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Michael Perry Jan 2021

to see him in the grip of his 62nd year
he is not much to look -at all
salt, pepper spread of hair, lines crisscrossed
everywhere-  a sign of his wear and tear

with his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
he needs to get from here to there, his sight is a goner
if anyone came here right now, they could walk up to him
and be greeted by blind hands going haywire

he's been married several times, he loved each wife
at the time they were married, not sure what they would say
about him if they had a chance to tell their story in heaven
he hopes they would be kind, to outlive them all, such a shame

he's had a good life, lived longer than most, in these parts
he thinks contrition is a long walk to be made, with the time left
and his touch of black lung scar, taking hold, a reminder to reflect
on the tough years he's had, while providing for each wife in turn

he's not sure what happens next, there's no plans for that
so all he can do is sit and wait, and think about
each day, as he stares down death for as long as he can
for he wants to leave this earth on a clean slate

getting up from the chair it's a slow walk taking forever  across
the porch, turning the handle to the front door, realizing it's better
late then never, saying to no one listening, its been a long day for
planning next steps, better yet, he thinks there is always tomorrow

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

looking out my window this morning
ready to settle at the table with my
first cup of morning coffee, fixating about
what I had not finished last night, just then
I saw a coopers hawk, small, taut, brown and
white, spotted chest, poised, stone-like
on a fence rail the length of my yard, its
short powerful wings, pliant by it's side
it's hellish yellow eyes, searching for
any signs of; even the subtlest of movement
that otherwise might not have been detected
it didn't take long for what happened next

i watched it all in wonder, forgetting about
the blank pages laid out before me, coming into
view a chipmunk scurried  along the yards
perimeter believing itself discreet hoping it was 
safe hidden beneath the brown decaying leaves
that had settled helter skelter, but the cooper's hawk
assumed otherwise, its plan coming to fruition
with a commanding stealth, razor precision
it rushed the pile of leaves and shot sky ward
just like that, leaving no wake, gone out of sight
before the disturbed leaves had any chance to settle back

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

I am a crazy man
one who lives to take risks
with each turn, every time
building like a drug, fills me up
to make the adrenalin grow
keep me high, be so powerful
I am able to leap tall buildings
in my reckless abandon, I own my
destiny, for whatever it takes
I can beat you, this-every time
to feel ten feet tall-still, make no
mistake, there is no substitute
until mortality- stares you in the face

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

as the rain begins, it comes, with-out any pretense
it will fall innocent, persistent, ready to cleanse
so let it cling to the skin, to make as new-wanting
to satisfy, it will require a deep breathe, it will come
subtle , settle into it- in out out in-to lull, as you find
your quiet place, a safe space, listen in as all the
other background sounds disappear, let your breath regroup
and the  gentle breezes swirl, a compliment to the body and soul
-in you, or just the further fact of a celebration to life- so
don't hesitate to reach, to think- give in to yourself, as you
turn your face upward toward the sky raise your hands out
extend the fingers -be  prepared to praise the absolute feeling of
-just being alive, to feel it,  wash you clean, and in  that  moment
when the peace flows over, surrounding you in full, it will be time
to just- finally let go and -make you dance giddy in the rain, do it
for all your worth, be like a child from your past- in a youthful nod
to feel it again,  the fun you had-or if nothing else, start life
renewed in the facts, to acknowledge rain as a gift, once and for all

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

in of itself, the spilled over feelings
-of lives unfulfilled; their willingness
to let innocence fade into, the pavement
on the side walk, or the front steps transom
leading into the light of a door partially opened
it spills, down in to the cracks with
it's dark crimson flow, to seep deep into
the soil whose essence of; becomes part of
the fabric of life itself-in a constant battle
for the daily ebb and flow, no give; only to take
which no one person can name on their own, yet
with blind eyes, we see it all, continuing to unfold
night after night, with a crescendo of anguish
a mother's cry, splitting the night in half- then;  a silent stillness
which bleeds into a red sky dawning, readying us to prepare
for another night of carnage.

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

days are
one page at a time
they fly
try to catch them
or not, who are we to say
when we
have no control-of where
or how they go
one after the other
left to future's rearranging
of their importance-by date
logged into history's book
where they will remain-
left to others
to agree or not, worthy or infamy

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

such a picture perfect
with windows, small house, garden
on a hill, blue sky, green grass

plenty of open spaces
acres of land, fish in a nearby stream
room to grow, fresh air, the stars at night

displayed on a rack with other magazines
has a price tag unknown
out of reach for many, except the very few

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
He said                      She said
   what was said- by who
when, where, what day, time
accusations                ***** shame
such a crime                       time goes by
            water under the bridge
            or fueled by animosity
           turning into a- blame game
                   no one wins
he said                                    she said
        - round and round- it will go
                  in a vicious circle
                 -how to explain- court appointed
***** laundry- tossed about- shouting over each other
having no end         and so it goes- little pieces
            of a marriage-that once was
                                                             ­ thrown away

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

all the signs lead to a river, crested by a bank
deep in the wood, so look for a path
that will lead you there, or listen close for the
gurgling water as it sluices through winding ways
made from the top of the mountain down
you will know then, missed by countless others
a view underappreciated by most, unsurpassed

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2021

do you hear the quiet
listen as it calls
the silence reaches far, wide
covering the ground, sky
filling in all the cracks
where there is space
supposed to be, invisible, close, near
here, there you can feel it, looming
in scope, enveloping, whole, as you cast
your eyes across the way, there in the stillness
living arcs of lightening, throb, building
to illuminate, crisscross, with energy contained
drawn by heat, it bears down upon, to feed
the silence, ready to let your mind run wild
as you imagine in your minds eye, the sound of
fury, with a crack and hiss;  unheard, the power
of sound held at bay, in a safe distance, still faraway

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

do you recall, a time when
we were satisfied  with being in love; with love
in those moments, so tender
we awoke as one, taken, assured
this was meant to be, love unbreakable; a bond shared
for love was fragile, a token given-one to one
in those moments, the anticipation tantamount
to anything before or since, of this or that, all known
we loved, fully unaware, then a seismic shift
a fissure created from what was to what is- away from
you, me, us, unexplainable, possibly avoidable
who's to say, yet here we are, sanctioned by silence
and the dormancy of years, when now is the time
when we need each other the most, what happened to our love
where did it go?
will it return, will it be too late
how will we know?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

all of my life
i never questioned your intentions
i believed in you, without hesitation
you always beckoned; like a beacon
calling me, to this home, my home, i only know
i was brought here, wanting to be just like you
to yearn for be a part of; be considered a native son
if only you would recognize me as so- with
your eyes on me, i only want to be welcomed for real
and the safe harbor, that only you can provide
with no judgement from you, i would take this journey
work for, fight for, die for, i have made the sacrifice  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

Shorn walls of cracked plaster nondescript, punched through holes
out of an anger imposed, you try to feel superhuman
as you get ready to fly high, month after month, now over ten fold

so here comes the let down, again, sooner not later, get
yourself together, tough lessons learned, as peaks of sun
filter  through onto treadbare floors, feeling lost, with no outlet

laid out,  crumpled on the unmade bed, your worst nightmare realized
try to get up- not so easy is it?,  hey, brains says maybe another score
will do the trick, one of hundreds past, still you think about it, visualize

and there are side affects, not to overlook, skinny white arms, bruised
up and down, no place left, with deflated veins exposed, still
play it for numb, dumb down the pain, pull on that brass ring, you may lose

still as you shake, take another chance, maybe its time for a little praying
with your  head down, between your knees, eyes closed, closer to God
unable to realize, with labored breaths; you, undecided, your bodys craving; still more

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

through the echoes
flecks of
dust move, stir up

carried on weightless
by a losing
shade of light

to drift up towards  
a slightly opened
window frame

slowly lift free to go
gone now  
the whereabouts unknown

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020
feeling full of myself                     so  totally                      I am           in control
with blaring music-                 buzzed, happy   invincible-                           singing along- play it up  
make it loud-                                                    in the background   an escape of                  so sudden -all the-        
words lost- gone; blink in an instant  from my brain,                                     to       I am - far removed-
there is no meaning less , of the blur                                so tell me                        on-coming head lights blazed-come now gone
     there in                 a split second decision;         all is changed          came the whirring past
                                what was I thinking?              mortality                      such a fragile thing
begin- to sink in                            death                                           or life- a quick                                what if
could have                gone                                                    either way

of shattered lives-     no next time        on a dark road     leaving   only-tragedy- in it's wake-              of young dreams deferred; unfulfilled

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

as the dusk heightens against an early
winters backdrop, she walks, her head down
as she thinks of; of him, he so full of presence of
life itself, bigger than he; entering a room and
so quickly noticed, she smiles at that; of him, of them
how happy they were, planning each day together
never thinking it would end like this-she walks past
the lines of river birch, and scrub, as singular leaves
brush past her shoulder; she enters through the gate
to the small church yard and the cemetary beyond
within a stones throw, she stands in front of a stone
with a familar name, husband, son, father- as she reflects
on a life not fully lived- had she only known; on what could
have been, but will now never be- as a cold drizzle distracts her
on further thoughts of him, she turns with sentiments now lost into
the air itself- - she walks on alone arms folded against her chest
as she steps back into the approaching night

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
EN REGARDANT LE SOLEIL  (watching as the sun)

watching as the sun
begins to set, all of time
comes to an end, at least in the
hours before sunset and dawn
i can still see you, no matter where
i look, from the clouds that pass by
i see something to remind, or the people
that pass me in a crowd, having you as
a frame of  reference, i find myself
wanting to reach for, or call out your name
yet i know its all for not, steadfast, i
watch as the fire place embers begin to
lose their warmth, your  picture poised on
a table by my chair, reflecting in the quiet stillness
i think back to a time when a life, as i knew it
before- would be my constant, remaining steady, uninterrupted

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

when the lover dies
a piece of the others heart
goes too, as one left behind
mourns, what was there is now gone
the heart is a strong muscle
capable of anchoring and
strengthening at will the vow
of the beloved's life together
thereby even though time
will pass and it will, the heart
never fully heals, it feels the
loss as if missing a limb, it's
there but it isn't -coming to
accept in theory that one half of
of the whole is gone with
nothing ever to replace it

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

it is for this love we are held captive as passion burns like a flame
we are both seduced with our eyes made eager inviting; unrestrained

let time be our keepsake no moment to spare, stoked by the fire
our bodies lay bare, tethered together in mutual hunger; desire

as two gods we remain, divine is purpose, fierce cravings feed
the lusting demand, some do claim, we alone satiate the others; need

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021
ESSENCE- a Haiku

you are my essence
the reasons to live and breathe
without you i die

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

wish it true

make it happen

know that i can  

no doubt about it

will i, for sure, just ask me

yes indeed, i'd be happy

make lemonade from lemons

ever more to be call me,  the eternal optimist

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

every fall, that time for burning leaves
once ignited they will lip and curl up
making little wisps,  charred, they rise far
carried by the shift of wind, each
small ember reminds me of fireflies
as they flit on a sticky July dusk night
now a distant memory, still being it's
late October, ready to  remind, with it's
chill, beginning to insert itself, I rub my
hands once, twice, and the day fades
more quickly now,  trying to get this
chore done, every year the leaves fall
I burn them, and they continue to pile up
a never-ending seasonal curse, what's worse
the cold or the leaves, I race the clock, my mind
wanders  as I watch the remains, using my stick
to disperse what's left of the pile, I make small ones
here, there, when my wife  calls from the open door
releasing welcome warmth, the house beckons me in

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

I am no one-and every man- a face in the crowd
unrecognizable-or of discerning judgement a
beggar, a thief, a nomad-could be young or old
I can be whatever you want me to be-a friend or
foe, a native or an immigrant- have an unrecognizable
dialect-be a speaker of many- languages, use my hands
to interpret for the deaf- or the associate of a lowbrow who
prowls the streets looking for a mark- maybe that tourist
visiting Cleveland for the first time- I will be; your beer
drinking union buddy down at the corner pub-or how
about an upper-echelon wine snob who hosts a party
for $500 a head- I can be anyone of them; I am the chameleon
you will never be able to tell, if our paths cross- recently or past
either way- if you see me- you will never escape the unavoidable  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

its the middle of the night
my eyes are open, i fight it
hoping sleep will come, at some point
by then, morning peeks through
as the curtains let through light
another day begins, how do i get
through it all, with my eyes closed

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2021

fall is fall
more changes to come
with chameleon leaves
out of tree trunk sleeves
turning red, orange, gold
soon a crisp shock of air
goes from warm to cold
a years cycle  three quarters complete
as life marches on and times fall back we
lose the chance on an extra hours sleep

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

we come
maybe, once, twice, as a family
knowing blood is thicker than water
we tell ourselves, until the moment
someone slips, saying the wrong thing
then it happens, all hell breaks loose
the fists will fly, making like sticks and stones
and no surprise, there will be broken bones

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
FEARLESS (a boxer's story)  

from the precipice-I have stood to claim my right; I am fearless
over the years, fight has taken it's toll, I am a boxer-with cuts to my skin

I got muscles fully breached-still fighting is all I have ever known
I am a closer-I need one more chance to reclaim; not ready to go yet

I am a boxer- just once more-gotta beat the hype-to punish-take no prisoners
letting my punches hit their mark, taken one back to the jaw-leaving it's mark

still I will not be denied-I am one and the same; a gladiator-entering the ring
I am fearless-made peerless-as a diamond- sharp as a blade-just one more time

or has the years taken its toll- have I overstayed my welcome; need one chance to prove
to make a come back; I crave the respect-I deserve as much- I know, warriors don't give up

it's never too late- got fame on my brain-chances delayed-I am ready to climb that ladder
touch those heights-once again feel the heavens- fall down to my knees-I'll get back up

ready to fight- I am fearless- I believe in me- as the applause-rises up- I am calm
letting the voices-refresh like holy water, I hear them call to me-soothing like a salve

take my pain away -ready to fight anew- I will no longer be denied-ready to shake failure
to cement my name-be the greatest- fight for fame- remember my name-for glory given

to fight for salavtion- stake my claim- fight to stay alive- prove my point-leave no doubt  
I am fearless- a boxer's story- fighting for glory and my redemption

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
in a series of memories we made; thinking back,  lack of clarity
fore-shadowing our fall, taken in by, inevitablely, left waiting
the writing was on the wall-we never thought through, to place blame
when it came down neither of us really knew how to play the game

we are two elements of fire and ice, within moments of love, we are
ready to blaze on-only to lose our way, sure footing-  hot turning cold
what happened to us baby, what went wrong, still, through
a series of memories recalled; where a touch-once meant so much

if only we allowed our passion to survive into another day
with a burn instead of dying with the cold, if only we had another say
two hearts on trial, guity as charged- a love placed on hold
we are two elements of fire and ice; mistaking something more, exposing it all

we were child-like to wish by chance-in an unlucky happenstance full-on
where elusive stars, shone far away, we hate ourselves for not taking another stance
we are two elements of fire and ice within moments of love-ready to blaze on
to eclipse us both;  as touch falls stone cold,  what happened to us, would we never learn

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

it's the first cold night of the season
are you prepared to fight all reason

as you rub your hands clasped tighter
just above a home-made oil drum fire

you stamp your feet up and down and so it goes
doing what you can to get the feeling back in your toes

still your wearing only a ratty sweatshirt won't fill the bill
as tonight, temperatures in the city will tank and tumble

you will remind, resilient to the core, been so all your life
telling yourself you've been through many seasons like this

ready to show off your independent streak, tamp down fear
as you fight the temptation, your mind is made crystal clear

still, as another brutal season prepares to take it's hold
you will resist once more to come in from out of the cold

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2021

the first frost of the season
breathlessly cold, lawns
covered in a blanket of hoarfrost
no footsteps to speak of
i, here alone, huddled to myself
to stave off the cold
regard the moment of, here and now

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2021

he has a smile, giving in, to sparks of delight
ready to make an impression, as he learns
to walk up right, his little hands, feet pick up
the pace, having no fear, no fuse whenever
he falls down he gets back up making his way
as he shows us how its done, he learns so fast
clapping his hands; a daredevil in the making
i am in love with this little boy, he makes
my heart swell, as i look in his eyes, i see
my son, his father, watching his son as he
takes first steps, we watch together, as i
remember way back when, the joy i felt
as my son took his first steps, now it comes
full circle, amazed at this little boy; my grandson

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry May 2021

i have headaches
i deal with them
been to the doctors
each one, checking my head for clues
no one seems to know
the root cause, whatever it is?
on this particular day
it was going to be hot
no air to speak of
the oppressive sticky kind of day
that turns sweat sour
ready to cling to everything it touches
it is the first day of summer
just right to go into the pool
i lowered myself in
the water was biting cold
i was able to tolerate it
until the water moderated
as i slipped all the way in
felt the water gently caress me
comforting and inviting, i stretched out my full length
floating on my back, eyes closed, buoyant, comforted
for the first time in my life the headaches were gone
within minutes i had total relief
i couldn't believe it, i began to cry
still floating, afraid to move, i stayed in
until the sun was going down
as i celebrated my freedom
from the grips of a pain,  that i never thought
i would escape from- here i was, in the pool
pain free- for how long would be anyone's guess
i never want to leave, but at some point i had to face
the fact that this was temporary
there would be other days, the fight far from over

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

the explosion of foam and water, to rock
as the waves, black; without end, form
one after the other, to come; to come
without hesitation, to make smooth the
jagged face of ages hence-exacting with
vengence, to ravage; erase, leaving no doubt
the force of nature upon itself-  while within
the setting dark of a full moon on the rise readies
itself to inspire bring order and purpose to the night

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
pieces of a memory, lack of any  sound
unwilling to keep,  together no-more
in the letters uncollected, -still bound

you wrote of beginnings, any unknowns
with promises not kept, left  in blind faith
while I  all but wept, waiting, feeling exposed

what could I expect
how would I know, what if
so I sat there, to ponder; feel nothing-what next

the silence enveloped
to swallow me whole
I took pen to paper, as written words flowed

to make my peace
emboldened still more
I untied the yoke -of your strangle hold

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

willows weep
silent stoic
poised in saintly supplication
bitter surroundings meld
leaving barren crusts of earth exposed
ancient roots bleached white
cling together
as the onslaught of night continues unabated
frost heaves deeply cut
furrow frozen ground,  winds moan
incessantly digress to a Winter's canticle
paying homage to the dead

by Michael Perry
(copyright MOBIUS) 25th edition
Michael Perry Jan 2020

time, standing still; stealth laid bare, ours only to pacify
out of a split second we, kept in a trance, we
watch her pose, turn, stare back into the camera's eye

offered up she, with a look, her face  iridescence reflected
she, one eyed; Rita Hayworth, hair lost in skew
similar unfamilar, red-dressed silhouette, mirage detected

within a non shadow, filtering exposed, camera's focus explained
by the trick of light, she stays unfazed, to our dilema
she is poised; in a pantomime-as the mystery of; remains

displayed in negative rolls of film; to mock more the light
we are held in captivity, where she holds her court
into; out of body, precise is she, left anon in black on white

her face like an angel, or a devil in disguise
coyed in voyueristic servitude, our hands are tied
if we believe in truth,  willing to succumb to the lie

as we continue to watch; caught up in the freeze frame
with no where left to hide, she like a whisp, ghost like using
no words, not a sound, just sans a smile, in which to blame

waiting for the right moment, unattainable, in voices un-evolved
she stays defiant, steeley eyed in temptation, diligent, her essence
not revealed; she remains, whole- hearted to break our resolve  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
FOUR LETTER WORD (version one)
could be a blessing or a curse
or possibly a misdemeanor
when we take a chance
pen all our hopes on this four letter word-love
a word of devotion, one syllable
ready to fly high- keep us grounded
it’s small but yet has instant recognition
a four letter word so simple- yet profound-love
a word- left on a page
lonely without a sentence structure-it functions
to come in between I and you
a four letter word to have and hold with no compunction-love
whether it is fact or fiction
a call for action will be needed-deep down
something happens-a physical reaction
a four letter word- to make a point- taken serious- or just throw it around –love

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
FOUR LETTER WORD (version two)
we believe
albeit crave-to remain- once defined- we plead
forever- I and you- hard to explain-we give it
receive it- state it in our prayers
we live it –keep it- all in the name of love
so profound
lost to the stars-we will remain
standing in awe
a word used for devotion
spoken for or used with the eyes
a word
to be lost on a page
fighting back to be heard
most powerful- having no comparison- to live
made invincible- in small dose-or a physical reaction
heaven or hell
the pain and passion
upon the alter-of wanton devotion
a night or a life time- most symbolic
fueled by emotion-made to testify-praise love
spaces filled-as in the blood returns
synapses burn- we surrender to- je t’aime
bold and blessed- stay forever- heart beat
saved by-embrace it- for the moments we create
love so chaste- breath taking-swept away- memories made
all in the name of- love

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i lived on an island
for a year so i could write
each day composing notes

there they sat piled up
collecting dust
until i filled out another

in the morning i would wake
eager to get started
my mind filled with thoughts

i sat in front of a blank screen
just watching my reflection
all the ideas i had were gone

by afternoon i walked to
get fresh air, watch waves
and the seagulls dive bomb

coming back in, grabbed a
beer and fell asleep
out of nowhere a good idea hit me

they say at that point
wake up while the memory is fixed
too bad though im a sound sleeper

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
From a Hill

from a hill that gives chill swept
by the pacific northwest sea lays
below me the view appearing endless
except for once in awhile the
letting down of deciduous leaves
that fall from the single
sullen yew; in life mistreated
by weather and age yet, stays
entrusting the visitor, to find no disappointment
from this vantage it keeps hold
as for my gaze, anywhere else
would simply pale in comparison
as I stand here and now

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jul 2020

From a posted note found:

laid out in some fancy script
could have been really great, I guess?
one of many lines-maybe better expressed
how about in person instead- on it was written:

"I love you
let me
count the ways (100x)
to show you, starting
with today and always
it's you, it's always been you -who
I love and truly adore"-oops
:( I've run out of room-
flip the page; read on
Please!-there's so much more-I need to tell you-
still to come from me-stay tuned :)

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
From a reflection lost in shadow
casting-forlorn, melting into night
we continue along the vacant beach
coming here; together, we carry the weight
both of us hold, with  no words to come
we shiver in silence, up against the cold
deep in our thoughts over reminiscent loss
to carry us along, needing to let go as
the pounding surf speaks in echo repeat
echo repeat;  only to leave us, susceptible to
undertow- to submerge us, unable to breathe
we can't go back, the way we came, we walk on
as if by now a simple refraction of light will give
us a moment more, to realize- turn day into night
with the moon up above, in circumspect, the only
witness to our trial, we will leave each foot fall to
fade, like this life, we are, lost to the incoming tide

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

from out of the surf
where dreams are made, comes the echo of  
repetition in tongues, we are spoken for

while with your fingers
on mine; we play loves music
cast off the wall, leaving our shadows come to dance

carried on, carried over,  out of time and space
ready for a minds release
between the sheets, no words give sway

to the sweet fragrance of
tropical flowers that consume in
vivid, willingness to strike a chord- the sun has settled

between us, you and I, where love,has left us blind
overcome, saited, out through the open window are
the harmonies of water to sand, enternities, ebb and flow

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

from my eye a tear will fall
knowing I did wrong
got what I deserved, not trying hard enough
didn't have the nerve - to love you back
so I will punish myself, in any lie; to be believed
each day to day, to think maybe
you'd come back, have our love preserved
yet in those days, I wanted it all
one or two drinks to ease the pain-just a little
I know now it wasn't fair to you, at what cost
our love we once  shared- wasn't enough, I still
needed another drink, I couldn't let go
at what cost; you paid the price, you couldn't stay
to watch my fall from grace
so I understood the score, it makes me take pause
as, I walk closer still
to the brink, determined; to let you go-for one drink more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2021

the air is stifling, no movement
no sound, the last of the cicadas
back underground, all around me
an uneasiness profound, i live
i breathe, in stilted stutters, like
a fish out of water i grasp and
claw at the thick air that surrounds
as my heart leaps and pounds, and
then the  softest of a breeze, if
you could call it that, comes
meekly around, but its enough
just enough to calm me down

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

this house, with so many rooms how did we ever
think that we ever needed so many rooms
but still you convinced me, this house would change
everything, we have already been here a couple
months and still we favor only one room, such a
comfortable room, dark walnut walls , cozy inviting
a large fireplace  always with a fire in it, glowing warm
- we left all the other rooms vacant for now, every day
when the day was done, me writing and you painting
we would meet, right at five, i made us drinks, we sat
side by side going over each others work, discussing what
we had accomplished when we weren't together, you told me
how you had gotten so much done, the works were
flowing out of you, you smiled, i smiled back; happy for you
then you waited for me to say something, all i could do
is stand up and fix another drink, i mixed
her another one too, she said and you? and all i could
say was not too much today, maybe tomorrow, she patted
my hand, taking a sip of her drink, she said remember
why we moved here in the first place, the ghosts?,  we left
the ghosts back in the city, they did not follow us here, you
should be able to write unencumbered she said don't let the ghosts get to you, ok? i said ok, taking a deeper drink, finishing what
was in my glass, she said  there is always tomorrow, i  acknowledged her, she then said , be a dear and add
another log would you, i am feeling a bit chilled?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

God are you listening?
this is a poem (feels more like a prayer)

there is so much pain
people are really hurting

not just these or those
seems to be everywhere

the senseless, all the vitriol
like a match lit, a crying shame

i wish it would get better
still it seems to grow  worse

what do we do
no relief seems to come

so that's why, i am reaching out
do you have the answer to all the suffering

please God, are you listening?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

My world does and will always
continue to revolve  around you
each day and night, we share the air
between us, your world inhabits mine
like two orbits fully in synch, we come
to occupy the same space communally  
we rotate  throughout our day to day  
being pushed and pulled as our gravities
take us to here and there, but at the
end of each day, we will resolve, to be
each others gravitational pull, hand in hand
we will watch as the sun and moon goes down
over another day fully shared, we have the stars
in our eyes, countless and counting, all the while
keeping us grounded to each other, for this is
our mutual world, a space shared, we call it, home  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020
HAIKU in Three Takes

happening the snow
falling as white innocence
we have come to know

still there was no sun
if just one time, a little
is better than none  

rain begins to fall
we will not worry ourselves
till one cries then what    

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

my tears collected
into a puddle of loss
making seas of grief

by Michael Perry
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