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TW Rice Aug 2022
As I sit around the fire tonight, I watch the flame dance around the edges of the wood until it's fully inflamed. It feels like my heart is on fire with just the thoughts of you. I wonder how the flame would look, what would the color be. Would it a bright fire filled with desire and want of you, my love? Would it be dancing as a thankful dance or appreciation for you? Would it someday consume me when we're fully together? Do you feel the warmth of my love? Does the flame draw you near? Or is it something you fear? My flame can't be extinguished, smothered, or fade away into the night.  

Dedicated to my eternal love, my Special K
TW Rice Aug 2022
I once was a traveler searching for home. The moment I met you, I knew I wanted to stay longer. Because something about you fulfills the hunger. Because of you I have grown stronger, happier, and healthier. I no longer want to be a loner. I want to be more than a lover. I want to be your forever...

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
TW Rice Aug 2022
The only thing I want is simply to be there. In the times, you need a simple hug, I want to be there. When you need a laugh after a crazy day at work, I want to be there. When your up late at night worrying about your children, I want to be there. When you've had that rough night and just need an ear, I want to be there. When you need your back rubbed or pain rubbed away, I want to be there. When you've achieved everything and get rewarded, I want to be there. The nights it's dark and lonely, I want to be there. The days you want to journey to pick berries, I want to be there. When you need help gardening, I want to be there. When in your car, when the music overwhelms you and you begin to sing, I want to be there. When you want to take a walk, I want to be there. Everyday and every moment, I want simply just to be there. That's the kind of love I have to be there when you need me and when you don't. I want to be there to grow old with you, when we are fibble and when we don't remember so well...I want to be there. I want to be there to encourage you, support you, love you. I will always be there....

Dedicated to my love, my Special K
TW Rice Aug 2022
I could speak of length of your marvelousness. How your belief in me saved me, help me believe I can be more than I see, how I could could overcome sickness and disease. You taught me what love is and how it feels. You have guided me with bright smile and joyous laughter. You leave this smile on my face that is truly bliss. You've given me direction and hope. You've brought me home... You've restored the brokenness inside. One word from you enlightens me. It rejuvenates my strength, my hope, my peace...everything that home provides. I've never desired, wanted, or appreciated as much as I do you. I'm forever thankful for you. The moments I have staring into those beautiful hazel eyes, seeing our future.

Dedicated to my amazing love, my Special K
TW Rice Aug 2022
All my life, I've been searching for this joy, this peace, this confidence, this wholeness...your love. I found it in your arms, your smile, your kindness, your laughter...our home. As days pass and another year comes, my love for you has never faded but it's grown deeper into the realization that you're the best part of me. I simply need your wisdom, your eyes that show me I'm more than what my past has defined me, your laughter that causes my heart to race and causes this crazy smile on my stone face, I need your ears to always hear me because it's all I wanted my whole life, I need your hand in mine to calm all fears, I need your kiss to erupt this passion, I need your presence that brings so much hope for tomorrow, but most of all is simply I need love. My hope is that I fill all your needs, wants, and desires for the rest of my life.

Dedicated to my love, Special K
TW Rice Jul 2022
Flaws or imperfections, I'm riddled with them. From my body all the scars from wounds and surgeries. My impatience is yet another flaw, only wanting what I know one day I will have. A dreamer one simply hoping for the delight one can only imagine. The emotional scars of the mind, remnants of a battlefield that lay wasted. Obsession, probably my biggest flaw. It's because of who you are and how you helped me change. Seeing the vibrant colors instead of the gray in which my past caused. All these flaws or imperfections have made me wholly perfected. It's perfected the way I love you. If it weren't for the scars and brokenness I'd never be the man who could love you the way you need to be loved. Everyday my flaws is what I see when I look at the reflection in the mirror. But when I look in the depths of your hazel eyes, I see what love has perfected.

Dedicated to my Special K, the perfector of my flaws
TW Rice Jul 2022
Legacy, Footprint, Fingerprint

When I think of passing I often wonder what my legacy would've been if I had a child. Would I have passed on the words of wisdom that was handed down to me. Would I have breathed in the enjoyment of riches just spending time, ensuring they would have known that I loved them. I wonder if I would of been one of those tight nit families always breaking bread together and enjoying the laughter around the table. Would have I passed on my desire for adventure, to learn what it truly means to live.

I wonder if I left a footprint in some lives. Not just journeying through foreign lands. I pray I never trespassed or caused any harm. My hope the only footprint I ever left was going to help or to bring some joys to some lives. If somehow I left a footprint in the wrong, I hope that whoever I disturbed could forgive me.

I hope when my time has come that I left fingerprints. Where I touched a life and brought an encouraging word. I pray that my fingerprints would be left in every hand of the one's I love. I wonder if my fingerprints would remain in the things I built for others, not in the structures but in their lives. A fingerprint left on building up rather than tearing down. I'd rather live this world knowing that I made it better than the way I found it.

I'm not saying it is my time. It's just the things I ponder as I grow older.
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