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817 · Feb 2021
old buzzard
MT Browder Feb 2021
the poem of the forest
is rustled by the tree
the whale tones
the song of the sea
the eagle refrains
the hymn of the sky
but the vulture's verse
is silence when you die
so make your verse with pen or voice
before old buzzard makes his choice
703 · Oct 2023
MT Browder Oct 2023
be gentle break of day
ease in with soft foreplay
waft the smell of roasted bean
quiet, alone..stay the routine
sweet pastry, taste you tease
make perfect, morning breeze
dim the bright of sun's first light
achieve these for my love's invite
595 · Jul 2023
MT Browder Jul 2023
my heart is so full of love
it has stretch marks
570 · Apr 2023
MT Browder Apr 2023
birth and death are the same point on the circle of life, some circles are bigger than others, some are more colorful, some are jagged some smooth, fill the center with the color of love and gratitude
499 · Jan 2023
MT Browder Jan 2023
i give her way more love than she wants from me, so, i wonder where she puts all the love garbage
454 · Jan 2023
MT Browder Jan 2023
empathy is root on the tree of love, and it's fruit unconditional
414 · Nov 2023
my tribe
MT Browder Nov 2023
before we go any further you tribe of so called poets, can we be weird friends without it getting weird
412 · Mar 2023
MT Browder Mar 2023
trust is the most difficult thing to achieve between two people
389 · Oct 2022
MT Browder Oct 2022
I say it over and over
in so so many ways
hints, notes and gaze
how can you not feel
or hear or see the deal
maybe I could cook it up
like a five star chef
or maybe...
you are just love-deaf
370 · Nov 2023
MT Browder Nov 2023
my mind is a really weird chili cooked by the people of my life
369 · Jun 4
sad circles
MT Browder Jun 4
my happiness
makes you sad
your sadness
takes my happiness
what a sad circle
346 · Oct 2019
The sum of my imagination
MT Browder Oct 2019
I search for
your face
your hair
your laugh
your gaze
your smile
in memory
and mind
with all
my effort
I cannot find

for like
the angels
we cannot see
your beauty
is greater
than the
of my imagination
343 · May 2023
MT Browder May 2023
the greatest hecklers have never stepped foot in the batters box, the greatest critics have never stepped in the arena, the greatest complainers have never been servers
343 · Mar 2022
MT Browder Mar 2022
believe none of what you hear
half of what you see
and absolutely none of what you hear from me
332 · Feb 2022
you don't say
MT Browder Feb 2022
I want to say
I want to write
I want to film
I want to type
I want to sign
I want to show
I want to sing
I want to let go
I want to share
but why do I dare
the censor is there
325 · Feb 2022
MT Browder Feb 2022
my superpower is quite unique
not power to protect the weak
not some bug of bat want to be
not some wonder or super bee
i can be forgotten in a second
the power of memory stealth i reckon
you will not recall any of me...ever
and in nothingness i will live forever
323 · Jul 2023
MT Browder Jul 2023
you cannot ensure or predict your legacy, so worry not once about it
319 · Jun 2023
artificial love
MT Browder Jun 2023
humans may have achieved so called intelligence, even if it is artificial, let us all hope it has some artificial love
303 · Feb 2022
MT Browder Feb 2022
full to the brim
is from where I start
full to the brim
the love of my heart
full to the brim
God's blessing art
full to the brim
thankfulness all part
296 · Nov 2019
The final lap
MT Browder Nov 2019
I've built this machine with bleeding hands
I've shaped it to cheat the wind
I've shined it with polish and sweat
I've balanced it with feel
and powered it with iron and steel
I've become one with it and gave it life
I know air like the falcon
I know speed like the cheetah
and I do not have fear
for this is where my spirit is forever free
tribute to all those who took their final lap on the track
MT Browder Oct 2019
Me me me me
See see see see
I'm I'm I'm I'm
Mine mine mine mine
Lie lie lie lie
My my my my
I've I've I've I've
I'd I'd I'd I'd
Lied lied lied lied
That's enough of you
285 · Mar 2023
MT Browder Mar 2023
live a life that would make a great movie, one that makes happy tears, it will be your only rerun in the end
284 · Oct 2023
plus plus
MT Browder Oct 2023
you own my heart the rest of me is just plus plus
279 · Jul 2023
hurling insults
MT Browder Jul 2023
the eyes and the nose
live in constant fear
the chin and cheeks
know their time is near
the teeth are scared
the danger quite clear
the tongue....careless
the lips....cavalier
277 · Jun 2023
no sale
MT Browder Jun 2023
ive been trying to sell me
to myself and others
that im
truth is
im not very convincing
maybe truth is
im not
271 · Oct 2022
Mistakes for sale
MT Browder Oct 2022
My father told me that if I wanted to be rich, find something to make, make it well, and sell it for a profit; I'm only good at making mistakes.
271 · Nov 2019
Taking abuse with a smile
MT Browder Nov 2019
I walk in a minefield of egos
tiptoeing around pet peeves
dodging triggers
careful with words
very careful with words
quick with a compliment
soft with a suggestion
very soft with a suggestion
taking abuse with a smile
taking abuse with a smile
taking abuse with a smile
270 · Aug 12
MT Browder Aug 12
i would like to expand an idea
and maybe rhyme the name maria
beyond a few lines of thought
but your attention span is naught
269 · Sep 2023
MT Browder Sep 2023
being alone and...not liking yourself, is less than alone
267 · Oct 2023
a gazillion watts
MT Browder Oct 2023
in my imagination, my love for you can outshine the sun
266 · Dec 2023
MT Browder Dec 2023
it is such a tragedy that absolutist have never seen nor chased a rainbow
264 · Nov 2023
MT Browder Nov 2023
im somewhere between
elvis and hee haw
buggs and ******-doo
stooges and a-team
price is right and johnny carson
dallas and ****** she wrote
fred sanford and archie bunker
channel 6 and 8 and 12
260 · Jun 2023
looking up
MT Browder Jun 2023
i pondered why everyone looks down at me, and so i looked down and found nothing and realized i must be at the bottom
259 · Jul 2023
just love
MT Browder Jul 2023
love does not require change
love does not need acceptance
love does not ask for favor
love does not hunt similarities
love just does
MT Browder Nov 2019
I was little, play'n in the dirt
grown folk went to work
when the sun was high and hot
she'd stand close and make a shady spot
....and sing

Aint no shade in heaven
and I'm going to see when I'm there
Aint no shade in heaven
cause His light shines every where

I was grown and in the row
big ole sun moving offly slow
I went pulling that bacca plant
this ole tune we'd often chant

Aint no shade in heaven
and I'm going to see when I'm there
Aint no shade in heaven
cause His light shines every where

I'm old watch'n kids in the dirt
young folks went to work
The sun is high and hot
I stand close to make a shady spot
...and sing

Aint no shade in heaven
and I'm going to see when I'm there
Aint no shade in heaven
cause His light shines every where
The "she" in this is my great-grandmother who would actually make shade for me and my brother when we were very small children.
255 · May 2023
MT Browder May 2023
enemies are as easy to find as dirt, friends, true friends are a gem
248 · Nov 2019
All In
MT Browder Nov 2019
There aint but one way to love
It's all in with the hand you're dealt
It's pedal to the metal till your pistons melt
There aint but one way to love
It's down to your last dime
It's every second of every time
There aint but one way to love
It's no regrets no what ifs in the end
It's heart in your throat when you hit send
There aint but one way to love
It's your guts all in a knot
It's a deep breath and your last shot
There aint but one way to love
It's all in with the hand you're dealt
It's pedal to the metal till your pistons melt
MT Browder Oct 2019
Time gathered armies of
years, months, and minutes
boasting of soldiers and generals infinite

Chance mustered a fleet of change,
chaos, and freewill tenets
bragging the power of these lieutenants

Love's power was greatest still
a massive arsenal of providence divine
controlling change and dominating time
244 · Jun 2023
MT Browder Jun 2023
in the race of life, death gives you a head start, the trick is...never look back
243 · Feb 2022
before you dig
MT Browder Feb 2022
how you been...fine
it's been, so long
before you dig
i need to scoot along
and dust off all that
all that was wrong
feelings from the deep
deep inside...lifelong
too late too many
too many so long
242 · Aug 2022
MT Browder Aug 2022
the end
is at the beginning
the beginning
is at the end
the middle
is round and round
and full of pies
i wish i could be a circle
more than just the middle
240 · Jul 2023
king kong
MT Browder Jul 2023
a woman's love can very easily tame the beast that she created
239 · Oct 2023
MT Browder Oct 2023
personal change could come after a battle or a tragedy or a whisper
236 · Nov 2023
MT Browder Nov 2023
there is zero chance
      that nothingness exists
            nothing is impossible
233 · Sep 2022
the bridge
MT Browder Sep 2022
I have two brains
one is in constant prayer
the other fails at everything
one is happy and is thankful
the other judges and holds contempt
one forgives and loves all
the other full of worry and spite
and I stand on the bridge between
233 · Nov 2019
18 Holes
MT Browder Nov 2019
Number 1 was a bogey
2 was a double
3 was a par
4 was a lot of trouble
5 went in the water
6 found a tree
7 made me pay
8 was a snowman in more than one way
9, I was glad to see a par 5
and make the turn at least alive
a beer and teed up 10
and found the beach....again
11 went out of bounds
12 saw more strokes than the polo grounds
13, a birdie, put in from nearly thirty
14 made me really think about
why the hell I came out
15, next to the range and drain pipe
....hey why does my ball now have a stripe
16, could I please have a ball
17 found the grass that was real real tall
18 was a three putt, the green was very sloping,
with a little more practice, I'll be ready for the open!
224 · May 2021
MT Browder May 2021
I wash and clean
primp and pluck
and gussy-up
I shave and cut
**** in my gut
and smile double
it's a lot of trouble
to be invisible
223 · Feb 2021
Walk of life
MT Browder Feb 2021
when the trail is new
you walk with light feet
and curious thoughts
when the way is old
your stride is heavy
with wisdom
221 · Jul 2023
MT Browder Jul 2023
apathy is root on the tree of hate and its fruit sorrow
219 · Oct 2019
The Love of the Game
MT Browder Oct 2019
It's Friday night,
I've got a game
We play the Indians,
My best friend's team

My uniform's on
It's only 4 o'clock
Mom says we leave
5:30 on the dot

Tonight's our first game
I'm fast in my new cleats
My glove's broken-in
'cause I've slept on it for weeks

I'm still a little nervous,
but not about playing
I'm wondering which girls are there
and what I'm going to be saying
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