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Michael Perry Jul 2020

**** it's hot- jeez
with no breeze
to speak of-and the windows shut
while every fan's-been seized- in the still-ness
of to breathe, there-down in  the alley-the stagnant
pause to  stay,  still, once twice, albeit one, of the spoiled
few-we are, given in to sanctify thy-self- by the created- get a grip
be  (so) delirious- (we are ) claimed by the almighty-
into seeing visions-boy it's hotter- than hot- so hot-
like an egg
cooked on the grill
of a Chevy 68"
with  a hot engine-and the cool
body-given to this climate- if you can -claim it ; here
(she) comes in with her sauntering approach- well then, where eyes meet eyes
yet no takers; no way-she says- it's too hot- with
her indignant style, not even -for money, pay for my time
and the red dress kills, anyways
and she walks on- into the dark- just an ordinary night
-as it spills out in to the late of  July-full summer sweat
the hot- it's so hot- imprinted on ones brain-no one can forget
does it matter - - as life
comes to a crawl-deep
in the bowels-of the city proper- how come- it's so hot-
no one can sleep -everyone is up- it's sweltering- here
boy is it hot- in a city that never sleeps-either way, regardless  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

the big fat moon  shines down, in a midnight
souless delight happy with it all, giddy, full of itself
the confidence oozing, filled with, a righteous piety
on a bent, up till then, as a  line of angry looking clouds
give the impression of- an arrogant smile crossing the
moons face, what a touch, this slick character moon, still
with tricks up it sleeve, the winds begin shifting
bringing more change; in cracks of thunder to break the back
as silent streaks of lighting, become alive, hot and murderous
all in  response to what was a previously silent night
brought about, now coming to pass, the modality of change, swift deepening, quick to a sullen nod for nothing breaks the
monotony better than a sudden mood swing from a fickle moon's changing of mind on this hot summer country night

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020

as the moth against the screen door
flits at the light willing or not to repeat
in it's attempted blind stare that which
fuels the source of it's stress all at once
in singular to strive; to live, it beats it's
wing to the ragged hum of a busted air
conditioner pushing out even more heat
- over and over - a thousand times-more
with a vain struggle to gain a simple footing
a failed persistence, it staggers to survive
for that which stands in it's way-namely; the
unrelenting endless summertime, it bears down
in a grip, to take hold- we are reminded of this-
going forward, we must think ahead; regard our
position - to seek it all, or die trying- over and
over in our own vain attempt to succeed or fail, we
then, like as not; will in the end- become like the moth

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

we put the top down
for our Sunday afternoon drive
just to get away for the day, escape
the confines of the city limits
such a lovely day
the sun was high over head
the clouds almost non-existent, perfect
time to go- it was
a bee-line to the expressway
traffic was light
we were making good time, as landscapes
passed by, cars, other vehicles too
neither of us spoke, while
we took it all in, at some point
we were forced to brake quickly
there was lots of commotion up ahead
thick black smoke, two cars engulfed in flames
a third overturned, tire tracks streaked across all lanes
red, white and blue lights everywhere
police in uniform directing traffic through
the breakdown lane as people  were standing about
both sides of the blacktop, they seemed
in shock, crying, all standing still, I saw them
each one, as if reading their minds, saw in their eyes
trying to tell me stories, of which I had no clue, or
was it the feelings for them, in this situation, would I
if I knew them better- yet their stories were not mine
if I could would I?- then we passed by, making up distance
once we cleared the scene we were able to proceed
we went at a much slower speed, considering
what we had just seen, the rest of the day
was uneventful -we ate lunch at a quaint diner set back
from the highway; reaching our apartment at dusk
we turned on the tv, we sat in our  matching chairs
settling  in, we watched the news, nothing had changed
since morning, still violence, mayhem, seemed everywhere
as we smiled to ourselves, glad to be unaffected, we clinked
two glasses sipping our ice cold martini's, shaken, not stirred

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
some how trying to recall / a few minutes more/as the rains begin to fall outside
holding back time/ trying to ignore/ another day unfolds/ outside our door
with her body / resting against mine every space filled/ with our loving in mind
to good to be true/ a clock begins to chime/ somewhere near by/ hit it one time
more than a memory now/ as sunday morning still lives through/ rose colored glass
now coming into view/ feeling crazy build/ needing to unwind/ even if /only in my mind
making monday morning/ a little easier I find/ as it comes back round/ comes back round
with yesterdays memory/ now fading fast/ if only/ as our bodies lay here/ nice and warm
letting sunday morning linger still/ with just a little hint / another touch/ of skin on skin
here comes monday/ pillows pushed in to a pile, her lips/ close to mine/ another moment more
listening to her soft breathing/ knowing I can't resist/ or even turn back the hands of time
more than a memory/ sunday morning still lives through rose colored glass/ now comes a view
feeling crazy build/ needing to unwind/ even if /only in my mind/making monday morning
a little easier I find/ as monday morning comes back round/ as monday comes back round

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry May 2021

the soft boil eggs hissed, hysterical
while my mind wandered, and the bacon sizzled
she continued to sleep, i left her alone
i smiled to myself, her sweet perfume
lingered through the air, while i took
the paper, searched for the crosswords
soon, the sun was coming, high up, i rose
after a while not hearing any movement
so i went to the room and quietly opened the door
the darkened shades, kept the room dark, no wonder
she hadn't gotten up yet, her face against the pillow
child like and peaceful, i touched her arm gently
she smiled with her closed eyes, she said
just a couple minutes more i was having
a wonderful dream and its just getting to the best part

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
gulls fly, dart
dive full circle
stealth,rise, fall
in frantic pursuit
searched for-prize
the pearlescent flesh
of coveted shell fish
that lays abandoned
on the empty shore
within useful persistence
a razored beak finds
one,spills out the flesh
ready to take it away
leaving the rest to caw
mocking-restlessly be
their insult, to miss out
frustrated flocks fly on

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2022

driving down a back road
taking a drive through
Eastern Shores Maryland
going fast, feeling the car
as it purrs and hums under my
direction, the stereo plays as
the black top blurs in front of me
and behind in the rearview
the day is unseasonably warm
for late February, i can hear the hum
of the electricity in the powerlines
as i go fast, faster, harder then i should
i cannot help myself, the adrenaline rushes
then from out of nowhere, there is a farm
coming into view, something made me
slow down, there is a corral with horses
so i feel the need to stop-there were
two brown and white females and one
shiny black stallion, they were running back
and forth, the length of the enclosure
stopping every once in a while to feast
on alfalfa- i was awestruck, not sure why i stopped
but just taking a moment to watch beauty
in motion gave me pause, i never really took the time to
just slow down and appreciate my surroundings, i
watched them a couple minutes more,  just leaning
against the fence, taking in the moment, when out of nowhere
a black sports car was racing past me down the same road
i was on, at the same rate of speed i was doing before i
stopped, a police cruiser was right on his tail in
hot pursuit- when i got back into my car, i thought to
myself, hey that could have been me.

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

in the city visiting  to take my mind off things
for a just little while, so i thought maybe taking a walk
would be enough to clear my head, on this day somehow  
i took a wrong turn veering off  the usual walkabout
it was early spring, with no coat  still i felt confident
as i looked to recognize  a landmark or two, i was
sweating bullets, soaking through my tee-shirt
as a little voice said stay calm, while i clearly was
not- crossing over into a state of panic, it was mid-day
with time on my side-still i   could not figure out how
i had  made such a mistake to lead me this far a stray
by now i had walked for quite a while, feeling parched
i wanted something to drink, so i looked around, the
neighborhood was typical, close together , lots of two stories
with front facing porches, i sat down at the nearest one
hoping no one would mind, within a minute, my breathing slowed
my pulse beat a little less hard, then from out of nowhere, stood
a person over me and i looked up, to see, they were dressed
in a white robe, diaphanous see- through, like a cloud, i blinked
then they called me by my first name, i thought: who can this be?
the voice was reassuring and put me at ease, they said you walk so fast you need to slow down, i asked why? because they said there is no rush you are already home- i was confused, my mind  began to swim-while up ahead- i saw a commotion with lots of people gathered around milling about  i stood up from where i was sitting, i decided to walk over there -i heard people say- he never saw the car - he must have  been confused, to walk  right in front of it, as i looked over i saw someone lying in the street who looked like me, as if i was sleeping  but  surely that cannot be  as i was standing right here, and the people continued to walk right by me as if  i was not even there, someone else said - such a shame he was not from around here, no one here recognizes him- soon i heard the sirens  and  the crowds started to stir  then break a part a little more in order to let the officers in- they started asking questions
while, taking down notes, then i felt  a soft tap on my shoulder, it
was the stranger asking me  if i was  ready, i began to feel calm, reassured as the surrounding voices  waned, we turned around to  walk back the way i had come, thinking i was lost, turns out i wasn't at all, and with each step i took, I felt myself, grow strong becoming more alive, if that was possible to feel ten or more years younger too

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

tell me, as we get started, i can see by the lines on your face
so full of expression ready to speak for themselves, are you ready to tell me  how you persisted in your pursuit of telling a good story how you sweated through each line hoping to make
the next one better than the last-as you brought your prose to life
tell me how you toiled night after night beneath the glow of a
60 watt bulb-as you struggled till dawn making the words
grow wings having them soar from page to ceiling, as you let each
word take flight, and through it all, it was never enough as you
made your way through, chain-smoking, the whole time until each
blank page was filled one by one, word by word, captured
precisely on every page, as you envisioned, breathing life, you
exhaled in relief, no matter how tired, not stopping, always driven
so tell me - in your pursuit to succeed; sometimes driving you mad
still, knowing the outcome- tell me, through the stress and strain, as you claimed each  small victory, tell me, what you know now, accepting all the failures, does one success out-weigh defeat- tell me when you look back over your life, so tell me was it worth it?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

there in the woods-with secret eyes
made aware, to the deepening dark
that is filtering in, comes a sound made  
from out of nowhere appearing,  as this
changeling; a babe swaddled, under the
encrusted outcropping of rock; placed
there in it's sanctuary, by whom, no one
knows- no matter though, as the story continues
in the silence of deepening woods cleaved by
the dew gently gathering as it falls against the rock
face-in staccato time , to create a  wordless lullaby
all the while to make the baby doze-that is
until, along comes,  a she bear- who pads
through, she sniffs for a scent, and finding one
similar yet not;  like  other scents, found there
in the wood, she sees this babe, she approaches
coming close as she dares, as her warm breath
delights the baby making it coo,  she reacts as any
mother would in the circumstance, with the instinct
to protect and defend;  this little one, out of necessity
from any outside force; so all the intruders prepare to be
put on notice as she  settles in closer, using her thick winterized
coat  as the blanket, to keep them both warm;  and the baby
looks on with love - she sighs contented, as both close their eyes

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

in the miles of beach sand
only the seagulls and terns remain, this time of year
ready to, dip and soar- crisscross, they target

aiming for the sky
fly high above, or they skit, down along the beach
chasing the horizon at angles to confound

from the east to the west towering cliffs of sand
seem to conquer heights, eroding on the back side
giving sway  to the shifting winds

during a season in change, burnt oranges and browns clash
with the assaulted beach grass
at ones feet constantly, no longer trampled upon

here, where the water stays ice cold, most times
the whales rise and fall off in the distance lingering on
for one last riff until the harsh currents drive them away

and with each sunrise- sunset, life will run it's course
bracing for the bitterness of a north atlantic winter
and the dramatic changes of scenery that are still to come

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

boys own this town, as they gather here, use their measured steps
meet at the corner, they own it--hot shots-looking around, ready to
keep their circle tight- tip top-from the looks; up to no good-

in the middle of the day, on a hot summer afternoon
with the agitation level at fever pitch, u don't breathe
for no matter, you can feel it, air, thick, like gun metal grease
the passersby, keep their heads down, walk on, click clack, run

if someone does decide to make a play- will they be prepared?
may be,or not -  give them a reason, just because, it will be quick-
watch- one itchy -trigger fingers it, lovingly-stock still, say the word
- the boys are ferocious- ready, prowling up, down, on the make

eyes are watching, up in their blood adrenalin pumped- fear them
zip zap, narcissistic concrete kings- looking for a fight don't even think
if you do blink- ****** on a zigzag -paranoid-deer in the headlights look
mindful, of the silence; ready set,punt- like a deadly-riff raff; game play

if anyone wants to try- u face an arsenal, of full armed-boys, trigger happy
you have been warned, runners will take on all comers; never the boys fault
they stake claim, come fully stacked-racked- making streets on this side of town

- so if you dare- be a pop, pop, bang- bang-hotshot, u be flippant stare down
the barrel of a gun-piece of cold metal steel, hot tempered, say your prayers- quick-
for if you -  made that fatal mistake-no u-turn, when you go cross their piece of turf

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

There once was a couple
-a fat man and his skinny wife
constantly smiling at each other
they are so much in love -with
life itself, everything feels so complete
today is a sunny day, a good day for
lunch in the park, they spread out a blanket
preparing a feast for two, as they do this task
the fat man, brings a clenched fist to his chest
and his eyes go wide, he drops his half glass of wine
and the skinny wife steps forward, coming to his side
she quickly yells for help to no avail, from the passers-by
so then,  the skinny wife remarks to herself, how permanent
that death feels  -unlike this beautiful day  and the love
of her life, she knew- facts remain, life and days are fleeting at best

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

where the endless is endless
as if willing itself to spill-one
into the other- over the edge, where
sky touches a setting sun, to a point
as the wind wills itself to be quiet
settling into a whisper, I lean in
trying to hear, while overcome
outnumbered I am alone, amongst
the countless number of stars, they embrace
wink, feeling like lost friends, there to steady
to calm me, as I look down into the water
made of glass-I am looking at me, looking at me
trying to decipher-what it all means; nothing comes
what happens-is it the end; gone as far as I can go
left to walk on water- to figure it out on my own
I hate puzzles, I just  need a simple answer to
the question I have, and then before I can ask it
appears a white dove, flying above my head
as I watch it- it flies without stopping into
the light, to a place where the sun is rising,  expecting me
to follow, so I go -no longer afraid, I know now what
I have to do- my question is answered, I am saved

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2021
a faded flower
needing water and sunshine
recovers quickly

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

she hangs out the laundry
her daily chore
a life lived chaste
happy never bored
on this day, a slight warm breeze
carries the smell
of fresh washed clothes
to far and near
always making her feel proud
while her bones carry a burden
of flesh worked hard
she knows she is worthy
she says her prayers
with her hands without
ever uttering a single word

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

as my face is buffeted
by the coarse wind gritty
with needle specks, i am forced to walk on
through it- to it, i am reminded, remembering
the when, why; what I did to you, to us
-with each step taken, I live it will atone for
willing to be blamed- for not being there for you
when you needed me the most
i was nowhere to be found
so if you cannot forgive me
i cannot forgive myself
and with this, i hope to endure, to take away the pain
i caused you, then, and there
i will put my body through all the paces
of self pity and remorse, willing
to take on the relentless
wind body blows, whatever it takes
- until we are released from this burden, satisfied
of the outcome that holds, binds us both
for in that time-the before, after; the letting go
-whichever comes first, a necessity

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021
She bought this light green chair at an estate sale, with a red pillow as an accoutrement she smiled like a young child; proud of her find, all I could do was smile back, afraid to hurt her feelings, you hate it she said, I can tell-would it make you want it more if I told you it was from Ernest Hemingway's estate, such a find- I  was in a bidding war with another woman, I purchased it for you

its been a couple years hence, sitting in my light green chair, she knew it was the perfect chair, to do my writing, she would smile, if she could see me here, shades of the writer that I am

time to move on, all the memories left- I sold everything; never though, would I sell the light green chair with the red pillow, as it reminds me of her always

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

as the lover whispers his
love for her, she yields to the
loving intent, between them passes
the desired effect, delivered; received

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry May 2021

to watch the moon, is a study in time management
i have the patience- and for me all time is fleeting
which is something i am finding out for myself first hand, nevertheless while on this one particular night, the moon shows large close to Earth, bigger than most other nights, in it's seasonal turn as i look close, studying the surface, the pocks, the craters
every side, angle and depth, of it's everchanging face
wondering what secrets does it hold close, as it sits suspended
in the dark twilight night after night, i don't know why
still, it's just something i have always pondered ever
since i was a small child, looking at it, ready to bring to mind
all the childish rhymes of youth, that have the moon as it's subject
made me wonder, kept me fascinated, about the mystique of
what is real and make believe,  giving my childish mind, flight
now in my declining age, coming fast to it's forgone conclusion
its important for me to settle opinions, unmask, reveal the moon
to discover what lies beyond it's solemn face, to tell me the truth  
of what else its been hiding from me these many years soon gone

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

we are ready to be heard
we each want a say, not face confrontation
but if we must, we will, because we are not ready
to leave anyone behind, for the time has come

if we are ready, put all differences aside
take a stand, be strong, be steady, ready
toe to toe hand in hand, young and old; a rainbow
with a plan sung through words we have, a peace song

to stand beneath one sky, the call is strong
the tug to get behind fast, no it won't fade
as we come here, we deserve
to be heard, for what made this country ours

for democracy is for all, yours and mine
sing it together, come hell or high water
let us rally behind; a peace song, with voices raised
everyone must be heard, can you hear it, can you?

when we come together that will be the beginning
heed the call, walls will crumble, fall; let us have our say
forever is here and now, get ready, have raised fists
demand; stamp our feet on the ground, ready to be heard

within our action; through words and music
we put the world on notice, whatever the risk
for peace to come, it's within our grasp
as we watch, we burn a candle from every window

where all points of light lead, toward a brighter day ahead
we must, will not give up, ever be complacent, not sit back
realize the time is here, let us stand up for this; a peace song
without it, everything we fought for, held dear, or died, will be lost

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020

the pictures of
all boxed up;  put there
left to the memory, scattered-unnamed

locked away, between the shadows
and dust motes-of what was

now in the dark
their eyes closed to the light; patience narrowed, flawed
waiting for someone

anyone to care-to  open up, reveal
have a claim renewed,  chance again, of what has been

ready to emote, over lost feelings, laid scattered
left askew, pressed by the years
gone unanswered, they are silent; impatient

for until, they are expectant; prepared, a life once lived
there in a moment; breathe in, to feel loved

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021
The Pink Bird Corridor (reimagined)

could it be some ones favorite color
or a bird with a plumage decked out
maybe it's a ballerina dressed pretty in a pink tutu
the choice is up to you as each one
will set ones imagination in motion
be it a color like no other that has a
very wide-ranging and serious devotion
or let us give a shout out to a kind of dance
mostly given on world wide center stages
where the female dancer wears a pink tutu
and her dancing partner wears
a tighter than tight pair of tights
or maybe just maybe you happen to be a devotee
inclined, one of the thousands who watch birds
ready to set their sights on one of the most
extraordinary birds around, unfortunately not found
here in (Delaware)  as it happens it is
a special  one of a kind bird who stands on one leg
most of the time because the water that it wades in
is usually very cold, in a warm climate? who knew-go figure

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

the pleasure
of your mind
we are in good company
just two of a kind
alike, alike, this camaraderie
we share
has brought us closer than
anything else-mind over matter
words as knowledge-
so there-spread the word
up to you-draw
your own conclusions

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

a blank page
fills me with consternation
each time, rage

seeking to find
some common thread
in which to fill, lines

you may not know it
being creatively possessive i celebrate
stories in which to tell, therefore i am a, poet

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2021

the flowers have all died now
under the cold assault of the seasons
blast of chill, never to reawaken
in colorful splendor as they did weeks before
sadly death is everywhere, coming to pass
as the dried up leaves, crinkle and fall
lost to a wind, that claims and takes in
full on assault, the pines shed their needles
now minus of smell, the sky darkens early
and stays longer, until and then when the
kiss of spring renews and can attest to resurgence
revealing once more, that after death, there is life, still more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2021

from the kitchen window
before the sun is barely up
showing streaks of purple and orange
that cover the sky light like a bruise
we sit across from each other
i see the morning rise, and
she sees into the living room
where we have a fire going
to break up the early morning chill
we are content in our little ways
our morning ritual where nothing changes
not in all our years, the sameness
is what keeps us intact, without it
we would shatter and break- none
of that for us, as she gets up from
her chair and fixes another cup of
coffee, no more than two for her
then i get up to move the logs
around in the fire place, the embers
pop and glow as i move the logs
around, then back to my seat for a little
while longer, i look at her, she looks
up at me, we see how age has taken
hold, the lines under her eyes, the
all whiteness of my hair and beard
still we see through it all and marvel
at the outside changes in us, around us in
our unchanging life, i take her hand and give
it a little squeeze, she squeezes mine; our
silent acknowledgement to each, of our status quo
all is good between us and will continue to be so
as long as we do not change one iota of our life

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2021

i am,  have been, will always be,  the unfamiliar
if maybe, just like you, we are one and the same
though not without my shame, which outweighs, by far

for me, i walk mostly the nights, cause of the stares
regardless the weather to me and my surroundings
think what if, test me, itching for a fight; dare me

i am sure, each day as you walk right passed
taking no measure of me, for i am just  another someone
left aside, you don't want to know me , first last, that's that

your pre-conceived opinions aside, check them at the door
as you venture to the store or a favorite restaurant, look there  
in front of you, in the alleys, under passes, dumpster; what's more

been a stranger to many, ready or not unable to see beyond
so you walk to the other side of the street, staring at my *****  
façade, open your eyes, see me, what was lost is found

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

the male swan graces the water
without any effort, his lithe neck bows supreme
as he plays up his suspect regal lineage, with
tail feathers splayed, he introduces himself by
doing circles around, hoping to impress, seems though
this queen will play indifferent, having a standard all her own

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021
end of the month
another day down
gathered in one place
ticking off time, going forward
or back, inside out- one by one
once one reaches the end
it repeats, and the count
starts all over again, thats how its
been done for eternity, a day
for night, a morning sunrise
an evening sunset, the morning of
the day after, all very orderly
in a month,  a year, for all eternity
what does it really mean- is there
more to it-then space and time
well, your guess is good as mine

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

next time you
step outside at night, look up
into the infinite sky to see
hundreds of thousands of stars
as they twinkle and burn endlessly
each and every night, a constant reminder
then step out on a night, when all
the stars fail to shine, disappeared, just not the same
what happened to them all
where did they go, that's how, i am
feeling right about now in this moment in time

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

today, I am reminded of you, in most days you are of
a random singular thought, my silent pause, my somehow
happy image to reflect, to look back on, with a smile or a
tear or two, you are an indelible mark upon my life this
woman of silent strength and dignity, who stood tall, in my
life-she, who surrendered her love to me forsaking herself
above all else, she who gave me breath to speak, my sight
with eyes to see, a mind to think it through, my senses given
pause, to me you are, above all, so take this time, life is precious
let every minute count, never forget, for if you don't all that
will be left, are random photos and the piece-meal memories

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

it was still mostly dark, with a crimson stripe
of the horizon, as my brothers and i trudged
into the thickets, ice snow chunks, crunched
under our boots as we tried to be quiet with every step
we felt our prey was close, a prized buck, we've
been hunting him for years without luck, when we spied
him a few years back and we said with each year
passing maybe this one, man against nature, as we wondered
who would win, yet each year, we came up empty-handed
so this year, we felt like luck was on our side, no reason why
it just was, so as we walked into the woods pushing branches
from this side to that, we pushed on, it was a couple hours now
as the sun fully rose, we still hadn't spotted him, we were
about to give up when my brother up head went shoosh so
we froze, both from the cold and the moment at hand, stock still
when a branch moved, it wasn't a branch,  it was him, the
prized buck slowly moving from side to side, it probably knew we were watching still it played along, none of us breathed except for the condensation  coming from all our all noses, in and out- it became a stand still none of us moved, neither man nor animal- it was a moment or possibly more as we stood that way- when the three of us took a step forward, one of us, which one, stepped on a dead tree branch that went  snap, as the three of us looked at each other in disbelief, not again, the  buck leapt forward over  a dead tree trunk and like that was gone, as we headed back to the car, no one placed blamed, we  were quiet each thinking what story we would use to explain why- as we all wondered to ourselves,  why we do this to ourselves year after year willing to leave our warm beds for  the chance to stand in the freezing cold, we created our
story of an animal made out of folk-lore status that grew from year to year

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

it was the day after, the storm
had barreled through the day before
leaving everything torn and tossed
as the sun was beginning to shine- little peeks
here and there, the sea had claimed victory
with such a furious power that it tore down the
jetty we all used to fish upon, it was now
a series of jagged rocks here and there like, marbles
thrown on a carpet mat, we are used to storms coming
from the sea, but this one rattled nerves, as i walked on
the length of the shore, as most locals would do
have done, with previous other storms, milling about
looking for something they could cook up for that nights meal
- i kept going on, soon i looked back, checking
my progress, everyone else was now scattered like
little dots, unrecognizable as people now, at this point
the air was cold and wet, as it bit into me- i should have
dressed warmer but i didn't think about it at the time
looking down at my feet, my shoes soggy with dampness
i came upon a small eddy of water far from where the incoming tide
was barely meeting the sand at this point, i gazed into the
small pool to see it teeming with life- the little creatures waiting
for the tide to come in and take them back to the relative safety
of the sea before any dangers could claim them- overhead, i heard
seagulls cawing squawking, making a lot of noise, they saw this little pool
of water as well, biding their time, making circles in the gray skies above
i looked back down at the small pool telling myself, not on my watch
so i planted myself into the soft, dank sand making my legs go
crossed legged to wait it out in the gloaming dusk for the tides eventual return

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jul 2020

every time, in a love worth the wait
simply spoken, no need for permission
call it passion -time after time, call it fate

face to face, emotions high, you and I
within our sights ready, here so close
when eyes meet, as if for the first time

you bring me to tears, my dear, my love
without delay, for in this time, a love
built upon, a trust so profound, proven

gently over and over, your lips touch mine
I feel your breath, with a fragrant bliss
against my face, distraction so divine

sweet side of heaven, my case to plead
buried emotions exhumed, deep within
to focus, our every consideration we take heed

while I whisper into your ear, the times blur
no one hears, as your reaction, says it all
encouraging our journey, we move further

with us, willing, here and now, we are truly one
in a touch so close, we feel our hearts beat,lost
to the loving, carried away, all night long till- the sun

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

today is your birthday
i can't believe how much
time has passed- between us, a coming and going
all the years piled up in a rush, now
as my look back begins, it began with my head
now with my heart, ready
to rethink, challenge your memory, the push and pull

i may not have been
what you wanted, i succeeded
just the same, beyond both our expectations
- still our connection to each other- or the lack there of
how we used the strangled, misused words, to describe
love, acceptance, understanding, caring, with our pained faces
scrunched, because neither of us would not budge, we drew a line
not to cross, you and i,  cut from the same cloth, agree to disagree
and each morning as i look at myself in the mirror, i see you, me
staring back, funny how that turned out,  so as i look
deep into your eyes, my wish on this  birthday, is that, if only
we had crossed that line then, taken the same side, i would not
have had to write about you years later, so candidly, still i am ready to shake myself free of continued guilt, and as time passes to
lessen the weight felt,  if  only you could have done the same
instead of leaving me here to hang on to empty space, between
here and there, so i will  continue to stare into the mirror looking
wishing, waiting, i hope to see some day that look in your eyes
ready and willing once and for all, as your sign of our shared compromise

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

first night of
the time change, still early
there's an eerie glow coming
from the street lamp ready
to leave a sickly green shadow
of the spaces in front and behind me
i am the only one out, i think-
to myself, or am i speaking out
loud, in an attempt to control my fears
setting in so  i keep walking further
thinking how odd comparing my
familiar street i live on, to how
it looks now in the dark, it becomes
this strange, unrecognizable quantity, i can't
seem to quite figure out, like this stranger about
ready to  cross my path, if so, how should i react

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020

to myself, I think the time has come
I've made up my mind, It's taken me years
to understand- it was never my fault
I  was blind to facts while always taking blame

today is the day, we both face the truth
you will not change, so change begins with me
I counted each day as a prison sentence
you as the warden to keep me in lock and key

why did it take so long to recognize why
I have no easy answers to explain
love is blind, and each time you think
that with a little more time, things will change

as I touch the doors handle, my hand shakes
I don't turn around to look back, or I will
surely remember the pain- it's tuesday morning
at 3:30 am- I've finall y taken all I can take

the street outside is silent, the light is barely through
my life has been a blessing, yet I've always felt the curse
as my mind races faster than I can comprehend, I stand here
thinking- my feet planted, to reflect on, a freedom deserved

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

Time is a candle
candle is time tick or flame
increments spaced out

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

who, by god
help us-what
have we
to ourselves
when- we did it-to us
-with backs were turned- where to
now,  as we run-to see the light
give in,  our take away
or stay put-
so why
should it matter, still
it does
can't you see-how
right now, if one
we all, act
get ready to do it- open your eyes
realize-to come this close
it's yours, my life-left to live-
if not hands up, no not yet
no never, or collapse under the weight
give it away, take it back, will we
should we, or surrender, in spite of it
all-to see through, for what end
too tired, we fight through, continue to
get hit and back up from - all the distractions
that seem to come here, there, every where  
at us -as we endure, disseminate, it all in, our own way

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

I am here today to comfort an old friend
we go way back -once, we took on the
world, anything was possible, we were best pals
like brothers, willing to do anything for
each other, over years and miles, no matter
what making it through we were invincible, so
we thought, and today I am  sitting by his side
holding his hand, to bring him comfort, ease
his pain for a time, to bring back our youth, that
everlasting prize in our folly we had, if just for
a moment, I will take him there, with each story
I will regale him, recalling memories, to recapture-our
eternal youth, once more,  drawn from a time capsule
I was turning back the years, just for him, I watch his eyes light up
he remembers the details, after a while , he squeezes my hand back
acknowledging it all, then his eyes tell me, enough for one day
he's tired, ready to close  his eyes, I look at him, beginning to
doze, so I lean in to his ear and whisper I'll be back, as I turn to go
his head against the pillow, I am comforted by the fact that
our friendship has survived everything, and so it will, even this

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2021

you are most like me, really, sometimes
it's like looking in the mirror, we have  
the same kind of self-effacing smile, our
ability to think of everyone but ourselves
our hearts in the right place, we show it
often, others might take offense, thinking
it to be overbearing, we mean well, it's our
way, which i hope will not be your burden
if anything, to be helpful to you, so on this day
it got me thinking, of the things i wish i could
have changed about me to be better for you, like
me not being there,  when you  needed me most
school events, your ball games, i wish i could
turn back the clock, on your disappointment in me
and my nonchalance about other things being more
important than you,  i should have made the time
also i wish i told you how much i love you, as i cherish
you  now, as the person you are, and the man you
have become; yes, we say it to each other now on
the phone, because we live so far apart,  but i believe
we truly mean it when we say it , so i am writing this
so that one day, when i am gone, and you look ahead
with your own children, you will  see what it all means
everything becomes so crystal clear, your eyes open  
wide and you accept the new reality that you have
a family,  i did that at first, but lost track of space and time
thinking, there was always next time, and next, so as
you read  my words, don't take anything for granted
because you will miss out on so much- be less like me
and more like you don't hold back, cherish the moments
budget your time, ask questions, follow through, learn
from your mistakes for there is nothing wrong with
having what you want, you are honest to a fault
you wear your heart on your sleeve it's your
badge of honor, cherish it, claim it, live life
fully, follow your dreams, be happy, go where
life takes you, cherish even the tiniest of
insignificant things before they are gone
so don't be like me-old and wishing what if, be
like you, forever looking forward with never a regret

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

to stand here looking down-from this height
one feels invicible with a feeling that comes over
of god- like;  to realize what it took to create life
from the seas, to the sky, the bird, the fish, the tree, each
blade of grass to the flower, the bee, the moth- snow and rain
the sun and the moon; all of life-laid out before me until
I realize I am but a mere mortal- made human; being unable
to comprehend; all the majesty of that;  which is impossible
made real, the possiblity-of a little faith-to answer the unanswerable

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

I am only just a man-my head-in the clouds
feckless, unsure until-you came along, having
a plan-to steal my heart

to make a lasting impression of love
filled with cherished moments- I will carry with me
from head to toe, I am yours

as our life takes shape and size
made of many colors, in broad strokes
a journey-painted with no regrets

we are focused and in control
our destinies assured as the years, come and go
while the lines criss cross our face, a testament to time and place

as if it was yesterday, when we first met
you will always remain, my best friend
so let us celebrate with song and dance

drink it all in-with friends and family, gathered
we are comforted-by love's point of reference
to always to be there-you and I bound together

forever and always, each others; true north star

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

caught between a rainstorm and the waiting sun
ready to push through and make its way
will be a minute or two in-between, seldom seen
otherwise willing to go unnoticed, still if you wait
for that momentary transition, letting it be revealed
by the pureness of the  unfiltered way  it
takes its turn between the rain and sun, and
in that minute transpiring, coming into view
will have its unaltered way with prisms of pure colored hues
and the majestic transition, giving hope to the rest of the day

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

there was a time- to change or not
our in between- us having a say
before and after- the trails and tribulations
back then; love was an abstract concept

whether through sleepless nights it would seem
out of each day wide awake living ordinary
to consequences of tossing and turning- heads spinning
it took time-for us to take a second look

whether being miles apart, or sitting right next to
it was up to us, pick up the pieces, put them back
learn from the ups and downs, till we figured it out
made crystal clear, paid dues, taken to heart, the getting through

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

for the house feels empty even
as the two of them walk the floor
with footsteps engaged, they are
in some kind of contest to see, who
can wear the floor boards down faster
back and forth, they pace, no end in sight
no words exchanged, between them, they stare
at each other as the rain thumps down on a
tin roof rusted, but some how it holds up better
then this old couple with their trust issues unresolved  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

we used to be friends
for years and years on end
in total shared experiences, it kept us

until a divide drove a wedge
between, a fault unseen
a chasm opened wide, no warning

now a fence divides our yards, a no mans
land between keeping the peace, for how long
neither of us knows or cares to even ask the other, why?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

the man is silently sleeping on the overstuffed couch
made out of tough batting, wires and patched fabric
holding the whole thing  together with tape and ingenuity
he loves it , always falling asleep right after dinner
and before the news,  a small glowing fire in the brazier
keeps the small room light and warm, he moves slightly
a little snort escapes from his mouth and nose, as he
shifts in position, his little dog Moose holding court
on a small braided rug in front of the couch, he has
one eye open and one closed from a previous accident
with a mishap with a fallen tree branch, the
man was so upset, as he took Moose to the Vet
they tried but couldn't save the eye, from that
day they were inseparable as the man needs the
dog and the dog needs him to help avoid further
mishaps, right now it's quiet as the man is sleeping
off a couple beers he had earlier, Moose scratches
an itch behind his ear, it's now later in the night
both are fast asleep and dreaming; the man dreams
he wishes he was closer to his family as he misses his
sons and the grandchildren he has never seen, while Moose
dreams of his missing eye and the half views he will never
see again unless he turns his whole head in that direction

by Michael Perry
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