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Aug 2021 · 394
Lala Aug 2021
It's too expensive
to live in this world,
covered in so many bruises,
Convincing you it's safe
when you look from out in space.
As I sit, scribbling this down
under the lampshade
I realize that nothing is safe
not even the words I say.
Jul 2021 · 472
A puzzle
Lala Jul 2021
You are a puzzle,
different things piece together to make you,
different verses,
different interests,
different traits,
different desires,
different claims,
different culture,
different race.
If they wish not to understand, do not make them.
You do not have to prove to anyone, but yourself
that you are a beautiful creature, inside and out.
Jul 2021 · 257
Lala Jul 2021
In this world
of suffering and pain,
I find solace ​within
the ​pages of a book
and the world it carries.
Jul 2021 · 92
My Hair
Lala Jul 2021
She speaks volumes,
Blacker than charcoal, she ain’t see through,
With weak strands of white hair—
Courtesy of my Grandma.

She falls out when a comb rakes through.
She doesn’t dance with the wind,
Instead, she rebels against it,
A protester standing her ground against authority.

She stays silent even in pain.
Even when malnourished,
She doesn’t beg for food.
Just stays quiet, keeping it in
Till it’s too much and she begins to break
Strand by strand, withering away
… And I go bald!
Lala Jun 2021
It booms out of you,
loud and demanding.
It echoes in the room,
drawing me back to now.
Now, where you are laughing,
and though I don't know what provoked it,
I begin to laugh along with you.
A virus, so contagious,
the whole room joins in
laughing and laughing and laughing,
and soon, we become a room of laughter.
With all our worries gone,
we are not bound to earth,
like laughing granted us wings,
and we are flying high, high above the sky.
Oh, the joy that laughter brings me.
Apr 2021 · 128
The World I Imagine
Lala Apr 2021
You asked, "what can you imagine for yourself and the world?"
I imagine a world where I will not be judged by the color of my skin.
Where I will not be made to feel out of place,
because I come from a different background and race.  
Where kids from different places will come together and embrace
each other, live in peace and harmony,
become a family.
Where a man can sit in his car seat
and not be pulled over because he got a little melanin in his skin.

I imagine a world that will not be perfect,
But it will not be far from perfect.
There will be arguments and misunderstandings,
But it will be ones that can be solved with a simple apology.
No need for the guns, that is too quick to shoot.
No need for the hate, that is too quick to judge.
All we will need in this world that I have imagined
is a lot of love and understanding.
Mar 2021 · 251
Lala Mar 2021
Sometimes I am overflowing with emotion
that I am unable to identify
So all I want to do is cry
But why?
If someone saw the river as I let it out of my eye
and they ask me 'why,'  I wouldn't be able to reply
I would be at a loss for words because I too don't now
"why?" would then become such a complex question
a math problem that I do not possess the formula to.

There has to be a reason.
Water boils because there's fire underneath,
But I do not know who lit it.
All I know is that the water is boiling.
All I know is that I want to cry,
But I dare not for I do not have an answer to "why?"
Lala Feb 2021
Dear Martin,
         So many years have passed and it breaks my heart to say that the oppression is still there. You'd think that in the years, the hate would have slowly died down, but sadly it seems to grow bigger, evolve, into a beast, a monster. Martin, I do not write to you to tell you that this war is still going on. I write to tell to that we've made progress. Broke stereotypes. moved mountains. Each day waking up choosing not to fight hate with hate.
    But Dr.King I wonder, I truly do wonder,
if they are so blind that they cannot see the pain they cause.
I wonder if I am naive to think
that all the movies and shows that portray the struggles that African Americans go through, will break them, make them show sympathy.
I wonder if they have wrapped their heart in so many layers of stone,
that no matter how many times the ocean hits the stone,
it will not be able to weather the stone away.
I wonder if someday,
'hate' will be too weak a word to describe how they feel,
or maybe just maybe it will instead become too heavy on their shoulders,
and they will have no choice but to let it go.
I wonder if people think this is God's doing,
cause Ma always tells me, whatever situation you find yourself,
good or bad,
believe the Lord will guide you through.
Do you believe in God Dr. King?
I do.
I believe that he will take pity on us,
on the brothers who have died,
on the mothers who have mourned,  
on the sisters who are mistreated,
on the fathers who are wrongfully convicted,
I believe he will take pity and end this war.
I believe in your dream, Dr. King,
and dreams do not die, they merely take time to manifest.
I have hope that it'll become a reality, and I hope you do too.
I have to present this next week Wednesday to over 100 people for black history month and I would really appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on this poem. Thank you.
Jan 2021 · 598
You are only Human
Lala Jan 2021
For you are only human,
You can not do it all.
You will fail and
you will succeed.
In your failures, get back up.
In your success, be humble.
You are expected not to be the best,
But you are expected to try your best.
Feed your curiosity,
Expand your boundaries.
Just remember, you are only human, you can not do it all.
I got asked to write words  I wished someone would have told me, so here are words I had wish I got told.
Oct 2020 · 86
To my author
Lala Oct 2020
As I inject and I reflect,
As I aspire what I desire,
And I dread my regrets.  
For the musician and the listener,
I have a request, you would reject.

As I require and I acquire,
As I follow in the steps,
And I wallow in sweats.
For the driver and the conductor,
I have a destination, you would not go.

As I achieve and I retrieve,
As I capture and I secure,
And I accomplish my dreams.
For the writer of my story,
This is the plot I want to be written.
This is a poem I started a long time ago but never finished it. I have had no inspiration to write anything for a while, so I went back to my old stuff and rekindled them
Aug 2020 · 85
Just as u came.
Lala Aug 2020
You'd think you have all the time in world,
But your life can be taken away.
Just as it was given.
You wouldn't even know it's ur last breath.
You wouldn't even know it's the last thing you'll admire.

But when it happens,
As u take u eat ur last meal,
Take your last breath,
And as set ur eyes upon the last thing they will ever see.
Your life still going on around you...
Then you're gone.
Just as u came.
Jul 2020 · 113
Reality. Fantasy.
Lala Jul 2020
It's all on replay.
The leddar is broken.
Can't undo what has been done
The anger we feel it again
The pain we experience again
The joy it fades away
The line between reality,
and fantasy is now blurred
Memories uncategorized
Is it real or fake?
Jul 2020 · 111
Lala Jul 2020
I want to an Artist,
But not an artist.
I want to paint with words and not a brush.
I want to write those thousand words that a picture is worth.
I want to be like Shakespeare, my art so mesmerizing it will be talked about for generations and generations to come.
I want to be, but I know I will never be an artist.
Cause my mind won't let me.
I see others art, compared to mine and it says to me , "what are u doing you'll never be as good as they are."
My mind watches everything that I do, so judgemental, it tells me am not good at it so I don't do it.
Even this poem, my mind is already judging, so I'll let u be the judge, is it good enough?
Jun 2020 · 142
Human interaction
Lala Jun 2020
Sit alone,
Stand alone.
Talk to someone
In the mirror
The devil I see
No, that is me.
It cracks and breaks
Because of my face.
the reflection,
Too overwhelming to take.

Eat alone,
Sleep alone.
Crowd isolated,
Own my own.
On the bed,
Roll to my left
Vacant, vacant,
No one is there.

Walk alone,
Fight alone.
Talk, and talk,
Don't say enough.
Hush, and hush,
You say too much.
In a fist
Hands shall be,
On your face
It will stick.

Live alone,
Be alone.
Laughing, laughing,
It's not mine.
Crying, crying,
Those are mine.
I'm alone,
All alone.
Human interaction is all I need.
Lala Jun 2020
It's like a ticking bomb
Waiting, just waiting to go off.
I get goosebumps whenever
I put on the timer and let it go
I open the door and
it comes off into my hand,
I just a pulled the grenade pin
We are all gonna die
But then we don't
Cause it's just a microwave.
A broken, broken microwave.
I put in two minutes
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Bom! I knew it was gonna be the death of me.
I wrote this last year, when we had the microwave with the door broken and when you are microwaving stuff, it made this weird noise, which made me scared that it was going to blow up.
Jun 2020 · 97
Lala Jun 2020
The denotative meaning of tenderness is "gentleness and kindness"
To me tenderness is understanding  this person is sensitive and making sure that you don't, in anyway, hurt them.
Jun 2020 · 333
Lala Jun 2020
I had THREE goals for today,
And I couldn't even get through no.2.
If I can't accomplish THREE simple goals,
How am I going to accomplish my life goals?
Jun 2020 · 120
I need light...
Lala Jun 2020
I need light,
To use as my sight
to see what's ahead
And guide me a right,
But your big fat head
Keeps blocking my light,
Like a solar eclipse
Leaving me with glimpse.
Lala Jun 2020
How can one, in a moment, be so drunk on happiness and the next be drowning in a tsunami of sadness?
Jun 2020 · 117
The stranded
Lala Jun 2020
All the stranded souls are around me,
one added right this morning.

All these bodies, are alarming,
pool is red, overflowing.

Can't handle, heart is bleeding,
can't talk about, life consuming.

Drop dead now, no tears will fall,
memories of you fades and all.

Don't know where u are, don't panic
Lost souls, please join the stranded.
Feb 2020 · 122
Text me back
Lala Feb 2020
She's waiting and waiting,
To see the three dot
Glowing and glowing,
That means he's typing.
Her phone on her chest,
Closing her eyes,
She goes back in time
To those days
They'll stay up all night,
Texting and texting,
Till time passes by.
It hurts and hurts,
To see their fire burn out.
She thought they would have time,
But I guess she was wrong.
He gave her peace
But then he took it back.
Just pick up your phone
And reply her message.
Text ME back.
Feb 2020 · 117
I plead Guilty
Lala Feb 2020
The deed done.
The feeling gone.
Guilt crawling in,
hatred grows within
for one's twin.
Truth before you,
promises shattered too.
I broke a promise that I made to myself and the disappointment is overwhelming.
Jan 2020 · 195
You described me as..
Lala Jan 2020
You describe me as...
I describe me as...
I asked my friends, family, classmates, and teachers to describe me in one word. I did not rephrase any word, added or remove any words, that why there is a repeat of words as you can see.
Nov 2019 · 196
Unspoken of
Lala Nov 2019
I am broken,
Our love left unspoken.
I could ask,
but you would say
your love for me just went away.
Lala Nov 2019
It was such a beautiful flower.
A flower that once was standing tall,
but is not anymore.
A flower that didn’t care what people said,
and would just follow as its heart-led.
A flower that didn’t like to be pushed around not even by the wind.
A flower that was so confident to do as it willed.
It was a flower that lived by a code to-’always be yourself.’
But now wonders, how to be who it doesn’t know itself.
"you are such a beautiful flower" it would say,
every night before it went a stray.
Nov 2019 · 289
I am suffocating
Lala Nov 2019
Just look around,
No place to breath.
Water everywhere,
No oxygen.
Face getting red,
Hold my breath.
Exhale. Inhale.
Now go to rest.

— The End —