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91 · Feb 2023
no worries
MT Browder Feb 2023
I will have
  no worries
    no pains
      no mistrusts
        no anxieties
          no problems
        the day after
      I die
91 · Dec 2022
MT Browder Dec 2022
If a poem falls in the forest and nobody is there to read it, does it make a thought
91 · Oct 2022
two coffins
MT Browder Oct 2022
When I pass, they will need two coffins for me, one for the body and the other for all these feelings....
91 · Nov 2022
MT Browder Nov 2022
This could be my last, your first, and our only...nobody really knows but you

After this went unread for a month,
i guess i forgot about never...

No worries never is my normal
90 · Feb 2023
free ride
MT Browder Feb 2023
a bus ticket is cheap
a train ticket probably more
a flight can cost a heap
but at the end of the ride
the ticket "home" is free
either going down or up-side
89 · Dec 2019
You fill my empty places
MT Browder Dec 2019
You happy my sad
You calm my mad
You soothe my pain
You profit no gain
You strengthen my weak
You listen when I speak
You warm my cold
You comfort my soul
You light my dark spaces
You fill my empty places
88 · Jun 8
MT Browder Jun 8
some people can spot a flaw at a 1000 yards but wouldn't see a blessing if it kissed them on the cheek
88 · Oct 2023
night at the bar
MT Browder Oct 2023
hide the pain
of my loneliness
smile and hug
in hopes of
someone's attention
in hopes
88 · Dec 2022
MT Browder Dec 2022
hold an acorn and see the majestic oak
hold a newborn and see a miracle
hold hate and see hell on earth
hold love and forgiveness and see peace
hold money and see greed
hold kindness and see it multiplied
hold a dream and see your future
87 · Nov 2022
MT Browder Nov 2022
The                                                       the
        beauty                                     in
                     of                    totally
                          a        ­     is
86 · Jan 2020
MT Browder Jan 2020
I wash and clean
primp and pluck
and gussy up

I shave and cut
**** in my gut
and smile double

it's a lot of trouble
to be invisible
86 · Nov 2022
thinking out loud
MT Browder Nov 2022
Thinking out loud....People often advise "just don't care what other people think". In my opinion, this is self-centered advice. Looking at yourself from the outside is healthy and advised, knowing what GOOD and LOVING people think of you is a mirror of your soul. However, do not JUDGE yourself only on other's perceptions. Vibrate higher.
86 · Mar 2022
your loss
MT Browder Mar 2022
you want me to say it
but you don't
you want me to do it
but you don't
you need me
but you don't
you don't
and it's your loss
86 · Feb 2021
MT Browder Feb 2021
i could meet you a thousand times
in a thousand lives
and still love you a thousand times
in a thousand ways
85 · Oct 2019
I walk the land
MT Browder Oct 2019
I walk the land
the forest, the soil, the sand

I see the marks of man
fields, roads, and dams

I wonder how it was before
my father, grandfather and more

With work, sweat and back sore
shaped it to grow crops galore

Generations made this sprawl
wider than a crows call

I lean down and find an arrowhead
and without gall
realize this land isn't ours after all
85 · Mar 2022
MT Browder Mar 2022
how strong
the words that mocked Him
the thorns that crowned Him
the scourge that slashed Him
the nails and spear that pierced Him
the cross that held Him
how weak
the grave that couldn't keep Him
84 · Mar 2023
MT Browder Mar 2023
it is easy, 9 of 10 communications are wants or a helper or listener
84 · Dec 2022
at all cost
MT Browder Dec 2022
the artist has no choice
the heart has no choice
the thought has no choice
the words have no choice
the pain has no choice
it must be said
at all cost
81 · Dec 2022
MT Browder Dec 2022
We need to spend way more time in "we" than in "me"
79 · Oct 2020
MT Browder Oct 2020
I wait for
a sound
a gaze
a hi
a walk by with side eye
because your silence
is deafening
79 · Oct 2019
MT Browder Oct 2019
I've got a little place
close to my heart
I keep people there
but only their best part

I only take their best things
the bad, just pass on by
I don't always know what I'm taking
and don't always know why

They stay in that place
and I hope they get along
cause they will be there
until I am gone

I think they get blended
into this thing you see
I think they get blended
into this thing called me
79 · Jul 2023
MT Browder Jul 2023
if you boast of your generosity,
honesty, or holiness

your words hold no weight
78 · Oct 2022
MT Browder Oct 2022
I can't really hug you
with words I spew
or given font or style
is only words on file
open your mind's arms wide
set your perceptions aside
fill you heart with caring
energize your intent with sharing
now with warm and soft embrace
hug with pure love's grace
I love you all
I love all of you!
78 · Oct 2023
MT Browder Oct 2023
trust is root on the tree of friendship and its fruit laughter
77 · Dec 2023
love blind
MT Browder Dec 2023
it's a one way trip
through this dream
and a quick one
be kind, and love
love with a one of a kind love
love in a never again love
love like you don't give a ****
love if nothing is returned
love and love again
love blind
77 · Oct 2023
i need to
MT Browder Oct 2023
you need to stop starting every conversation with "you need to"
77 · Jun 2020
MT Browder Jun 2020
Searching searching for a place to rest
This chaos weighs heavy on my chest
Love will find a place of peace
No triggers no hate speech
Is it too far to reach
Rest I beseech, and love I preach
76 · Jan 24
MT Browder Jan 24
wake up ready to fight evil of mind
work every day against the pain
rest your head knowing that behind
the Holy Spirit moving good to gain
75 · Sep 2023
you know
MT Browder Sep 2023
it is much better in being right about being wrong than being wrong about being right
74 · Oct 2022
MT Browder Oct 2022
If we only live in the present
and the past and future doesn't exist
how can I ***** up so **** often?
73 · Jan 2023
MT Browder Jan 2023
Fill your new thoughts with Love, Acceptance, and Compassion...vibrate higher and make these contagious
73 · Oct 2023
short fuze
MT Browder Oct 2023
im building a love bomb, the mother of all love bombs, MOALBs, and it has a short fuze
72 · Feb 2
MT Browder Feb 2
defeat is the final stage of fear
failure is the first step in success
regret is yesterday's problem
hope is clear as a baby's eyes
happiness flows like a crystal river
sadness a stagnant puddle of hate
courage has a pinch of crazy
love is gravity
72 · Oct 2021
MT Browder Oct 2021
I'm truly just super nice
and I pay the price
I'm blessed with generosity
without reciprocity
I hold no malice
with your ego palace
and in the end
you are still my friend
72 · May 2021
MT Browder May 2021
when I'm gone
no one will remember
I'm certain
when I move on
            my soul
will be free
of yearning
for anyone to need
a simple conversation
                                or advice
                                     or just a memory
I pray
  I can forget
            me too

72 · Oct 2023
MT Browder Oct 2023
sky renders every hue
autumn trees give wonder
tropical waters bleed blue
irish hills nay chose
their love songs of green
nor desert's soft tune of rose
mountains, heavy with gray
a boy's innocent embarrassed blush
nothing excapes the Creator's brush
71 · Oct 2023
MT Browder Oct 2023
phone rings
"mt's love shop"
"making love for 58 years"
"how can i love you"
"sorry, can't hold the...."
"only love one way"
"extra everything"
71 · Oct 2020
I'll do better
MT Browder Oct 2020
I'm a puzzle missing a piece or two
The pebble in your shoe
The bad wheel on your cart
The lawn mower that won't start
The faucet with a drip drip drip
The super hot coffee sip
The money you borrow
I'll do better tomorrow
71 · Aug 2020
Visiting Soul
MT Browder Aug 2020
Heart and Mind went to visit Soul
Heart excited, Mind under control
Mind:  I'll drive you navigate
Heart:  This trip is going to be great!
Mind:  Straight through to the end
Heart:  No stop, no new friends?
Mind:  No problems, no curves, no hills
Heart:  No new, no adventure, no thrills?
Mind:  The danger for pain is great, we must guard
Heart:  Soul told me the journey will be hard
Soul:  How was your ride, tell me alllll about it
Mind:  Heart took wrong turns, but wonderful, I must admit
70 · Jan 23
MT Browder Jan 23
the hunger of a true and lonely heart is quenched with a spoonful, but an evil heart is a glutton
69 · Sep 2020
design revised
MT Browder Sep 2020
miss her so bad
replay the reunion like mad
a thousand times in my mind
how perfect thought designed
could never be better for real
the hugs, the ideal
and on the day, I'm so surprised
it absolutely revised
69 · Jan 2023
MT Browder Jan 2023
Expectations are previews of events that rarely happen...Hope leaves room for improvement
67 · Oct 2021
all of the above
MT Browder Oct 2021
mother's strength
where does it come
who knows where from
a great storm of the past
a hard road traveled fast
a spirit that does not fade
a smile that must be made
a stern voice, required indeed
a caring hug for the need
a vision of potential
a straighten-up gaze...essential
a tear held from fall
a prayer over each and all
a giving heart of endless love
God provided...all of the above
67 · Apr 2020
MT Browder Apr 2020
Your hurtful words root deep in my mind
The hate and resent strangle and wind
Love's seed struggles to sprout
Searching to breathe, for a way out
Fighting against the belittling assaults
That blames and forever sees faults
My blooms find the warm light
Grows and chokes your evil blight
67 · Oct 2020
free lunch
MT Browder Oct 2020
My heart is a free meal, eat it up and drink it in or spit it out with an evil grin
67 · Feb 8
MT Browder Feb 8
how much love passes you by...

because you can't see through yourself
66 · Mar 16
MT Browder Mar 16
lost in the soulless city of needs, wants and addictions, with my fellow lost souls
65 · Oct 2022
MT Browder Oct 2022
If you pride yourself on being an *******
you have a lot to be proud of
61 · Sep 2023
H x 2
MT Browder Sep 2023
happiness for the vengeful is added from the suffering of another, turning a cheek reduces suffering by half, add love to both sides of the equation and happiness is doubled and suffering equals zero
61 · Aug 2023
let downs
MT Browder Aug 2023
animals dream... but, hopes and dreams are purely a human condition, how much happier would we be without the let downs
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