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Nov 2019 · 58
Julie Nov 2019
Who am I do I know
Heart to pump for sound to find
flow of blood through your veins
Your Soul to show

Waterfall of rain feeling free
Lightness of body to release
Splash of water from hands that wet
Wake up little mind to see

Spirits I feel to be true
Holding back is way to be
Pushing through trying hard
To be me is a ride so far

Wishing well hidden so deep
Pennies to throw
Never to be found
Search  inside you is one way to grow

Tug of war is one of the games
Pulling and pushing stuck in mud
Let go of the rope
Live in hope

Look inside to finally find
Truth and love is what you are
Clench of fists holding tight
You my friend was missed by light

— The End —