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612 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
My smile is often fake
It's often more than I can take
Everyday when I wake
It goes away for my own sake.

Then one day
It went away
Gone today
For it to stay

Now its here
There's no more fear
There's no more tears
I know you're near

Because of you
This one is true
Because of you
I feel brand new.

My smile is real
I'm able to feel
The things I've concealed
Are now revealed.
526 · Mar 2019
My Life
Kierstyn Mar 2019
Too fast.
No stop.
No control.
Its a disaster
A huge mess
That I can't clean
Because I don't know how.
Its a snowball
Rolling down a hill
crashing into trees
along the way
But I get through.
I get through.
373 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
I'm scared.
Scared of failing.
Scared of losing.
Scared of feeling pain.
Scared of emotions.
Scared of love.
Scared of everything.
But no one knows.
Because that's the thing
About being scared.
Only the people that are scared
can see it.
266 · Mar 2019
Pinky Toe
Kierstyn Mar 2019
Pinky toes aren't thought of much.
No one really notices them.
Until they are gone
and you fall
you are
I am like a pinky toe.
No one notices me
Then they notice.
Only if
262 · Mar 2019
The Lovely Bones
Kierstyn Mar 2019
Deep in the cornfield
under the ground
there is a place
that is hard to be found
you can still find it
just keep looking down
deep in the cornfield
under the ground
212 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
She and I were best friends
but in friend there is an end.
I've never done anything to her,
maybe I did I'm still not sure.
She said that she grew up much faster,
then left my life in a disaster.
She and I had so much fun,
we would do our hair in messy buns.
We would pick apples and ride our bikes,
sometimes we would go on hikes.
Then a loved one died which changed her life
She realized she could have a wife.
Then she slowly drifted away
with me asking why till this day.
There is so much to her that I don't understand
It's like living in another land.
A land that's as far as the eye can see,
A land that doesn't contain me.
205 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
Most people don't know what love is
I do.
It's when you're sad and someone is there for you
Can hold you
Can kiss you
Can tell you that everything is alright
Can say that you're pretty
That you matter
In this world of hate
and judgment.
Its when someone can be there for you.
Can support you
Can encourage you.
But it has its downsides.
Like when its used only to get another kiss
Only to touch you
When you don't want to be touched
Only to make you think that you matter
Just to find out
It was all a lie.
195 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
I look in a mirror and I see a girl.
A girl that is ugly and too shy.
A girl that’s fat and wants to die.
A girl that if she tells a lie,
Someone else will make her cry.

He looks in a mirror and sees a boy.
A boy that popular and cool.
A boy that is athletic and doesn’t need school.
A boy that no one can ever fool.
A boy that thinks the world is cruel.

She looks in a mirror and sees a girl.
A girl that starves herself so she can shrink.
A girl that can change in a blink.
A girl that can make someone’s sadness sink.
A girl that cares what people think.

And then she saw
what I have seen
since the day I was born.
She now knows
what I have known
everyone is a little bit torn.

I then notice
no one's the same
they're unique in their own different way,
but I am just here,
meaning nothing to no one,
and forever I will stay.
170 · Mar 2019
Sand Castle
Kierstyn Mar 2019
You make a sand castle
You make it too close
The tide comes in
Your hard work
Some people will give up
Others will keep trying
People are like the tide
They will knock you down
If you give up
They win
If you try again
They lose
Don't let them win
169 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
Either I'm crazy
or friends are supposed to know each other
get along
be nice
and funny
and sometimes silly
not focused all the time
so focused you forget what matters
and what matters is your friends
maybe I'm just crazy
but I'm not crazy.
I'm not crazy.
162 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
In 20 years I will
Have forgotten about 8th grade
About the hell I went through
About how I felt I was in a cave
Filling with water
No escape
No one there for me
No one to save me
There, I drowned
Everything collapsing
Around me
No escape
No one there for me
No one to save me
The water was my thoughts
The awful thoughts that filled me
No escape
No one there for me
No one to save me
All the drama
The bullying
The anxiety
Everything collapsing
Around me
No escape
No one there for me
No one to save me
147 · Mar 2019
Kierstyn Mar 2019
Danielle and Dakota were the reason we ended up breaking up,
I don't know how to put this but they made me realize stuff.
You're not supposed to like someone when you have a girlfriend,
especially when you said our relationship would never end.
You really broke my heart when you told me that you cut
you lied to me again and did not leave me with much.
Then Kylee moved back and you told me that you liked her
you asked me if it was okay and I replied with a "sure."
I really miss you Justin, I really really do,
I wish it could have worked out, maybe it would have without you.

— The End —