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Michael Perry Feb 2020

restless, aware of time, as
it passes, slower then a single
thought to reach my brain-there
a blank page- sits to stare me
down, it threatens to expose my
failure, once more I feel the silence
surround me, taking hold to build like
the darkness outside, it swallows me
whole, still I am unprepared, trying
to avoid  the unavoidable, still, no words
will come I am wordless, having no
rhyme or reason with which to clear
the impasse- while, she in the
other room, sleeps the dreams of
one who's life is uncomplicated, for them
it comes easy they do not struggle, as I do
for them everything is a black or white concept
and in the morning she will rise, refreshed
unaware, I am not there; not to worry,  she thinks
I must be out taking a walk, to clear my head
she knows my routine, as she continues setting
for breakfast-coffee and condiments, assuming
I'll be back, as the minutes click on, she takes
another sip of her warming coffee, and stares
out the window waiting for my eventual return.

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

about last night, still dulled, leaving a blur
of the anonymously random, reason unforgiven
that of the two strangers-who met last night-
legs and arms in a tangle, twisted, together
expectations sated-and within the dimmed light
of the early morning- the light peeks through-
from the dark curtains slightly pulled back-to  
reveal what remains of the disregard; all the disorder
that collides within having been sustained- from
the pulled back sheets bunched into a knotted pile; or
the random lip stick stain left on the deflated pillow case
as one reaches for ; onto the sticky vinyl table top, left are
two glasses, still half full, or the random change spilled
haphazard onto the rug, silently;  left there to die a
couple pennies, two nickels and a dime- while the two
nameless strangers gather up, their belongings, they
crisscross the room-absolved of a momentary lapse of guilt
to begin their exit from the room- letting the door slam
shut behind, as the elavator bell rings; it swings from side
to side, the paper customary sign, a reminder to the maid
that the room will need a thorough cleaning, once more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

i remember
reaching out, one day, to
your side of the bed, cold, unslept
that morning, the distance
was wide, between us
a chasm, self- created, too hard
to overlook, climb
the sound of silence
remained between us; detached
no code word, to interrupt, or save
for this was happening in real time
between us, a break apart scene

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

seems so don't know why
i cannot defend, or explain
still the fact remains- if only
to -you not me cutting the cord
a bloodless coup having invaded
to take up all the spaces, absent of time
no moments remain, with a killers revenge
that has no name, it comes between us, am i still
do i realize, wish i knew-unprepared, lost
my world as a whole turns upside down
if only-to go back, in a change of scene
to draw up-give back, you taken, took from me
the circumstance to change of place, i live with
am overcome, to a feeling of being startled-is how
i wake up from this, ongoing nightmare of me
you, a scent of us still remains, then, my body begins
to ease in, once more, i will close my eyes, and a
tear falls, silent-I am not ready, as it draws me back
against my will, to take me down deeper still  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

the lines from my face explain
all the loss each  time  and place, as i
step forward and face it head on, my story
is your story, each in our own way, made of
strength and endurance, beyond the pale, some say
we are brave, still i am scared, we do not ask for much
we just do our part, without complaint least of all, we
will never let you down, so don't let us down our
lives are intertwined, in this moment so close;  as we
all make ready to contemplate what the coming year
will bring, so i pray for a little respite from all that
we've been through, that is not a lot to ask for now, is it?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020
once there was a naughty little  boy
who knew no better, his right from wrong
always naughty instead of nice, not trying
he was unaware that his world would be
turned upside down, thinking last year a fluke
he paid no care ignoring his elders, he laughed
at the old baker man and his wife- who wagged
their finger each time he entered their store
they reiterated-be good or else-and as before
the naughty little boy promptly disregarded them
like every one else-always turning his back
slamming the door paying no heed, ready to ignore
as the clock ticked down- ready for Christmas Eve
the town went to sleep, all quiet, covered in new snow
the naughty little boy slept peacefully without care
having no visions of sugar plums, never to dance in his head
while his mother and father were downstairs
preparing the holiday feast- once done, they retired
to bed too,  then as the light of dawn came up
it was Christmas morning-from house to house
went the jolly old elf , he, himself and his reindeer of eight
arrived on the naughty little boys roof,  The elf paused
ready to check his list, just to be sure thinking to himself
maybe this time, but  there at the top of the list again
was the naughty little boy's name like the year before so
as the jolly elf stood silent shaking his head, ready to
cry- he silently removed a burlap bag from the back of his sleigh
it was filled to the brim with 365 lumps of coal; the sack was for
only the naughtiest of little boys- it was covered with soot- which
he placed under the tree, pinning it with a note, that the man in
the red suit wrote, he left it for the boy, personally; as the sun
rose on this special day, the naughty little boy woke up on
this Christmas morning, he went downstairs- where he  blinked
once, twice, while reading the note Santa left for him, the boy
looked up from the letter no reaction could have been more
timely -with one single tear making it's way down his cheek- he
realized that Santa meant what he said- in part, he wrote
"I know deep down and truly believe in my heart your a good boy
I hate bringing you lumps of coal, so maybe just try a
little harder and next year I will be back with presents, instead
of a sack of coal, so think twice be nice instead of naughty "

Santa Claus

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

My Dearest Son,      
as I start writing this letter to you, watching the embers in the fireplace adding a special glow, it's that time of year, the snow has finally begun to fall, the days are getting shorter and colder, i am sure you remember, how are you adjusting to the heat over there ?
still and all, this time of year makes me reminisce; when you were small, eager for Christmas, you remember? the anticipation grew and grew each day as we got closer to Christmas, I can still see the twinkle in your eyes on Christmas morning, my dear son I miss you so much,  wish i could make the year go a little faster, i am sure you do too, the towns the same, nothing ever changes, they paved main street and added a couple more stop lights, you'll get used to it i am sure, dad's already had a couple close calls, but you know him, he never blinks, he never thinks, willful, doing it his way
but I can tell he misses you, he doesn't show it, he worries in silence, that's how he copes, trying to be strong for us both, but i see it in his eyes, eager to know about you, every time we get a letter- and your little brother has done his best, to help around the farm, trying to fill your shoes, he misses you too
the neighbors and friends stop by, all of them wishing you love and Godspeed as they keep you in their prayers, we put up the Christmas tree the other day with ornaments, n' lights , not the Christmas star for the top, that was yours to do, so we left it off this year, no one else will add it except you, although your brother did ask
it breaks my heart; your not here, our first Christmas apart, my wish for you is that God will keep you safe and strong until the day we are together, we put a package in the mail, little reminders of home, for you and your friends
hoping it brings you closer to us in some small way until the day you are back , know you are cherished, we are so proud of you,  not a day goes by, your always in our thoughts, write back soon, when you can- I have to get dinner ready, your place at the table will remain here waiting; until you are once again sitting across from us, we hope and pray real soon.

hugs and kisses xoxo

Love Mom

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020
A Dark Time

from out of a dark time
let the light count the days
as our innocence is tested
in so many ways

what happens now
as millions of voices react-lay blame
ready to throw up our hands
we declare a moratorium on pain

with words plainly spoken
not just sung or rehearsed
we look to our elders; for ways to make peace
declared; passionate, spoken in straight forward verse

for in the light left, another day clings fast
after the soul-searching, too tired to move
we stay dug-in, immobile, steadfast
as the possibility of change, remains within reach

as we close our eyes, even sleep we fight
still we turn a corner; tonight is made possible
by the countless names and faces
their struggles lived;  impossble to ignore, the time is now

humanity for all- a God given right

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020
A Day in The Life

a day in the life -what happens next
as we watch; all the books are burned
afraid of what they say- while speaking  the truth
words are banned, we are told censorship is the way

a day in the life-what happens next
as we watch; all music lyrics are stripped
no more music will be heard-the sound of silence
-is deafening, truly frightening

a day in the life -what happens next
as we stand in single file, dressed alike
everyone the same-no gender identity, we must conform
individualism forbidden,  we only have ourselves to blame

a day in the life-what happens next
with every eye shut tight, all our ears plugged closed  
each tongue in silence, we ignored the signs, taken once as familiar
it's too late now, life's taken for granted, each one's freedom gone

what happens next? a day in the life

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2020

out of an ember
as the day fades into night
made from sparks-
of burning faith  made right
to become flame,    we, in this, our heated exchange
having bodies fleshed out
by the shadows, as we are
****** upon hallowed ground
willing to whisper speak, for in our preemptory prayers
out of the soul searching it demands
we proclaim
this divine intervention, we are consumed,
with hearts exhumed, by these stolen demands, we
take heed, to breathe it; as if our last,
ready to
ignore mind over matter
the body and soul, is overcome, free-fall, letting go
to be-  human after all, within our limited capacity
we will accept true love, unable to explain it , other to say, more than this
the complication of- drove us here; with love like a drug, having no remedy or cure; our addiction to this
is made bigger- than we both could have realized

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020


version 1:

you didn't ask me but i
will tell you anyways, i am
not a big fan of holidays
everyone trying to pull off
a good mood for just one day
seeming to fake their way through it
until next morning, with eyes half open
groggy from too much eggnog, rise and shine
as they wake up on the wrong side of the bed

by Michael Perry

version 2:

it seems every year
except maybe this year
as we all gathered once in person
now it will be on zoom, ready
to laugh and spread good cheer
we wish each other our prayers and more
for the coming year, still let us not
forget the hundred's of thousands of
family members who paid the price and won't

by Michael Perry

version 3:

there was a star, oh how it shined
ready to bring together humanity
huddled in the cold, there was
a humble family, Father, Mother
baby son, who sought their refuge
surrounded by farm animals, and
three visitors bearing gifts, coming
from faraway, they came there to pay
their respects to a little baby whose
life story lives, destined to be foretold

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

take a flowers bloom
smell the sweet perfume within
still, before it fades

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2021

we went to Vermont  over the weekend
not for leave peeping, but a somber occasion
a funeral; funny it did not seem,  or so we thought

here to see extended family on these seemly
un-rare occasions more and more, every where
death with a couple weddings thrown in

the weather was bright, crisp in the morning
but gradually warming, for Vermont that is; something new
a heat-wave in October- climate change in effect

while never having been to a Vermont funeral before
my memories run the gamut on other stuffy affairs, overbearing
and hard to breathe even, scary and hard to take

we got to the church, the crowds milling about, smoking
everyone dressed like having got off work at 5, it was 10:30 AM
leaving shifts from the garage or the mines, we were overdressed

none the less we were welcomed, with open arms
by members of the immediate family, still we were all family
the service was filled; hymn singing, mixed with salty laced stories

afterwards everyone ate, in rows of communal tables
set up passing food back and forth, everyone brought a dish
with more salty stories and laugher, more laughter such

heart- felt laughter then i have heard in my life time which
made me stop to think, change my point of view about death
to be reminded, our journey is but a continuation of a well life lived

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

What if it happens like this- to come undone
aimless-a mistake, without having purpose
be misguided misdirection-without no flow

I am fitful- heaven sake-find me irresolute
what to think- a blame game- I am afraid to blink
erratic-pique-to be left on hold feeling cold-unloved

I am waiting-ready to flounder-got no points to ponder
have no wonder-don't ask the deeper questions-or seek
another destination, got me ready or not-I have no-fight

or feel anything left inside of me, just aimless-color me
deep blue cut to the root-bleed-or mend -heal me-whatever
the cost-pretend- just twist the truth, here down on my knees

slowly peel back the layers- a scant window view-hear my prayers
regarding mistakes I made at my  confessional-  time will tell
call it randomly- I strayed,  betrayed, up went the *******

for I am the mystique-an oddball flavor-to savor-maybe
not-everyone's palette taste- still I am served best- hot or cold
I am aimless-I am, I am a blank space, no words; meaningless

crazy-random have no order cast me out,rattled deep within
lost my religion -faith is gone-over the years-tattooed on
my lips-whisper; aimless lost in a concept-ill-conceived I am

made indecisive-unexplainable do unpredictable things
made pointless-my little white lies bold-told you- rant
and rave betrayed the truth, I am  fallen behind, left aimless

have no direction-the child of chance-worthless, have no value
give in-to fits; be fickle once a fanciful I am hell-bent-flighty
the heir apparent-accidental tourist, a liar, wanderer-blind-to

whatever end- every other cause without choice ever made
I, I am aimless for what ever keeps me up, gone- be it real or fake
I am compromised, my eyes play fault; I am haphazard, I am who

I am-who I am- capricious, unplanned-raked over the coal, roll
out my story-told- made me, I am aimless- unable to defend my
actions so to all who  knew before I did, when they said aim high

I refused to listen, here I sit, aimless, - having no clue

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

spoon loves to fork
fork loves to spoon
knife chimes in-cut it
you crazy kids, go on
and get yourselves a room

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

out to sea, just you- far out beyond the sky
drawn by the sight lines -of the horizon
in it's unending demarcation, latitudinal and
longitudinal points of interest-- where there
is life, sun, clouds and the occasional rain, when
you took a wrong turn, to bring you further out
-a situation, you hadn't counted on- you search daily
- looking for-something-anything, signs of life
in your momentary delirium-you start having  actual
life conversations with the only solitary animal for
miles around; an albatross- who has made his temporary
port of call- on your boats- starboard side- where each day
he regales you  with stories of his travels, places you will never see
he hopes to keep your spirits up just in case- but until then, it doesn't
matter to the bird for each time he looks at you , in apparent disdain
he will remind- in his scared straight speech -Morgan Freeman  voice
why didn't you have a backup plan just in case- for a situation like this
and then you both laugh at the absurdity of it all-to have
conversations with a talking bird, and a man lost at sea

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

all through life, feel the need, keep your heart full, just dance
make yourself open up to it, take every chance, give in to it all
embrace, as you fall -in love fully, watch for the signs that will
beckon to you- embrace the life given- face it head on- and the
joys of a family extended- it brings, remember throughout it all
there will be pain and joy, you will experience emotions, shedding
a tear or two, along the way, mistakes are made, more than a few
for you are human unable to help yourself -so be ready to make peace
with yourself and when the time comes, for  all the moments you
turned the  other cheek- you did it with a smile, you did your best throughout- and as your life's journey beckons to a close
you will reflect, having  no regrets- just plenty of good memories
                       - of a life lived in full

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2021

we pulled into the parking spot
a piece of grass under a halogen light
hanging over head
we were early or just in time to
pop open several cans of beer
to get ready for the times ahead
putting us in the mood, mellow but
not overly so, we made our way
up the stairs to the amphitheater
it was a nice night, soft breezes
sweet sour smells of *** patchouli
and perspiration wafting through the air, as we
made our way to the seats- looking forward
and all around you could feel
the anticipation build as the crowd got
ready to party the night away
the lights went down, the crowd hushed
a spot light pinned, center stage
the performer walked in, the crowd
went wild, building intensity
the performer raised his finger to his mouth
and went, SHHHHHHH- then, it went quiet, hushed
the performer went on, you
looking at all the adoring fans
yes you, are the problem, he howled, raising his
whiskey tinged voice to the rafters
I have had enough, he growled, he continued
I am not going to
give you what you want- he turned
his back to the audience
the beam of light went out, the place was left
in pitch darkness, the crowd went wild
thinking this was part of the performance, because
the performer was known for his antics
the crowd clapped and yelled thinking
there would be  more,  several minutes went by
nothing happened, we sat there, eating
our cheese steaks and drinking more beer, we
were in our own little world- soon out of
nowhere from within the darkness, someone
started singing, one and then more of the performers
songs, not as good as the performer
but still he gave it his best shot, singing a cappella
he sang song after song without stopping
to the enthusiasm of the crowd who
enjoyed the alternative show, without any
theater lights on everyone turned
their cell  phones on making thousands of pinpoints of light
reach and focus- to make everything better,  
enhanced, and in some ways it did, we never
missed the  real thing, we enjoyed the show ad hoc as it were
and gave the anonymous man in the crowd a standing
ovation after he was done, we walked away
satisfied, feeling we got our monies worth.

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020

once we were all those very young
cause and affect- struck blind by love
what of it -more, more, no one else
all the craziness; of the years ensued
are we better for -have the memories
we made, out on the road as we traveled or
the hurdles we were made to climb, maybe
it was our once a year trips to the shore, sealing
the deal, we have the pictures, videotape too
what will  it matter -so we digress, will it count
not so fast, we are unwilling to repent or repeat
based on our naivete of yesterday, so we look
ahead for what-ever comes next, ready to curse the
before, here and now, settling in- to ourselves to
do it our way, that was always the point, first and foremost

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

it seemed  to have rained forever, unable to concentrate
I paced back and forth, never without a moments peace
in that constant rat tat tat, that seemed to go on forever
never stopping until-finally this morning, as I
glimpsed the sun, I opened up the window, let the air in
from my vantage, up here, I can see everywhere
as I spy upon the people, who constantly walk below
I see how they go, in their never-ending blend of neutral color
one long continuous line of ants they walk with a precision skill
going to and fro-so the question becomes- who is better off-
as I write for a living, hand to mouth or they; earning a decent living wage
-each day, we cope, go about it, on our own; we both turn a page

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

before the day starts to unfold, still young
and within a moments peace until then
from my vantage point, up high, the 32nd floor
all the inhabitants below form  a different
kind point of view, heads down, the city wakes
with it's own perspective, the industrious ideas
ready to be made, and so do the pedestrians
they as little ants, cross ready to jay walk- no hesitation
they listen to their own inner voices no one else can hear
just as a  close call comes within inches-a yellow cab
jumps the curb, just missing two or three of the little ants
trying to cross, the cabs headlights trail-zigzag, turn, disappear
wanting to make a statement, made loud and clear
one long lasting horn blast that echoes in and out
of this cavernous canyon, made of cement and steel
all the dreams, the nightmares, the possibilities, ready
to unfold and so it begins, a city hums, it breathes life  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

give to me
your body, I love you
let me
explore, be transported
into the one promise, we will share
within these moments
to discover,  uncover-**** for, begging
the meaning of love
my fascination-to, you, I, painstaking-ache
to be in love
a prayer-answered
you, I as one
let this be our sanctuary
shelter from, together, be forever
we live, love, take from each other
spontaneous, closer, overcome, between
above, the exalted, by light, in the dark
our love, so- we- become- this-for us
intense with body and soul-declared, we are
light as air, infinite this- we, made-ageless

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020
Angel of the Street (Sleeping On Concrete)

out here alone, I became aware of  
my new reality, my home- it  was here, out on the street
like a bad dream, I was awakened
from a troubled sleep, you got down on your knees, next to me

you held out your hand, to this broken man
I did not know you, yet you
accepted me for me, speaking my name

my angel of the street
you saved me with your smile
without any judgement, there on the concrete
told me I was worth saving
taking me into a warm embrace, when
others could not see, you saw me
down here, on the concrete- you were my angel of the street

you were a stranger to me, as you
came out of nowhere, yet you knew my name, how come?
still, I knew not to question your intention, I could feel, they were real

with my whole world
caving in, you told me
I was worth saving, you comforted me with
your simple words that healed, you took my shame away
and just like that
you erased all the hurt in my eyes, simply with
the touch of your hand-and then

you were gone

as I raised myself up
ready for the first time, in a long time

to realize-

I had been visited by an angel-who with a saving grace
-gave me the strength to stand up and carry on

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

what is left of me, are the pieces
of stilled anguish, unbearable
to the leavings of a gutless wonder

what you have done, can't you see-answer me

I am nothing-no more, like a shell, hollow
my blankness creeps, unable to continue
this deep sense of a careful loss, unable to close

what you have done, can't you see- answer me

the realization, of time and again, as if standing still
knowing no matter how hard I try, always the dead air
now I am, if nothing more, still questionable at most

of the sadness, dense, un-moveable, building up, I ask of it
should I whisper, simply pray, will it matter, into empty spaces
the deepest recess, above my head; in hopes any word of you

-will come to me , that's what you have done

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

to look
into her eyes     I fall, deep, mysterious
like the sky, endless, without fault, guarded
I fall, go; I am swept away, taken by
her forever- Mona Lisa smile, frozen in place
I want to reach out, bring her back to life-make her whole
the bus makes a stop, 3rd and Hudson
she steps down onto the pavement, into the
night, the bus lurches forward
in a plume of exhaust from behind; anonymous girl
who was there, now gone;  like a painting on a
museum wall, out of reach for someone like me

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Aug 2020

wish it was-but it's not, so why not, just stop talking
can't we- how about-turn back time, come on, be real
while we wait for a glimpse of it; of something better-huh
a quality of life, a little sum, sum, more, half of a wish-
to hold out hope, how about today- is it a waste, to
think, maybe, just maybe, no, not now, come on, stop
your a downer, I'm a realist- so when then-soon? -no
it's none of those- why, not just another time; a pipe dream
of what could be- , so we wait, - still  we wait, waiting for what?
this here - right now, nothing feels good, as we stand toe to toe
there's no anticipation, we get in line; suffer through, with the rest
for we are the miserables- the in-betweens of what-when, u care?
maybe, another time- could be, whatever you say- I am not like u
half glass full, not me-I am empty, I got nothing more- so we
walk, continuing, heads down- hunkering against; while, the guy
next to me nudges; he asks almost embarrassed, not quite, can you
spare me a dollar for a cup of McDonald's coffee? I tell him, sure, I've
had my share of anger fueled caffeine for the day-i am trodden, fed up

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

into place, to reign each night  
overseeing, shadows-and light; a days antithesis
of what was- a cycle in contrast, gone for now
I realize, I am
standing still
looking up- what for?
I prefer light over dark, but
for whatever reason, I am drawn to the juxtaposition, mesmerized

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

with so many seemingly
dark filled times ahead, behind
while some days still remain
we will go forward, resilient
knowing  that we must be strong
a little bit longer, until we get there
take a moment, be a child once more
as you did then , look up , search
the night sky, find the brightest star to make
a grown up wish upon, make it a plea that
we will have peace and dignity once and for all

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

as i listen to the rain
this afternoon, right after
a busy day  feeling the heavy load
of long hours taking it's toll, carried over, bringing
pain between my eyes so i sit back
in my chair by the open window
i let it call to me, for it only takes
a couple minutes of just listening
to the gentle rain fall-becoming
transformative, like some medicine, with no pills
with it's subtle sounds so relaxing it begins to release me
to soothe all the pain, bring me back from a hectic day
little by little, with measured steps, to act as a balm
my curative to wash away the stress , bits at a time
it will happen,  begin to uplift, and renew, to
reassure me, in it's simplicity,  that no matter
how bad today was, tomorrow will be just fine

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

to be an observer of a day, a simple moment
it takes time, as i stand still; frozen
on this morning, it's so cold, i can  see
my breath, easily formed, why am i here?
i am drawn to moments, made aware
like a snap shot if you will, of life captured
as it happens, so I am waiting, tucked here
behind a river birch, denude, devoid of
skin-peeled  away by the weather and time
last night i laid out corn cobs and apple cores
in this pursuit, knowing that this morning
would be just right, the light was beginning
to form, a purple delight, with a slice of orange sun
peeking through, as my anticipation was building
i heard a rustling sound in front of me, as three
deer made their cautious approach, a doe, a buck
and a fawn, making their way through the clearing
as they came to the opening of where I placed the food
i watched the three circle around sniffing to be sure if it
was safe, then the buck let the doe and fawn feed first
while the buck kept watch, they stayed aware
until all three ate, then they silently disappeared from view
i kept my distance, no need to approach, my soul was satisfied

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

as the fog lifts up
revealing what was hidden
tall peaks in white cap

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

well into a year, we watch as all the colors
begin to clash and meld metamorph itself
into something more or less an original
declaring look at me, as all around we begin
to feel the change, and the winds begin to shift
taking a crisp turn, further more, lest we forget
it's noticeably dark; with the sun  in retreat; a little
more each day as the seasonal set stage, we once again
prepare ourselves for further year end decline, still
we will remind; to look for the early signs  of what's to come
until then we will prepare ourselves  to hibernate
through the winter,  if need be only waking  as the sun
reaches peak, hence retreat, we watch as the ice upon the
ponds and leaves, will give up, draw back, disappears

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

a walk in the rain
ones happy life exercise
clear thoughts free the mind

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021

babbling brook, speaks
with it's stories of life lived
choosing each parsed word  

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
BABY FACE                

listen to me, baby face your not the first you
certainly won't be the last, i see your
hard edge trying to come through, baby face
they say projection is everything, but you
will fail, trust me no tough cool exterior or hard as
nails façade, will be enough it will be your  
downfall, i see right through to your innocence
hiding behind your eyes, i hate to break it to you
because age will deny you every time, being tough
is not a form of  maturity so cut the bad *** attitude
your not even old enough to drive, so my advice
is act your age enjoy being a kid, for you will have
plenty of time to behave like a real adult someday, just not now

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

you and I once made a pact
with our eyes, back then
words did not exist, between us

in the silent dark
we made holy, a vow with
our bodies in shadow, to witness

for every breath we took
a further reassurance, to the
love we shared

back then as words, hung in the air
unneccessary,not needed
we spoke of love, with our eyes

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020
BEEN THERE (anthem for those feeling love-challenged)

we all tell ourselves
once maybe twice, been there
each time-ready
to take it to the tide, we say
love at first sight, making us two of a kind
out of every bad relationship
we will overcome, love is
like a mystery not defined, our hands to the fire

we say we tried it
as we gaze into a crystal ball
looking for that person, hoping
someone will look back, the point being
we know,  we knew better, still
there will be
no visions of happily ever after

each time it may
feel like a sermon being preached
over and over, we know
the emotion, still
love comes at a cost, hard to hold
out of reach, coming up empty handed

why is it
some of us find it difficult
to overcome the stigma, of being single
when love, comes and goes
playing elusive, with our hearts, still
the battle is hard fought, i understand
been there myself, so persevere
someone is waiting, looking to be found

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020
cascading snow; gentle, falls ****** pure
in silence, with no regard to the ground
below, random, already filling in where
no footsteps, before or after go, to lead
elsewhere, another time and space the
winds will whisper, their voiceless voice
muted, with no one here, all unwatched
by anyone, for the naked branches are
poised;  will reach up skyward; as palms
outstretched in readiness for; to ask for
God's grace, having their most humbled
hearts filled, tonight, the  humanity of;
and the waiting begins, only I the one, an
observer of, I see, things seen and unheard.

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

if it is midnight, it could somewhere or anywhere
for i might be a  stranger, who just happens to be
passing through, so be ready, and know this for
i maybe different, in looks and design, not your cup of tea
despite ourselves we all know better, isn't it ingrained
into our souls, not to judge a book by it's cover, still
at this late hour do not make assumptions, know this
i might be a soul in need of help or a stranger who wants
to stretch his legs, grab a coffee and be on his way, still
the feeling wasn't mutual between us, i could tell
you wanted me to move on, so with decisions made
we both felt it was for the best, as i hit the  gas pedal
creating dust clouds between pavement and the wheel

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

forever lost in their missed steps, beyond the cracks
steel garbage cans line up along  the blackened street tar
received without reply, for in those times gone unnoticed
two are poised, in it's strangeness; a black cat, blue car

by and by, as time flies to lives unsettled or to pass
this life stands stagnant, unmoved, hot to touch, near and far
anyone who wishes, in a subtle voice, lost among the whispers
unfazed nor rattled,  side step, both; the black cat, blue car

on a city street lives collide anonymous silhouette, the alley
heading anywhere else beyond pavements façade, scarred
close enough to touch, by the ruts, lost in moments, to pass
together they poised, to stare down defiant; a black cat, blue car

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Feb 2020

I shall never be rid of you; in the deep down
this little voice that nags-it grows stronger
sometime-not to be  ignored, here nor there
reacting whenever it wants to make itself
be heard, if I know right or wrong with my
mind made up-whether with disdain or satisfaction
to get it's point across for at this juncture or
next- to tell me in it's own little way, whether I
want to hear it or not-demanding of me; full attention
day for night; and sometimes-when I've had enough
it's my way of blowing off steam- I find a place
quiet, my sanctuary space with no one around where I
silently yell into the void and when I've had enough
I feel better, until the next time; whether good or bad
to keep me in line- to my conscience- I say, be ******

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

I called you on the phone
when you didn't answer, I left a message instead
needed to hear your voice, just one more time
I'm so sorry baby, so sorry for what I said
I wanted to explain
no matter what it takes
I really miss you, I made a mess
without you here, next to me, my heart will surely break
I need you to believe
when your not around, where do I go from here
feeling like the color blue, what can I do
don't you understand, why can't you see
I'm so sorry for what I said
I'm such a fool
what was I thinking
when I didn't say I love you back, when I do, baby, I do
it never crossed my mind
I didn't check with my heart, I just assumed
now the pain of losing you
is tearing me apart- instead
I need you to believe
when your not around, where do I go from here
feeling like the color blue what can I do
don't you understand, why can't you see- let me spend
the rest of our lives- making it up to you

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2021

we speak,  or we don't speak
we say things with our eyes
we don't mean to hurt but we do every time

will we find us some middle ground for
to settle and just be;  or will we shovel
digging  a hole deep, falling into and down

we shatter to pieces as fragile as glass
we drink from the same cup, thirsty at last
what once was before has yet come to pass

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

bits of dust created
formed into bone
of something discarded
unidentifiable, was found
by accident, bleached
and sun dried, walked over
how many times, a piece  
of driftwood to be kicked, or fetched
lost to the ways of nature
claimed as it's prey, devoured
by the weather, with no name
once of flesh and blood- missing
fingers, toes arms
within a heart, once beating
now silent , a final indignity
prepared for a potters grave
tagged-unnamed; case closed

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Apr 2021
*****- a Haiku

***** once had its hold
i was the fun drunk, that changed
when i almost died

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2020

I am caught up in the days unraveling, wait; see
not ready to accept, to be left empty, unlovely

counting the miles to go, I am lost; I,  unable to find
my way through, minutes strike down, the hours blind

like grains of sand; to descend, bury me whole; my plea
day for night, to **** over and over, look away from me

there, deep within the image, myself; missing, mirror at my side
with eyes still blue, they say are there, beg to differ; who am I?

lost somewhere else, being the stranger who stares back at me
unable to fight back, or to find, outside image, form of identity

my head down between my knees, nothing more the same
fighting apathy before anger; full of shame, wanting; who to blame

got mystery, of why me? as if every single strand , falls rejected
loose one by one or many; a single brush stroke, to be collected

gathered up, one by one; naivete left on a brush, was meant  
for now I know; I am not like everybody else; different; better

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021

i was always envious
wanted all you ever had, unexpectedly
we meet by chance, i was shocked to see
you across the street, holding up a sign
in front of you that said:
i walked over and put every spare bill
i had on me, into the can you were holding
you did not look up, you just said, "Thankyou"
as i did this  i was thinking, i have heard about
scams like this, and i thought- really ? your doing it
again, and for a moment, i hesitated, wanting to  
take the money back, while i was thinking this you
walked to the next person coming your way, at that
point, i wondered if our places were changed
would your reaction be the same, would you be pleased
with yourself or ashamed of thinking what you thought?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

from my window vantage
crusts of ice build up
to crease the window pane
a wafting draft sneakily escapes
through cracks  beyond the recess of glass and wood
am I prepared to venture out
into the cutting cold
that waits for me outside
i debate, a moments wait
but i decide i must, for no matter what
you cannot convince me otherwise
today will surely be a lucky day, at best  
for all the signs point to it, I can feel it
right down deep- into my chilled bones

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Sep 2020

when I first saw your face
I was ready to believe, you were heaven sent
standing in front of me, God you were so beautiful

I knew, I would follow my heart
and if you followed yours
so let me sweep you off your feet, time and again
come away with me, come away with me, my darling here and now

with a love so close, I can touch it
I know you can too, with no time for indecision
the waves rush over, time and again, as we catch our breath

for this love is pure, has a strength of purpose
-a singular desire, our stars have crossed loves path  
let us keep the bonds of love alive, to feel the fire
come away with me, come away with me, my darling- forever and always  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

out of the jagged lines
molded into the aged  pavement's
upheaval; the ugliness will
thrive; surrounded by broken glass
and debris scattered, comes a flower
struggling to break through, to survive
as it seeks the sun-for in it's
weakened state, the slight leaves
make a vain attempt to find it's
place in all the blight and excess

By Michael Perry
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