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Rachel Oct 2019
Things are mostly dead
But more or less alive

We must endure
Mostly unpalatable things, yet
More or less continue to strive

We are not here to be happy
We are here to be awake

Everything is perfect
Rachel Mar 2020
There is Earth
And from that Earth, our birth
To my Mother
My darkest clowns
I am nothing but
Error and absurdities
I am found in diversity,
     Not prosperity
My defects more glorious
     Than my victories
I mourn my disasters
     Unable to celebrate victories
Is a frigid heart
     Worth the love it believes due?

A new life beckoning
On a strange new shore
Are you the herald of progress
Or the purveyor of amusement

The helpless soul within her drowned
Odin, the one-eyed god of battle
Screamed a foul sound in a fit of rage
A battle cry sung to the dead
The American witches
Practicing witchcraft at night
Turning red candles white
The jester came from above
Floating by to deliver
Tales of tragedy and comedy
Time and space are the
Abstractions of our experience
Rachel May 2019
A festival of celebration
An ancient Celtic religion      
May Day, the Spring equinox
The Summer solstice
Happy heathens, pagan pride!
Honoring Nature, the Seasons,
The Elements, Spirit! Gods, Goddesses
And deities of our hearts
Childlike, we are, dancing around
The May Pole of bright colorful ribbons
Weaving up and down, as above so below
Offering flowers, acknowledging
fertility and abundance
Communing together in the Woods
Feasting with our friends, our families
Our Tribe!  May you never know hunger
May you never thirst!
We are many and we are of one heart
A sacred bon fire blazes in the night
of the Forrest, emitting its protective
powers as we leap the flames and
dance around the fire of our souls
Rachel May 2019
The Sun doth not shown
A single black raven flown  
The scent of damp pine
Fragrant and divine
White and grey clouded sky
Breathing breath of altitude high

The mysteries of the universe canst be known
The sky dark blue and grey
How the wind did blow
I really enjoyed this lovely day
Knee deep in snow
Slipping around on the ice
Small running stream from the melting snow
Earth made to mud
Rachel Jan 2020
Will I recognize myself
After the crying stops

My body is alive
Without my knowing

I'm back on the subject of war
Was I there

This is a time of great confusion
Which of us are really in reality

The Four Year Fandom
Is putting on the squeeze

I don't want to remember
But I haven't forgotten
Rachel Jul 2019
A Sage ~ like Gods, “watch”
The infinity of worlds arise out of atoms
In the infinite void, and so nothing disturbs the
Peace of his soul.

They (Sages) are unconcerned by mundane affairs,
They spend their time contemplating the infinity
Of space, time and multiple worlds.

A Sage places self within the immutability
Of eternal nature which is independent of time.

A life of virtue consistent with
The will that is in agreement with Nature.

Death and poverty do not cause a Sage sorrow
And praise and good health are unnecessary externals.
Rachel Apr 2019
Crouching Tigers
Dancing Shivas
Crawling King Snakes
Screaming Meemies

Inner turmoil
Outer edges
Lower worlds
Higher standards

****** One
Colt 45
Mustang 5.0

Secret Service
Mystery meat
Unknown soldier
Private property

Wise old owl
Little old lady
Same old sh*t
Grand Old Opry

Make shift
Make due
Make me

Round up
Round down
Round about
Round off

Phone call
Cat call
Curtain call

Mountain top
Muffin top
Carrot top
Rag top

Worry wart
Wet blanket
Spoil sport
Buzz killer
Rachel Sep 2019
She is my lost city of Altantis

Immutable as the Empire of my realm
That which is unattainable, which was once glorified
She is the perfect goddess image, holding the deepest wisdom

Bound to her beauty and redeemed in her soul
I swim the highest mountains and climb the deepest seas
Without she, I cease to be

She is my lost city of Atlantis
Rachel Jun 2019
In my self deception
I had refused to see
That which I hate in you
Is what I can't stand in me
Rachel Aug 2019
Ultimate Beauty
Emerges From
Total Devastation
Rachel Sep 2019
What pains you
Can you outrun your pain
Epictetus tells us we are souls carrying a corpse
Go dtuga Dia Suaimhneas da anam, Roisin Dubh
    (May God give peace to his soul, Black Rose)
Chasten with this evolutionary process enigmatic in nature
Rachel Apr 2019
Breath is our Mortal Encasement
to Air and to Nature’s Elemental Compulsions
Enlist the use of breath
to cultivate the utmost
Over the Mind
Disregard the in-flux of thoughts
Thoughts are only lightning flashes in our mind
just enjoy the light show!
The cord of our breath
Binds the soul to the body
Breath is a silent thread
Nerves are currents
and thoughts act as twine
Prana is the rope
Breath controlling the psyche
as the key to liberation
The portal to self opens
and the mind is in control
Breath electrifying brain cells
Providing a spiritual elixir binding body to soul
Breath is always moving in and out, left and right
its why the breath is invisible
Deep, controlled breath results in deep, controlled thoughts
Shallow, erratic breathing produces shallow, erratic thoughts
Thus, a scattered person
Our breath is like a fly-wheel of a mechanism
It runs the thing
Rachel Jul 2019
Broken and apart for so long.
The sanctity of the holy trinity lives still.
Earth met Heaven and we were together again.

All we ever are is healing,
streaming pain along until it wears thin.
Bring forth the laws of another World to this one
and miracles will ensue.

The head cracked open,
the Universe poured out
and God was revealed.

With two feet in the grave,
all that it requires now
is simply to lie down.
Rachel Nov 2019
On that night
We fell out of the Stars
Onto the over-turned Earth
From that night on
We would be known as
The Children of the Purple Light
Rachel Mar 2019
Search for a Real Love, for one’s Soul Survival
My soul is dying
Where is my ‘cosmic mate’?
I call out to thee – come!
Rachel May 2019
Fire sparks shoot up and disperse into the night air
from the cranial fire pit loaded with fuel that are
brain matter logs, boiling, melting and sliding down
the face of devastation which ultimately seep slowly
into the crevasses of molten Earth.

Eruption at the base of the brain stem blasts a hole
through the amygdala, corrupting the untouched
regulated functioning of the fight/flight/freeze mode
of primal survival skills and throws it into super
overdrive for ultimate hypervigilance/paranoia reactions.  

Nerve endings not spared and frayed to their ends, leaving a
permanent state of stinging to the flat iron man frame
where the muscles have turned to rods of steal and skewer the
body into pieces within themselves leaving the sections
consumed in deranged realms of a twisted reality.

The valves of the heart rapidly banging and bruising itself
against the hollow ribbed-bone cage at the core of this
unseemly resemblance of human on the outside and a
battered mess of ossified particles of tissue on the inside.
Rachel Apr 2019
She lives beautifully hued in her daylight, adorned
in black silk evening night, golden
swirls of sunlight dispel, illuminated
faces in the dark

Dancing with the rays of the morning star, whispering
sweet talk to the moon, tucking
in to sleep twinkling little stars, curious
where they go and who they are

Morning the glory mountain dew smells sweet, roll
back hills the dusk in reverse, meek
sea shore sand hold in the bright, create
pitch black from deadened lightning bolts

She gathers hemlock to sharpen the day, rearranges
night hour by hour, dark
reforms from her involvement, satisfies
her day with strength and power
Rachel Apr 2019
When the sword of life comes forth to impale you,
Do not be afraid.
For by this time,
You will be ready when Death comes to call.
Rachel Jan 2020
I saw death in your eyes
My child
In pain, the heart cries
Your mother
To give birth and to give you away
Has stained our hellos and our good-byes
Rachel Nov 2019
Where does pain come from?
How desolate is desolation?
We die by the way we've lived
A mascaraide of a thousand questions
We are a skull
of flesh
busily on this Earth
Rachel Apr 2019
Dharma is a term for
‘Natural State’
That which knows Its-Self
as a God or Goddess

Dharma is a gift from the Gods
Re-establishing peace and prosperity
To those who are not
Complicated by desires or
Long for what is not
Rachel Jul 2019
Union of Earth & Sky
The ground is so alive, it is the entire Universe        
Become the spacious presence
Complete your death as the mind made entity                          

Dance the line between two worlds
The past and the present
The inside and the outside
Living in both at the very same time

Electrified spine
As the present awareness
All from the divine
Sense of peace and aliveness

Born of fire and volcanic origin
Harmonizing body and soul
White streaks resemble sun dancing beneath the sea  
Balancing the polarities of fire and water

Guide excessive passion into peace
Unleashes the voice of one’s wisdom
Re-attune with the goddess energies of sea and sky
And connect with nature to manifest our highest purpose

Emit the energies of healing and love
Angelic contact and other realms
Disconnect unhealthy inner bounds
A pathway to the divine stair of ascension
Rachel Apr 2019
The Ultimate Enlightenment
Is knowing reality is only
Ever-present consciousness
Which is inherently blissful and free
Rachel Mar 2020
Waves of Fear wash over
     Let go and be free
Besetting of a noxious splendor
     Melting worry into the Sea

Serpent energies arise within
     Join in and ride
Requesitenesses for new skin
     Ridding toxins from inside

Peaceful existence now I capture
     Experience and enjoy
Glistening Sun and wet with rapture
     Swimming the Ocean of Pure Joy
Rachel Apr 2019
Dwell in the Eternal process of Battles
To struggle to remain free
And to avoid dissolving
Into the terrible chaos of ignorance and fear
Rachel Feb 2020
The more I burn,
the brighter I become
Rachel May 2019
The Full Moon
Fixed, strong, pronounced
She sits just above the mountain’s ridge line

The Full Moon
All her magnificent presence
Is all I see while walking toward her    

The Full Moon
Untouchable and yet alluring
She draws me in to her

Thinking of the oracle,
     The trinity,
Witches operating at dark,
     Joan of Arc
     Men of War
the energy of rage
that leads to violence

The Full Moon
Is all powerful
She revealed herself to me
Rachel Jun 2019
The fighting will stop
We will be dead
And this doesn’t mean a thing
Stop caring
It won’t work
The only un-real, real thing is
Futility and failure
So, sell your dreams
Fluff your pillow
And drift off to your creator
It’s a whole lot of no-where and no-thing
And lion headed dogs lying at your feet
Make me sterilized
                  My skin is untouchable again
Rachel May 2019
The cigarette smoke bothers her
They switch seats
Arms pointing this way and that
A lady walks past
Their lips move and their heads nod in agreement
Winds are high and trees rustle violently

Complete Silence

Sun on their faces
She is wearing work-out clothes
Legs crossed, he is intellectually speaking
The ***** faced man washes up in the public fountain
The city bus rolls by at 2x the posted speed limit
They return to their high-pressured jobs

No Sensory Receptors

The post office closed at 3
The line at the Deli is out the door
The highway bridge is under permanent construction
The advertisement billboard is weathered and half torn off
The paint on the hood of the cars is peeling
And the flower pots need watering

Deteriorated Social Skills

Trash bags are ripped and leaking
Alleyways smell like the State Fair Grounds
Dropped the meter money down the sewer drain
Badly need a haircut but they only shine shoes
Homeless ask for money, cigarettes and directions
But they don’t take advise

Can’t Connect
Unusual looking aircraft hovering the area
The Philly sandwich had no peppers on it
The public restroom door won’t stay shut
The public library is a haven for the illiterate homeless
Dude leans into the corner to light a pipe
The good Tai restaurant shut down and is now a Staples

Feeling Nothing, numb

I am there
But I am not here
Nothing can touch me
But everything hurts
Seeing in silence
And hearing in darkness
Not in my body
And away from my mind
Catch me I’m falling
I live in a glass jar
Rachel Apr 2019
Durga, the invincible
I am as Beautiful
As I am Deadly

I am the unfathomable one,
destroying ignorance with a sacrifice
of human life
The power of realization and
destroyer of illusion.

Durga is known as
‘Beyond Reach’
She is another aspect
Of the consort of Shiva
She rides upon the Lion of Courage
Rachel Apr 2019

Drunk on His blood
Kali ran across the cosmos
Killing all evil in her path.
Only utter Death & Destruction calmed her down.
Rachel Apr 2019

Lakshmi is a
Goddess of Fortune

She is lovely and graceful
And represents liberation from the cycle of life and death

She sits upon the Lotus Flower
And floats on water
The Lotus represents spiritual perfection
And being seated upon a Lotus
Represents transcendence and detachment
To the material world.

Lakshmi is always 16 years old
16 is the number of Perfection
When the moon reaches its 16th day, it begins to decrease
Such as in humans, at the 16th year
The first element of decay begins to appear.
Rachel Apr 2019
White clouds blue sky
Sunny day
It’s Tuesday
I make these observations to
‘get grounded’
and bring me back into myself

Heart racing, panicky
Bad thoughts and memories
Past occurrences re-enacting in the present
Negative emotions
Bad body pain
I remind myself that I am ok, that I am safe
That nothing is ‘happening’ to me
Flight response tells me I have to leave
I have to leave NOW

Screaming, crying
I am under attack
These episodes are scary
When it’s over I feel extremely exhausted
I am left feeling numb and flat
Did I just come out of a dream?
I become lifeless, inside and out

Sleep, eat, yoga
Exercise and swim
Reach out to others and stay connected
Go to work and do my chores
I do what I can to get back up after
Getting run over by PTSD.
Rachel Apr 2020
{HOWL inspired, a rip off}.

I saw the worst alcoholics of my recovery group return from INSANITY… beaten down at the battle grounds of *****.


who staggered over park benches, plastered and stabbed, in the unholy city of Las *

who crawled to the threshold of the St Therese Church doorstep for a 2 a.m. garbled vocabulary vigil of wine and song

who, left always alone, with a growling loneliness, forever on a lone trip for nowhere, with no one

where throngs of ******* husbands soak dead in their sheets of overdose

who only thought they were keeping it together whilst burning their lives to the ground, one more time

who were spotted smoking blunts in limousines just weeks before the mutiny of their disease sunk their Titanic

they, as unawares of the frigged cold, and truck stuck in the snow drift, walked miles in t-shirts and socks, just to get more, more, more

who ravished nightmarish, *****-like creatures for *** and cigarettes, all for a night on the town

and who disappeared for weeks, and looked upon as unrecognizable when these beasts of burdens returned, scratching at others’ wounds that they themselves had inflicted

that had spent years on the merry-go-rounds of surgical tables, jailhouses, psyche wards, detox centers and homeless shelters

wherein their ***** were handed to them by repeated self-administered beatings to the point of incomprehensible demoralization


ism, the I, Self, Me, stuck in our heads and can’t get away from self

ism, the insidious Doctor Jekell and Mr. Hide act

ism, the hideous Four Horseman - of terror, bewilderment, frustration, despair


who, under the lash of alcoholism, were unwillingly driven to A.A., and where, by some grace, were able to surrender, ask for help and become willing to make changes

whereby they gather together, in strength, to help one another from being swallowed up by the incessant madness

whose lives have been turned completely around, from a hopeless state of mind and body

who, one day at a time, don’t drink, drug, lie cheat or steal

whose relationships with their children have been mended

and who are living useful and purposeful lives

who care about each other and do what they can to help others

who give their time to share their experience and provide hope to the next sufferer

these alcoholics stay sober by working the 12 steps of recovery with a sponsor, and together, trudge the road of happy destiny
inspired by A. Ginsberg's poem 'Howl', in reverse
Rachel Mar 2019
Trees blossoming in the Snow, she loves growing that way
God is in her typewriter, she makes art in order not to die of the truth
Writing is Necessary          
Poetry is Salvation

A confessional writer, brazen and misunderstood    
Her mind so creatively powerful, her head hurt her to death
Writing is Necessary      
Poetry is Salvation

Female liberation from oppression, but not from depression
She reigns and she pours, chaining herself to freedom
Writing is Necessary
Poetry is Salvation

She wears Motivation and Determination on her wrists
Asunder the tides that keep her moving
Writing in Necessary
Poetry is Salvation
Rachel Feb 2020
Melting the rays of reasoning
Into the sunlight of Ultimate Being

Polishing the mirror of the reflected Source
A divine power moves in of significant force

Illuminating and nurturing qualities of virtue
Incandescent with Spirituality rather than from a religious view

A dissolving of ones’ limits and boundaries
To widen the circle of love and overcome quandaries
Rachel Nov 2019
Twirling flowers you picked for me
so sweet
Junipers high in the quick
summer's heat
You're sweetly in age and
no time is ours
Passed you gently but
never in my arms

Your breath lingers over
my pale white skin
Closeness and apartness are
growing thin
Needing the ****** of your
motorless wings
To the reproach, that for which
my name sings

Duty destroys and
time is a begger
Please hide your eyes
from the leachy fetter
Rachel Apr 2020
My roll ends with the tides of the shifting moss
Amateurs murk forthwith in a tin can
Out of the cool wide-eyed of night dream mist
Deadened lines slamming heaviness on tombs

Rain cities distilling the cold blue night
Cracks underneath the putrid sky lit doors
Clay built street lamps melting on Earth’s rumble
Inescapable hues of red sunshine

Broken shades of satire crawl around
Over the moonstruck autumn fairy rain
White skeleton crows in adverse obsidian
Dowsed in misery, songs for the wicked sweet

Mocked, maimed and ill-trodden
To the fancy slims of the crystal ball
Born to the age of tangled wars
Aching wheels of thoughts heralding headlong
Rachel Mar 2020
The secret in her art
Origins from deep within the Earth

An ancient tradition
Her sounds move from heart to hearth

Chorus echoes beauty
Currents where love runs deep

Preserving lyrical poetry
Nature spirits sing in praise

Stars melting into the sun
a metaphysical solace

She was saved by her art
The world reclaims her
Rachel Feb 2020
Here lies the body of Noreen
She died of an overdose of caffeine
The satire of this epitaph
Warnes she should have drank decaf
Rachel Mar 2019
Her Secret Womb

Spring comes clashing into Winter's taproom
Slender Sun rays leak old man cold's pivot
Carrying us all in her secret womb

Winter refutes Spring's trespass wind vacuum
Sleet slaps pedals, an angry exhibit
Don't let us slip into the darkened doom

Delusion wears reality's perfume
A juncture of Seasons, can you feel it
Carrying us all in her secret womb

Sprinkled by Spring, cold wishes to resume
New plants and minds held up by one rivet
Don't let us slip into the darkened doom

Dormant meets new energy, brought by whom
Nature's divinity knows no limit
Carrying us all in her secret womb

Dancing and skipping, we shine and we bloom
Trusting in the Universal Spirit
Carrying us in her secret womb
Don't let us slip into the darkened doom
Rachel Apr 2019
Siting on the curb, head in hands
Everything he owns
In a shopping cart
He pushes across the lands

Despair and hopelessness lay at his feet
He looks capable but of himself, is helpless
Does his dog have water?
Have they anything to eat?

His derelicts can no longer be concealed
He is left a spectacle to all passers by
He lives a procession of downfalls
How far down the scale he has gone!

Perpetually hungry, always tired and often sick
Sleeps nowhere, really
Eats nowhere, really
There is no prospect for a shower.  Really!

Someone hands him a water bottle or maybe a dollar bill
From this gesture from the stranger
He becomes equally grateful
As he is ashamed

Deprived of a sense of belonging within a community
Rather, he is harassed by others living on the streets
He does not have a family, and
Is incapable of acquiring and maintaining lasting friendships

Absolutely alone
Truly suffering
Was it his choices or was it circumstance?
Because he suffers, the whole of humanity suffers
Rachel Aug 2019
When you killed yourself and the machine connected to your body blocked your death desire, witnessed therein was the hand of God reviving and restoring your life force to a full recovery.  I saw God and that forced change in our interpersonal relationship has effectually caused a permanent alteration in my perceptions of reality.
Rachel Apr 2019
Need to
Coax all ties
Reap magic lies
Born to the full again for one more time
Rinse suffering in electric blood spoons
To healthy salt spires of church and nave

Need to
Hold peace size
Leap alibis
Fortitude through failures alive as sin
Upright to the heckling posture of truth
Hooked to happy swirl huts in the Ozarks

Need to
Hang my thighs
Up to fruit flies
Casting ribs with letters marked by chasm
Return to ****** dancing at dawn
And rise up to the untamed scrutiny
inspired by the writings of Dylan Thomas
Rachel Apr 2019
Cataclysm – A momentous & violent event
marked by an overwhelming upheaval and demolition.  
An event that brings great change.

In Hell

Blood as Cold as Ice
Spiking Fevers
Numbness on the Right Side
From Torso to Fingertips
Cannot Eat
A perpetual sleep
No breath in, No breath out
Is not living, has not died
Body Crippled
Crippled Mind
An absolutely dead, living being
Hearing, not seeing
Seeing but not comprehending
Rachel Apr 2019
~ Witches are the Goddesses of the Seasons ~                    

Blooming trees of white cotton snow
New grass, green pushing thru the retired yellow
Fresh breezes not so full of cold
Batches of ducklings
The first garden weeds and ant hills
Fairy gardens
Planting peas
Plant feed for the rose bushes
It’s Spring!
We are unfolding outward
Born again, we live again!
Rachel May 2019
I write to relieve the pressure of
emotions and energy building up inside
of me that demand to be released

I write because I have no other
Creative outlet to express the outer
Cosmos which reflects itself inside of me        

I write because I cannot paint or sing
Or build things with my hands, have
Scholastic intelligence or a skilled trade  

I write because I am too self-conscious
To let others see who I really am and  
I’m afraid of intimate relationships  

I write for the enjoyment of writing,
For the play of words, imagery and for
The art of communication that comes forth

I write because I need to record my
Observations and the learning experiences
I receive in communing with Nature  

I write when I don’t feel like working
And doing my chores and taking
Action toward responsibilities in life      

I write when I am wishing I were
On a far away island soaking up the
Sun and riding the ocean’s  waves  

I write so you can connect to me
And so that I may leave an impression
After I am no longer in existence
Rachel Apr 2019
Empty, shallow hollow people
No inquiry into imagination
Not seeing the beauty of where they are
Bound by the body
Desire, fear, anger
Utter discomfort
Death-defying despair
Take what is given you and learn its value.
Rachel Apr 2019
It was in the dawn, at morning
when it ‘dawned on me’
to lay down my arms and surrender.
Learning to get along and move forward
to a new awakening of our lives.
When I let go and put down hate and pain,
that is when a new seed is planted.
Rachel Feb 2020
Sitting next to the old man, holding his hand
Looking out at the sea from the sand
Remembering all the stories he can
He tells me about ships and sailing and being a man
Through my ages, my Father is by my side
In high times and during low tide
He gave me my life
He sees me through my strife
A wise man came to me in my sleep
He explained that the devastation for which I weep
Must first be imparted, and only in that moment
Can I be thrusted into enlightenment
Pain makes way to paradise
And love reveals in sacrifice
The Universal Spirit speaks through people I meet
Life is Sweet, so very very sweet
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