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Michael Perry Oct 2021
HAIKU one of two

morning comes sunrise
take a deep breath feel alive
life begins again

night comes moon up high
exhale slow take it all in
body mind renewed

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020
HAIKU POEM  (pandemic fatigue still we must carry on- not give up)

darkness to the light
better days will be here soon
wear a mask for love

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021
Haiku- untitled  
late season storm strikes
wind rain power reactive
with life over death

by Michael Perry

you and i love deep
facing, valleys, peaks, head on
risking it all to keep  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

with only the stillness
to guide me, through the encrusted paths
that were crisscrossed by the years
and the few who made this trek before
they all came, as I have now, to
seek the solace of the lumbering pine
and the secrets they held within

as the early sun cut through
it would lead me further on to find
a cathedral within the woods, once I came upon
it, there were no words to explain, how I felt, it took
my breathe away, I was overcome with emotion as if
being taken over, I could only imagine, what others
might have felt  as they too would have reflected on
what they had seen, if only to accept the majesty of
age and repose, for in -these years it took to create
what laid before, and for those seeking to find, this
was a place of hallowed ground

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

we stare across from each other
our arms are folded, no one blinks
we show no regard for each other
brazen, our attitude, most stubborn

the clock ticks the minutes down
it's like we don't even breathe
we hold ourselves stock still
this is no longer a war of words

we have gone passed the point of return
willing to behave like two petulant children
without consent for the other's feelings, so we sit
like this refusing to budge, just then, the phone begins to ring

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
HEAD OVER HEART (or vise versa)

to speak of love
it begins with the heart
have no doubt, though
your head will always ask for equal time

listen to all the words
that are coming through
do they ring true, or
fall flat - to give you false hope      

whichever way you want
to believe  know that forever
is on the line
when it comes to head over heart, or vise versa

hold your ground, do not give in
until  you are  convinced, truly
talking it through-a second opinion helps
when it comes to head over heart, or vise versa-listen to both sides
by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

back in the day
I could hold my liquor
better than most, feeling good
with no price to pay
steady as a rock, I would be
whoever each time, playing a role
no consequence no rules, feeling invincible
living out  my heady days of youth
most days now, you will find me
sitting in the park, alone; talking to the pigeons
as they gather at my feet, while I
drink out of a disheveled paper bag
these days I collect spare change that falls
falls from stangers hands, or the occasional
quarter I will find on the ground- oh yea,  heady days
of youth- what of it, don't miss -what I can't recall

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

the heat cut through
like a knife to butter
soft, yellow, puddling and
the mirage up ahead, lead one to believe
there was water- somewhere to be found
which brought further confusion
-despair, when the mirage turned up dry

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

in what feels
like a way station
for the people-of ethereal
to move about;  a difference of realities
they mill around to
take their turn-there
is no pushing, everyone
gets in line, fully cooperates
coming from everywhere
all walks of life
white, black, yellow, brown, red
filling up all the space
they smile, or
give a pat on the back
reassuring; to usher each other through
to the waiting gate; young and the old
gathering together ready
to make their way, destined to
board the crosstown bus, be heaven bound

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

Unable to think-forsaking love's path
all sense of reason gone-ready to collide
left us here in our pain and it's aftermath

as we remember all the details one by one
having no words to give us sway- or turn and run
stop the clock- let it play out -before it's begun

give us the beating heart-a bigger part- hope to try
see what we didn't see- break it down-just a formality
to make all the difference between hello and goodbye

we are made to explain-give it name- or pretend
every single time-we fought the urge-carry on
longing to savor-raise the white flag- fight to defend

as we catch ourselves-prepare for what's next
rally round- hold on tight- face unknowns-head on
take a step- one at a time-as we catch a breathe

wanting to be reasured-make it right- keep it tender
lovers on the verge-we must press on
hold up our hands-give in -fess up-ready to surrender

we are lovers in fight or flee-in dreams believed
damage control-we hold out-belief made real
promises kept-whatever happens next- love is realized

give us the beating heart-a bigger part- hope to try
see what we didn't see- break it down-just a formality
to make all the difference between hello and goodbye

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

the sea reminds me
every time, i come here
of what it means; beginnings and endings
i go there to stand  and watch
as the waves come in and out, almost like
breathing, water is life, like me, we communicate
with each other, somehow we relate
memories in the form of grains of sand
wash ashore, laid at my feet to peruse over
once more, each a piece of memory, establishing itself
something old, lost, long forgotten
but i remember, here it all comes back
over and over like ripples on a wave
flooding me with images, reminding me
i am human, filled deep with all emotions
that push and pull, like an ebb and flowing tide
to make me, who i am, make me feel to
bring me back, if only right here and now
to people and places, i thought were lost
i took them for granted, here they live and breathe
in the only way they can, here they communicate
to me, with the sea as my bridge between of what
is real and what is a dream i want to forget, either way i am
buoyant able to carry on, water as salvation, saves me

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

all I ever wanted, I will never know
In a field of crow, that failed to scatter
while the ground lay covered with snow

In the stillness her breath rose with mine
climbing skyward, only to fall again as tears
Her eyes dreamed of conquest, through a filtered light

I touched her porcelain bone and alabaster skin
we danced, as the day spawned into night
a musical dirge played, only we could hear

I watched her body as it corrupted mine
her beauty held me spellbound, to the point of no return
I knew then, I would be lost; needing her to remain

all I ever wanted, I will never know
becoming the absolution, I had denied myself
In a field of crow, that failed to scatter, while the ground lay covered in snow

we danced, as I gave up all of my earthly rights
as if by a memory, her face retained its complexity
spilling over, in a kiss, her lips left mine insane

within the jagged harmonies broken by a stillness, to a fault
I let her go, the fear of losing her, to think I could have it all
then, she was gone, as the light, left my eyes, blind, denying heaven

as winter laid claim, I stand alone in this barren field
all the crows that failed to scatter
while the ground lay covered in snow

I live now to weep another day, truly lost
without meaning or in a days end, sleepless
her image gleaned, on flesh and bone, age and memory, no reward

with a sinner's heart, down on bended knee, All I ever wanted
I will never know in a field of crow, that failed to scatter
while the ground lay deeply covered in blanket of snow.

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

cover to cover lies a skein colored sky full of clouds made from rayon thread
so let us take a drive  and head in any direction  down                  highway 41
paved in        a  blending of   fabrics piece by piece                   stitch by stitch
                                       held fast                together
by a serious barbed wire fence                                                so think  quick
will we go fast or slow                possibly                          head for the border
because that which defines  us                                                   will determine  
make us realize  none too soon     who we are as a people         to interpret laws
use our unintiated  eye     over wishful thinking                           so wait for it                 
when the lights go on be ready  to see    reach whats beyond      to search for to find  
that  somewhere place  safe   there     lost in a patchwork        of layered horizons- we call it home

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

the tree, with it's roots, ready to dig deep
to claim a space, to tolerate all that
it will surround, letting the branches rise up
to feel what it receives through it's leaves
by a sun  grateful to share, and gentle rain
slowly becomes the welcome mote, to drink
up, stay strong, sustain itself, ingratiate
further, to encourage growth, for all the
years it will stand tall, unmatched, unsuspecting
until such a time, the unspeakable will happen
through fire, wind, the heavy rains, willing to bring
down this pillar of strength, till nothing else remains

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

wild horses running free
speed and dignity, proud
mighty animal beast
unbound, to roam
without fear, unchained
the souls blaze with fire
power unrestrained
as lightening strikes
having legs of muscle and sinew
ripping at the air
this is their home
a desolate place
courage, above all
swift as the night
in silhouette, over a setting sun.

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

Hunter's moon
yellow stained hangs suspended
lonely; darkness falls
cursed stars spill out of a blanket of night
still transposed; giving silent creatures their cue
a barn owls somber call quickens as the heart of a
squirrel's tail twitches making way through thickets tumble
nixing escape from perils flight
December's petrified wood leaves nature standing dormant
for a time keeping no secrets tonight
once dawn breaks the morning mist hangs stubborn masking
the forest facade from view

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
I am, because of you
seen through your eyes
love is my reward

made out of flesh and bone
you let me see;  blessed, truly
while the sun rose and fell

from your smile
having two fates we are sealed
forever justified, together sanctified

from this love where
no boundary divides, in its capacity  
I am; because of you, in this, our love will live on

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

i am a child  of the city, tough as nails, who plays a part
hoping each day, no harm no foul, will come to me
some days are good while others are more than bad
you may have pity for some have none for me- i still believe

i am a child of the innocent heart, striving to be diligent
made out of tougher skin, a survivor, cavalier is a role i choose
my hopes carved out of make believe, the world is a video game
with me a player; fighting bad guys, some days I win, others I lose

i am a child who will always tell you the  truth - see it like it is
listen up, let me make it clear, plain as i can, i am telling you
it will take more than faith, wise beyond my years, doing
what i can, to get by, anything to hold on; make it through

i am a child under siege who realizes this is bigger than me
it is not easy to get away, break free, each day feeling more dread
hard to navigate- the in's and out's of my concrete confines, get by
i am a child  of the city, who lives day to day hanging by a thread

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

I am a man in love
with my  woman, a dream, to confess
to look at her face, worship
take her all in, use my eyes
my tongue, for to kiss
to speak of this, I am
a man happy, and content
my heart swells, overwhelming
for in you,  I see it all so clear
I am a man ready for love, my chance
our two bodies connect; we make  electric
feeling the heat, us; here and now as we, lie side by side
I am a man grateful believing
there isn't a day goes by
as I live  and breathe- I am a man
committing the rest of my life
to keep you on a pedestal, adored  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

if it were as easier said then done
we would aim for it, still our time
here is short, most of us, are satisfied
to accept what we know, what lies ahead
so we will make  more from less, ready
to collect the free card-in this game of life
that continues to play on, and we count our
blessings- each one, looking from here on out
as if  our life depends -and it does, still we know
the opposite is true, as a  prisoner kept, we are
given to the sentence that calls for a term
of years, that will drag on without, having no end
in sight-making the choice that much more, crystal clear

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

i had a thought of you
as you crossed my mind this morning
out of the blue you were there in my mind's eye
as i sat here in the stillness
trying to think of other things
i had to do that day
and you became front and center, a focal point
to my thoughts taking over everything else
in that moment, as i wondered further
do you ever think of me,  do i cross your mind, after all this time?
both us having moved on
as events for both us brought change
still if you were here  now, i think you would agree
the years we had together  were  good ones
but not good enough to last forever
still i wondered aloud what if?
as i continued stirring cream and sugar into my coffee
back and forth, and then out of the corner of my eye
i looked up and there you were standing in the doorway
about to knock, as i stood up
to stand in complete shock

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

without emotion
feelings are numb, unfulfilled
the innocence fades, slowly, ebbing away
as the in coming crimson tide rises, seeming to prevail

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

Day One
for a moment.
by pause, a fog.
laden, having no memory.
lost, in itself, to forsaking.
the life of the living, ignored.

Day Two
from out of nowhere, the sound.
of thunder, listening to the beat.
as a life bringer, first a memento.
to gather, to mourn, to implore.
on its own, choices are made, each one.
ready for sacrifice to a higher god.

Day Three
in the middle, of nowhere, as everywhere.
they uprooted pass by footsteps come, ready.
a sound, by higher, in loud, I, to overwelming.
by an unknown, bewildered one, a jouney to, we.
accepting, choose, this, the context, if, of what will be.
             you, blink ready- now, to understand.

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2021

in my life i have known this
a woman, she is life; through
the window of her soul, i see all,

transparent she becomes,  lives an angel
she knows me, i know her, there is
so much more, we share, go through

each moment spent, her face is love
pure and light for in a thousand of my dreams
with her simple style, takes care, only love emanates

from her, none will compare, as we share
with just a touch, i know her, i see her
she knows, i am here, ready to hold her in my arms

with undying love, never to forsake her, all we create
through the years, we will go on, go on, together
we breathe life, into each other; she, i, us, no other

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

you make me feel, have given to me, a happiness
i never realized, before, something felt, i thought i lost
a need to be filled, easily craven, wanting more, of love
which was given freely - made so real, no need
to explain further any more of this, i am ready for
you to lead me  once more, to the fount for a drink
fill my cup, be sustained- as nothing you  or i  will
take from this life, or next  -the question of how or why
as it lives on inside us both-the unquenchable  thirst for love
i found in you-you saved me-  i was taken to the brink-
come to think of it-  the simple fact was- we were
a dream once made of shades; a lost reality found
only in the abstract-before this, now we take care, keep safe
this fragile thing; a love  to be felt, we will claim fully as ours
we give into, a life to be lived, a love given, taken, shared

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020
In The Night

there in the night-with feelings alive
because of you- binding our hearts
the sounds- of a familiarity
I speak your name- enunciate dedicate my life
when I touch you- touch me
take my breath away-skin upon skin
hold back- rush the tide
moon is full- white upon white
hot whisper- cold sheets
touch of collar bone-cleft of thigh
sweet desire- moments succinct
there up on the altar- love made real
the dawn is close- we are overcome
made out of memories-happening real
the tears spill- we are bound one to one
flesh made purpose- from one to the next
we continue in this way on and on- momentous two of us
ready to divide and conquer-  the riches of love explored

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

out the window
as I sit and observe, the start
of dawn-still moments away- with the
silence claiming, I will obey-pay
attention with senses more attuned
pick up on the subtleties of floor
to ceiling-as the shadows and light
-bring into focus, the untouched; as such
the dust motes from the day before that
trail along the ungrained wood floor, I missed
to the beating of my heart, once ignored as
it beats it's echo- deep within my chest, of the feelings
of abandonment, to the reasons unexplored till now
and my longing for what-I am unable to
recall - all within these moments, of here and now  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

I wanted to beat-the system
to live well-past prime, where age
is a number a relatable, an idea
transformed in flesh, here now
looking into the mirror, this morning
I realize, my face is unrecognizable
appearing aged, drawn- where a spark once
lived-from what I remember- to stare back
this stranger, in my own skin, I don't comprehend
maybe its the lights; or the turn of my head, false hope
as with everything else;  age catches up, time marches on

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

out of the silence
into the night, come strangers
looking for a fight

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

into the window, it comes flooding past- the
reminiscences, to take up- or fill in the empty
spaces once occupied by us, now caught by
the moon of half light readying to pause right
there on the floor board, leaving only a  chill bone
of breath, stale, silent, unanswered; you and I -we
were two lovers brought down by the flux of not
meant to be, we slipped away like the memory lost to
time as reflected by the faded wallpaper or to the bed we
shared, while on the wall opposite hangs the mirror hiding the ghosts
of what could have been, staring back from within the recess of oval

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

i shall not  write again, i can hear
myself say, is this the end
when the words fail to materialize
on any page, i am angry with myself
sad withdrawn, what  is happening to me
there used to be a day when, i would
literally see words write themselves, and
now nothing, what am i to make of it
i am beginning to feel spooked, i have heard of
times like this, but not expecting it for myself so
as i sit here wondering what is next for me- i hear
in the other room, the clock on the wall tick tock away
and so i smoke on and on endlessly, trying to cope
all of which creates an unhealthy haze surrounding me
beads of sweat gather at my brow, i can see for myself
this is real as i bear witness to a blank lifeless empty page

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2021

in the bowl
on the table contains
the last of this seasons fruit
laying this way and that
puckered and pruny, they go
uneaten, they wilt in silence
unable to provoke an appetite
in anyone in the house
who happens to walk by, so they
remain unattended, staying put daily
as they bear witness to a souless sun
as it listlessly tries peeking
through the window hoping
to shed some light on a situation
beyond it's control
still it is unable  to withstand
the whole day, it is this
time of year when
the sun fades quickly
seeming in retreat always, as
the stars once again
remind who is in charge

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

it would be           so easy           to  just let go
i cant count how many times
i have stood right here, wringing my hands
willing to feel each moment drain away  
as i realize with each time my rope
that i  cling to seems to get shorter as
i lean  on the little bits  of hope left
imagining what would life be like if i just
pushed through, hung around
a little bit longer  it's not a lot - i tell myself still
whenever it gets bad, it could be worse
for whatever its worth it gets me through-for now

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i was out in the backyard
finishing late season yardwork
it was clear and crisp, aptly cold
i looked up as i was finishing
to see the moon, high in the sky
white glistening, giving a glow

i've seen the moon before
but couldn't take my eyes off it
wife called me in for supper
we talked casual, usual small talk
i helped her clean up the dishes

we went to bed, before we did
i asked her to look outside to see
what i had seen, she did as i asked
wasn't it amazing?.. we made love
falling asleep in each others arms

i woke up some time in early morning
it was freezing, i closed the window
before i did, i looked to see the moon
shining so bright, so close almost to touch it
i got back into bed, she had rolled away from me

i laid there with my eyes wide open
thinking there are many things to be counted on
life death, a sensible spouse, a house over my head
was it enough or could there be more to this as the
loneliness i felt settled in the sheets between us

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jul 2021

i watch, from my window
as the winds begin to pickup
off the bay, to rise and swirl
in clouds of dust and speck
gritty and pinging through the eaves
of this old house, forever battered
and weathered year and year
from storm after storm but still
regardless of the storm or the season
i watch, as the power lines whip and crackle
like strands of tormented licorice, as the lights
in the room, flicker off and on, i prepare
myself once more for the onslaught that is natures
way of giving everyone the *******, and still
i cant help myself, i take the abuse and i watch

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

from the simple normalcy of the darkness of these
many years, you and I in the same bed-we have
shared for all this time - keeping  our distance
between the sheets;  in the do not disturb position
out of which;  familiarity breeds

to the years that have come and gone-letting the
subtle changes of  our youth quickly transition
into faces- we hardly recognize anymore, we have
accepted the inevitable; and as I lay awake now
listening to you breathe, in your soft unobtrusive way
I am comforted by the fact that we will share another
ordinary day- and for that alone, I wouldn't change a thing

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021

the night is dark, so dark as i
look up in the inky blackness with no beginning, or end
- like a blanket, it unfolds before me, extolling peace
making way for transition, i continue
my star gazing, looking at the stars on display, they seem
ready to tell a story, as they blink on off, like some SOS
a code in  need of breaking, off and on, it goes till it
takes me a minute more to decipher, now at once
the message becomes clear, a feeling of familiar, comforting
as relayed to me, today may be over for now, but
behind the scenes, changes are constantly taking place
another  tomorrow, is not far off,  better than today, so just wait
settle back, be content, take every moment to,  just look up

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021

me and you  together  
in love just us 2
                     we will be

so happy

then along came he and
now we are 3

there is love for all
to go around
can't you see, we can she said to me

another year another day
by mistake, now we are 4
my head hit the floor- surprise you said to me

add a dog and a cat
house in the burbs
living out the dream

with bills up to the hilt
make it day to day- what to do
when love is in the house, no matter you see
she said to me-  We- are a family

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

she followed him, falling head-long
felt it was love, knew this was maddening
unable to think, he was so hard to resist
she of him, fell hard, taken, captivated
by his boyish smile, that rakish charm
all rolled into one, he was every bad boy
her mom and dad had warned about
under any circumstances -do not fall for
yet here she was, with decision time
what happens next? will determine if
she remains her mom and dad's little princess
or the capable young woman aware that
you have to kiss a few frogs, in order to find
her once in a life time true prince charming

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

On my walk, making way to Lake Erie
as it reaches out in front of me, proving
a task, bits of debris cling along the shore
a brick, driftwood, a tangled fishline coerced
I keep walking catching my breath as i go
till the harsh lake winds whip in a frenzy
trying to attack me from all sides, so i
look down trying to prevent  any further
wind burn lashing my face, and ahead
i see strings of brackish foam coming
in with the tide, behaving like a rabid dog
still ahead of me further up the body of some dis-
emboweled creature lands at my feet-which i am
unable to no longer identify with any certainty

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

late summers apple
fallen, over ripe exposed    
to the core, a worm

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

unable to sleep with the night slowly closing in
I am taken back as I look out a glass windowed pane
feeling so solemn in a vigil anonymous, it begins

needing to coax my mind, I struggle with the strain
looking for inspiration or an intervention, that will light my way
whatever it takes, to make lighting strike, and heal this pain

without the perfect words, I struggle, lost feelings lay there
for I have nothing more to give, what more is there to say
so I, left my guitar sitting silent, un-played, there by the stair  

within a night, under a canvas painted sky littered flecks of gold
I am swept, cold air gripped, standing here to stare, made aware
throughout the heavens, the stars are dotted like fireflies, to behold

ready to come clean, get back from out of this temporary lark
I've reached from deep within finding my way back, my way back
letting my voice rise and speak for itself, and yes, make its mark

In just a few chords, the words gradually flow back into a song
ready to play- my finger tips poised, finally feeling the hum
felt deep within, ain't no surprise, it happens as I begin to strum

picking up from where I left my guitar- having the words to share
blended with perfect harmonies I lacked; with more of me to give
my voice backed up, by heart and soul, I still have living to live

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jul 2020

like so many memories
to come and go
the writing was on the wall
to think it through- or place blame
neither one of us knew
how to play the game
we are fire and ice, moments carried away
in times of anger and love, on display
blaze on-or turn cold, whats happened to us?

like in a touch, given, taken
absolved, to be promised
could this passion survive
for another day, in a burn instead
or die out in the cold, if only
we had more of a say, how it should be
we were abandoned, feelings exposed
giving up to faith, to carry on-seize the day
we were left to the elements- discovering love the hard way

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

hold me, tight, hold me tighter
don't let go, hold me as if your
life, mine depends on it, hold me
its no use, still  with each minute passing
i can feel-the letting go begin- as i read your mind
- i only asked one thing of you, still you cannot comply
follow what i asked this one thing-why can't you understand me
i am talking to you, your not listening, why not, i am
looking right at you, am i not making myself clear, as i
can no longer feel the connection now being lost, almost gone
not much longer, like my body being ravaged, from within-
still it shouldn't have been a task, it's all i asked of you, and your
answer, like the hospital instruments, keeping me alive
they go silent,  like the unspoken response you give to me
we understand now as protocol demands we comply
for the disregard of human contact at this time

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

like a river majestic, not settling, unnerved, tracking the tranquil
it goes without saying-tantamount- a truly living thing, as it
flows gathering speed, -of gaining prescient, a mind of its own
all the  momentum; that is time and chance-   waiting to seethe
in grief or the relief to be set free, running hot or cold to the touch  
with ego unparalleled, misused forethought, giver or taker of life  

simply from this ones; aged hand clasped, we watch to see as
the lay of the land-a road map of veins, is rubbed sore, clearly
they trace- while even stiffer fingers try to fumble with a rosary
laced, between a thumb and forefinger gingerly placed, and the  
silent lips mumble words of prayer, a devotion that speaks
louder than any saint or sinner cares to profess ones own beliefs

Through out a summer's  body of work ; a live concert
a showcase of songs played out in the key of life , if you
listen close whether night or morning, surely a symphony
of  delight, there to serenade, ease away all the stress of
life; close your eyes; focus-as you listen in -the woodwinds play
then strings, with full instrumental pay attention to the harmony- a
temptation of sight and sound, all of nature on full display, ready
to engage an audience of one or the toughest of audiences found

like a moth to a flame with eyes open, or shut tight
with averted, or eyes wide, always missing the signs
never ready to avoid all the lost opportunities of escape
flit or fight; hit or miss, of it's own making; just the chance
to survive another day; as if- yet with a trick of light
that blinds, ready to be claimed- still another victim falls
not ready, fully unprepared - for a fate worse than death

to reach,  there,  stand at the top of the mountain
you must (will) take the climb-up, all the way, just to be
closer to God, to feel the presence, in touch with Grace
so when one speaks of the unexplained- all will
be made plain, and ones full faith shall be restored

In my infant grandson's eyes, I watch him, figuring out life
all the shapes and colors, he is confronted with, all at once
yet he comes through- made of pure delight, with little fingers
and toes- full potential; of energy housed in a body of truth
making me  truly humbled, to be blessed, as all time stands still
I am lost in this moment of sheer innocence; of his (my) life defined  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

as with anything
that is beautiful; a flower
speaks to us of truth

we accept this
and acknowledge
our shortcomings by it

hidden from view, we like
the flower, have deep within
our roots but to tell a story

reminding us, daily who we are
through our vanity and
deep seeded faults

we unwilling, will grow unattended
while having no care or such
in the value to live and thrive

from these frailties
we as humans have, but do not admit
to a root sytem in chaoes

still, like the flower, there are
choices to be made, continue on a path
that shows growth, or wither and die

so with every season  there will come
a sense of renewal, do we down play our infalibility
hoping to get by or will we strive for something more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020
LIKE WATER (for Robin)

your love for me, is like water, weightless
it has kept me breathing, to feel alive

with each year taken-  I am carried away
swept on an endless journey- that keeps me near

as we continue in a kindness learned
we have shared together, ready to reaffirm

I have your smile to guide me
keeping me within reach -each and every mile- for I would walk

again again- as it brings me closer -we will never
be a part, we are here-in the moment, bigger than us both

you are my, I am yours -this is our forever and always
a gift -  to each other-in life, this love, instance of renewal

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

the little child smiles
big eyes with childish wonder  
sunshine and rainbows

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

she followed him while love was blind
within a heart beat unable to resist his charms
while not so ready to speak up her mind as
the wounding had begun, for in a love corrupt
she at a loss for where to turn, a heart in turmoil
he would not give in, she will never give up
to walk a very thin line, while his anger gripped
like an icy hand, not to be pried, was her feelings
betrayed, her hearts been tripped, all but ignored
with time-needing a spark to stroke it or die, her
feelings delayed within a life turned upside down
a woman scorned a dream denied left in a void
she lives on the edge of a dream delayed all
the little pieces, of her broken one by one wishing
some day to be made whole, hoping to see what she
has been missing all these years, she realizes;  the
loss of time, her heart her soul and her identity are
yet to be revealed, she steps out from under the spell
which has kept her in hex- then, she watches one day
as his eyes are ready to close- within memories died
the trigger plied, she begins to wonder what is next?
sitting there watching him, sifting through all the lies
she stares at the open window beyond, and at the
days first light all is revealed within a new day and
a new morning's sun rise- needing a spark; to stroke
it or die, her feelings delayed are now within grasp a
life turned upside down, a woman scorned, a dream
denied left in a void, she lives on the edge of a dream
delayed, of her, little pieces, broken one by one, finally
made whole shes ready to see, what, she knows she's
never seen, to have missed it all , no longer left behind
those little pieces made whole, her heart her soul and
her identity in place: she is;  finally in control of her life

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry May 2021
LOVE - a Haiku

your love is a rose
deeply, lovingly tended
by another's kiss

by Michael Perry
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