
We’re finally on our own
This Winter I hear the drummin
Four dead in DC, don’t ya know
Just like Ohio

Yepper we’ve done it again
Will we ever learn or will we do it again
And again and again?

Lyrics to song By: Neil Young in()
The rest By:Charles Kean
All rights reserved - note I take no credit
Nor am I receiving any royalties for this.
Just throwing it out there—God Bless!!!
Chuck Kean Dec 2021

       From the minute we are born,
We begin the process of dying
We must crawl before we can walk
But nothing stops us from trying

As we become teenagers with all
Of our hormones raging
The furthest thing from our mind
Is the simple fact of our aging

At some point in our lives we get
To a point that we think we’re getting old
But mindset and attitude can affect your
Direction in your way in life sevenfold

If you think old you’ll be old and if you think
Young you’ll be young, it’s a state of mind
For I say age is just a number so live life
The way you wish to be defined

Act your age, oh no not me
I’ll never give up in the fight
Until the day I die I’ll live like KISS
And Rock & Roll all nite

Like a train at bullet speed
Running on the narrow gauge
I myself may be standing on the
Edge of sixty but I refuse to age

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/19/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2023
A Ghost In Time

      It was a perfect end to a day
The night sky was well defined
There was magic in the air
All the planets were aligned

A young couple fell in love
To be together forever more
They walked barefoot beneath
The moon along the ocean’s shore

Unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be, tragedy
Re wrote what was written in the stars
She was taken away from him
Leaving him with permanent scars

She was a victim of collateral damage
Innocently being in the wrong space and time
When shots rang out in a gang drive by
In an act of a senseless crime

He’s an old man now and thoughts of her
Have disappeared into a fog of memories
The love they shared has all but been
Forgotten, locked in a vault of treasuries

She still haunts him in his dreams
He feels her presence and love so sublime
His broken heart to be forever captured
By A Ghost In time

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 02/10/2023
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean May 2020
A Knife In The Back

   When you’re nice person
You’re basically just a rug
People will walk on you, you’re lucky
If you get a thanks and a hug

The Devil is everywhere and
He will test your faith in every way
To watch you struggle just makes him
Grin, it’s just a game to play

He is an illness he’s an addiction, he’s the
Car Accident, or the girl with blue eyes
For he’s the one and only Devil
He can take on any disguise

So in your faith stay strong
And be prepared for any attack
Because when you let your guard down
That’s when you’ll get a knife in the back

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/14/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Sep 2024
Alas It Was All In Vein

     When it comes to Love we all know
That it can be like the toss of a coin
It can give a heart so much joy
Or it can be like a kick in the groin

When it comes to love we can
Feel the magic with every kiss
We can be on cloud nine and
Live a life of beautiful bliss

Or it can be like pulling a tooth
Or a thorn in the side
It can harden a heart and from it
You may wish to run and hide

For me personally I am living the
Disney Land Fairytale blissful life
I’ve been a lucky one and I’ve been
Blessed with a beautiful loving wife

It makes me sad to hear of love gone bad
And someone is crying tears like rain
Such as the two blood vessels in love
But Alas It Was All In Vein

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
A Letter To Death
     I read a letter to death today
Written by someone who’s dying
And after reading it, uncontrollably
I just began crying

It shook me to the core
It was typed perfectly neat
Very few words, the author
Kept it very short and sweet

Unlike my poetry
This letter didn’t rhyme
But forever now
This letter will be etched in time

As I write this down, I realize
It will also be forever etched in my head
No I don’t think that I will
Ever forget get the words that I read

They were as follows—Dear Death
I’ve met life and he wants me to fight
But I’m so weak, can we meet
That was it, tied in a bow nice and tight

I wish I had never read it and now forever I’ll
Think of this person and their last breath
As the words that were written echo
From A letter To Death

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/03/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
All That Matters Is You

  Where I work this is the way we roll
This is deeply planted in our soul
There’s things in this world we can’t control
We give comfort and we console

I do what I do because I care
I transport patients in a wheelchair
Still health care it’s the Cross I bear
Proudly my uniform I wear

From total knees and hips too
Drug abuse and alcoholics and the flu
But now the world is a scary new
But one thing will remain true

Doesn’t matter your religion Lutheran, Hindu
Doesn’t matter your race, black, white, Bantu
Doesn’t matter your political view
All that matters is you

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/03/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
All That Matters Is You

  Where I work this is the way we roll
This is deeply planted in our soul
There’s things in this world we can’t control
We give comfort and we console

I do what I do because I care
I transport patients in a wheelchair
Still health care it’s the Cross I bear
Proudly my uniform I wear

From total knees and hips too
Drug abuse and alcoholics and the flu
But now the world is a scary new
But one thing will remain true

Doesn’t matter your religion Lutheran, Hindu
Doesn’t matter your race, black, white, Bantu
Doesn’t matter your political view
All that matters is you

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/03/2020
All rights reserved
But I tell you the current BLM
Movement is not about BLM.
The soul purpose of this movement
Has one focus.
That focus is to destroy America!!!
Please be careful of what you are really
Standing up for.
Getting behind this movement though
It may be good intentions is not what we
Want or need in America.
This is telling everyone that you stand
For and believe in the destruction of America. It doesn’t show or mean that
You stand for or believe that BLM.
God Bless all races!!!
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
All That Remains Are The Thorns

     We had a love,
We had a love so strong
So where did we,
Where did we go so wrong

You use to smile,
You use to smile so bright
It use to feel,
It use to feel so right

I wish you,
I wish you were still my only one
But I can see,
I can see those days are gone

I think we,
I think we both know
It’s time to,
It’s time to just let it go

Now as the smoke clears from the sky
I’ve wiped the last tears from my eye
It’s time to move on to a better day
We took our best years
And we threw them away

Now our love is like a rose in the fire
I feel like I’ve got a bull by the horns
When you throw a rose into a fire
All that remains are the thorns

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/06/2020
All rights reserved
This is another song that I wrote
Original title (Rose In The Fire)
Re-Arranged to make this poem
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Always A Thorn

   Oh how I long for the Sunshine
To be in the warmth of love forevermore
To walk along a sandy beach
As the waves gently caress the shore

To be in the embrace of love and to have
That overwhelming feeling of loves bliss
To share that oneness with someone and
To know the meaning of an enchanted kiss

Oh how I long to miss someone
Even just for the day
And to know that they are
Missing me, in the same way

But love isn’t meant for me
Under the clouds I will forever dwell
I’ll spend my time locked in a chase for love
As if I’m under some witches spell

And forever in my search for love
It’s the rose that I adorn
But when it comes to love
For me it’s always a thorn

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/15/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Oct 2024
A Me Without You

     Let’s take a look at the facts of life
There’s no up without a down
There’s no front without a back
And for every smile there’s a frown

There’s two sides of every story
There’s the truth and a lie
With every birth there’s death so with
Every Hello somewhere there’s a Goodbye

There’s two sides to every coin
There’s a heads and a tails
We can’t have epic triumphs
Without epic fails

When it comes to sports we
Can’t have a win without a loss
And we could never have Grace
Without Jesus and the Cross

There’s no Heaven without Hell
There’s no pleasure without pain
With everyday of Sunshine we
Know eventually there will be rain

There’s no negative without a positive
They say opposites attract, it must be true
Because Baby oh baby there could
Never be A Me Without You

Written By:Charles Kean
Dedicated to my Beautiful Wife Cindy
Chuck Kean Feb 2024
A Monkey In The Kitchen

      Well just to give you a small glimpse
Of my mind and my Awesome life
First of all you need to know that I truly
Give thanks for it especially my wife

I’m the only person that I know
That literally falls up the stairs
I lose every game I play on Xbox
And all of me impairs

I can never seem to stop hurting myself
And so part of me is in constant pain
Every time I’m running late for work
I always get stopped for a Train

Don’t get me started on technology
It hates me and always causes stress
If I fix myself something to eat, I can
Never make it without making a mess

We live on the wrong side of the lot
Remember I’m not Bitter and *******
Life is great, I have a dog so life is always
Fun when there’s A Monkey In The Kitchen

Written By:Charles Kean
Note: Five days after our last Snow
The opposite side of our parking lot shows no
Sign of it and on our side, it looks like it just happened. The Monkey is obviously a stuffed animal dog toy. He loves them and drops them wherever he pleases.
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
An Angel To Me

   My baby is an Angel to me
Oh I know you can’t see her Angel wings
But I see Heaven in her eyes and I see
the beauty of Saturn and her rings

When she holds my hand
The feeling is overwhelming giddily
And I feel the warmth of her love
Knowing it’s given unconditionally

You may think that it’s silly and say
There’s no such thing as sweet bliss
But I am telling you the complete truth
And I feel it every time we kiss

It’s not hard to please her
No her love doesn’t have to be bought
She’s not a material girl, no sometimes
It just takes a gesture or the thought

I’m a lucky man and I know that I’m
Blessed to have a lady like mine
She can always pick me up when I’m down
And I’ll love her till the end of time

When you look at her, with your eyes
Her Angel wings you may never see
But my love for her will never stray
Because my baby is still An Angel To Me

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/26/2020
All rights reserved
I dedicate this poem to my wife
Cynthia, my Angel for life
I love you baby ❤️❤️❤️
Chuck Kean Nov 2020

     It started out as a normal day, with
The waves softly crashing upon the shore
The Sun was was kissing the day
Like it has always done before

Little did anyone know just how quickly
That it was all about to change
The events that would take place that
To say the least would be extremely strange

And it would be the beginning of the end
A slow but seemingly deliberate evolution
The end of our present existence
And our mindless stagnation

It came aimlessly from the vastness of space
And it crashed at the ocean’s edge
A living Alien Rock of cells and upon impact
Immediately started to grow like a sedge

It multiplied and created its own atmosphere
It invaded every living thing as to merge
To become one with the host or more like
A take over if you will, a sort of purge

And the world as we know it was lost
Forever by this uninvited annexation
And this virus entity that inherited the
Earth Forcibly by Human Annihilation

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/22/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

      To look at us now, you would never
Believe that we are actually a family
But believe it or not we are and you
Can check our not so distant history

Somewhere over time we just drifted
Apart and went our separate ways
So far apart now and past the point of no
Return, always longing for our yesterdays

In the vaults of our memories are the
Good times and the Bad
But at least we were together to celebrate
The happy times and console the sad

Now this family is more like people
That we once knew, to each a stranger
The only time we’re together is by
The calling of the grim reaper arranger

I know what I am about to say might
Seem like I am nothing short of inhuman
But this heart of mine just can’t take
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

Written By:Charles Kean
We use to get together because we wanted to
Not because we have to.
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Another Typical Story

     She walked into the restaurant alone
The greeter said will this be a table for one
She nodded shyly and embarrassed
All the time wishing she had someone

She can feel the eyes upon her and the
Conversations have lowered to a whisper
And there’s no fairytale prince searching
For the foot that fits the glass slipper

None of the lovers she’s had before
Ever held her heart like a token
And if you look into her eyes you quickly
Realize she’s a woman Beautifully Broken

So desperately now she wishes for love
But she keeps her love in chains
So she spends her nights alone
As only the fear of love remains

She keeps her heart protected
It’s in a vault locked deep inside
And each time love gets too close
She finds a safe place to hide

It happens each time, she’s so predictable
For now it’s love she tends to shun
For even if there’s a hint of love
She turns her tail to run

She tells herself that love is
Something that she just can’t trust
But when the heart is made of steel
Ultimately it begins to rust

She wonders now is her life reality
Being lived forever in a destined purgatory
Or is she still in the world of the living and
Her broken heart just another typical story

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/10/2021
All rights reserved
Another poem inspired by
Beautifully Broken
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Anxiety is a game of mind control
Unfortunately the mind usually wins
But I am forced to play the game
And I hate anxiety

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/25/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
A Pirates Life

       When you’re a pirate
Life at sea can be so unforgiving
You **** and rob people
To finance your way of living

Fighting other pirates with battles
At sea for chest of treasures
And spending so much time without
Touching land are a few of many displeasures

Once on land you take women for your
Pleasure as you sail from town to town
You’re not the kind of man
That’s ever gonna settle down

In your heart and soul hidden
Just beneath your layers of skin
You feel you’re good man but your
Life is filled with violence and sin

When you’re out at sea drinking whiskey
At times it can be a life of bliss
But when you dance with the Devil you
Might be wakened by a dark Angels kiss

It might be just as well because ultimately
You feel forsaken without a wife
And no resemblance of any type of
Normalcy but that’s a pirates life

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 07/18/2019
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jun 2024
A Place Called Shadeville

Well I was on the road of the straight and
Narrow and everything was going well
But my baby up and left me and now
I’m driving on the highway to Hell

Faster and faster I’m spiraling
Further and further down
I think I’m past the point of no return
And I can’t seem to turn myself around

A cloud of darkness is hanging over me
And I have no hope for a better tomorrow
I know a man ain’t supposed to cry
But here I am drowning in my sorrow

Up ahead in the distance I see a neon light
I need a place to stop so that I can think
I need some food for nourishment and
I could use a nice stiff drink

So I pulled into the parking lot to get a
Grip on the way that I feel
The sign outside says The Grumpy Goat
And it’s in A Place Called Shadeville

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jun 2024
A Place Called Shadeville

Well I was on the road of the straight and
Narrow and everything was going well
But my baby up and left me and now
I’m driving on the highway to Hell

Faster and faster I’m spiraling
Further and further down
I think I’m past the point of no return
And I can’t seem to turn myself around

A cloud of darkness is hanging over me
And I have no hope for a better tomorrow
I know a man ain’t supposed to cry
But here I am drowning in my sorrow

Up ahead in the distance I see a neon light
I need a place to stop so that I can think
I need some food for nourishment and
I could use a nice stiff drink

So I pulled into the parking lot to get a
Grip on the way that I feel
The sign outside says The Grumpy Goat
And it’s in A Place Called Shadeville

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Apocalyptic Sky

Time will come a day our
Earth will see its last
Chaos and confusion are norm,as
thoughts turn to days of past

Those whom never accepted
Thy gift of thy Christ
Whom never had faith nor
Could comprehend
his life he sacrificed

Will see his wonder and know
In death be unforgiven
And each heart like wood
Beneath the Axe be riven

And shortly it be realized
The decision of chosen path
And swiftly succumb  
to the Power of his wrath

The air be filled with sounds
Of humans cry
Beneath a dark, devilish
Apocalyptic sky

Written By:Charles Kean
Copy right 09/10/16
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Apocalyptic Sky

Time will come a day our
Earth will see its last
Chaos and confusion are norm,as
thoughts turn to days of past

Those whom never accepted
Thy gift of thy Christ
Whom never had faith nor
Could comprehend
his life he sacrificed

Will see his wonder and know
In death be unforgiven
And each heart like wood
Beneath the Axe be riven

And shortly it be realized
The decision of chosen path
And swiftly succumb  
to the Power of his wrath

The air be filled with sounds
Of humans cry
Beneath a dark, devilish
Apocalyptic sky

Written By:Charles Kean
Copy right 09/10/16
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Apocalyptic Sky

Time will come a day our
Earth will see its last
Chaos and confusion are norm,as
thoughts turn to days of past

Those whom never accepted
Thy gift of thy Christ
Whom never had faith nor
Could comprehend
his life he sacrificed

Will see his wonder and know
In death be unforgiven
And each heart like wood
Beneath the Axe be riven

And shortly it be realized
The decision of chosen path
And swiftly succumb  
to the Power of his wrath

The air be filled with sounds
Of humans cry
Beneath a dark, devilish
Apocalyptic sky

Written By:Charles Kean
Copy right 09/10/16
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
Apocalyptic Sky

Time will come a day our
Earth will see its last
Chaos and confusion are norm,as
thoughts turn to days of past

Those whom never accepted
Thy gift of thy Christ
Whom never had faith nor
Could comprehend
his life he sacrificed

Will see his wonder and know
In death be unforgiven
And each heart like wood
Beneath the Axe be riven

And shortly it be realized
The decision of chosen path
And swiftly succumb  
to the Power of his wrath

The air be filled with sounds
Of humans cry
Beneath a dark, devilish
Apocalyptic sky

Written By:Charles Kean
Copy right 09/10/16
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
A Reason To Live

    I know everyone has their demons
I know that I’m not the only one
I’ve found the answer and I can say
That all my demons are gone

If the clouds of darkness seem to follow you
If you feel there’s no light to be found
You may think that I am crazy but I
Tell you that you can turn it around

You’ve got a passion don’t give it up
Don’t let yourself get trapped in a pitfall
The answer is not in any type of drugs
Or at the bottom of bottles of alcohol

Face your problems and fears
There’s no reason to run and hide
No matter how bad it is just hang on
There’s no reason for suicide

For suicide only takes your pain
And permanently puts it on a shelf
The thing about it tough is it
Just gets transferred to someone else

So if you’ve got a heart that’s broken it’s a
Heart that loves and it has something to give
Give all your pain to Jesus and he’ll help
You Find a reason to live, a reason to live

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 07/26/2019
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2020

   The desert is long, the desert is wide
The Sun is hot, the Sun is high
The Tarantula and the Scorpions creep
The Buzzard and the Eagle and the Falcon fly
The Canyon is large, the Canyon is deep
The Cactus and the Joshua tree grow
The Tumble **** rolls and spirits call
The night is cold, the night is long
The Moon is bright, the River winds
The Rattle Snake and the Coral Snake live
And the Mountain Lion Stalks
The Shadows play tricks
And Men lose their minds
The Wind blows, the Wind howls
The colors are like the Rainbow
The time stands still.

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
All rights reserved
From my book “New Angel”
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
A Sarcastic Know It All

     Well it was just a normal day
Until I ran into a sarcastic know it all
I was completely taken by surprise
With his words I was backed against a wall

He put his face up against mine and
He was intimidating and big and tall
But I stood my ground and I took it
But I refused to give in and fall

I knew that he was lost and he just didn’t
Know everything and he wanted to brawl
But I just fought back with kindness
With love from Jesus without a flaw

My actions put him in a state of shock and
Disbelief and his attack began to stall
I began to see his weakness and I began
Turning the tables with scripture I could recall

I shared some knowledge that he didn’t know
And he was saved and he began to bawl
And forever in my memory I will never forget
The day I ran into a sarcastic know it all

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
A Song Waiting To Be Sung

         In the darkness and silence
It so patiently waits
But even I don’t know why
It persistently hesitates

Is it shyness or fear or I wonder
Does it question its worth
Does it feel it will be greeted with
Sadness or overwhelming Mirth

Could it be that it wants its timing
To be perfect when it arrives
All I know is that inside the heart
It’s a song that still thrives

One of these days just maybe
It will burst into existence by surprise
And just maybe it will triumph and joyful
Tears will fall from everyone’s eyes

But for now at least we’ll have to wait
As it remains to stay deep within the lungs
And it will continue to be just
A Song Waiting To Be Sung

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
So I got off closer to my off
Time tonight after driving over 200 miles today which isn’t uncommon for me but as I’m driving I am aware with all the rain we’ve been having that our creeks and rivers are rising. Yea on top of everything else there could be some flooding. Anyway this is an example of how my brain works and I wanted to share it with everyone. You see I started thinking about ugly Trolls like in our childhood story Billy Goat Gruff, not the cute little trolls in the new children’s movies today. Anyway one thing led to another and this whole different story started turning in my head as I was driving. About a Sheriff and his daughter in a small town down south and well everyone in town knew the sheriff as Troll. I couldn’t wait to get home and write it the only way I know how and I hope I did it justice, so just let me know.

            A Trolls Revenge

   He’s the Sheriff of a small town down south
His day is boring with routine patrol
But everyone knows you don’t cross him
He’s known to everyone as Troll

Her name was Sara Jane a blonde haired
Blue eyed beauty, his only child
They were Christians and very reserved
But she yearned for just once to be wild

She was untouchable to all the boys
No one wanted to date the sheriff’s daughter
For if you broke her heart then surely
You’d face his wrath and slaughter

He was mean and protective and he
Warned her of boys and their devilish way
Each night he would thank the Lord for his  Blessings and for her safety he would pray

One evening three boys attacked her and
Had their way, threatened what they’d do
If she told her daddy, she got home and went
To her room and daddy knew

Daddy couldn’t protect her that day
Each night in her room she’d cry
And one year later she took her life
Leaving a letter of a sad goodbye

Soon after a warning went out stating
A killer of boys was in the area
The town was on alert and parents
We’re in a state of hysteria

One afternoon he came upon those boys
As they were unaware of his presence
He heard their laughter about What they had
Done, now they’d face their sentence

It would get blamed on the unknown killer
His outrage and anger was so profound
He tortured and killed those boys
Their bodies will never be found

His daughter was everything to him
Her death he swore he would avenge
And silently the whole town knew that
Those boys fell victims to a trolls revenge

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/20/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2022
A Walk In The Rain

      Last night I had a dream,
I was living in complete tranquility
When I opened my eyes,
I found myself in my own reality

A born sinner living on a planet named
Earth somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy
Feeling like a rogue satellite
Lost in the outer limit of my apogee

Stepping outside to a day without Sun
The sky is different shades of grey
As I walk it begins to rain and
My thoughts just go astray

So I’m walking in the rain without focus
Wishing for a parting sky
As sadness overwhelms me
I have to fight back tears from my eyes

Lost in my emotions, God sends a warning
Touch of his love to help ease my pain
And I felt so good inside and I realized
That it’s good to take a walk in the rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/22/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Away From The Lights

  I live in the City,life is lived
In a whirlwind, a quickened pace
I’ve never felt like this was the life
For me, no I feel so out of place

But it’s been this way for all my life
And I’ve learned to adapt
But there’s always been a yearning
For a simpler way, to be untapped

A slowed down way of things with
A porch and a lemonade or tea
A place where the Rooster crows and
Stars fill the sky like the water of the sea

Away from the sirens and crowded streets
Away from the concrete highways
Away from the skyscrapers and malls
Away from the this mental craze

Away from the life of the fast lane
And all of the City sights
Just once I want a life of peace
Somewhere far away from the lights

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/04/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
Away From The Lights

  I live in the City,life is lived
In a whirlwind, a quickened pace
I’ve never felt like this was the life
For me, no I feel so out of place

But it’s been this way for all my life
And I’ve learned to adapt
But there’s always been a yearning
For a simpler way, to be untapped

A slowed down way of things with
A porch and a lemonade or tea
A place where the Rooster crows and
Stars fill the sky like the water of the sea

Away from the sirens and crowded streets
Away from the concrete highways
Away from the skyscrapers and malls
Away from the this mental craze

Away from the life of the fast lane
And all of the City sights
I just once want a life of peace
Somewhere far away from the lights

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/04/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
A Whisper In The Wind

Sitting on my deck as night begins to fall
Thinking of a time I thought would never end
And in a sense it still exist
For now it’s a whisper in the wind

A monsters attack in the middle of the night
A child in fear unable to defend
Without warning it sometimes returns
For now it’s a whisper in the wind

A beautiful girl, young loves first kiss
Time separated, love letters I didn’t send
Hope she can still read them
As they are now a whisper in the wind

The sounds of us as children at play
And the promise of a forever friend
Though long ago it’s not forgotten
But now it’s just a whisper in the wind

A mother’s love, and watching her die
Her last breath, her soul ascend
She’s still with me, her love is a comfort
Now as a whisper in the wind

Time has flown so quickly
And it’s hard for me to comprehend
All the faces and voices still echo as
Everything still lives as a whisper in the wind

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/07/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
A Withering Rose 🥀

   Just a seed planted in the passion of love
A baby girl, a gift from above
But growing pains were like violent storms
Her self defense was prickly thorns

Though she was full of life
And had dreams of being a wife
Love would come and steal her heart
And love would leave and tear her apart

They told her that this was not her fate
And assured her true love might be late
And though her darkness was extreme
She never gave up on her dream

And then one day with a gentle kiss
She was starry eyed in total bliss
This felt so right, it couldn’t be wrong
Was this the music, a true love song

They were in love Bride and Groom
She was happy and in full bloom
But the song they would compose
Would leave her just A Withering Rose

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 09/30/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
Babies & Love

  Yellow Roses and Butterflies
Ice Cream and babies & Love
These are the simple things
She held dear, along with the Lord above

She had a beautiful smile
And we could make her laugh until she peed
She would laugh so hard
And be unaware of the liquid she freed

She had a heart of gold
No one can deny
Sometimes I scream to Heaven
I cry, why, why, why

But the world keeps turning
And we all know the drill
We all have to keep on living
And understand that it’s God’s will

So now I cherish the simple things
She held so dear, along with the Lord above
Like yellow Roses and Butterflies,
Ice Cream and babies & Love

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
All rights reserved
I revised this today 04/06/2020
For you here at Hello Poetry
I wrote this about my Mother after
She passed away.
I miss her every day!!!
God Bless anyone who has lost a loved one
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Back To The Beginning Of The End

  It’s all clear to me now
But I didn’t see it then
How my world was falling apart
And I was losing more than just a friend

I set out on the road, in search
For something that was already mine
I was sure it was just over the horizon
But with each day I could see that I was blind

Further and further, I moved on
And all the fault was my own
I thought that there was something better
But all that it left me was alone

How can a man do what I did
And dream of lust and fantasy
When everything he ever wanted
Was already his reality

How could I throw it all away
Without blinking an eye
Now I have to live with this regret
Until the day that I die

Thinking about it, Brings nothing but pain
And memories of the past
If I could turn back the hands of time
Then I would be back home at last

But now I live each day and I
Punish myself for my crime
I’ll spend the rest of my life wishing
That I could turn back the hands of time

Back to the beginning of the end
That is where I wish I could be
Back to the beginning of the end
When I thought I just needed to be free

Back to the beginning of the end
Just before our last goodbye
Back to the beginning of the end
Just before I made you cry

Yes right before I made my worst mistake
For now my life is in a state of suspend
And the reality is knowing that I can never
Go back to the beginning of the end

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/18/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Back To The Steeple

   This is for all of the offended people
This world is offensive, nothing we can do
Yes this world is offensive
And now so are you

Time to get a life and if it’s
The world you wish to improve
The least would be Dr Suess
Think about things we all can approve

Get out of the past for yesterday is gone
Focus on today and our future
Because we can all be better people
And now you’ve become the abuser

There’s war’s to be fought, this is true
But you need to choose your line
So here’s some suggestions
For a world truly divine

The war on drugs and violence
These would be good for a start
The war on human trafficking and
You know things from the heart

The war on *** offenders
And there’s so much more
We can still fight racism but this
Isn’t the way to kick it out the door

It’s just making things so much worse
I just know there’s gotta be a better way
We can all come together and we can
Truly make tomorrow a better day

So please listen to me
All of you offended people
The house of God is for a better world
Find a way back to the steeple

Written:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/06/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Bat Delicacy

   China is a place known for exotic
Foods things like perhaps Horse or Rat
Dogs,Cats, Scorpions, Snakes and more
Including yes you know it the Bat

So this Coronavirus upon us now
Is you guessed it from the Bat
They were killing one and in the
Process the blood did splat

Of course they were unaware of what
Conspired and so this virus did spread
And now the world is getting sick
And some are ending up dead

Now here’s the thing about this particular
Virus that most people don’t know
They aren’t telling us but it is available
But I will enlighten with another blow

You see this one is a cell with thorns
Making it easier to attach
And the other thing is even if you survive
The initial there is still a catch

The damage that it leaves behind
Can lead to heart or liver disease
So I caution you to be very careful
Be very careful I beg you please

Now I am not a racist but I’ve always felt
To make America great again
Then should we like years before
Have products made by the American

I also wanna say please wash your hands
Keep them away from your faces
And know that it survives the heat too
Florida, Australia, also  have known cases

Anyway here we are under attack by a
Virus, so I will say this sarcastically elegantly
The world is in some real danger all because
China likes their stupid Bat Delicacy

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/23/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2021
Beast Of The Angels Demise

    It’s Two Am and the darkness
Still reigns the night
The tears are fallen and it’ll
Never be too soon come the light

In the shadows I see the vision and
I can hear the echoes of love and joy
But love was conquered and destroyed
In a battle matching the likes of Troy

She was an Angel so pure,
She was sure she had the power to heal
But my pain was over bearing
Ultimately crushing her Keel

Disabling her so badly that she was
Unable to spread her wings and fly
My darkness took her life with
Unknown powers that mystify

I guess I’m destined to be without love
My heart just a sacrificial lamb
A darkness will forever reign and
Time will be forever frozen at two AM

It’s unbelievable the events that
Fell into place and came to materialize
And I can never forgive myself for being
The beast of the Angels demise

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/28/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Beast Of The Angels Demise

    It’s Two Am and the darkness
Still reigns the night
The tears are fallen and it’ll
Never be too soon come the light

In the shadows I see the vision and
I can hear the echoes of love and joy
But love was conquered and destroyed
In a battle matching the likes of Troy

She was an Angel so pure,
She was sure she had the power to heal
But my pain was over bearing
Ultimately crushing her Keel

Disabling her so badly that she was
Unable to spread her wings and fly
My darkness took her life with
Unknown powers that mystify

I guess I’m destined to be without love
My heart just a sacrificial lamb
A darkness will forever reign and
Time will be forever frozen at two AM

It’s unbelievable the events
That came to materialize
And I can never forgive myself for being
The beast of the Angels demise

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/28/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Beautifully Broken

    I was lonely and in despair
I turned around and she was there
Just when I needed someone in my life
I thought she would be my wife

But on a rainy day she said goodbye
A million tears we both would cry
She said it wasn’t her she said it wasn’t me
She said it just wasn’t meant to be

For awhile I was lost in darkness
I was a person that seemed heartless
But time would land me in a new day
And with the Sunrise I knew I was okay

Though I never thought I would love again
Because I was such a shattered man
But my life was turned around
When there was a new love that I found

Sometimes we do get a second chance
For love and for romance
She took my hand,no words were spoken
For she too had been beautifully broken

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/25/2020
All rights reserved
Inspired by and for user name
Beautifully Broken
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Beautifully Broken

    We know that you’ve been hurt
Deep down in your soul
The music no longer plays your song
There’s no country there’s no rock & roll

You think there’s no love for you
The ship passed unseen in the night
Love for you is just a dead star
And what’s left is it’s dimming light

But I know that love will find you
And recognize the sparkle in your eyes
It will be so spectacular and it will be
The most wonderful of a surprise

The planets will someday all align
Though I know the universe is vast
And it seems completely impossible
But you will find a love that last

The music will play again and
I know the birds will sing
The flowers will bloom and from the grey
Color will again be returned to everything

Your heart will beat and be warm like it’s
Wrapped in a quilt that’s beautifully woven
Happily ever after is waiting for you and
No more will you be beautifully broken

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/30/2020
All rights reserved
Just for you Beautifully Broken
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Beautifully Broken
                (Scripted Silence)

   She gave her love so willingly
She gave everything she had to give
She did everything to make his
Life, a life that he wanted to live

She was as patient as she could be
She gave him time to realize
But he took her love for granted
And he always seem to criticize

They seemed to always be fighting
Her eyes always filled with tears
She couldn’t go on anymore, she
Thought about all of the wasted years

One night while she was sleeping
He slipped out of the back door
Leaving behind just a note that read
Some day you’ll find what you’re looking for

But I guess I just don’t know how to
Give what you so desperately need
I cannot force what should come naturally
And my heart will forever bleed

She walked alone shuffling through
Each day with rarely a smile
Thinking love had passed her by
Missing what she had all the while

Then another came into her life
And gave her all he had to give
He did everything to make her
Life, a life she wanted to live

But often times words go unspoken
He realized she had been beautifully broken
He tries to understand her willing defiance
And live with her well rehearsed scripted silence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/20/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to and for
Beautifully Broken & Scripted Silence
Chuck Kean Aug 2022

Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Before It’s Too Late

       When I look around me I see
As the world keeps spinning around
We have failed our future
Our world is crashing down

We see wrong in everything
Even if what we see is right
If the Sun is high in the mid day sky
Someone would swear that it’s night

And if you tried pointing out the obvious
They would be offended by your view
There’s no in between in this reality
We must find a way to breakthrough

Because it’s like we’re walking through
A minefield carrying a heavy load
Just one false move and everything
Will just simply explode

There’s got to be a common ground
What’s the reason for all this hate
Can we begin a new narrative
And turn it around before it’s too late

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/15/2021
All rights reserved
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