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Nov 2019 · 95
Sunny Bird Nov 2019
Im here.

But you don't notice me.

I'm screaming.

But you can't hear me.

Im crying.

But all you see is a blank stare

I'm begging to feel alive

as the wounds on my arm spill the crimson liquid
May 2019 · 129
Sunny Bird May 2019
as fragile as glass

as crumpled as paper

the overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety
fills the void
and completely breaks my glass emotions

leaving me to be a shattered mess,

as I lay there,
tears streaming down my face,
Waiting to be swept up by someone
who tells me

im alright
May 2019 · 79
Sunny Bird May 2019
Drowning in nothing

I sit alone
the feelings of hatred and lonlieness

completely swallow my shrivled heart

the room fills up,
drowning alone
a gasp for air
letting myself give up all that is left

i'm sitting
in a classroom full of idiots
who are to blind to see

im dying

drowning in guilt, selfishness, lonlieness and saddness

I just want to be saved

— The End —