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Michael Perry Jul 2020

its always been about the words
with us-what we said
how we said them- in what form ; in which
way- to love, using words to hurt, with words to shame
how words give creedence- lay blame,we used
words to bolster our claim, we used them to prop us up
to make us feel better, when we needed it when-
and now -
it's about the words unsaid; in this our here and now
being altogether inappropropriate, for us-in this
our time of need, they are meaningless, they carry no weight
in this, our time of need, nothing else seems to matter, as
we  come to understand-that we have other senses- unused
unrecognized- hardly ever-thought of, till now
ready to reciprocate- in this-         our time of need.

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i have come to be through mine  
eyes open wide unable to see this
while my legs are held together with
needles and pins, as a feeling of lead
comes over me, the blood rushes in-to
and out of me, ready to cleanse my spirit
while seducing my soul for tonight is no
different nor even the day compared, just
all the same always another reason to blame
someone  anyone else but me, forcing a memory lost
or found ready to be pushed away, without a sound
my whole body aches to be well, yet its not
this pain is special, like a sedative it dwells deep
but reacting so not like; differently it's will keeps
my hell firmly intact- so now comes the moment
when the crowd yells shame, shame, ready or
not i will confess all the same, release of my sins
into the here and now, i am laid bare, revealing all
for i am unable to be the man from the past, the
way i used to be no longer myself, now just a
shell been created through my bodies attempt
or it's inability to relate then some, so i do not ask
for your pity, for shame has its way of speaking
through me demanding harassing me to have the last say

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

i was sitting at the table
fumbling with my hands
unaware they were moving
from here to there, absentmindedly
in front of me sat a bowl
of mostly unappetizing fruit, to say the least
but near the bottom i spied
something bright orange, i reached in
and pulled up a nectarine, small
glistening, how could i have missed you?
yet here you are, nestled in my palm
i couldn't wait to peel back the skin to
reveal the fruit underneath, little by little
i pulled back the sections i had exposed
until i saw the luscious looking fruit underneath
as the juice ran over my hands and between my fingers
i could hardly wait, the anticipation was building
until i took the long awaited bite, i blinked once, twice
as the sour taste overwhelmed my taste buds
that was it, the moment gone, my expectation underwhelmed

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

to drop a pebble
into a watered abyss
leaves a note unread

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

first thing, this time of morning
as it appears in difference to the
soft glow ready coming through, a
morning's sun rise appearing to  
show off sheen from the grass, a
temporary impression, projected
to look like mirrored glass set  
to beam back, sometimes blinding
if cast the right way, a singular image
of picture perfect so  shiny and bright
something new,  unused never touched

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

as the wanderer wanders
he has travelled to and fro
his search took him away
through the miles and miles  
he will spend each day and night
walking, the weather underscored
and the resoluteness he shows
having the heavy blisters on his feet
he remains resolute, determined
going all the way, through his pain
no matter he will decide when this
pilgrimage he started, comes to it's end

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

when the color runs in shades of red
it certainly will leave an impression, for instance; shades of passion
the subtle and obvious, not so the taking of a life, shocking, dramatic
using only the eyes as action required, nothing more to be said

when one has a desire for inclusion so strong
made paramount to most other necessities
baring only transitional hunger or thirst, still  
greater than it's sum, is the need to simply belong

i wanted you more than life
to save you, cling to heaven and earth, selfish of me
ready to release my soul, hoping to move you enough
my subtle nod for seeking refuge in us, holding out once, twice

within any expression of art, come to think, brush off strife
behind all the crazy, a follow through is subjectively cued
to trace the lines, read the splotch, distemper the dot, explain
ambiguity, as you stipple for clues -when speaking of love and life

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

poetry gives life
to the like minded lovers
who breathe the same air

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

i wish it was that easy to wish for something
that seemed to be  out of my reach, all my luck
has run out, while i pushed every limit, every time
i used up all my chances, so here i am,  all alone
an empty vessel of that which made me tick, still
its too late to ask for more time, as  i squandered it all
every single previous minute, i was given, why
would i get a second more, i do not  deserve it
one would agree it was not an easy life, still that
was no excuse for all that i did- maybe if i tried harder
if given the chance, had a little encouragement through
the chain of events and how it would have turned out
different still we will never know, as the curtain begins to
open up, i can feel all the eyes upon me now,  as the
liquid begins to course through my veins, making my
eye lids heavy and through the haze of my minds eye
i can see myself learning to ride a bicycle, i fall off and get
back up, if only i had  learned my lessons, i am sure
my life all the way through would have turned out better

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jul 2020

just as the sun sets
if one turns in time to see
colors of life shine

her smile held me fast
illicit-flawed, by chance meet
of 10,000 days saved

out of night looming
two car lights careen, into
a dark road will reveal

carried by water
of echo repeat, on the verge
voices call out, to haunt

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

befuddled, and far back-
-memory slows
left to be-abandoned-
-the day erodes
when sleep does not come-
-as the feeling to
fall, fall, going-
-down the rabbit hole
till i come to, i -
-think, i think i am
in one piece-or does the-
-mind plays tricks, with my head
-real or not- am i ready to
see the truth, live it or die trying-

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

in rushes tide random
of **** and swallow
foam debris clog
slog log jam hollow
evacuation continuation
in upsurge sandspit
gritty settle little bits- follow through
giving in -back out  fade
eddies empty boulders shallow
moon in retrograde

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

clinging to her curves, showing just enough, she is, as I
watched her; from head to toe, turning my way, I am
left speechless, having no words come, tongue tied
mouth dry, here with, no way to flatter, to implore
my missed opportunity, I have no one else to blame
what a shame, in that one minute, a lost circumstance
she simply stopped my heart, with one last look, now
she walks by, in that red dress, all to linger, to burn a
tattoo, on my brain, never to forget, forever on my mind
no longer attainable, she simply will be, that beautiful woman
in a red dress, who passed me by; with one chance to impress

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

Ah youth, been down roads in my life unable to keep track
I can't count them all, roads with names some without
a few with famous names, still others half as much, I
have travelled them all, and in time on a course predicted
whether or not I cared to go, I watched the pavement turn
into simple dirt paths, from driving a four lane highway
at times being so **** reckless, and still, I  have walked  
other paths too that have taken me in, sometimes not leading me
out so as I search for a clarity I need to take a step back  
there were times in my life I was very rich, with a woman
who adored me, I had the best of what life had to offer
as I worked my *** off to keep what was mine, until the
day the bottom of this world fell away, I lost everything
and I found myself homeless, living off the street, knowing
fear and anxiety, not having a place to sleep or where
my next meal would come from, I came to understand pain
so here I am once more, what is left, with a perspective of
age and time, I am now a soldier this time around not ready to give
in or give up to seek what's next, to look for any adventures
bigger than my life, embark on next steps as I turn inward
to everything I have known, to become a simple wanderer
a man having a name ageless, one who follows the stars, and
sleeps on the ground ready to peek around corners, to be happy
in my own skin, settling on serendipity while changing the course
of the rest of my life, as I shake off the dust, call me Don Quixote

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2021

why is it that the good die young
we got the word today, she passed
she had only been sick for a couple months
she was vibrant and full of life
could light up a room, with her
hearty laugh and joyful soul, she
never complained about
the death sentence, she was given she
never said, why me, she accepted fate
and moved on with the time she
had left, no time to waste, what if the
doctors were wrong, and she had less time
a reason to keep moving, not sit still
to never be idle from this point, she understood
and accepted in stoic silence, while the rest
of us wallowed in her shadow, so again i ask
why her, i don't understand, i will never understand
so many good ones taken away before their time
why? Heaven is full of angels already, there is
no need for another one, she needed more
time, and life needed a little more time with her

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

requiem of a romance
gone-presumed dead
was it the flowers?-over done?
a bouquet
once they bloomed
now without any sun- to nourish, doomed to die
alone-together, cut from; on the vine
sullied- love left untried, everyone cried

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

love is made tender
like  a rhapsody in spring
gently urging us on

with summer the passion builds
into months that follow
ready to thrive-keeping love alive

into the fall, we will gather up
the years like leaves, collecting memories
and messages of hope

and by the winter time
we will rekindle all we shared, give thanks
and praise for another year, having taken life on
By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

for every little reason, we wanted
something more to build a fire, stoke a flame
wanting to feel it to the core, deeply, until

we made mistakes along the way, with
having no ready excuse or way to explain

when love doesn't play fair, we struggled
in hopes to reclaim along the way, while our backs
were turned; with  lips telling lies , the  rumours flew

ever ready for a sacrifice, a love turned to chill
so what to do when once, love tasted so sweet

it demanded all our time, we held bay, ignoring
the signs, taking our cue from the heart, willing to a fault, we
two acted- dazed and confused; here, we laid awake

for the fear, when would the other shoe drop, we held our
breath, undercover in the dark for love to succeed or fail

we were lost between the echoes, growing  there loud
in our ears; as the shadows of loves ghost, came out to play
and in the morning,  with the light of day dawning would all be

forgiven? with the realization, swirling about;  the rumours false or
real, would leave it's lasting impression; with the scars hard to heal

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020
you,                         are you a
saint or sinner- be it a curse, or worse, still
the path you choose- of where you can't
look ahead-or go back, up to
you- to fight for the undecided, partisan
one in every crowd, you will find- as
destiny pays you a call;  to empower
something within to embrace it
make a big deal -give a ****
so what - if you, take the  hit, it
only hurts in the interim, to come
as a blow to your ego,  but you will
get through if, for what you think
matters most- is how you handle it
throughout, like in the early stages
be prepared for the blow-back-or
how to get away with it; to walk away
from the alleged
                                perfect crime-that which
has no witnesses-or victims blood on your hands
your word against theirs- as you smile
your winning smile, everything is
good, but remember; truth has weight
it will bear down eventually
on your soul, but your fine
for now; just keep smiling, make them believe
it wasn't you, and they will- because it's about
the intrigue, the human nature; of it all
we being; curious creatures of habit, we want to know
how it all went down; as  we peek out through
the window blind, so  cross your heart
and hope you                                               played your part
                      just right- if not,     know,    history has a long memory

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

salt marsh sparrow males
sing for their mates, a love song
silent, in whispers  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

in the morning as
the **** frost lays gathered
crystalline grey white keeping hold
across the landscape for now until
the tepid warmth of day slowly climbs
and like a blanket to be rolled back
another crisp winters day is revealed underneath

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

Tender buds break
up through the snow
sun gently caresses
to warm the cold heart
reawakening it's dormant soul
oh bless-ed day
feel beyond the ice of death
brought back to life
in this our season of change.
By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

while November
brings with it
more change, we are at
a point, seasonally confused
for it is sunny and warm
today, as the grass
continues to green
with a possibility of
another mow, still
i can't wrap my head
around the fact that
as the roses continue
to bloom despite
many reasons, why not
they  shouldn't- during
this  time of transitions
even nature seems a
bit confused, of or when
unsure themselves, how to react

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2021

as with anything, a season is no different
coming to it's end, the august summer heat
subtle, stagnant, mixed with dried hay grass
partially burnt and scattered to the corners  
under a stifling, stillness, ready now, to
leave tendrils of each day more shortened
while the reds and oranges of sunset, begin to
purple like a bruise, the darkness rising, cloaked
ready to take possession of each passing day

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021
SEA TIDES- a Haiku

as the sea tides change
the mind will set course, carried  
feel the ebb and flow

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

she becomes all the ways
to ease my mind, a place to lay my head
she becomes every song needing to be sung

She becomes  a starting point for love
melodies to be savored
she becomes all the words put into thought    

She becomes all the ways
to capture my heart, more than physical, she becomes
the music I hear, when I look into her eyes, it remains clear

She becomes the anchor I hold on to
when I need to save my life she becomes
a safe harbor I will drift lovingly toward      

She becomes all that I adore, this woman I would die for
she becomes every thought to keep my mind
consumed, she becomes the easiest decision made; a revelation

She becomes my one true love, to stand the test of time
having a  rhythm and rhyme, sweet singer of songs, she becomes
all the reasons why, I live and breathe, say a prayer for

She becomes, my once in a life time, in the moments experienced
my love and salvation, a driving force, so deep down, into my soul
she becomes, the fever I once caught, never truly recovering from

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

She believed in the sun and the rain
in order for every day moments to be made
she was stronger than I, left to place blame

we sat together, as she spoke up animated
out of this one conversation, she held my hand
out of her pain, she was stead fast-in order to placate me

on this day, she spoke in a voice loud and clear
giving from the heart, I cried while listening
to the detail of her interrupted dreams, her fears

It's been awhile now, as I speak her name, out loud
in this very moment- she suddenly crossed my mind
as the sun finally came out, while stubbornly hidden by the clouds

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2022

my frame of reference when speaking of love
whenever she looks at me, that's all it takes
she is, what makes my whole world worthwhile; without realizing  

all the ways, so easy on the eyes, ready to ease my mind
a safe space, a place to lay my head
she is, all the love songs needing to be sung; perfect harmony  

complimenting all the ways i need her to be  
with her my heart is spoken for, more than just physical
she is,  what sees us through all the times; day and night

my life preserver if and when i need saving
capable and steady, with life's twist and turns, i run to her  
she is,  that safe harbor i drift to lovingly; every time      

body and soul , all that i adore, this woman i would die for
every thought to keep my mind sane, on an even plane  
she is,  the easiest decision i ever made; a revelation

my once in a life time, all the moments we share
my love and salvation, a driving force, so deep down
she is , my days and nights my forever in dreams; realized

my one true love, as we stand the test of time
the sweetest gift received, as my heart beats steady
she is, all my reasons why i live and breathe; say a prayer for

by  Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021

the ashen grey sky leads
as the forerunner of whats to come
whilst the taste of snow flakes
incite the buds on the tongue, it is as if
when warm turns to cold, we are lead to believe
that this grip of ice bearing down, may feel
like forever, and for you already growing old
thereby freezing your impression of what to believe
that somehow this is not living, hence
given your preferred inclination for a few degree's  more
you might wish though, to be somewhere else
for at least a few months time until
the cold shock of winter barrels and blows over, in its due time

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

thought it strange
out of the ordinary, not here
as I walked, feeling unease
my bones given to an unnatural chill
on this hot summer night-walking
my pace, under foot, breaking leaves and sticks
heading back , only to turn, over my shoulder
what? maybe, once, twice,  just to
calm my nerves, why so paranoid- thought
I was fearless, except for tonight-why the change
as my level of concern grew, I cannot put
a finger on it-yet my heart quickened, first
a little, then a lot, for the first time in my life
with my age over matter, a possible concern, I
truly felt- helpless, moreover a little shook

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

I love her, she loves me
there could not have been
a love story like ours  
a possibility of,  having a future together
without the two us ready to play our part

She loves me, I love her too
we have had each others heart
forever and always, our love story
is a passion created and cared for over time  
renewed by our sacred vow taken years before
Darling, Happy Valentine's Day-"I love you"

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

signs of spring revealed
while the frog croaks for a mate
the owl will feed

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2021

we are sitting side by side, in our chairs on the porch
enjoying the late afternoon, sipping sweet tea, cool
and refreshing- it was another hot day, the mosquitos
quit buzzing  once the fans began pushing the air
around it was then, i reached over for her hand, thinking
it the right compliment to end the day, she quickly
slapped my hand away, a sudden rebuff of my gesture
i tried again, and she did the same, i was taken aback
she looked at me as if i were a stranger- then went inside
i suddenly remembered something the doctor had said at one
of her last doctor visits- at some point she will not remember
even who you are, with that the triggers in my brain reacted
anew, as the night of the day took hold and swallowed me up

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i am angry all the time, i can't carry a tune
since i don't work i always sleep till noon
you have no choice i won't change anytime soon

my best trait is always telling the truth
even if it hurts like a decayed tooth
can't help myself for whatever that's worth

i am a slacker through and through a nightmare made to shock
as if adverse weather follows me, you'll never see me be ad hoc
because my only reason for living is to wreak it, cause you havoc

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021
SNOW (haiku)

as the snow flies cold
it blankets in purity
offered renewal

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

the couple went for a walk just before dusk
the snow starting lightly to fall, first snow of
the season, it was cold not overly so, they walked
hand and hand for awhile, not saying anything
both just enjoying the tranquility, through
the silence they kept up a good pace
as the street lights, cast out their shadows
they kept going, to anywhere, hand in hand
they both sensed the same direction
without missing a single step, they went, now it was
completely dark, turning around from the previous
direction they walked earlier, their steps were
filled in by the snow, erasing the way home still
landmarks did appear dusted in the new fallen
snow to make everything appear suddenly most alien
inevitably though, they found their way back, with the
lights on in the house inviting them to get out of the cold

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

i felt so hopeless/ what more could i do/ knowing inside
something was missing/ then there was you/ with little more
than a kiss/ your gift has come to redeem me/ time after time
as our love becomes a flame/ my eyes are open/you've made me see

you are my breath- finally able to breathe
i am taken by you- bringing me back to life
in this love conceived, realized, you make it
so easy for me to believe that something this
good between us is real and will last forever

fulfilling all my dreams/ like a religion i am delivered
love has finally come true/ so easy; everything considered
you're love saved me/ like a clock without hands/ we fall
into the timeless sway/holding on/ you and i, all through
the night feeling our rhythm/ our forever- is here to stay

you are my breath- finally able to breathe
i am taken by you- bringing me back to life
in this love conceived, realized, you make it
so easy for me to believe that something this
good between us is real and will last forever

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jul 2021

i had something to prove to myself
to you, i wanted to be
upfront, tell you how i really felt
only my words failed, my tongue
scorched;  unable to utter
what needed to be said, at the
moment, it needed to be said, wanting
to take you in my arms and hold you
like i should, the right thing to do, but
i came across cold and cowardly- in that moment
unable to meet your love half way
a moment that should have counted for more
until our eyes met, in that next moment
you kissed my lips tightly knowing they were
alcohol-laced, then you turned and left the room

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

speak of love no words
let your body say it all
creating Heaven Earth

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

as the spider spins
livelihoods ordained    
till the shape of wind  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021

Our nights are always the same, we start it mundane
just simple, then a sip of wine to alleviate the days pain
we ease into it slowly, as the conversations get started
one glass at a time, we talk about our day, the kids, the car
will dinner be on the table this time? we laugh, we giggle
we hold hands by the fire, by the third or fourth glass
we have moved on to the meaning of  life, the state of
politics; ready to declare what side, we are on...we do this each night
in spite of ourselves, you'd think we'd know better
but with a touch grape on our lips, to let the  obscenities' flow steadier
we stamp our feet, and gnash our teeth, to make our point sharper
as the night rolls around, it gets later and later, now dinner is burnt
as we set blame on each other, we loose  inhibitions, as we become
all glassy eyed and slurred, finally we reach the end of the bottle
we're bad, what a shame, too late for another run, empty stomachs spurn so we order take-out from the place down the street and nurse
huge headaches that feel like hell on earth, we go to bed as if still
friends and  lovers, as if nothing has happened, that is until tomorrow when
we imbibe once more, getting our favorite bottle of wine from the local liquor store

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021
SPRING IS- a Haiku

Spring is natures way  
to open the senses wide
and welcome life in

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

every year it happens, about now
with small bursts of yellow purple
and white, as the crocus, daffodils
and winter aconite shake off the last vestiges
of frozen glaze glistening onto their leaves
letting the buds finally pop open to release
the colors that make it recognizable to even the least
among us, willing to show up early against a backdrop
of still turning green, it is a simple gesture for sure
yet subtle made perfectly clear, in its attempt
that Spring is here, with no further explanation needed
letting each small step lead to the next
breakthrough as it takes place, highlighting
a new beginning over the landscape and before
our eyes showing us what to expect over the coming months

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

stars thrive electric
bright enough to bypass night
look up, make a wish  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

will I ever be remembered
for any of the words, I have put forth, will I
ever shed literary light on
the misconception of prose-who knows
or maybe-just maybe-use my
poetic prowess-to conjugate a verb or two- the
ones no ones ever heard of before, but will
that be enough-to succeed or fail- what happens next?

will that be as far as I go- could I be just another
literary has-been, in search of fame- or possibly
a footnote in some obscure magazine, might I be
a one line reference on the world wide web- could
that be it- or am I able to take this literary tour as
far as it will take me-to success, if not,  like my words on
a page-  if no one reads them, they stay anonymous

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

like ripples in a pond
circle upon circle  
out, out, until creating, infinity
where no longer; the fading
begins back, back one into the other
willing the disappearance of
circle over circle, this over that
gone for now, into nothingness
or to begin again by chance, cause and effect
upon the stillness of water, as it was, just a moment
before will remain again for now, undisturbed once more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2021

in my wakefulness
i still dream of you, always you
i am consumed by you
for you of you, your face
willing to leave an impression
on my pillow with a perfumed essence
that lingers long after, to fill my lungs
with a desire continued, though
my longing for you to be with you
has no beginning or end
each night to be loved by you
to know even in my dreams
awake or not you have changed
my world forever in the ways of love and life

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

from the window
the sky turns-from blue to
black- could be a storm brewing
you can feel it, thick and moist
while the winds pick-up-ready
to blow air-as if
being ****** through a straw
then, bolts of light
ignite the night, taking center stage
soon the rains cut through
like a buzz saw, pelting for hours
on end- until you feel like
your going to go mad-as
the eye of this monster crosses overhead
your feeling blessed, cut a break, all is quiet
deathly so- your afraid to move
wanting to take a long held breath, it's over
until the rains come ; harder and
the commotion begins again-even stronger
showing mother nature's -nastier side

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

i am   struck dumb
at a loss       for any words
first time in my life -   nothing comes
my mouth is silent-   as my eyes
keep recording - reacting to  it all                                                  
-horrified -  at the audacity, of what I see-  
playing out - in real time-one hot mess
each day and night- can't get it out of  my mind
                        I can only think:

what the f**k have we done to ourselves and our posterity

- it all seems like a bad dream- from which
any normal person would hope to wake from-
and yet we sleep on, walk through- I am dumbstruck-
wondering how we ever got here - wanting
more then ever to quickly move on-and still we stand
ignoring the facts- that are staring at us straight on
                   so as matters keep going south-
                                    i hereby testify:        
   to future generations- heed our stupidity
   and reconcile - what is coming your way-   I apologize
to you for every adult living now, I  can only hope
you are able to forgive, if it was me- I
would sign off with my *******; but I know you
won't do that-I wouldn't blame you if you did though- instead
I know you will roll up your sleeves, ready to take
matters into your own hands and fix everything-    we could not!

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jul 2021

you gave me your heart, i gave you mine, we took it when
we were both young greedily, wonton, expectant, being carefree
life was ours and now as the years have tolled on, we know nothing lasts forever, in fact it seems to speed up, we see it as
the age gathers around us, in our faces , on our wrinkled hands
mine shakes from time to time, now, through the open window
coming in gold shafts of light, to high-light the bedroom, chests
of draws, pale curtains, a large canopy bed, fill up the space
nothing fancy, our style,  as the air filters through the open window
salty and  pungent as it is want to do around here, i can hear the ocean calling in the distance as we are just a mile from where the bay meets the ocean, we make this trek year after year, to our summer cottage our special place to get away from it all, still as you lay asleep, peaceful i let you slumber on, couldn't bare to wake you this early, although i know you will be disappointed, not to see the sun rise, still, as i watch you sleep your skin reflects translucent against the  white pillow case, offset by your long silver hair, that i   remember was auburn shade you had  for many years, the color of  chestnuts like we used to pick in the fall as they came down covering the yard..still the memories flood, today will be a good day though, i am sure of it, i have an intuition about such things, then, i hear you stirring, and you open your eyes, and we both smile i am done daydreaming for now about what if's, as we get ready to make breakfast  and take our daily walk down to the beach, we are settled on what we have, staying expectant, knowing still, there will be a time that for both of us, will come, knowing there are some things that never will change, if only we could turn back time

by Michael Perry
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