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 Sep 2019 Michael
Jayne E
the pull to you
in slumbering peace
sets my nerves
on fire
to be held by you
in loving embrace
sparks flames to
deepest desire
to kiss your lovely face
withhin your dreamscapes
infects my heart
with joys bright fire.

© J.C. 24/09/2019.
Michael, this is for you, my true love xxxx
 Sep 2019 Michael
Jayne E
Its in the beats
the in betweens
staccato breaths
the staggered sighs
all nots are slipped
liberating why's
as pulses thrum
cheeks do flush
loves rhythmic drum
obeys no rush
gifting time to the need
on gentle knees
feed crystals seed
fractal light ignites
behind my eyes
glistened drops of light
unbinds sinewed ties
all felt in between
the pumps and beats
our rising passion
turns up the heat
fused together
dissolving walls
time cracks and shivers
as fervent breaths rise
to sighs ecstatic falls

J.C. 11/09/2019.
 Jul 2019 Michael
Jayne E
with honeyed lip
and fervent tip
into my mouth
my body
you dip
all my senses
on override
pulling my tides
my *******
from your lips
my ***
from your hips
and what they bring
making my body sing
breaking dawn
breaking into light
burning bright
cheeks hotter
than the sun
you shine
you shine
you are mine
I am thine
you me

J.C. honey-baby 02/07/2019
 Jul 2019 Michael
Jayne E
Long before the sun has said hello
your face lays so close on my pillow
your breath carresses my necks nape
this is the way we both love to wake

Flattened palm warm laid on my belly
movements slow we choose to dally
our bodies joined from toes to hips
in sleepiness we let all pretences slip

This is my favoured way to wake
with you knowing I'm yours free to take
so with my body I show you how
I need you to be one with me now

Your breath warm, fervent in my ear
inevitable, no choice, I pull you in near
(draw you to my inner atmosphere)
excited molecules cause quite a reaction
undeniable unfightable hot attraction

My ardent moans and ****** sighs
undo any maybes or hesitant why's
my radiated heat, wetness invites you in
your warm firmness signals let's begin

Slowly deeply hips rolled and ******
no stolen kisses unspoken deep trust
delicious delirious both giving over
surrendering my body to you my lover

Your hand so tender upon my breast
my hand on you 'tween my thighs wrest
passions rising hearts beating harder
breaths short in this our sweet ardour

The world still quietly sleeping without
inside our loves expression plays out
your lips your teeth carressing my neck
my cheeks aflame I am at your beck

I feel your excitement building higher
the ****** the pull the heat of our fire
it brings me on pushes past the breach
desire for release you squeeze my peach

More urgent now still close we hold
movements stronger deeper more bold
I crave to feel your ****** letting go
it triggers my own hot lava to flow

We both are gluttons here it is true
never getting enough me nor you
always needing to push on until spent
smile in soft repose at passions vent.

J.C. honey-tiger (grroowwlll!) 30/06/2019.

A little ditty about the 'fire'...
 Jul 2019 Michael
Jayne E
Dots and dashes

Dots and dashes dits  and dahs  
sending coded messages
across 'enemy' lines flung afar
muscle memory might mete out
this coded message of love
for you dearest dear to try work out
the mystery is not in what it says
rather how it transmits and portrays

this brand new thing new joy for me too
in all of my years only now felt for you
my dots & dashes, my dits & dahs  
strives to transmit my love for you dear
when passion colludes is message clear
I try to reign in but my dashes & dots
a mind of their own message garbles lost
as the fever kicks in makes my body rock

confusing I'm sure to the dotless mass
your love is a Morse code masterclass
a language adept secret for thee and me
its symbols & ciphers uncovered by you
transmuted by words whispered near true
and by trembled thigh and shaken knee
a new language clearly has been found
its mysteries shown love clearly abounds

J,C. Honey-assassin 15/04/2019.
Haha, we have our own codes and 'secret' languages... to communicate our love for one another...
 Jul 2019 Michael
Jayne E

Michael, how your name feels leaving my lips
Michael, the way you love me like honey drips
Michael, how you say my name when passions high
Michael, the way you feel so right no need for why's
Michael, how my heart sings when you are near
Michael, the way you care for me so tender dear
Michael, how my pulse quickens for your touch
Michael, the way I love you, knowing you love me just as much.
Michael, how I need you in my life forever more
Michael, the way you, my one and only, I do adore.

J.C. Honey-tiger 14/06/2019.
For my love..
 Jun 2019 Michael
Jayne E
 Jun 2019 Michael
Jayne E
From ******* sweet tips
and curve of hip
milky thighs and sighs
of feminine mystique

Its the inner sighs, smiles
and why's,
the mothers touch
that heals so much
the loving reach,
across the breech,
soothes woes of man
she is Woman.

J.C. 09/03/2019
 Jun 2019 Michael
Jayne E
worlds of difference made in our whirlwind days
the most lovely way that you say all that you say,
lends life, lifts my heart in most marvelous new ways
when you are gone even for the smallest of time,
the ache descends and with it unbends all my rhymes,
so I breathe for that next moment so sweet and so true,
when once more I am able to be with you...
I could go on and on and on and then on some more,
how this new thing has touched me, how I do so adore,
but mostly my dearest, your dearest dear true heart
moving me so deeply, my dear I know not where to start
your words, your voice, gifted upon your soft generous lips,
all these my lovely, do more than unchain my hips,
draw me in to you, make me the moth to your flame,
fill me with longing for that thrill that one more time
when once again, you sweetly whisper my name...

J. C. honey-baby ...undated.
This was a note, a comment left for my love,so I spaced it and a poem was born.

— The End —