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Mar 2020 · 31
Julie Mar 2020
Thank you journey fear to take
Pen and paper the child Iike make
Rubber to pencil fade away
Repeat to make me insane

Thank you my journey hear afar
Steps of little my road of tar
Close to open air to breath
Pain of window inside to seethe

Thank you my journey no empty chair
Turn of  left end right to repair
Weight to carry muscles to build
Thank you journey to wear my shield
Mar 2020 · 21
What becomes
Julie Mar 2020
What becomes
Stitched undone
Weeds to grow
Words told

What becomes
Frozen ground
Winter frown
Memories down

What becomes
Pillows of clouds
Birds sworn
Life torn

What becomes
Fallen stick
Empty boots
Hidden roots
Mar 2020 · 30
Ask me
Julie Mar 2020
Ask me how I want my time
Shout to speak back of mind
Play no act of visions to show
Stop the lies hidden I know

Ask me how I want my time
Fear no fear of what’s behind
Trust my mind body to care
Stutter to stop release to share

Ask me how I want my time
Pray the night to sleep of rhyme
Black of board add to take
One wish in well to make me safe

Ask me how I want my time
No answer of revenge oh my
Protect out there until love died
Hold to sigh breath of lies
Mar 2020 · 27
Story of life
Julie Mar 2020
Memories or thought life reveals
Is it what we see or feel
Words to touch or letters to look
Pages of life is your book
Mar 2020 · 18
Julie Mar 2020
Wonders of what unknown to me
Light one candle reflect to see
Warm of hard to melt alive
Smell of scent breath of high

Steam to show flicker to glow
Grief to hide push out to know
Bench of thought wash to clean
Showers to fall grow of green

Hands held back heart to rise
Journey to carry walk to stride
Circles to move perch to stop
Arms to wrap free the knots
Mar 2020 · 23
Julie Mar 2020
How can I show what memories are real
The ones that hurt to hide and feel
To seek what’s there or nothing true
The times I hid from what I knew

I know I’m not well no cold or flu
My mind I know is sometimes blue
To know what’s there I see inside
The time I visited the house of fright

The games I played were they lies
I count the stairs to reach no light
My hands held out so small to big
Step by step not knowing to give

There  in the kitchen no food to cook
Your there again to take what took
To talk not knowing the unkind I blocked
Body in past to present of shock
Feb 2020 · 28
Julie Feb 2020
Photo of you reflect back at me
Stare in your eyes blind to see
The friend you had memories you keep
Mine are so different the secret I weep

I’m sorry now for what I’m about to say
Not knowing back then my eyes took away
Love for you and him we’re no same
Split in two the divide that came

I say it from my heart and not my mind
The time back then when broken my kind
Look up to believe it’s me and not him
Always end down we’re the fear begins

Time has now passed to feel once again
The feelings no thoughts never become one
Battle no left the right to find a way
Be honest and true come what may
Feb 2020 · 30
Julie Feb 2020
I knew I was different in so many ways
The grief cannot take that away 
The love we had will never be forgotten
My mind to live the special times
Fingers and thumbs they will still show
Memories  that we have cannot be taken
Good  the bad however we see them
Always there whenever it is cold

Roll of the dice that no one knows
Spin  of the wheel the answer will show
Winning  or losing will scatter our brains
Truth that lies may sorrow your woes.  
Look  inside and the answers will be there
Never knowing it was  under your nose.  

Who am I don’t really know
Believe  what you want be true to yourself
Time  and time will surely show.  
Outsiders will see what they want
Be kind be gentle friend or foe 
Free from the wolves and swing from the trees Stand in the rain to watch and grow

Find the rainbow the red pink and green
Follow  it until  the yellow begins.  
The answers maybe there to search again
Relive in your dreams your voice to sing
Gallop  in the wind no matter to  fall
Climb back on and be free with your wings.
Feb 2020 · 24
If I
Julie Feb 2020
If I voice you will you tell
If I know you will you show
If I see will you hear
The truth in me of fear

If I know will you believe
If I go will you be there
If I said what I see
The truth I want in me

If I thought will you think
If I bring will you take
If I trust will you hurt
The truth to heal the dirt
Feb 2020 · 45
Deja Vu
Julie Feb 2020
You wished the world did not repeat
I’m the one here now to sit in your seat
My little friend inside so cold
Taken away your  body forever told

You hurt you hid covers to wear
You thought that life was unfair
Surrendered to the devils cut
Numb to feel pit of dust

No fairy tales you had to reap
The fruit of apple give me to eat
Skip of time no rope you had
It’s me to help your music to beat

I’m here for you now split in two
To stutter your voice believe in you
Only one who understands
The misery the wounds sun of blue
Feb 2020 · 31
Odd socks
Julie Feb 2020
Quirky rhyme it’s therapy time
Odd socks one two and three
Missing piece my drum that chimes
Notes that sing crazy mind

Scarecrow on fields to move the birds
Thoughts and feelings how absurd
Grass to smoke or shoot the gun
One to choose reach high for fun

Episodes will show at 430 meet
I send you mad to fall at your feet
Wine to drink after I’ve gone
There to sit with your ****

Roles reverse now I’m in the chair
How did I make you lose your hair
Was it the poems or the puppet show
Your safe now as  you taught me to know

No words I say to thank what you do
Stutter that I passed over to you
Wonderland of past no Alice your name
No tea to give only the hatter you became
Feb 2020 · 52
Julie Feb 2020
Spinning around  button to stop
Winning and losing at no cost
Jackpot to show lift so high
Around again cost of sigh

Stop to press hands of sore
Going back for more and more
Flashes appear no silver or light
Give up to see eyes to the right

No more to spin reflection to see
Jumping of puddles ***** and deep
Last one there missed to fall
No drowning I tread tired to brawl

Mirror of pain look back at me
Gripping on to swing in the trees
Hands to ears no three monkeys to see
Reading back the words of free
Jan 2020 · 23
Move on
Julie Jan 2020
I’m here of present not pain of past
Body of memories shivers fast
Let it go clouds of paint
Breath to hold not to faint

Circles of life around blank of hate
Madness of times  no time is late
Face to face no shoes of patter
Feed my soul no cup of hatter

Right to look was there to stare
Left to hold no clothes to bare
Warmth inside blackness of words
Over and over to break the curse
Jan 2020 · 41
Julie Jan 2020
Do not lie oceans bed
Rise desert water tread
Snakes of skin hidden depth
Lotus found times of dread
Jan 2020 · 20
Julie Jan 2020
I fight the words of inner voice
The truth I feel that shivers to move
The rays of sun no warmth to feel
Scared to tell the past of real

Hands around collar so stiff
Shake away the left and right
Flicker of lamp no saying goodnight
Back in black no snow of white

Movement of still invisible times
To know it happened bitter of lime
Your face is there no eyes to see
Memories held blank forever keep

Screech the fox prowls at dark
Legs to tremble runs so fast
Home to safe comfort to feel
Leaves to fall of times to steal

Sickness I thought inside my blood
No scars to see just mind to taught
Hidden so far no feelings of free
Little not seen ghost to haunt
Jan 2020 · 35
Going back
Julie Jan 2020
Is it a life inside my head
My world my imagination that I fed
Is it real to touch outside
Not knowing my inner child

To dream so far of times went back
To search and speak the wall that cracks
Bent far down to take the breath
Release far out when times of death

Feathers in box of angels that keep
Eternity there looking so deep
Shutting away broken that locks
Back in time stop of the clock
Jan 2020 · 57
Truth of Love
Julie Jan 2020
Will you still love me when truth comes out
Will you still love me for what it’s about
Will you still love me forever I fight
Will you still love me this day and night

Will you still love me when I sat beside
Will you still love me when I tried to hide
Will you still love me for hurt on my eyes
Will you still love me when I tried to die

Will you still love me no hurt that I gave
Will you still love me when I mis behaved
Will you still love me now that your gone
Will you still love me forever that was wrong

You will still love me when  I scream of sad
You will  still love me the pain that was mad
You will still love me to live life so far
You will still love me the soul you are
Jan 2020 · 19
Julie Jan 2020
Love to wrap body of fear
Fighting to believe reality  of tears
My world of truth numbing of pills
Heating up my thoughts to grill

Tattooing of skin to show the world
The tales of pain mirror of life
Believe to help to heal my scars
Hidden forever voice so far

Puzzle lost piece no end to win
Stairs to climb the time of sin
Stutter to find silence of scream
Visions in grief was never a dream
Jan 2020 · 24
Truth of Thoughts
Julie Jan 2020
Time to speak thoughts of mind
Hidden anger for depths of kind
Death of love scars inside
Stutter the words of tongue tied

Fighting is one story of life
One word to hear was eyes to hide
Memories that flash camera of light
Seeing believing was black and white

Awaken your soul to begin before
Struggle of journey repressed no more
Night of day will finally appear
There to show truth was always near
Jan 2020 · 32
Marks of pain
Julie Jan 2020
Red sky of blue skin to rise
Rise of sore scratch to show more
Believing me was finding safe
The truth inside  was mask of face

Hidden away surface of pain
Not knowing why until lost in space
Covers to cry pillow to hold
Dream no more nightmares of told

Flicker of lantern shadow to stare
Unalome of ink on body of shame
Bruises of numb no more to show
Reflection in  puddles ripple of pain
Jan 2020 · 52
Julie Jan 2020
Ripples in the stream
No Feelings to understand
Hiding when you can
No smile to beam

Your body to be taken
From the little mind you had
Sweet silent child
Never making sound
Doors locked tight
No key to be found

Life standing still
No one to be
Only way is to hide
Lips closed tight
No journey to ride

Tears of eternity
One by one
Splashing to the ground
Puddles so deep
How life felt done

Years go by and by
Blackness was my light
To me to see to be
It’s my life to leave
Dec 2019 · 56
Julie Dec 2019
Sorry it had to be this way
Sorry that you could not stay
Sorry that it had to be told
The life of me I had to unfold

Sorry that you were here no more
Sorry for the tears of no joy
Sorry I really wished you to stay
The life of me I would still hide today

Sorry I miss you so much
Sorry the arm you cannot touch
Sorry cannot hear you’re wisdom to taught
The life of me it was not my fault

Sorry I’m sorry I loved you so much
Sorry the words young I had no crutch
Sorry for the times i was no good child
The life of me thought in the wild

Sorry the word used no thought
Sorry we should of been taught
Sorry blame to be held hidden
The life of me would not have been ridden

Sorry this day had to come
Sorry in the chair I had to become
Sorry I had to voice to be well
The life of me releasing the hell
Dec 2019 · 73
Julie Dec 2019
Dad no hurt that you did
Why oh why they gave me pain
No one like you lived so much
Trusted believes in life to touch

Hurt and pain they gave it to me
You didn’t in any life to gain
I know that if you were here
No pain would bring me to tears

My dad so gentle giving and true
They should of followed your boots
Hands so big but gentle in touch
My world loved so much

When you were there life was so true
In times I struggled when I was blue
No words you needed to hear you breath
Blanket was there for me to reach

Photos I look not remembering them all
Eyes to feel the safe and tall
Dad oh dad miss you so much
The good the bad now time to grieve
Dec 2019 · 50
Julie Dec 2019
Here to lay still with silence
Freeze the hands ticking in time
Stop to press and watch to pause
Mend the hands rough in line

Moon so full in times that reflect
Stars so tiny wishing to all
Shooting to send to soar and try
The world around flash in the sky

Brushes stroke gently the flow
Colours mixed red yellow and blue
Blank to begin the gaps within
Pictures that hang hidden to show
Nov 2019 · 46
Julie Nov 2019
Black the day that sun was broken
Locks of curls flow in the wind
Dress of white not worn to be spoken
Cut off when life was sinned

Sharp the silver soul to mortal
Tears no joy exist life’s years
Held the force pain of brutal
Piercing eyes sound that hears

Curled in ball no book of words
Fire no light no arms to wrap
Shiver of wood rot of  sword
Shadow of me was fear to sap
Nov 2019 · 62
Julie Nov 2019
Lost in world of dissociation
Dreaming of things that forgotten
Visions I see no eye that meets
Wonders of world of defeat

Knocking back and forth
Count to 10 real world again
Voice to speak grown up times
Dream again of forgotten crime

Hands to head to hit so hard
Knock out the ring to hear the bells
Uncover the puzzle missing piece
Detach in time the life repeats
Nov 2019 · 91
To live
Julie Nov 2019
To live is to laugh
To laugh is to love
To love is to live
To see is to hear
To hear is to see
To touch is to smell
To smell is to touch
To be me is to be me
To fear is to not
To stand up tall is the lot
Nov 2019 · 56
Julie Nov 2019
Singing rhymes tiny mind
Giant become searching to find
Fear to reveal time and time
Underneath the bells to chime

One two three sing to see
Round and round sticks to put down
Spin again to pick the one
Sound aloud no nursery of fun

Blow by blow no comfort I live
Alone for me house that sticks
Bricks that build to all fall down
Begin again for wheels to  go round
Nov 2019 · 44
Julie Nov 2019
Here I am back to explore
The mind the visions  to draw
Find the piece that is out of line
To come to terms of what was crime

Scratching the sores to make them bleed
To find a way out heal the raw
Not knowing what was right or wrong
Deep beneath the weeds so long

No minute of silence the bells to ring
The shadows not showing on the ground
Submissive I want to feel the cold
truth to be known and told

Visions are there to appear
The real feelings releasing in the chair
Solid as ice no axe to crush
The final will end but with no rush
Nov 2019 · 44
Who am I
Julie Nov 2019
Who am I mind wanders to know
Not me not you who wears those clothes
Size up knowing what to do
Choice of what those colours show

Looking back white was black
Detached the house to show my woes
Written back for rhymes to show
Life just happened not really to know

Blank pages of crosswords to find
The time that healed forgotten mind
Word of games reveal to answer
Days too old to become wiser
Nov 2019 · 106
Julie Nov 2019
I fear the fear with panick inside
I tremble I sweat with the breath on my life
The hand that leads me to no where
The silence the stillness that wasn’t quite right
You monster you devil that thing that’s inside
I really not sure what life was about
The truth be told I know your insight
No dreaming or imagining the real thing was at night

The pond the game I remember some things
The stairs that led me to were the nightmare begins
The blankness the freezing felt like Ice
From that  day I will remember you took my childlike life
My breathing is faster my neck feels tight
It’s time to loosen them muscles and say goodnight

Hide under the stones  with jaw locked tight
feel that this thing will never be right
Closed eyes clenched fists
Time to live for eyes to sight
Nov 2019 · 111
My world
Julie Nov 2019
My children my world I’m here to protect
to be free but will never neglect
here for you to guide and to be seen
to hear to feel the love in between
Go do what you need I will always be here
listen to care to heal for you all to be free
Pumping of my heart is the love I have
you are my chi my being that’s all I need
We may disagree and fight in the wild
all need to know that your never be alone
Stand tall be young  and believe who you are
As I never new that until life was so far
Time to mend so I can be there watching you grow from the cub that will roar
My love will always be there the highs the low
you are my world that I will never let go
Nov 2019 · 57
Julie Nov 2019
No looking back forever tonight
Release those feelings one more goodnight
Truth was there moon so bright
Today the sun will rise ray of light

Out in the open shiver the cold
Faced to see the life you told
Shock was wired so long
Rain to fall wash to unfold

Frozen water no fairy tale
No drama to tell real life took
Don’t turn back to change the clock
Future to read no end of the book
Nov 2019 · 39
Julie Nov 2019
Sunken ship forever try
Creative mind not knowing my rhyme
Eating alive what life passed by
Appear again when grief was to die

Sun rise the clock strikes again
feeling of terror stuck inside
Heart to sink ocean floor
Hidden in mind forever no more

Shocked hit thunder that strikes
Body of hurt no scars to show
Shivers of cold frozen of ice
Repeat  again but this time to know

No words come out actions to play
Fighting with one knocked out pain
Room of truth there you will watch
Time once more reliving the same
Nov 2019 · 170
Julie Nov 2019
Fear of fear who knows
Fear of fear life’s woes
Fear of fear sight shows
Fear of what burrows

Fear of fear nothing to seek
Fear of fear always to keep
Fear of fear life only  told
Fear of what becomes cold

Fear of fear living life
Fear of fear becomes rife
Fear of fear lightening strikes
Fear of what mind sights
Nov 2019 · 39
Julie Nov 2019
Memories sleep one day to appear
Sun rise no shooting star
Night to come were lifetime to keep
Dimmed out not knowing back so far

Tightness to feel what memories fold
The terror of the night that left untold
Mouth to voice someone there
No cushion for comfort empty chair

Fantasy times or true life reveal
Times of grief there to unleash
Crippling inside feelings release
Missing word eternity peace
Nov 2019 · 66
Julie Nov 2019
Shiver the cold the heat inside
release to find what heals the sight
Live once more the day to come
Hidden was your heart to be one

Shiver to hold not knowing what’s there
Coldness of time summer will come
Brightness of sun no blind of rays
Hidden dark days will finally be done

Shiver those Eyes squeeze so tight
Shout out the screams no noise
Curled in a ball so tight and round
Hidden was the only sound

Fists clenched hold up so high
In the ring not knowing why
Gloves so big for tiny hands
No hidden now to win the first round
Nov 2019 · 160
Time to reflect
Julie Nov 2019
Here to lay still with silence
Freeze but ticking over in time
Stop to press and watch to pause
Mend the hands that rough the storm

Moon so full in times that reflect
Stars so tiny little and all
Wishes to send to soar and fly
The world around is high in the sky

Brushes stroke gently the flow
Colours mixed red yellow and blue
Blank to begin the gaps within
Pictures that hang hidden to show
Nov 2019 · 71
Back in time
Julie Nov 2019
It’s me it’s me the one that begun
No brakes that work to find the fun
Fast as they turn  wind in my hair
Up and down the bumps to Care

It’s me it’s me we’re did I go
It all started off like not to know
Blank piece of wood to make it fun
Ride up and down life in the sun

It’s me it’s me the boots that I wore
Wheels that went round 
Little girl that soared 
Fun times we had so much more

It’s me it’s me on top of the hill 
Out of my way fast as I can 
Down and down wet in the rain
Hitting the bottom to climb once again 

It’s me it’s me here I am
Poems I rhyme loved the time 
Paintings I feel will start and dry
Heart to sing songs to mime

It’s me it’s me the stones I see
Throw them to hit one two or three
Jump in the square reveal what’s there 
Ten to reach win to glee 

It’s me it’s me I cannot stop
I want to feel good to enjoy the lot
Keep looking for words that will finally stay
It’s me it’s me my time to play
Nov 2019 · 109
Julie Nov 2019
Pen to paper black or blue
I write the words to match the truth
Reading back see what’s written
Story of life stuck in forgotten

Words now gone for me to grill
Spring summer comes the storm
Hang on branches not to brake
Crisp leaves crushed and torn

One by one written in blood
Evil sounds they make me feel
Word by word memories read
Hidden inside the meaning was dread

Verse by verse rhyme to see
Hands that hold the final key
Black Ink stain set in
Flowing freely write to feel the Chi
Nov 2019 · 76
Forgotten Time
Julie Nov 2019
Slumped down no more  to bare
Burrowed so deep forgotten fear
Cruel was the kind ice so cold
Oh help please as I fold

Turn away no eyes that meet
Truth i thought was that cared
Evil there by your side no kind
Not knowing it was hidden outside the mind

Hands held down clock still ticks
Face out there everywhere to watch
Facts was the time to hear chime
Dark was the night of forgotten time

Trust that I thought for years to hear
Releasing the child never no show
Life that flys no wings to spread
Journey again clean hands to retread
Nov 2019 · 382
Julie Nov 2019
Love is hurting
Love is kind
Love is forgetting
The things inside

Love is giving
Love is taking
Love is sharing
The things in time

Love is powerful
Love is mind
Love is great
The things we find

Love is caring
Love is wired
Love is given
Inside we admire
Nov 2019 · 81
Julie Nov 2019
I fear the fear of losing control
I’m in pain and nowhere to go
I know I can beat this as I have done before
The feelings the shivers the tears no more

One day I will be back where I was
Little by little the stems will grow
My heart beating fast the sweat on my brow
This is when it’s time to slow

Listen to your feelings one by one
take them gently as they come
the butterflies will fight inside their hole
let them flutter one by one

Don’t fight anymore just let it be
Hands wide reach to the sky
Stars they shine and twinkle at night
Open your eyes and you will fight

Run as fast ribbon to end
Time and time stop to mend
How life will be free
never catch up just swing in the trees
Nov 2019 · 51
Julie Nov 2019
Holding back pushing tight
In and out rhythm of breath
Warm inside cold outside
Shadows of light

Faces on trees
Cracks to see
Running wild
Crisp of  leaves

Beauty of nature
Winding path
Green and brown
Up and down

Boots of mud
Still those thoughts
Ears for sound
Deep in ground

Lost no more
Branches in fall
Bridge over stream
Ripples and all

Unlock the key
Open your heart
No treasure to find
Emptiness of mind
Nov 2019 · 40
Julie Nov 2019
Faces we see unknown that meets
Stories told fairy or life
Tales she tells back in time
Spoken words repeat like mine

Dying she was lines not to show
Mind of a child that still grows
Journey of life to teach to me
Help rid of the fear for eternity

Smile that was given started to voice
Stretch to reach the top of the shelf
Spirits that past there to stop
Fate was there to untie my knots
Nov 2019 · 177
Julie Nov 2019
Eyes we stare so be there
Truthful gaze feel the haze
Fog to lift find the mist
Lost in maze

Ache is that must care
the life that we share
Nightmare or a dream
Clouds of steam

Sound or see
Alone in between
Help inside to feel
Bring to light for real
Nov 2019 · 143
Julie Nov 2019
The day will come that I won’t fear
Not now, not yet, but near
Believing is hidden hurt
Blank mind no words to work

Black is written in the rhymes
Reading back, time and time
Fighting against the storm so strong
Life to relive so wrong

Heart knew what was broken
The angel in me to be taken
Years go on not to know
Where the fear began to grow
Nov 2019 · 71
Stones to throw
Julie Nov 2019
Green of ocean hidden so far
Waves in storm torn apart
Lightening of silver black to grey
Water In pebbles washing away
Desert of pain

Deep in the sand sun to reflect
No bucket or ***** kingdom no more
Bury me under head so far
Stones to feel to bore

One by one yours to pick
Big or small make same  noise
Hands so rough smooth bounce more
Strength to find throw those sores

Treading in water no jacket to save
Guard to find make your way
Blind of rays
Life to stay
Nov 2019 · 62
What if
Julie Nov 2019
If is used in so many ways
If what if good and the bad
If the sun shined so bright
If it will make you right

If life was not so messy
If wired like mind
If stood back stride by stride
If beginning back in time

If you were me and I was you
If is what eyes would see
If angels gave you wings
If what if the song to sing

If to control what visions there
If the hurt was white  and not black
If heart was stronger than mind
If is what if the mighty blind
Nov 2019 · 77
End of the Rainbow
Julie Nov 2019
So many thoughts come from one word
The hurt the pain it feels so raw
Sun will set when terror begins
Not knowing when sunrise sings

Hurt will burn the blackness to grow
Stirring the mind that’s trodden down
Coldness scrapes  to get through these times
My life held in not knowing the crime

Broken butterfly was once white and pure
Watching and waiting a lifetime to appear
Killing inside the love not to know
Surrender those wings and find how to glow

gold and silver held  in my hands
treasure that was given no place in my heart
Hardest of times that we’re learned
End of the rainbow was a hug I so yearned
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