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 May 2020 Michael
Jayne E
 May 2020 Michael
Jayne E
when I'm sick
with physical malaise
and pain gives way
to anxiety in waves
of rising panic
you soothe me
with tender care
ease me through
to peaceful calm
so I come to no harm
with you
I feel safe
for you to see me
stripped and bared
of my outer armour
fragile weak scared
returned to
a child-like state
needing reassurance
and 'there-theres'
to know that
someone cares
I feel it all with you
I feel cared for
I feel you
I feel loved
deep and true.

Its easy to be loved when you are at your best, strong, capable, independent...
 Dec 2019 Michael
Jayne E
 Dec 2019 Michael
Jayne E
the ache for you
settled deep in my belly
wakes me at 5.30am
I feel every inch
of the distance between us
sleepy fingers reach out
to find you
not there
my ***** sigh
with the roll of the ocean
keeping you from me
pulling the pillow in close
tears of wanting
stain its case
the ache for you
settles deep in my belly
at 5.30am.

missing you, wanting you, love.
 Nov 2019 Michael
Jayne E
when I think of your hands
traversing my body
your breath dusting my skin
and your kisses
constructed of love
over my lips
my neck
******* thighs belly
traveling between
the valley of my hipbones
finding shelter
in the garden of my ***
I feel my pulse quicken
the tiny hairs on my skin
all stand to attention
and the pull deep in my belly pit
becomes a homing beacon
seeking you out

I want to map your body
with my kisses
set guidelines
with my tongue
navigate you
every inch of your being
all your coordinates
are locked forever
in my unconscious mind
so at any given time
I can follow the lines
explore you
discover your hidden wonders
exclaim "eureka!"
and plant the flag of my love
firmly in your heart
you feel like coming home
forever in your arms is
the place I'm meant to be

 Oct 2019 Michael
Jayne E
 Oct 2019 Michael
Jayne E
there'll be
no saving it
not any
the entire orb
toxins too many
then abraded
gone far too bye
alas too late
to buy time back
no turnaround
11th hour saving
or magical miracle
in denial of why
our planets health
status - critical

we did
what we did
yes we did
shift axis
misuse & abuse
bleed her dry

it is mans(kind)
turn for him
be to wither
carbon nation
in degradation
rock stars erosion
chemical illusions
a weathering of time

Mother earth
will rejuvenate
do (the) over time
yielding to years
millions (billions?)
once more
but...only....if... then...
sans **** sapiens
a non negotiable must

torpid audience enervate
we (manunkind)
made the earth
into 'progresses' *****
pimped her out
for a TV dinner
a 100 inch flat screen
a remote control life
instant gratification
homologating toxic emissions
no ratification
given by nature
override permissions
ego over easy
(supersize default position)
greed gone greasy

not today
not tomorrow
not next year
100 years from now
but in a time
long after you
long after me
when we and
our offspring
(& theirs & theirs...)
long dead too
earth will reset herself
hostile to human life
yes **** sapiens
lease on this fractured land
will for sure expire
but the planet will regenerate
and survive
destructions fire


mother earth will have the last laugh...
 Oct 2019 Michael
Jayne E
I am
as a flower
blown by
a gentle breeze
in a field
I will bend
I will yield
to the heal
by nature soft
even tho my will
be iron strong
in deed
not wrong
to say
I am super feisty
on that day
I'm  treated coldly
my tongue
will be a sliced blade
slicing boldly
cutting old or young
sometimes in life
on both sides
mistakes are made
both sides
can debride
can throw
a good heft of shade
we decide
what price is paid
whether to weather
the storm
keep the tether
or walk away
connection sever
to cut
or to repair the rip
down to us
and how we choose
to trip
to 'win' to 'lose'
smile happy
or play the blues
keep it real
or run a ruse
so simple
we choose
we choose.

© J.C. 05/10/2019.
 Oct 2019 Michael
Jayne E
I crave
I burn
I ache
to lick the salt
from your skin
to breathe you
inhale every atom
all 7*10(27)
of them
feed this
elemental need
bury my face
in your musk
I must
I must
I must
taste you
ravish you
with kisses
your magnet pulls
with orbital force
pulls me
from the pit of my belly
drives me
to press my skin
against your skin
no air between us
heat of our bodies
fusing skin to skin
feeding the fire within
your breath
breathing my name
love caught in the moans
sets my body alight
with desire
with love
with longing
I want to hold you inside me
carry you with me
saturate you
with my love
mixing elixirs
I am lost in you
in bliss.

© J.C. 11/10/2019 3.03am
 Oct 2019 Michael
Jayne E
drifting in slumber
so close to you
I close my eyes
as your eyes close too
warm is my body
soft in repose
warm is your body
to feel you so close
losing myself
to dreamless sleep
gifting my heart
for you to safe keep
as you gift yours to me
unbound by a love
that sets us both free
so sleep my dear love
my love so dear
rest deep and peaceful
know I am always near

 Sep 2019 Michael
Jayne E
he brings me peace
wrapped up in love
his love is tender sweet
we fit together hand in glove

he knows just such
to soothe me right
and when I need his touch
to be strong with might

he found me blue
bruised petals torn
knew what to say and do
to chase away my forlorn

he has ruined me now
for any other ever
with the love he endows
a bond too strong to sever

he is more than a good man
my respect for him grows
depend upon him I can
as he can me he knows

the love he gives is so good
forever my heart his to keep
at last love manifest as it should
forever I am his little meep

J.C. "little meep" 19/09/2019
 Sep 2019 Michael
Jayne E
rain drops
birdy plops
on wet ground
pretty blue
speckled shell
no longer vital
pushed or fell?
first thought
to rescue you
cotton *****
all warm skidoo
too late by far
**** not scar
no warmth fed
could make undead
life in nature true
but still
pretty broken blue
sad to see
had me blue too
for you.

J.C. 24/09/2019
I found a little blue egg, it was beyond saving...sad. If I could post images here I would attach the photo that accompanies this poem...
 Sep 2019 Michael
Jayne E
don't break me
it took a long time
to stick these pieces
back together again

don't fake me
trust broken by
years of lies
ground down faith
in good men
hard to believe again

don't foresake me
if I give my love
to feel you
will see me blue

don't try to remake me
I am who I want to be
control me
will not roll me
only push me
to run from you

don't heartbreak me
if I take
the leap of faith
to have it
smashed apart
again into two
would my weary heart
surely undo

© J.C. 24/09/2019.
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