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61 · Aug 2023
let downs
MT Browder Aug 2023
animals dream... but, hopes and dreams are purely a human condition, how much happier would we be without the let downs
60 · Jan 22
MT Browder Jan 22
i guess love also takes the path of least resistance, this is why my heart always thinks of you
60 · Aug 2023
MT Browder Aug 2023
short on bread
to the market
fill your cart
short on cash
to the bank
make a new start
short on love
withdraw all you want
from my heart
59 · Jan 20
MT Browder Jan 20
tiny hand
grabbing a finger
while feeding
small hand
helping turn page
story reading
scared hand
gripped tight
crossing street
teaching hands
putting school shoes
on nervous feet
cheering hands
for the brave
confident soul
waving hands
for the loved
leaving the fold
holding hands
tears come fast
through cold bed rails
for the last
59 · Sep 2020
MT Browder Sep 2020
Love doesn't need
sight or sound
soft touch or seed in ground
the finest waft of smell
or coolest water from well
kind words or smiles fake
it only needs removal of hate
58 · Apr 9
MT Browder Apr 9
why did you give my heart wings
so i could fly
so you could watch me crash
56 · Oct 2022
MT Browder Oct 2022
suppose we were as wine
differences, yours and mine
confidence of a Cab strong
seductive as Muscat's song
Merlot's slight temper swings
the warmth Shiraz brings
Pinot's finicky fickle mood
and Zinf's friendly attitude
Malbec's soft kiss on the cheek
Tempra's velvet dress so sleek
Chard always has a smile
Sauvi is forever in style
56 · Sep 2020
MT Browder Sep 2020
your memory hunts me like
the                                         hungry
tigress  ­                                 creeping
through                ­                the
tall                                         ­grass
silent                                     invisible
care--­-ful---ly                       stepping
eyes                    ­                   focused
claws hold and fangs stab
then the words of the love song bleed warm from my neck
54 · May 17
sweet potato universe
MT Browder May 17
my vision of the structure of our existence is the shape of a sweet potato (pointed at both ends), one end is God the other is no God. We exist in the cross section of future and past in the mandala of the human existence, each soul attached to its own flower/mandala. existence passes as strings through the mandala and some loop around and pass again. these that loop are our connected souls and those physical things that we have influenced. God/Love is the "gravity" of the system moving to itself.
54 · Oct 2023
your side
MT Browder Oct 2023
i choose the side of love, the side of forgiveness, the side of light, the side of truth, the side of hugs, the side of kindness, the side of acceptance, the space between your side and mine
49 · Jul 2023
MT Browder Jul 2023
WORDS punch harder than fist
stab deeper than knives
crush hopes and dreams
make up 100p of the lies
maybe they should be banned
48 · Jun 4
life ever
MT Browder Jun 4
how many lives
must we endure
how many souls
to make sure
that life ever
however short
we love
we love
we love forever
48 · Jan 20
train 365
MT Browder Jan 20
gifted, a ticket on
train, three sixty five
another, trip around
bright, tomorrow's sunshine
blessed, this old car of mine
beautiful, these spinning rocks
conducted, by the great I AM
enjoying, this crazy ride ticket clocks
44 · Oct 2023
MT Browder Oct 2023
cry in the rain and nobody will notice
43 · Aug 11
royal gray
MT Browder Aug 11
the king and queen
of the castle of color
were blessed
        with a son
with beautiful polka-dot skin
       like none other

but he soon was mocked
and king made quick laws
        that blocked
for even the peasant child
dotted mud on face
        dancing around wild

until then, not one
          in the whole castle
noticed differences
of others
this is when things
         began to unravel

the prince's skin, not his only scorn
seen by his eye
          was only shades of gray
this, the way he was born
and tomorrow...coronation day

now the jesters and council
            soon petitioned
make a color favorite
     their plea
a royal color envisioned  
the crown
      on his brow
aiming to please
              but know not how
he found the gray
      that he perceived
the exact middle shade
               and all
       were so so aggrieved

for everyone came to be compared
      to the royal gray
but none, not one,
      were the exact grade
      soon they were put in
      groups two
one of lighter and
       one of darker shade

the new king built
          a wall
      to exactly separate
with hopes, with hopes
         to eliminate shades of hate
but soon another was needed
for the shades were split
again and again and again
and soon they were all in
        cells of one
and in their tiny
lonely vaults
they all shouted

"i am of one
i am me...compared to none"
43 · Aug 3
MT Browder Aug 3
every soul we meet
will be seen complete
in your life review
consider now...a redo
if wrong was done
against anyone
it is time to renew
time to be true
vibrate in pure love
without judgment
for in your life replay
the they
42 · Aug 1
MT Browder Aug 1
expectations cast the longest and darkest shadows

— The End —