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Michael Perry Aug 2020

there was a time-out of a not so distant past
where one simple act, currently abandoned
lies anonymous, still then, once a pleasantry
to each other, now;  this feeling  lost, to us
an act of kindness, we all once apportioned
with each other- a common emotional binding
one to the other, between us; a piece of humanity

-and he reaches for her hand warmly, to squeeze
she slightly; is startled, unprepared, not expecting
from his touch-their contact of skin on skin, once
thought harmless; a common joy, made to  give a
measure of reassurance-now shunned; still-she
reacts back, to his comforting act of kindness, they
now share- with this one gesture, his compliment
to her, with science put aside;  for the good of mankind
they continue holding hands; they both smile- testing
the current train of thought- all for loves sake- accept this or not
as reality-sets in; will it be the start of a keening sense of loss
-to all  other simple acts- this common sense of dignity, we shared
now suffer through;  for how long? - through no fault of our own

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

In those moments that held us cold and sober
where the silence crawls, apathy becomes the thrill
demanding all our attention, realizing the fight
in us was finished, a bitter pill we swallowed, moreover

to have a love you can't get back, our paradise lost  
a love left in redux, now a casualty, the final cost

like a half past moon, no reason to stay
we have nothing left to savor or hinder
with our tongues silently rendered, why
didn't love stay, paying the price, no say

love was a conversation in passing, no pat answer
we lift the flag of surrender- as love goes down under
if it wasn't enough, for us both, this love, we shared
a love we once devoured, to fight or flight, now a blur

to have a love you can't get back, our paradise lost  
a love left in redux, now a casualty,  the final cost

honesty our only option, with hearts laid out on the sleeve
while in the morning after, it was the wedge to drive us away
truth or consequence, was it you, or was it me, maybe both or
a little bit of happenstance, a part of our growing make believe

to have a love you can't get back, our paradise lost  
a love left in redux, now a casualty,  the final cost

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

in the warmth of a first kiss  
or the chill of a relation in flux
we were better then this

with everything we have known
once truly believed in, our love slowed
each leaf of passion, fallen to the ground

what is left to say
as we stand like strangers
here now, arms out- kept at bay

we cannot explain
for being careless with our love
is it possible, have the strength to change

can we love on,  or have dreams deferred
save it within reason, have a plan
somehow make it right; explain the unexplainable

do we realize this
or apologize in vain
when feelings hurt-whose to blame

who were we protecting
with words that trivialize
emotions caught upending

can we love on, give up all we had
or should we make another go
face it all, the good, the ugly, the bad

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

love plays a part
in all of our lives
whether it be
familial, genuine, or the pure
love is stronger than life itself
reaching beyond even death
for more than anything
the human mind cannot comprehend
so as you assuage the pain let it ebb, flow
cry yourself to sleep, when the  tears let up, dry
know that love will be there, to carry on, remain infinite

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

no mere words, can ever express
my deepest love, I feel for you
to dream awake thinking of how to-make our love
last forever-only God knows the timeline of
how much time we have together-but if I could
with each little prayer, if he's listening; to possibly grant
and extend our time; beyond the concept of human reality
I would; ready for us-to defy what's known of space and time

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

couple finds a bench
eat sandwiches- birds swoop in
spilled crumbs-lunch is served

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

You and I
once made a pact - to a love that was new
as the years gathered, so did the silences
as we avoided conversations, to be in the same room
we once did-now not the same as the
golden lustre of youth slowly died, so do we here, surrender
with our hands up, clearly  the stars that night
such a long time ago, did betray, the innocent beginnings
of a love that was never given a life to breathe on it's own

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

she walks, making them wait, in heels and hose
for so long she stands under a street lights metallic glow
to give them what they want, as cars pull up slowly
she pauses long enough, for a deep breath, and another show

what happens next, will be up to her
before the future slips away, to take control of her destiny
make mountains move; realize the possibilities

in the shadows, strung out, lost in an absent stare
he comes one step closer, to maybe losing it all
he waits only to score, knowing he lives out there
heading for a dangerous fall, or just another close call

what happens next, will be up to him
before the future slips away, to take control of his destiny
make mountains move; realize the possibilities

unable to sleep, she sits there in the dark
she cries night after night, at the door, she stares
he's still not home, he will be very soon
the children close on her mind, she will endure, bearing all

what happens next, will be up to her
before the future slips away, to take control of her destiny
make mountains move; realize the possibitities

What happens next is anybody's guess

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

on days countless, empty headed- would
lead into something random, where
I am not complete, of missing a
thought or two, a slight remembrance, here
there, comes a flicker of light, to come; go
there-into this dizzying fog; to consume-to
over come me, in an instance, no control
taking every word from out of my mouth- each syllable
missing their cue, to where, I am, I was, what now
for losing them; into the air- this mixing jumble
of words sentences going no where, as you sit
watching helpless, with just your simple touch
it steady's my focus- to make right the wrong

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

as the sun sets
it brings on another night-
where one half the world is a sleep
still a third, have one eye open
then there are a few
who just wonder why, mostly aloud
to themselves, no one else around
then there' s me
hoping and praying, both my eyes pried wide
unable to close them, to the hours they trickle down
then as I watch the sun ready to rise
up behind some cloud cover, to bring on
a brand new day-I will do my part, tired
unprepared, to welcome it -with weightless, open arms  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

first thing in the morning
as the pewter sky changes
just before into the golden sunrise

across the land shivering
under a frost crusted blanket
life is still, dead quiet

between the land and the horizon
lies a half frozen pond, one-eyed
ready to reflect a bashful moon up high

into the stilled darkness being enveloped
comes a mournful cry, animal or bird, there by
a single way that leads out, down melancholy road

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

worked at the company for years
with nothing to show-the man he approached me
told me my jobs on the line, as he handed
me a pink slip-then he walked me to the door
- said he was sorry

now  all I have is worry on my mind
in the next days as I hit the hot dusty pavement
trying to look ahead, not back; Lord, I am struggling
I need a prayer heaven sent- ready to accept fate
-can anyone save me

I try to remain proud, while feeling emotionally spent
with my mind a constant blur, each night finds
me on bended knee, ready to fight for an intervention
when one doesn't come, I don't deserve this hell, why me?
- no one will look me in the face

dont want my kids to hate me
the wife thinks I drink, too much
I'm left in a funk, going nowhere fast , why now
why me- I'm a middle aged american male
-obsolete, easily replaced.

don't want any hand outs, just shake my hand
tell me im hired, use a comforting word or a simple hug
I want to stop feeling the pain, only drink assuages my pain
where is my family, when I need them the most
- how much can one man bear

dont want my kids to hate me
the wife thinks I drink, too much
I'm left in a funk, going nowhere fast , why now
why me- I'm a middle aged american male
-obsolete, easily replaced.

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

out over the horizon's touch
far beyond any reasonable land-
where the sun meets the sky
is a place that -never had a name
found in the  glistening waters of
the north atlantic sea; ready to shimmer
like mirrored glass; reflecting on the
bodies of the artic tern and the swallow
as they swoop in their migrational
journey back, looking homeward- not
stopping until- as  a pod of humpback whales
follow along- diving and flapping their tails
being the giant masters of hereditary- who
come  back year after year to the place
they've always known- in their constant search
for a shoal of krill-there till, as the sun sets pink
on a month of transitions-soon to be fully realized

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

In the distance of
images blurred-hard to tell, coming into focus
a  full view
there it is, then not

glistening pools of
coolness, with sand and palms, pleasures overflow
to slaking ones thirst, or rest ones head
there it is, then not

to live in the dream of trying to forget
belief suspension, made so real, ready
to touch, to see, clear as day
there it is, then not

as the mind plays tricks, downplaying, it's own reality check

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

I dreamed of you
anticipation grows
to come back, I know it's been awhile
to come home-with fleeting memory
I recalled-every detail; beach sand, dunes, salt
prodigious grases, still you kept me waiting
let my heart die, turned your back-became
bitter like a lover spurned; denied me-kept your distance
made me a refugee-cast me off- In time though
all has changed, we grow older, bad memories fade
we cling to debris as a life line, you threw to me, I took it
with one last chance to claim my native son status. to breathe in
the salt air-I missed it, to taste on my tongue-again
still remember though, we are complicit
all is forgiven-for now, you and I -together, reconciled

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2021
MISS CAPE COD (a rewrite)

i still dream of you, even now, as memories become
part of life, we grow apart we come back
its been awhile both of us ready for this, you are
as i remember you, do i look the same? yes i know
i have changed, grown older, still, we are who we are
that has not changed, the world, the environment
that is what has changed us both, i remember
all the good times and some of the bad still we got through
you and i,  i am ready to see you again, ready to
let bygones be bygones, ready to breathe in the air of remorse
-i missed you, let us both not forget though that
we are both complicit;  all is forgiven-for now, you and i
-reconciling our differences for the moment

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

to the woman who has captivated
for all time-coming closest to
human perfection, she;  found in an alcove
down a museum hall, to be admired, the
world over, having her subtle  smile preserved
with a focused light trained on the canvas- as
her darkened eyes reflect- some- thing of a
secret detail never revealed- she of the beauty
and of womanhood-surpassed- sits unaware,with
all the voyeuristic eyes trained on her, the contrast
of light and dark; her image imbued- as you move
from, side to side admiring the artist concept -of she
who sat unmoved, unchanged-what was she thinking
as she sat there- then you think to yourself-somehow
a reaction resolves-itself as you are reminded, that
you know her, yet you  can't quite put your finger on
it- or was it your eye, just playing a trick-  and or was
that the artist's intention all along

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

this morning seems like every other
an alarm clock chimes to remind, so
rub away the sleep, pull back the covers

and this day begins, not looking as you may think
shades of an indifferent stranger, staring you down on
the train, whatever you do, stare back, don't blink

still and all, just get up, rise and shine, no ones to blame
so force yourself, if you must, take it all in stride whatever
you tell yourself, like the rest of us, we never complain

so don't even try, it won't matter , for all the lies  
we tell ourselves, can't let it bother you
for no matter what else you will do in this life

you can't change the fact of death and taxes, so no hysteria
it's a just a matter of fact in your life...unless?
so dig in rise and shine welcome to morning,  in America

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2022
Mother Sun, Father Moon (inspired by Sylvia Plath)

your little girl, like Mona Lisa never smiled
still you breathed me to life
i was undeserving, given center stage
while a hidden pain lay until exposed  
i fell off the edge, not back to earth
a sanitarium waited, i lived till i died
-you both have yourselves to blame

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

you stand there so still
feet dug into the wet sand
your back facing toward
the open dune with your arms raised
as if pleading; wanting to be taken
you cannot live without her, so you
pray to be with her now, as breezes coo
and caress, too gentle, almost kind
as if trying to soothe your broken heart
so the waves only puddle there at your feet
not the waves you were hoping for; ones
to push you out into deeper water, to
take you to her, it does not happen; you are
left standing there; alone, dejectedly still
as the sea whispers back, it is not your time

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

with each attempt to create from a simple blank page
i hope to write something great, will settle for profound
parsing every word i use as a guide down through the age
to give it life, shape shift, twist, glean verb, from noun

to share the untold, reveal my truth,  unleash the unknown
and with each line i will write- to go there, get into, delve
showing that as a writer i have come along,  grown
reveal myself, show the world instead of hiding and shelve it

its has taken me years to overcome, claim i arrived and reflect
so to everyone who reads my words, the deepest of gratitude
for there is only the written word, and our shared respect to
do what we do, as we pursue all those still untapped multitudes

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

my family, they come they come, ready to seek to
find; they walk, to see, to hold what's dear; my family
like yours- or any other, they come, still they come
to escape, implore, never to go back, ready to conquer
their fear, while searching for freedom, and in return
they will come if only for a little piece of dignity, with no
choices left, they come  they come wanting only to be
just be; decisions made, uprooted, they come, hand in hand
never to be separated, or left for persecution, still they will come
ready now to find themselves, to find somewhere else, yearn
to be free, words being the barrier, a hope against hope to
look for some place safe,  they come, they come, ready to face
the unknown they come, my family, they come, still they come
searching, willing to experience to assimilate no longer worried
with their burdens buried assuaged from a heavy heart, they come
they come, lost in to the crowds, seen, be heard, to be strong
to carry on- to be just like you and me- live the american dream
have faith in to believe, cries of humanity;  strikes a chord, have
someone accept them, take them in, leave no one left behind, they
will march through the heat, down the side streets, very little food
or water, with an occasional hand out, they will cross rivers deep
the thousands without sleep, still they are strong, with possessions
on their back, little children in tow, they look to the mountain wall
with all memories left behind, they proceed, another obstacle to
overcome, still they move in a wave, a force, to one day- be a model
citizen, made more resilient from struggles to over-come; they will
come my family, still they will come ; my family ready to follow in the footsteps of every emigrant who made the impossible possible

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

my little black dog
trots bounding into the room, happy
a bundle of energy, she comes
upstairs with the intent to disrupt me
as i work to write; distracting me
away from my task at hand, which is
to write something, anything,  worthy of value
for you the loyal reader of mine
she goes in and out between my legs
anxious and calculating how long it will
take her, to take me with her, still i sit for a moment
while the words percolate, and then slowly, methodically
they slip away from my brain, she continues to circling back
and forth, convinced that if she does it long enough, i will
have to do what she wants, as i look down at her
she wags her tail feverishly, knowing she has my attention
her chocolate brown eyes seem to say  who is more important
me or your reader? and at that, a decision must be made

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

my love,   my love
with a hearts on fire, my heart is filled with desire, I speak your name
enuciate- dedicate my life, to touch, of this woman, my breath barely
escapes, flesh made reactive- rush upon the tide, the moon is full-white upon white
in hot whisper- cold sheets- collarbone kiss; touch of tongue, cleft of thigh
with sweet desire flame made high- moments succincintly, love has meaning
there up on the altar flesh of our truth- dawn is close, in shared communion we
look to the joy, out of the bodies hum, we will claim the unbidden, to each to each
in singular times, we are bound one  to one-flesh made of our purpose; a vow-taken
as the two souls awaken- we continue on, on -to; to give in, to, as we consecrate love

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

my love, my love
we come together
two as one- you, I, rain or sun
we are weathered, little worn
for better for worse, my love
we have endured
in this life, you and I
my love, my love, my love
for this and that or anything else
of any matter, we have been together and back
we will love , we will love we will
each other
the end of our time

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021

rise up to the day
catch every white silence  
bask in cold water

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

hurry quick, last day of the year
before the clock strikes twelve
say all that needs to be said before;

just a couple hours before
two lovers in a previous life
reconnect, over drinks, at
a familiar bar, soft light, warm fires
burning, intimate, beginnings of
a new beginning, they talked
as if, time never left, they held hands
where would this lead, into each
others eyes, they would look, capturing
that spark once lit

they decided to walk down town
capture the activities there, ring in the new year
as  they walked arm and arm, they were caught
off guard by a stranger brandishing a gun-he demanded
all their money, he refused, as the stranger gave a
warning, he still refused, a shot rang out, he collapsed
to the ground, as the stranger ran into the dark
she knelt by his side, where she wept in silence, there was
nobody coming, his last words to her, "if i had only known"
as the snow began to fall now in heavy wet feathered flakes
ready to cover up; a failed crime scene; now, fade to black

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2022
Our day was the most normal of all
meeting for breakfast, we were in love
looking into each others eyes, here
at our favorite café, where we met most
days, we sat at a corner table which
was set with fresh picked flowers
we ate croissants and drank chicory
oh to be in love like this, then at one point
it happened, his mood seemed to overtake
the moment; like a cloud covering a sunny day
then he casually said to me without any
further instance of emotion, that it was over
he could not go on anymore, he had fallen
out of love with me, how could this be
we had been together for a long time, there
was no consignment or strings attached, foolishly
thinking, we could make this work, albeit
discreetly, he left me in stunned silence
then got up and removed himself from the table
as I sat alone for a moment, quickly acquiescing
to leave, making my way home where I
paid the babysitter and sat in my chair with my head
back to ponder next moves-oh yes there
would always be next moves to make

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
Night Fall- Sunrise

Where it all
comes together; the
in between time
where the heart
longs for love; the
body complies, in the
memories rush coming
alive to aid the flesh, by
touch-deep down in the fire -of ones core  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
        (homage to  Edgar Allan Poe)

looking into eyes made of smoke, asking
you to make ready-with it's breath
of death, telling you to suspend all belief
with it's thin lip speak, on a red-smeared
made to order coming  out of a
bleeding scar of disgust, sharp teeth
forked tongue, licking in-between- and then
the lines blur, as it  continues to spew lies
ready to show you, a world turned
upside down, still, wanting you, only
you to release more of its brethren
out into the world unless somehow you
crack the devil code, and then you look
deep inside a dark tunnel made of mirrored
glass creating splitting images of you staring back
albeit, a  distortional picture, like in a fun house
foretelling what's to come, unless you fight back
and then from out of nowhere a body-less arm
grabs a hold of you, won't let go unless, still  
somehow you wake yourself up from
this nightmare that has truly got you shaken
in a  show of will, you stir yourself from
sleep having eyes stay wide, you fight
with all your might, from the covers in
which you find yourself ensnared, you tremble
with relief, as your heart beats fast, sitting
up straight in bed, into the mirror on your
dresser showing a face you cannot identify
you open your mouth to scream, and nothing
comes out as you hold on, for its not over yet

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

she brushes her hair
stares into the mirror
stroking, 98, 99, 100
doing it every night, like religion
believes in the power, she wields
her feminine mystique explored
without it, she is a woman flawed

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

still dulled between the eyes and with the
random anonymousness of it all, coming into
focus there in the shadowed room, a mix of legs and arms
are in a tangle twisted, together their expectations
sated-it is early morning as the light peeks through
from the dark curtains slightly pulled back-to reveal
the golden aura  of anticipation coming to a conclusion
which is a far cry from what remains of the disregard
all the disorder, colliding within having been sustained
throughout from the pulled back sheets bunched
into a knotted pile; or the random lip stick stain left
on the deflated pillow case; ashamed,  while there
on the tacky vinyl table top, sits two glasses, remaining
half full, or keep in mind, the results  of a random
exchange of different denominations agreed upon- for all
is silent save for the soft whisper of breathing, from the
current occupants, then a clock alarm preset goes off
each one retreats to their part of the room to gather up
scattered belongings, to crisscross the room-absolved
of a momentary lapse of guilt once they begin their exit
from the room letting the door slam shut behind, to the
elevator, as the bell rings, doors swing open wide, they
enter and turn to face forward silent still as the doors close
they stare straight, to the last thing their eyes will see is the
customary paper sign, they left on the door handle to the maid
a reminder that the room is ready for her caustic cleaning, for
which the maid will make her customary minimum wage
regardless even so,  it is not her place to  make any judgements
on who comes  and goes, for she only cares if she was  left
a minimal tip for the pleasant stay that was had and to make sure
the  room is put back into place before the next customer arrives

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

you've shown me in ways a love so true
from out of everything good-I don't take light
for I know there is no me without you

looking forward as the whole world turns
we make ready our own gravitational pull  
coming together often  in a love fire burn

years from now as the sun rises up in the sky
and the moon shows bright  every night leaving
only the stars to tell our story of love undenied

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

usually a year
comes and goes
without nary a blink
we never recognize
the coming or the going
as it passes into time
still we know this year
will remain in infamy  
for all that we disdain
holding it against itself
we wont even say good bye
we will only say good riddance

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2021

there is time and there is place
above the quiet of it all-then, as now
absolve oneself to memories lost
try as they might, like words on a page
to form the familiar;  all the joy the sadness
the mundane, waiting collected, gathered
to this place, to go to in time of need
as one does  in reflection, introspection
to consider, to establish, to determine
if only by chance, to let in, or turn away for good
in this time of why and what will be, to witness
to interpret the past, present and future by the ashes
of the once was, drifting, lifting away, simple now, in quiet
flakes of gray snow swirling, gathering to float upward
into the winds of change, as one individual swept up in the
middle of it all, gathers their thoughts, looks skyward  and
readies themselves once more to continue walking
along the many miles of shore in the name of no regret

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021
NO SECOND CHANCES (inspired by Sylvia Plath)

in all my moments alive, as the inky darkness thrives
among the trees standing in shadow like black animals
at attention, undefinable, they stand frozen, like me

what of life or death, ah, treacherous with obscenity's
i curse you stars to be wished upon, you have failed me
i am without voice, nor a tongue nowhere to be found

i am but a little girl lost, searching for a way to go home
i am without point, verge of insanity, still looking, always
so i write as a salve to explain away these wounds inside me

it has given me perception to delve into psyche's not mine  
what i could not find or fulfill in my short time alive, i know life
like death is a one way street no second chances, a dead end

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

what is it, tell me, as you twist and squirm
on the couch next to me agitated, or something
so tell me-this is not you-as you get up; and i
try to move in closer, and you cross the room
to the fireplace, to stir the dying flame, poking it
and in an instant what should have come alive; died
you are still standing, half in shadow, clearly fussing
and momentarily, i forgot where i was,  in that time
you moved further away, i find it hard to take a breath
you did not notice;  i know whats coming- as i see it
in your eyes; betrayal- giving you away, i feel nothing
i stand up to freshen my drink, stare into the mirror
on the wall, i don't turn back, i walk out of the room
i am like a stone, cold, un-moving not giving you the
benefit to explain- i am no longer obsessed with love

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

you were made so very fragile
perfection down to the detail in every way
the reason why, you were made collectible
to pique my interest- add you to my
collection; one of a kind's, to admire you
from an arms length-  until one day, I
felt the need to bring you down for
a better look-I should have known better
that's when it happened; I became distracted
momentarily; but it was enough, for you
to slip through my fingers and crash onto
the kitchen floor, shattering into a million little
pieces, jagged, made un-recognizable; and
there I was - on my knees, about ready to cry-the
realization setting in, you were gone , I- unable to
make you better, to put you back- to make you whole

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

in life, a vow made is a vow kept- into
a lovers open arms, willing to commit
ready to be swept, together, having voices
climb declaring themselves, to sing sweet
as the heart jumps, leapt through the chest
overcome with feelings, nothing is greater
than a love to pursue, if you find the one
keep her, make her your own, sweep her into
your arms as you woo her tenderly, for when
it comes to a love ordained, nothing will keep
a man from a woman willing to share love so true

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

of her 98 years
the dowager recalls, her life
all of it-still; with such vivid detail
recounting and recalling past loves-and of a life
thoroughly enjoyed-to it's fullest-having no apology
as she endured her life; with no passing
after-thought- if you want, she continues on
I could tell you so much more; if you'd like- as you
politely decline- then she,  with a passing of her
withered hand rebukes your acquiesce, as she turns
her head away from view; whether in contempt -or
pure disdain, as you sit bedside ignored-she then closes
her eyes taking leave-excusing your presence straight away

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

each piece of me
I have given to you

at a time, of myself in this
I freely relinquish

my body and soul
always ready and willing

coming to terms, I have abandoned all else
for the sake of this, there is no compromise

to this end for love- you are, I sought out, we are made to endure
from the ordinary, to every star shine, the moon and back to earth
surpassing all- for no other, reminded, we, forever and always

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

there is this story about a tree, in our town
oldest one around, surviving all this time
whether by wind, rain, hurricanes-even
lightening strikes, nothing ever brought it down
it stood tall; as people from out of town would
come and ask, what was worth seeing around here
so we would always point to the tree, it began
drawing crowds large and small, by word of mouth
people would come from far and near, wanting their
pictures taken with the oldest tree in the country
as the time went by the tree became quite famous
notably on the news, or stories in print, all of which
took on a life of its own  gaining all this notoriety-everyone
knew of it-this went on for years, and while at first, us;
the towns folk never noticed it, thought we had taken
care of the tree, we did not pay enough attention; people
had been touching the tree all this time, maybe for
good luck or a reverence for it; who knows, still slowly
it took its toll people even removed pieces from it, making
off with the bark as a souvenir, that's all it took, most
noticeable were the  bald spots along it's trunk, this
invincible tree which stood in our town for hundreds of years
was susceptible to only one thing, that  which finally brought
it down-the smallest of them all, unnoticed by the naked eye
- the final cause of death-a human germ, passed by a single touch

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020
OLD MAN  -about father's and son's

I called you on the phone- you answered slow
each time, as you spoke, gathering your thoughts, parsing
every word- at first-not recognizing me, then a spark of the familiar

you said, my name as we made small talk this day and every day
our common thread to kindle, of the days events; such generalized
things; the weather, your health- the house needing repairs, all
the by and by, still and all, until then when

the conversation would eventually peter out, we agreed to
speak again soon, we never touched upon, to say "I love you"
each time remaining, complacent, aloof, and during this silence
all I could think of was what I needed to do-once I hung up with him-

and  now your gone-of this I realized much too late
-of the common, the mundane, the thread that bound us
one to the other, as father and son

am I like you?- I wondered year after year- as I saw your
reflection staring back at me, in the mirror- and now, thinking
I wish I had turned the conversation back to us- to make it about us
to say I love you, and really mean it- for I never told you, you
were my original superhero- the person I most wanted to be, then
over time-as we took each other for granted, your presence diminished but your memory lives on

I am the Father now- and a Grandfather too, and with every conversation I have with my sons I tell them I love them and they to me-I don't want them to think that  saying "I love you" is un-manly- something you don't say out -loud, my  sons are of a different generation as I was to my Father  and this is a
good thing for all of us, knowing unconditionally that we as men can give love and receive love to each other and not be afraid to speak it out loud or to show it and accept this as our gift to each other; as father and son(s).

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

counting the days with the long
and slow, much has come between as we
lead other lives, to this point, meeting again
now under the changed circumstances to
rekindle, what was left- would it still be the
same as before, or has time chastened ours to
nothing more, from a once growing flame, previously
expunged-that followed different paths, to now
how can we be sure, as we share a gaze into each
others eyes, would it  tell us everything, we will
need to know,  as we start over, with an initial embrace
will we still be lovers or just replaying- love's foolish game
somehow wanting to be coaxed again- or will one touch be enough
as our bodies find the confidence, once more, with hands over
our hearts as we confess true love- between us, once and for all

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020
counting the days; the long and slow of it
much has come between us, as we
lead other lives-now; to this point, I resigned
to letting you go; until our chance meeting-  again
now under these changed circumstances, do we
rekindle, what was left; would it still be the same
or has time tempered our view-from a once growing flame
to where we are now; as we share a moment, ready
to gaze into each others eyes for the first time or last
would it  tell us everything, we will need to know; as we
start over, with an initial embrace, will we still be lovers
or just replaying- love's foolish game, somehow; wanting
to be coaxed again- or will one touch be enough, as our bodies
find the confidence, once more, with hands over  our hearts
as we confess true love- between us, once and for all

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

from my window
there to glimpse
I watch the birds; assorted
set down to feed, frenzied
from a slanting rain, they seek out
to gather peck and scratch
while in this moment of
lost souls, well-nigh contemplative
I look up and as the clock
chimes out the hour, feeling the
assault of lonely moments gather, I am aware then as
before the yard has emptied out once more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

I have only the paper left by you, each line for line
in that perfect script your known for,  every word
so precise thought-out, telling, still, what could be
said, the damage now done, I was left unprepared to
have this note-from you-and like that; gone, all the
possibilities unfulfilled, the good, the sweet-the
what could have been's, your note left for me to read
in that  cursive font, so recognizable, right away, in your
do it that way style, just so you, prepared in ink, already
beginning to dry, your words blur, while I read each one
bleeding through  blue as the words , are lost I cry, watching  
as your perfection stated in cursive disappears, right before my eyes

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

king of his domain the orange cat lazily
ponders, catches the rays of the sun, stretching
gives a yawn, bored, readies to moves on
why not, so he searches for birds, beyond
the closed sun porch screen, weary of this
he jumps down off the settee with a muted thud
he looks around, what else to do? still looking
for more, he settles on all the sundry things
provided by the empty house, like chasing dust *****
that blow across the hardwood floor, tired of that
he is now ready to doze off, dreamily searching for
that elusive mouse- so ready to settle their score

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

you and i
once made a pact, to be not
like everyone else, to be
ourselves, no matter what
everyone else did, so we would do
our best, to not be ordinary, to stand apart

so here we are trapped
in the same old routine, this life
we warned ourselves of what would happen
if we slipped and became ordinary
the drain of being just plain, it was not
what we signed up for, so what? resist?

so maybe, just a thought, for us to ponder  
here's a penny for your thoughts
it seems about right, in some ways
ordinary served us better, just saying
how we spend our lives now, it could be worse, whether
ordinary or extraordinary, we are together
shouldn't that be how it's supposed to be, don't you think?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

to love you in this our days
we count, as if every minute- were to stop, all of time
willing to accept, the simplistic, uncomplicated, unbound
feelings we have for each other , two becomes as one  

like the moon sun all the countless stars
evolving around the two of us
we are the center of this, our universe
dark to light flying by, our love evolving, taking a stand

with just a smile, you are
my light, unfazed, never fading, elemental
comforting and warm, ready to guide me
i am  weightless, like air, under your control

we are two souls, who have searched
across the universe, looking for that one
lost until found, then not ready to stop  
as all becomes one, we are together, realized

as you lay your body next to mine, we are unapologetic
i can feel  your heart beating in time with mine, ready to dream
the dream of lovers who ask nothing else of each other
knowing that still up ahead, our best is yet to come

by Michael Perry
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