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784 · Aug 2019
My Wish
TW Rice Aug 2019
My wish would to be next to you now as you lay there sleeping. Wondering what you are dreaming. Feeling my arms around you. Watching you breath in and out. Wondering what little gestures you make in your sleep. My wish would to be there ever night to chase away any fright.
My wish would to hold you comfort you through the night. My arms around you tight. My wish to smell the aroma of your hair. Oh lord please take me there. My wish to know you to love you through every storm, trial, the goodtimes and bad. To hold you and love you and to be there when you are sad. To catch the tear before it shall fall. And let you know i love you most of all. My wish would be to be interwined where no one could define me from you. My wish would be that pillow that you hold so near it will soon be me dear. My wish would be to show you a love that will endure. For my love of you is pure. My wish for us to never be apart. I felt this from the very start. For you my beautiful angel are always in my heart.

Dedicated to Special K
TW Rice
733 · Jul 2020
Appreciate You
TW Rice Jul 2020
I'm always thankful to God who brought us into each others lives. I'm thankful for you, you do so much for me by just simply loving me. I appreciate every moment I have to spend with you no matter if its homework or just saying hello. I appreciate your beautiful smile when we pass. I appreciate your thoughts of others, it tells me who you are. It speaks volumes about you. I appreciate your attentive ear when I'm wound up. You always calm me. I appreciate your brilliant mind, the way you focus. I appreciate our future where I'll show daily how really thankful for you and everything you do. I'm forever appreciating you always, my love.

Dedicated to my beautiful, Special K, the one I'm most thankful for
562 · Jan 2022
TW Rice Jan 2022
It's what I've given you from that hug until eternity.  It's the strongest part of me but also the frailist.  It gives me the energy to go on day after day because of love. It's never failed me but it's been injured a few times in the past. I trust you with it because you cause it to heal and gets it pumping stronger with everyday. You will always have'll never fail us.  It sustains me during the times apart because it holds you in the very center with every moment we've had and will continue to have.

477 · Sep 2019
TW Rice Sep 2019

Simple is how we are, we speak of olden times where things were simple.
Simple we are both simple not fancy by any means. We prefer rustic over extravagant.
Simple is our plans. Simple is the way we think.
Simple we both crave the simplicity of each other.
Simple not a word i could use for our love for one another.
Simple is the way our love flows.
Simply the way fell for you was wonderous
Simple because we dont think about the love it just runs out of heart for one another.
Simple are the words i type from the unabridged love i have for you.
Simple will be forever our lives entangled in love.

Dedicated to Special K
431 · Jul 2023
Heart Beat
TW Rice Jul 2023
It's the pulse of life, as we know it. It can be in rhythm or without. It's the tune our heart makes as it pulses through one cavity into another traveling the universe within oneself. Sometimes I think it plays a melody to attract our mate. It's the one song I love to hear from my Special K. The tempo quickens when we are together. It's the rhythm and tune of our love.
Dedicated to my beloved, my Special K.
311 · Nov 2019
TW Rice Nov 2019
Its the feeling i have just thinking of her. Its the tingling in the hands and feet. The pulse quickening. The aroma the thoughts of her provoke. Its the savoury taste that you longed for being fulfilled. Its your jaws aching becsuse of the smile she brings to your face. Its love overwhelming love. Its the state of being i longed for all my life, which she brought with an act of kindness. Its beyond any explanation, its love. Im so very thankful for the moments that bliss flows from. With one kiss im overflowing. The rest of my days will always be filled with it, one day she will be my wife.

Dedicated to special k
308 · Oct 2019
TW Rice Oct 2019
It is the explosion of expression i get when i think of her. My heart pumping vigorously; thats what love does. The thoughts of never being alone are what she brings me. Her everpresence has done this. This wonderous beautiful life that has grown from mutual simple love. The brightness of ever chat or text from my love. It all causes this wonderous explosion of bliss upon my face.

Dedicated to Special K
291 · Sep 2019
TW Rice Sep 2019

My love is limitless, it gives freely from itself expecting nothing in return
My hope is to spend everyday with you telling you how beautiful, smart, sassy, are to me.
My wish is to break the barriers that seperate us, the distance, the time, the mountains, the oceans until im with you.
My mind plans our adventures in fantasy longing to make them reality.
My heart it crys out for you, it misses you so even when we text, call, or email. It wants you now.
My body is yours, it longs to warm you, complete you, to become one with you.
Limitless in my pursuit for you, with all my being to act on such love.
Limitless as i wait patiently, i must endure to the appointed time to shower you with my love divine.
Limitless is our love for one another in the simple form .

Dedicated to Special K
269 · Jan 2023
Thoughts of the Day
TW Rice Jan 2023
Walk with me, hand in hand. This is just one thing I desire. Lean into me when you shoulder or you know I need a hug. I struggle to hold my unfiltered love from you. I long for the day to walk in the Divine love that we share as your companion, your help mate, your lover, your friend, your protector, your appreciator,  and hopefully one day your husband. Waiting patiently for the days that I can hold you a little longer. Kiss you a little deeper. To be intertwined when we awake in the mornings. Waking only for days of exploring our life together. Traveling seeing the sights and talking about endless adventures. I know how fortunate I am to have found such a wonderous, Special love. I can't wait to explore the vastness of our love together.

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
245 · May 2022
If You...
TW Rice May 2022
If you were a book, you'd be my favorite read.
If you were a painting, you'd be my favorite view.
If you were a season, you'd be my favorite time of year.
If you were a bottle of wine, I'd savor every drop.
If you were a flower, you'd be the center of garden.
If you were a vacation spot, you'd be the place I'd live.
If you were a rhythm, you'd be the only  one I'd dance to.
If you were a song, you'd  be the only one I'd ever sing.
If you were but a moment in time, I'd live for that moment.
You are my favorite of all things, everything I adore.  The reason and purpose, all I live for.

Dedicated to my love, my Special K.
228 · Feb 2020
Forever Home
TW Rice Feb 2020
I'd trade a beautiful mansion in Heaven to live with you in a cardboard box. Heaven is always a place I longed for, but now it's just spending time with you, love. I wonder how choirs of Angel's sound at times, but lately I think only of the harmony of the song I'm going to sing to you. The streets of gold I imagine or so pure it seems as glass, but I love my snow covered roads in Wisconsin because they lead me to you. God the creator of Heaven in which He rules and reigns, also brought me to you. So I feel as everyday I come closer to heaven with you my beautiful angel. The beautiful images of Heaven or portrayed in my mind are overshadowed by you, I think it's because of the love we share. I stare at you and I feel like I'm in heaven on earth. I know my forever home will always be with you, here or there.

Dedicated to my beloved, Special K
226 · May 2020
Glimpse of You
TW Rice May 2020
Though my eyes never met yours today, my heart is always with you. Every thought I have is of us. When I close my eyes I see more than a glimpse, I see us and all journeys. Our life full of joy and happiness. I see those beautiful hazel eyes, the sparkle that our love shows in them. Your beautiful smile with those lovely dimples. Your beautiful ray r n hair in all of its glory. Your beauty is captivating along with your intellectual prowess. Your northern charm warms this southern heart everyday. Just a glimpse is all I need for now. One day, I will behold all your wonders and I will treasure them all. For now God grants glimpses of our marvelous future together, Home.

Dedicated to my beloved, beautiful angel, Special K
207 · Jun 2020
Home Sweet Home
TW Rice Jun 2020
When I think of home its always with you. The snow filled trees the winter bliss as we snowshoe around our land, spending time with family and friends. Our small gardens of flowers, the beautiful arrangements throughout the yard are pleasant dreams because its the time we spent together that caused them to bloom just like our relationship. Our summers are filled with joyful laughter, lounging in the sun wherever we may be, kayaking or tubing in our leisure time. The fall we travel to the mountains to see the colors of the ridges dressed in the finest colors. Though we travel you and i are home sweet home. Time passes by seasons change our love for one another never does it just grows and overflows, we are young and in love and thats all that matters. Spending every moment with you is like heaven to me, no matter the season, weather, or time; to know are hearts are one and forever intertwined.

Foreverly home sweet home with my Special K
204 · Aug 2022
Be There
TW Rice Aug 2022
The only thing I want is simply to be there. In the times, you need a simple hug, I want to be there. When you need a laugh after a crazy day at work, I want to be there. When your up late at night worrying about your children, I want to be there. When you've had that rough night and just need an ear, I want to be there. When you need your back rubbed or pain rubbed away, I want to be there. When you've achieved everything and get rewarded, I want to be there. The nights it's dark and lonely, I want to be there. The days you want to journey to pick berries, I want to be there. When you need help gardening, I want to be there. When in your car, when the music overwhelms you and you begin to sing, I want to be there. When you want to take a walk, I want to be there. Everyday and every moment, I want simply just to be there. That's the kind of love I have to be there when you need me and when you don't. I want to be there to grow old with you, when we are fibble and when we don't remember so well...I want to be there. I want to be there to encourage you, support you, love you. I will always be there....

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
195 · Dec 2019
TW Rice Dec 2019
I enjoyed meeting you this morning for breakfast. It wasn't the food I wanted it was the time I could spend with you. I know breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, but every second or moment with you is essential. It's crazy the restaurant we eat at often is called Cravings, because I'm always craving the time we share. I cant wait for the day we ride home together and take care of all cravings before or after breakfast.

Dedicated to Special K, my love
195 · Sep 2019
TW Rice Sep 2019
My evening is never complete until i have my walks with you. We walk hand in hand even though 800 miles seperates us. When we walk, i feel your presence, it is so real. The views are always amazing my love. You are the center of everyone one of them. The electricity i feel in my hand is nothing like i everfelt as we walk. The stride is our heart beats as one. My longing for us to just stop a minute and share our wishes under the stars. Your kiss is forever on my lips. The smoothness of your cheek as i pull you into me is like ecstacy. The warmth is so inviting as the gentle wind blows across this Wyoming prairie. The soon September drive i cant wait for the 13 hr drive to be over. To walk with you one more time.

Dedicated to Special K
194 · Oct 2019
One Day
TW Rice Oct 2019
All will see, one day, the love between you and me.
Everyone standing in awe when, one day, all is revealed.
Me and you beautiful, one day, standing before God united as one.
Tears and smiles, one day, will be on my face as i make you my wife.
All of this, one day, will be as explosion of bliss, happiness lasting forever.
All the complements, one day, will be spoken face to face my love.
Forever home, one day, i will never leave.
All of the issues we have dealt with all our lives, one day, will be gone.
Our love, one day, will cover all the hurts of the past.
One day is coming soon, im forever loving you.

Dedicated to Special K
188 · Feb 2023
TW Rice Feb 2023
Most will remember me by the way I talk with my southern slang, some remember me for my silly laugh. But the way I want to be remembered is by the way I loved you. How I hold you tight or how we cuddle on the couch. The way I brush your hair or how I rub your feet. How I want to take all your aches and pains away and give you a smile to see your eyes twinkling with delight. How I work hard to build our home that only love can build. How I delight in cooking for you my love. The way I support you in everything. That's what I want to be remembered how I love you.

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
180 · Oct 2022
Reason for Writing
TW Rice Oct 2022
It's not because I'll forget. It's because I want others to know that love does exist. It's not a fairytale or some well written manuscript, it's living this miraculous life everyday looking forward to seeing or hearing from my love, to be included in moments of her life. It may with time be a way to reflect on how our love has blossomed over the years. If only but one thing be written about me I hope it would be how devoted and how I love her. My life would be completed with just those simple words. I love Special K.

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
TW Rice Nov 2019
Is act like i dont want you, thats the furtherest thing from the truth.
Not looking your way as i walk by, my eyes cant help but want to behold your beauty.
To not tell you a million times i love you, its not just saying the words buts its all the verbage love brings.
To not smile when i encounter you, its the blissful state of our love running over.
Some how ill have to manage all my feelings for you, **** i need self control.
Everything ive been through youve been by my side and now im here and i have to hold back until "one day".
This is the hardest thing ill ever do!

Dedicated to Special K
166 · Sep 2019
TW Rice Sep 2019
Our lives so simple but oh so complicated. Our dreams of cardboard house, where we live. A few hours pass reality, land will be bought. Soon cardboard dream will be wood and steel structure built by our love; its reality. Im moving forward towards you. Months will become hours till im back where i shouldve never left. Carboard? Vs reality. Its gonna come true. My love will make it from wood and mortor. Then soon we will be reality.

Dedicated to Special K
165 · Aug 2019
TW Rice Aug 2019
My heart crestes the atmosphere from the love i have for you. From the shower, i can feel your presence as the water pours over us. Im entraced by your beauty. Your kiss is always on lips the water beading as i pull you close. The steam arising from our bodies. Makes this fantasy so real. The water cascading over every curve and edge. As i carress, every inch and curve. Never has a shower felt so ***** but in a fantasy, just you and me. Fantasy never leave me until reality. For my lover is so far away in presence except in these fantasies captured. Fantasy brings her near erasing all fears. Fantasy will be our reality for eternity.

Dedicated to Special K

TW Rice
164 · Nov 2019
Montana Skies
TW Rice Nov 2019
I often dream of our future, we are often lying in our sleeping bag under the big sky. We stare into the beautiful heavens where you come from. The view is spectacular but how I see it is in the reflection of your eyes. The embers from our campfire flicker into the night air. I'm amazed at this atmosphere, the beauty of you out shines the galaxies. Lying there with you is like heaven to me. Our love is amazing.

Dedicated to Special K
163 · Sep 2019
I Love You
TW Rice Sep 2019
I love without motive. I love you like no one could. I love you miles away. I love you is timeless. I love you for every moment of everyday. I love you not to just say but to prove it in everyway. I love you so powerful the mind cannot fathom the reason for there are so many. I love you will always be what heart beats. I love you from the day we met and forever more. I love you day in and day out. I love you from afar and near. I love you when you are happy or sad. I love you through everything. I love you test me if you need. I love you.

Dedicated to Special K
162 · Dec 2019
TW Rice Dec 2019
Some shed for guilt, some for pain but those that are shed now are only for the overwhelming joy. Streaming down my face crossing over my smile. Coming from the greatest joy caused by you. Your love for me causes this. It's the washing of the windows of the soul full of bliss. Foreverly I'll be sappy because of you, I've found love.

Dedicated to Special K
160 · Sep 2019
TW Rice Sep 2019
You have always provided the hope i need each and every day. The hope always returns me to you. For you are always going to be my love. Hope always erases all fears and brings dreams of our future. The future is going to be so bright. My hand in yours with every task to be done. We are a team. Hope has brought love and companionship. Thats all i need! All of it wrapped up in you.

Dedicated to Special K
158 · Aug 2019
In that Moment
TW Rice Aug 2019
It was in that moment your casual talk was something i longed for all my life.
It was in that moment, you looking away as my eyes gazed upon your beauty i need you.
It was in the moment, you brushed your hair away from your ear, i longed to breath you in.
It was in the moment, you were studying so hard, i knew you were something to be treasured.
It was in that moment, you asked could you hug me, i knew i never wanted to be let go.
It was in that moment, you smiled, my heart froze.
It was in that moment, we kissed, i never felt such passion.
It was in that moment, you carressed my arm, i realized i wanted this moment all my life.
It was in that moment, i laid you down, i wanted nothing more to please you.
It was in that moment in room 183, youd be in my heart forever.
It was in this moment, right now as i type this up, i cant wait for the next moment.

Dedicated to Special K
156 · Aug 2019
Without you
TW Rice Aug 2019
Without you i feel as nothing. Without you i fear the days and nights.
Without you my heart stops.
Without you i cant go any further.
Without you i have lost everything.
Without you i would have never known what love feels like.
Without you the birds singing is just noise.
Without you i would have never understood beauty.
Without you the fragrance of flowers is vain.
Without you all i feel is pain.
Without you i am utter darkness.
Without you i cannot have the sense of feel.
Without you i felt like i was non existent.
Without you i feel despair.
However none of this is how i feel for you are my light.
You are my hope.
You are my love.
You are the greatest music ever played, im captivated by you.
You are beauty that out shines any background.
You are health, you make me stronger daily.
You are the most precious blossum i could ever smell.
You are my reason my purpose my drive my wonderous love.
You are part of me.

Dedicated to Special K
TW Rice
156 · Mar 2022
Why Does Love Hurt
TW Rice Mar 2022
I often wonder what causes the pains of the heart from love. Is that I am so close to bliss but not have it everyday? Is the longing of the heart just to be near the one you love? Maybe it's the resistance when being pulled in many directions. Or us that I'm so emerged in the depths of love, I can't see anything else. Is it that I just need to hear those three simple words, I love you? Is it that I miss the touch of her hand on my cheek as we kiss? Or the embrace that I miss? I often pounder statements I've spoken. Like I wish I could breath her in and never exhale. Is the fact I need her more than she needs me? It's been just a few hours since I spoke last but I desperately need to hear her voice. Is that I fail to love myself as much as I love her? Is it wondering what our future holds? Is it that I'm afraid and fail to be brave? I know I love, I just wonder why there's pain.
Dedicated to my love, Special K
155 · Sep 2019
All of You
TW Rice Sep 2019
When i say, "I love you", im saying every part of you. The parts we laugh and giggle about. The moment you take those deep breaths. It covers even the sassy times, i really love those times. Even the times, you choose not to tell me, i love you during those times. The times when there is silence, i love you may not being said but i hope its felt. For all the times youve missed out on, we will do all of them. When you are sad or lonely know that i am always there for you. You only need to invite me, i will love you through everything. Because i love every facet of you. That means every edge i love all the same. You are the best part of me. Forever will i love all of you.

Dedicated to Special K
155 · Nov 2022
TW Rice Nov 2022
My love for you right now would be notorious. I chase you like the wind grabbing a hold but not able to maintain the grip. If loving you is wrong then I'll always be an outlaw. My notoriety would be the way I hold you for the moment wanting only to take care of all your needs, to have your beautiful smile in return. If there was a story to be told of our love, it would be more than a fable or a fairytale. We have lived this way for three plus years, a taboo relationship. We both know it's more than that; it's a love that will last a lifetime. If you were Bonnie, I'd be your Clyde. If you were Belle Star, I'd be your Jessie James. If we had to live a life on the run I'd want no other to be with. For now, my love may be known as notorious but to me it's always right. I'll keep chasing you forever, my love.

Dedicated to my one and only love, my Special K
155 · Jan 2023
The Things I Miss for Now
TW Rice Jan 2023
I miss the late night text about work. The daily phone calls talking about our home. The miles that kept us apart but still managed to walk enjoying the night air. The singing of the coyotes in the distance as the wind played along with the vibrating of the electric line. The comfort of knowing you were just one floor below me. I miss the nights around the bonfires as the glow danced around your cheek. The nights of giggling on the couch followed by the kiss on your lips. Breathing in your scent as I hold you tight like I long to every night. I miss you laughing at my southern slang. I miss the beauty of the sun sets as I tried to describe in just words... describing a beauty to someone who is just as breathtaking. I know the things I miss is only short lived until we become us in the distant future.

Dedicated to my only love, my Special K
152 · Dec 2019
TW Rice Dec 2019
My eyes often wonder to see the fullness of your lips. I remember the tenderness of your lips from our last kiss. As I draw near you, I feel the electricity of the touch as our lips meet. As our mouths open to take each other in, my heart pounds, pulse races for this is the first fruit of our love. I often don't want the kiss to end. No matter if its us greeting each other or when we depart, I know this our expression of love at the start. One day, it will follow our dos. We will spend the rest of our lives kissing and embracing our marvelous love.

Dedicated to my love, Special K
149 · Dec 2019
Forever Home
TW Rice Dec 2019
It's how you make me feel when we are together. It's the safety we provide each other. The appreciation and mutual respect for one another fills every room. Love is our foundation and the journey is just beginning. You and me completing each other. No matter the shape of our surroundings, we find bliss and happiness in the simple things. From the touch of our hands to the kiss we share, our desires are one and the same. Each day we spend together causes the foundation of love to grow. I'm not sure if any other couple feels this way but I know this is so real, simple, easy; our love is everlasting. I know I have not in my 50 years ever felt this way. Now this is the only way I want to feel. For it feels like a home should. I could never leave this, this my eternity, my bliss.

Dedicated to my love, Special K, my forever home is together with you.
147 · Dec 2019
Our First Christmas
TW Rice Dec 2019
Its soon to be one of my favorite holidays, spending it with my favorite person makes it even better. It's not the presents under the tree but your presence in my life that has made this the best Christmas ever. Wrapping presents together, sharing time together is all I ever need. You make everyday better than the day before. It's our first Christmas and I promise we will always spend it here in Wisconsin where us together make home.

Dedicated to Special K
147 · Apr 2021
When I Found You
TW Rice Apr 2021
When I found you, I wasn't looking for anything but I found everything. I found a reason to wake each day, with a hope for the future. I found love that showed me I was loved. I found the woman I want to wake next to everyday of this life. The woman that gave me a purpose, a drive to be the best man I can be, not to glory in it, but to live each day with anticipation of holding her and loving her the way she loves me. When I found you, I found my soulmate, my best friend, my sassy love, My Special K. When I found you, I knew I discovered the most precious of things to live for. I found a reason to fight and win over cancer. I found beauty in the simplest of things. I found wakefulness from the mundain things of this life. I found a wonderous joy, that wakes me up with a smile. I found my universe, my HOME, my helpmate, my travel partner, my hope, my wife one day, my REASON, my PURPOSE. I found you when you hugged me and I'm never letting go.

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
145 · Jan 2023
Wake me Up
TW Rice Jan 2023
As you lean into me, you pull me close. It's wonderful to feel you next to me in the morning hours. My fingers running through your hair, your scent feels the air. Feeling the warmth next to me, has me waking care free. Today, I just wake up with the memories of one of those moments until the next moment we have. To wake up with one of those heavenly kisses, it's what I'm missing. To know your safe always in our place... together. Brings comfort to the waking mind, because how often can you find love of this kind? I say only once in a lifetime, so beautiful I hope this explains how precious each one of these moments are.

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
143 · Nov 2019
Her Smile
TW Rice Nov 2019
It ignites the bliss across my face. It warms the heart. Her smile is the acknowledgement we are happy. Her smile is contagious to all who is around her. Her smile is what I want to see every night before bed and when we arise.

Dedicated to special k
143 · Sep 2019
TW Rice Sep 2019
Beautiful is how i describe her appearance. Breathtaking is how she leaves me after we talk. Brilliant is her mind, shes always thinking. Strong woman is how i describe her. She says she is "simple". Her love holds me close. Her kindness and compassion, ive seen first hand, its unmatched by any other. Her sassiness makes me crave her. Theres no one as precious as she is to me.

Dedicated to Special K
142 · Feb 2021
Dreary Skies/Drury Skies
TW Rice Feb 2021
We often go by what we see or how we feel.  Today, the sky appears so gray with the snow lying on the sides of the road. But somewhere above those clouds the sun shines the sky is that beautiful blue we miss in the winter times. Often we feel inadequate taking care of others forsaken ourselves to the point of exhaustion. We often feel alone and want the misery to end. The truth is we are never alone, we are loved. The feel of inadequacy will leave us soon enough. The feeling of being near the end, its a lie we tell ourselves. Reach out take the love by the hand. We are needed. We will prevail. The tears we shed everyday in that fleeting moment are what we water our hopes with. Believe me I've hit the end a few times. My beautiful angel is always there. Love does win out in the end. For it was the tears, the heart ache, the point of giving up, that watered our hopes and caused our love to grow stronger. Faith, now that's the part I'm talking about today. It's not what we see or feel that matters. It's applying that knowledge and trusting it. It will come to pass. Faith, hope, love, it's the reason I'm here.

Dedicated to my love, Special K
142 · Oct 2019
Forever yours
TW Rice Oct 2019
From the moment you hugged me, id never be the same. I felt compassion from a beautiful angel to me. Something ive never felt, its love. Everyday since that night, you are always in my thoughts. You showed me love, it changed me. You taught me how to love myself. Then i had to leave, it changed nothing but increased the love capacity i have for you. All the things that have led to this moment, where tomorrow i find answers, its because of you ill be victorious. Fear does creep in at times, i simply look at your last text and picture and i know ill be fine. I know im never alone, the time, distance has no bearing on our love for each other. In all things i desperately want to say im forever yours.

Dedicated to Special K
142 · Feb 2022
TW Rice Feb 2022
I find it easy to love you because you've shown me what love is. You've given me a smile because of your kindness. You given me a purpose, a reason because I want to be the man who gives you a smile everyday for others to enjoy. To be honest I'd be lost without you because you've provide light in my darkness. Everyday gets easier because one day I'll open the door and you'll be here for the rest of my life. Your warmth of touch consumes me because it's genuine. I've always been a survivor, a loaner because that's my nature. But I no longer label myself that because of your hug, love; I just want to be home... it's not the house but it's any place with you, my love. Because four walls and a roof may be a shelter but you are my sanctuary, all that I adore. Because you bring peace in this war ravaged mind, beauty to the eyes where all I've known is death, comfort from one touch, a word from you brings forth a fountain of hope, you've given me laughter instead of sadness. Because of you...I'm loved.

Dedicated to my love, Special K, my forever
TW Rice Jul 2022
Legacy, Footprint, Fingerprint

When I think of passing I often wonder what my legacy would've been if I had a child. Would I have passed on the words of wisdom that was handed down to me. Would I have breathed in the enjoyment of riches just spending time, ensuring they would have known that I loved them. I wonder if I would of been one of those tight nit families always breaking bread together and enjoying the laughter around the table. Would have I passed on my desire for adventure, to learn what it truly means to live.

I wonder if I left a footprint in some lives. Not just journeying through foreign lands. I pray I never trespassed or caused any harm. My hope the only footprint I ever left was going to help or to bring some joys to some lives. If somehow I left a footprint in the wrong, I hope that whoever I disturbed could forgive me.

I hope when my time has come that I left fingerprints. Where I touched a life and brought an encouraging word. I pray that my fingerprints would be left in every hand of the one's I love. I wonder if my fingerprints would remain in the things I built for others, not in the structures but in their lives. A fingerprint left on building up rather than tearing down. I'd rather live this world knowing that I made it better than the way I found it.

I'm not saying it is my time. It's just the things I ponder as I grow older.
140 · Jul 2020
TW Rice Jul 2020
ust wanted to take time and say hi. I'm always wondering how you are when we apart. I know God's taking care of you until the day I can. I can't wait till the mornings when I wake you with breakfast to start your day off right. To spend time with you going to flea markets, talking, lounging, kayaking, whatever it may be; it will always be time well spent. Until the evening closes and night draws near, till we lay down and I kiss you goodnight just to repeat it each and everyday. This is the only wish I ever hope for. Loving you every night and day always.

Dedicated to my beautiful, love, my Special K
140 · Jan 2022
TW Rice Jan 2022
Being away causes a stirring in my soul for you are my soul mate. The one I long for with all my being. From the taste of your lips, I starve because once you've tasted the best nothing else can compare. The softness of your touch, your hand in mine, electricity flowing with no lack of energy. The blissfulness stays from that moment to the next. Your beauty captivates my being, I long to be next to you always. Your voice is what I love to hear. I crave every part of you and ask you to consume me, so that I can be always a part of you. You are all I desire, hope for, and dream are my future in which I crave.

140 · Aug 2019
TW Rice Aug 2019
Forever i hold you in my heart, never could or would i let you go.
Forever you are in my mind, images of you are everlasting there never would i want the images to leave.
Forever is what i desire with you, longing to love you until the end.
Forever i see you as you asked to hug me, i should have never let your embrace go.
Forever to some is a long time, to me its made up all the beauty you are, the love share, our hearts beating as one
Forever i will love you, complete you, encourage you, hold you, kiss you, make love to you, cherish every word you speak. Im yours.

Dedicated to Special K
TW Rice
138 · Feb 2020
TW Rice Feb 2020
It seems I've waited a lifetime to find you, someone who loves me. Everyday that we apart confirms the fact that I love you, because every waking thought is of us and every dream is always us. The days we are apart it causes my heart to ache in a way, not a sadness but a longing. I've waited a lifetime to have you, the one that I feel is my soulmate. It seems we are always on each others mind, we know what the other is thinking of. We are in tune with each other. You have become my closest friend. Just as long as it has taken to find you, I want that many years or more with you. I cannot help but stare at you when we are together, it's the beauty of the first sunrise or the last sunset. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Everything inside me desires you, needs you, wants you, appreciates you, likes you, and forever loves you. I'm in this for the lifetime with you. There is nothing in this world or out of it could ever change the love I have for you. I choose you everyday. Im going to love you a lifetime and then some. Every moment we spend together is building that lifetime we will have together. We will overcome every obstacle because we both want a lifetime together. I know I'm going to spend the lifetime loving, encouraging, talking, playing, cooking, holding, appreciating you every moment of everyday.

Dedicated to my beautiful Special K that I want to spend a lifetime with
136 · Nov 2019
A Response from Special K
TW Rice Nov 2019
I wake up thinking about you ya know. Always! When its cold outside....I want to snuggled under a blanket with you.  When I'm hot....I want to lay in front of the fan with you. When I'm tired...I want to sleep with you. When I'm hungry....I want to eat with you. When it's dark....I want to watch the stars with you. When I'm *****....I want to bathe with you. Its apparent that I only want you!
From Special K to TW Rice
133 · Mar 2021
TW Rice Mar 2021
Some say that sunrises and sunsets are beautiful, full of color and wonder what the day will bring. Others say the beautiful music, the melodies are harmonies. Another would say beautiful is the kissing of the sun on one skin. Then others would describe the fragrance as something beautiful.

For me beautiful, is the term I call you. Your beauty is very pleasing to my eyes and the sound of your voice telling me good morning or kisses as we end each call, or the aroma of your hair is so intoxicating, the holding of your hand and the warmest of all touches. But your beauty is more than just senses. Its the love we share. Its the simplest of all things yet worth more than one could ever pay.  It's the pulling of the heart strings when we are apart, the rhythm of the pulse in a beautiful timpani. It's the beautiful flower in full bloom.  It's our relationship that displays its simple beauty in an everyday life. Beautiful is the day, we are home, together.

Dedicated to my beautiful, my Special K
133 · Mar 2022
TW Rice Mar 2022
It was a warm summer night, when I felt Heaven, your arms around me. It was a long journey until I found Heaven. The tolls of war had overtaken me in my mind. I was lost in reality, knowing no way turn. I found Heaven, when I met you, or at least a messenger from there. You brought peace where torment once lurked. The vision of you was delight to my eyes. I found comfort in the depths of your hazel eyes. I asked you then to have me to stay but it wasn't the appointed time. I left my world crashing, my health fading. I was unsure of what was ahold of me. Two months passed, every moment agony. I thought why would God bring me to a place of peace only to lead me away. Cancer, the scariest word this warrior has heard. I stumbled to call you. Fear crept in. I only thought I would see the promise, but not able to partake. I would surely die before I could return. But you heard my every words though drowned in tears. You gave me hope to fight, to overcome, and to prevail. I told my friends I was returning to the joy of my life. Where the red wing black beards flew freely from field to field, reminding me of the joyful youth. The path to Heaven were I walk everyday since my return. Knowing your near, all fears erased and failures paved the way to love. You've been beside in secret the whole way. Even now, no one knows of us and our love. Day by day, I feel Heaven coming even near when I'm beside my love forever.  They say that before death comes your life flashes before your eyes. I say I only hope I see all my days with flash before me. I've lived hell to many years without you. But it's what it took, to show me how to love and appreciate you. I know there are many journeys ahead of us even now. There's our home, the cabin, to build. The trails to walk hand in hand in our forest, on our land. Until the ground is beat down for your ancestors to see, the amazing gardens we've built. Oh the memories, we will make. Until one day, my body fades away and I sit and wait at the gate until you my love make your grand entrance to be by my side on the other side. Heaven always be with you, my Special K.

Forever loving you, My Beautiful Special K.
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