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TW Rice Oct 2020
Everytime I see the flicker, the flame a swirling in the breeze. My thoughts of you take me to my knees. The embers burning bright in my heart tonight sending into them into the sky. I love you, girl and that ain't no lie. The laughter we have together in this cool weather sends sound of joy in the sky. I just want to take your hand and forever be your man. I'm sure thats what God had planned. Holding you so tight through every night and waking up to the light of the morning. This hearts embers are blazing for you tonight. For you to me is a wonderful sight, everyday. So let's get together and watch these embers light up the night. My eyes caught your beautiful glimpses of sparkling eyes a dancing through the night. I wanted to hold you and never let you go but only to see you fly. The touch of your hand in mine was created by God's own design.

Dedicated to my beloved, Special K, the one who sets my heart ablaze
TW Rice Oct 2020
The one thing in life, we never have enough of. But it is through patience we receive the miraculous things in life. We both want the things now, you your final days of school, me all my days with you. Patience its how we will receive the blessing, what God has given us. Its the endurance that finishes. I know I have patience till the day I'm with you forever. You will make it through just l like I will. In the end, we have our goal, together, home- our cabin in the north woods. Patience till the day we arrive there. I know in my heart the wait is worth it. You are worth more than you'll ever know. I'm spending a lifetime appreciating you and thanking God for step closer to tomorrow. Patiently loving you always and forever.

Dedicated to my everlasting love, Special K
TW Rice Oct 2020
From the day I met you, ive seen beauty in everything.

From the day I met you, the perfected sounds come from your "goodmorning".

From the day I met you, I knew there was no one that could ever love me the way you do.

For you taught me to love myself that way I could freely give and receive love.

From the day I met you, your scent is all I want to ever smell.

From the day I met you, the day I tasted your lips with a kiss.

It was in that moment I knew crave you all my life.

From the day I placed my hand in yours, I knew the electricity and chemistry we shared.

From the day we met, how we think the same and talk the same way.

I've know ever since the first day I met you, I've never wanted to be apart from you. You and I are forever entwined.

To my beloved, my forever, Special K
TW Rice Oct 2020
Everyday we get closer to the day when we are home. To awaken everyday to the beauty that is you is what I dream of. Your beautiful hazel eyes glimmer as they open. Your lips I want to kiss for all eternity. Your hands in mine as walk daily into every adventure. The warmth, electricity, security of that bond is so overwhelming delight for me. I feel nothing can overcome us, we smile we trudge ahead headed to our cabin home. Our paradise we thrive in, everyday, the peaceful embrace of the warmth that love continues to flourish. Day by day we get closer to our forever, where its our love that has propelled us on this journey for an eternity. To see the view of what our love continues to build through every trial. We're headed there. There's no one id want by my side other than you. I know that everyday I want to have your hand in mine with every step I take. Day by day your smile is what I want to see.

Forever loving you, my Special K
TW Rice Oct 2020

Leaving our disappointments, our thoughts of failures in the past. It's going to be ok like your always telling me. We have each other, this wonderous love that longs for our future, our home, our family, our adventures... Don't let little things cloud our vision, our hope, our life... We are rebels and rules they get broken. We are overcomes, the past shaped us but its not who we are. We are much more than these small things. We are glorious. We are loved, adored, simple, treasures, they we continue to find daily in each other. I wish I was there now to comfort you. These words are more than words on a page, its my heart song for you. We are home always together. You help me so much quieting my demons. Youre words always bring peace. I just hope my words, my faith, my love helps you everyday. You are so much more than thoughts. I wish I could reflect what I see in you. We have a future...

Loving my Special K, everyday, forever
TW Rice Sep 2020
Hoping this is the most amazing day for you love. I knew the plan was to be there with you. Just know I'm always with you. You are part of me and I, you. My heart is full of joy knowing your part of the plan is almost complete. I can see those dimples from here and the tears rolling down as your dad pins you. I'm so proud of you. All the stressful days and nights have paid off. You can breath and the stress melt away. I enjoyed the evening yesterday preparing food for the party. One of these days, i will also feel the joy and relief that graduation brings. Soon the Nclex will be over and you'll receive the initials behind your name. Those initials don't change who you are. You've always been the most Special Registered Nurse, since the day I met you. I could see it in you from the start. Your beauty is far more than skin deep, its a mirror of your soul. Its the essence of who you really are. One day, we will forever be bound together. But today. Enjoy the beauty of this day!

Forever loving you. My Special K RN
TW Rice Sep 2020
Today, I found myself not wanting to wake up. I was having a dream of my beautiful Special K. The moment we were together on a sunny day on a picnic in a field with wildflowers dancing in the gentle breeze. We were using that backpack you bought us for Christmas. We sipped on some wine as I gaze at you like I always do. We held hands and kissed and laughed until evening. Then we decided just to lay there and talk and watch the beauty as the night arrives. The wonderous view of the heavens looking down on us as we stare at its beauty. I could spend my whole life enjoying every experience with you. As I awoke each time as the light of day shined through the window, I chose to sleep more to stay in the moment with you. I just wanted more time with you. I slept till 3pm taking you all in. Like I always do I want more time to stay in the moment with you. Thats what I want always to have you by my side, you are always in my heart and thoughts.

To my beautiful dream Special K, my always and foreverly
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