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219 · Oct 2019
The Love of the Game
MT Browder Oct 2019
It's Friday night,
I've got a game
We play the Indians,
My best friend's team

My uniform's on
It's only 4 o'clock
Mom says we leave
5:30 on the dot

Tonight's our first game
I'm fast in my new cleats
My glove's broken-in
'cause I've slept on it for weeks

I'm still a little nervous,
but not about playing
I'm wondering which girls are there
and what I'm going to be saying
218 · Sep 2022
give and take
MT Browder Sep 2022
good and bad
happy and sad
up and down
smile and frown
love and hate
small and great
young and old
shy and bold
wrong and right
hold tight
to the flexible
213 · Feb 2022
happily never after
MT Browder Feb 2022
you run
i chase
you run more
i chase more
you slow
i catch
you tease
i like
those eyes
that smile
just wow
i confess
you ignore
i confess more
you joke
i hurt
you pretend it wasn't you
i hurt more
i pretend it wasn't you
208 · Jan 29
MT Browder Jan 29
i knew before the need
i loved before and after the seeds
my mistakes are weeds forgiven
in the friendship garden we live in
207 · May 2023
MT Browder May 2023
every love needs a test for what we have learned and what we have remembered
207 · Dec 2023
MT Browder Dec 2023
how do i wrong thee, let you count the ways
Yes, i know that was E.B. Browning, if you noticed count one more
205 · Dec 2023
MT Browder Dec 2023
if windows into the soul..are eyes
the windows out are smiles
one of a shy boy’s first love
the smile of a new bride
of mother’s bursting pride
or made for not funny dad jokes
for a picture with the folks
but the best best one of all
is the one planning
a mischievous hoax
205 · Feb 2022
MT Browder Feb 2022
The bully has no empathy
no way to show sympathy
The bully only knows power
to make the prey cower
The bully only feeds the ego
cut from hate, friend or foe
The bully soothes pain unknown
no excuse for the abuse shown
The bully will see the true light
only from hell's fire, so bright
203 · Apr 2023
MT Browder Apr 2023
contentment, for some, is the most illusive condition ever
200 · Dec 2022
slow day
MT Browder Dec 2022
Those days that seem to last forever are a blessing, from a conservation of time perspective
199 · Oct 2022
let me do it
MT Browder Oct 2022
You know that feeling you get when you are watching someone do something totally different than you do it?
195 · Apr 2022
this world
MT Browder Apr 2022
this world
will try to dim your light
yours and mine
Shine Lizzie Shine
this world
will try to slow you down
you're far far from done
Run Lizzie Run
this world
may knock you down
aim higher than the sky
Fly Lizzie Fly
this world
is not as strong as you
angels watch from above
Love Lizzie Love
194 · Nov 2019
Force that stands
MT Browder Nov 2019
What it means to be the
force that stands
What it takes to be the
force that's ready
What it gives of self to
be the force deployed
What it wants from a
nation free and proud
What it needs is a
simple thank you
What it gets has to
be enough
What it believes
doesn't matter
What it does
is whatever it's ask
What it is----is you
I'm a veteran, this is for my brothers and sisters
192 · Aug 2023
MT Browder Aug 2023
complaining to someone who lacks empathy is a fruitless endeavor
192 · Aug 2023
best friend
MT Browder Aug 2023
i don't tell you everything but i can tell you anything and that my friend makes all the difference
191 · Nov 2019
I lost my happy
MT Browder Nov 2019
I lost my soul is spent
Don't know were I put it
or where it went
I looked behind my dollar bill
and in a death defying thrill
I looked behind your fake smiles
and at the end of 26.2 miles
I looked in the whiskey bottle
and in my car at full throttle
I looked on the waves at high tide
and on an epic motorcycle ride
I looked in my new car
and traveled near and far
I looked in a nettle hot
and found it......not
I looked in doctors chairs
and overdid the pill repairs
I looked in old empty friends
who did not make amends
I lost my soul is spent
Don't know were I put it
or where it went
188 · Mar 2023
MT Browder Mar 2023
why do i feed the darkness
why does the hurt taste so good
186 · Jul 31
MT Browder Jul 31
new love is a clear spring lake, old love is a warm bath
185 · Nov 2022
super human
MT Browder Nov 2022
To err is human, to err as much as me is super human...
183 · Jan 26
MT Browder Jan 26
a "thank you" is a rare thing, take note when you see one, protect their environment, this world will never be the same without them
181 · Aug 2023
MT Browder Aug 2023
im better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow
179 · Oct 2022
MT Browder Oct 2022
Such a simple word that I should use more often, and supply even more
177 · Oct 2023
no likes
MT Browder Oct 2023
i have accounts on all the social media sites, with zero followers...that is my ultimate goal as the best uninfluencer
177 · Oct 2019
Blues Song #1
MT Browder Oct 2019
If my heart
Were a thousand room hotel
And your love come look ’n
It can go straight to hell

You love only you
And you don’t even like that
You never loved nobody
And nobody loves you back

If my heart
Were big as the blue shy
And your love had wings
It would never ever ever fly

You love only you
And you don’t even like that
You never loved nobody
And nobody loves you back

If my heart
As big as the ocean be
your love would never sail
it’d sink to the bottom of the deep dark sea

You love only you
And you don’t even like that
You never loved nobody
And nobody loves you back
175 · Nov 2022
MT Browder Nov 2022
A true dogmatist would never accept the definition of their condition
175 · Jan 2023
MT Browder Jan 2023
you can see new ideas so much better if you stand in front of your ego
174 · Nov 2023
below the mark
MT Browder Nov 2023
i went on a life long journey
to get any kind of compliment
and found the quest endless
there must be no parts of me
that rise above the mark
maybe i will die well
174 · Sep 2023
MT Browder Sep 2023
your vibration is tuned to mine, like the precise measure of a piano wire, the perfect adjustment, the love song of two souls through eternity
172 · May 1
half a heart
MT Browder May 1
i saw a crooked man today
old and wrinkled and gray
he walked a crooked walk
his jaw made crooked talk
why this shape i wondered
his pain, not to be numbered
i ask my friend if she knew
yes, she said, he is half of two
his love and he shaped a heart
his love passed and split it apart
170 · Nov 2022
MT Browder Nov 2022
People go to university to learn from a professor, if people truly learn from other's mistakes, I'm a professor
167 · Sep 2023
i can't get no
MT Browder Sep 2023
being unsatisfied as a default position doesn't make you satisfied in your unsatisfaction
164 · Nov 2023
hear me
MT Browder Nov 2023
you left before
i could tell you
in my prayers
             i know
we will have eternity
to discuss the reason
if you can't hear what
             is in my heart now
163 · Aug 2023
MT Browder Aug 2023
on the glorious day
when i love you, you say
in some super human way
in sky i hold the sun to stay to stay
the clouds i will not allow gray
tomorrow tomorrow i keep away
i will live in only today today
for fear your heart will betray betray
160 · Nov 2019
Sick Day
MT Browder Nov 2019
"Come here and let me feel, you don't look well"
with her hand on my head,
"You know a mother can tell"
"Did you take your vitamins today"
yes mom, as she sticks a thermometer in
"Hold it in this way"
" There's a bug going round school,
and you went out, no jacket, like a fool"
I'd mumble, it wasn't cold....
"Keep that in you mouth, like you were told"
She takes it out and holds it to the light
"See 100 point 6...see I was right"
A box of medicine comes down quick
Searching through, calculating what to pick
"This will bring the fever down,
If not I'll call the doctor in town"
Another cabinet, and searching for more
I think she has more medicine than the drug store
One more pill box comes down from above
Why does she look so hard, I got the best
medicine first.......LOVE
158 · Mar 2023
MT Browder Mar 2023
estranged in mind
two gave one another
three arrived unbalanced
one afraid of alone
conspired with two
and left three belittled
156 · Mar 2023
bon voyage
MT Browder Mar 2023
if you like
the fresh rabbit
posted on this venue
take a trip down
the rabbit hole
of my minds
bon voyage
153 · Apr 2021
MT Browder Apr 2021
we all have demons
parasites on our soul
we all had things
that changes our goal
some make us lose trust
some turn love and hope to dust
but the worst I am forever sure
hides and covers the heart pure
153 · Mar 2023
security system
MT Browder Mar 2023
age and time
thieves in the night
cannot steal your beauty
locked in my mind
153 · Nov 2022
MT Browder Nov 2022
love is such a cursed road, if only a one way street
146 · Oct 2023
MT Browder Oct 2023
when my love gate opens you better have a lifeboat ready
142 · Feb 2023
speed of life
MT Browder Feb 2023
the future is the fog of chaos crashing into us at the speed of life and fading into the blurry past
140 · Jan 11
it may be you
MT Browder Jan 11
it's comforting to know, that someone out there can feel things as strongly and love with a greater love than mine
138 · Mar 16
MT Browder Mar 16
why do birds have feet
my spirit doesn't
nor my hope
or my love
137 · Oct 2019
The Song My Heart Sings
MT Browder Oct 2019
You can read every book yourself
In every tongue, on every shelf
And I should be so bold
As my love for you
Is the greatest story untold

You can watch every movie
Ever put on any film
Of love between her and him
And your heart would still be lean
For my love for you
Is the deepest story never seen

You can listen to every love song
Ever recorded, old and new
And nothing could ever outdo
What the sight of you brings
And the song my heart sings
134 · Jun 8
MT Browder Jun 8
i was only here
a few days
with heavy heart
we now part ways
until next we meet
blessings to you
from your head
to your feet
134 · Jan 2021
3:33 AM
MT Browder Jan 2021
can't sleep indeed
what do you need
you did this last
and the night past
just let me go
what should I know
I'll have to listen closer
to the universe composer
133 · Apr 2020
MT Browder Apr 2020
Sometimes I wonder
If thieves plunder
Just to be wanted
To be chased and haunted
For the alternative is worse
Unwanted is the true curse
MT Browder Dec 2019
Skipping stones with my girl years ago
Found the perfect pebble for her to throw
She told me
This rock aint big enough
Your love aint strong enough
Keep trying never give it up

Worked for weeks down in the dirt
Got us tickets to a jamming concert
She told me
This rock aint big enough
You just aint good enough
Keep trying never give it up

Made a million dollars green green
Got her the best diamond ever seen
She told me
This rock aint big enough
You just aint rich enough
Keep trying never give it up

Tried to forget her, she was the only one
her memory was all over this third stone from the sun
And you know
This rock aint big enough
I just can't get enough
Keep trying never give it up
133 · Feb 2021
Mother City
MT Browder Feb 2021
insomnia and hazy skies bloodshot her eyes
sirens of collective fears ring in her ears
the rot of unkempt boroughs stings her nose
graffiti called art is plastered on her heart
tears and slave chains drag through her veins
homelessness and mangy mutt fill her bloated gut
but her clothes finest sold and her crown solid gold
Not mother nature, our cities on the inside are sometimes sad places, but they like to show a different side to the world.
131 · Jul 2021
MT Browder Jul 2021
I'm an idiot
so I'm told
I'm stupid
said young and old
I'm dumb
not concerned
your opinion..oversold
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