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May 2020 · 238
Sajna Roiy May 2020
Long after your gone my head spins
Your calculating web of doubts
Is it me or you the spider
Of this misery sightless yet stout
The glimpse into a victim of emotional abuse
Mar 2020 · 111
A bellydancer's wish
Sajna Roiy Mar 2020
O Heavenly Presence,
Let my sweet dream come true
At least from the heat
Under the feet of my shimmy!
Mar 2020 · 128
Dear Love
Sajna Roiy Mar 2020
In my world ,I am Aphrodite
You and I ,we are in paradise

My heart yearns for your love
Nothing else matters below or above

I live each day ,thinking about you
Your etched on my mind,
like a tatoo

My sense's horizon are ablaze
Whenever your close to my gaze

Don't you know your precious
My thoughts are always fictious

Darling please understand that
you've taken my heart away
For I can see it fall apart
When I see you walk away
Mar 2020 · 115
Sajna Roiy Mar 2020
Once again I have lost myself
To deep unresolved feelings
It's a mess down there
All I see a black hole
And a golden ticket to roll

My pain is casting me away
From every bit of joyin life
From doing things that could free me
From laughing or crying
I see no meaning in my entire existence
why do I roam this earth
For peace? or  for
it's wide ranged essence?

My broken self has shown me
To be less kind to myself
For I find no reason to pour
Honey down a well
If somebody came by to hold this up
I would sit down and shut up

Living has become a show
For something I don't know
Is it for you or for me?
Or the wind among the trees?

— The End —