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Yuki May 2019
the breeze kisses my petals
f l u t t e r
    they fall like soft rain
soak the earth with light blue
. dye
Yuki May 2019
i am hidden in layers of flowers
can’t you see the thorns?
can’t you see me?

i am hidden in layers of flowers
pretty little things that spread across my
face in vibrant colours
why can’t you see my desperate smile?
don’t you see me?

i am hidden in layers of flowers-
wrapped around in vines
they are piercing my skin
digging inside

it really hurts

why can’t see you through my words?

(why can’t i speak?)

i am hidden in layers of flowers
in layers of pretty words that cover
my deep scars on my heart

everything i say is in metaphors

and you are captured by its beauty

(why can’t you see me?)

(why can’t i speak?)

and darling, the thorns are digging deeper into my skin
Yuki May 2019
     smile then.
/ burn. /
Yuki May 2019

smile. up. higher. come on

dance with the  stars

drench in star shine. come on.

take my hand

and smile. up. higher

let’s dance with the  stars

and burn with the lights of
thousands of stars.

smile. up. higher. come on, darling.

Yuki May 2019
I drown in possibilities, in dreams
paradise stinging hot-sharp on my tongue
s l i p p i n g   a w a y
fading to ashes— and

today, the night is too loud.

i can’t see anything.
Yuki May 2019
darkness/dim eyes/creeping hollowness/bitter taste/the echoing loud sound of blood in your ears/ the echoing loud beat of your heart/ harsh drums against your ribs/ shatter/ fall / stomach in knots / twisting / darkness / dim eyes / yet—

sunlight blankets you in honey
Yuki May 2019
sprinkle rain taps your glass. shatter.
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