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Jim Sep 2019
The west, oh she calls to me
Her speech of falling leaves from her highest mountain peaks
I fawn to her prairied lands
I gawk at nature's pallet
For to be of this land is to be of infinite fortune
Jim Sep 2019
We were born never to die
Never to meet our mortal demise
Torn from the glint of a reflective disguise
Surprises to come from discounted thoughts
Taken from those who give all they got
Who know that it's not about verbiage spoken
About acts come and gone
It's all in the person

Respect to the one
The individual in silence
Retching for glory of incompetence
Completed with the figure of prejudice
Happenstance says he said she said
Developmental flaws in mystic palms read
To entice the spender and reassure all glory
That everyone's trial fit to their story
That every man's journey leads to success
But reality is only a few pass the test
They get to basque in triumph while all of the rest
Never reach their subjective goals
They have no glory to hang their beliefs and morals
No stability to prove that the choices given were executed correctly
Left to question their short lived history
Then swiftly shifting any blame to unavoidable chance
And continue on as before in blissful ignorance
Jim Sep 2019
Farewell, farewell my darling boy
Farewell as you take your depart
I'll look for you where the sun meets the sky
And I'll keep you close to my heart.

Farewell, farewell my darling son
Farewell I bid to you
As you follow the wind to some distant shore
In your soul I will help you see it through.

Each day, each day I dream the same dream
The words of a wise old man
He says the willow she weeps through winter and fall
Come spring time she proudly stands

Don't steal the heat from the fire
Don't steal the meaning from the words
Don't take the darkness from a shadow, my dear
And don't forget the wisdom you have learned

Farewell, farewell to the open fields
Farewell to the dew on the vine
My destiny's a-waitin', she's somewhere at sea
Please Neptune would you send me some sign
Jim Mar 2019
I've got problems from here to there
I'm balding, lonesome, and someones taken my chair
Now my knees hurt as I stand without rest
I'm beading sweat, stomach hurts, and there's a pain in my chest

My wrinkles remind me of how old I am
My back is so tight, I can't seem to bend
I dropped my pencil back two weeks or more
It's still where I left it, down there on the floor

Boss man says he can't stand my work
I caught my wife cheating, but I'm still the ****
Here comes the rain, there goes tomorrow
I can't find my sadness, so I need some to borrow

So borrow me yours, spare only time
reap all my pleasure, drink all my wine
stare at me solemnly, stare straight and true
know that my problems are yet to be through.

Forget about glory, you know I never triumph
If you ever need me I'll be down at the dumps
I'm trying to find some decoration for home
All that I've found is a skull and cross bones.

A wary sign, of which I've had many
I left all my good days back in my twenties
Now each one rolls into the next
They're not all that bad, but far from my best.
Jim Mar 2019
Fantasy is dragons, it's magic and mystery
Heroes in armor, evil and infamy
It captures your intrigue and panders to dreamers
tales of black sheep, fools, misfits and schemers

Where did it come from? We wrote it all down
Thought of some fiction like King Arthur's crown
Mermaids and ogres set on some quest
A kidnapped princess, a witch in the west

It's much more fun than the real world around us
That's missing that wonder and absent of fairy dust
Though there is a place in our world where fantasy's seen
A conjuring of tall tales.. what we call dreams

Imagination's truly at the root of it all
Like how a pumpkin could carriage a maid to a ball
Or rainbows can lead to a cauldron of gold
And a man can favor by selling his soul

There's all sorts of crazy drempt up nonsense
You,ve heard of small elves who make Christmas presents
How absurd is that, who could have thought it up
And the nothing compared to the Tri-wizards cup

Give it a try for yourself some time
Think of a story or something sublime
A wicked beast or a mystic spirit
And whatever you end up with.. I want to hear it.
Jim Mar 2019
Roderick is clever, there's no one like him
Annabel is beautiful, they call her a ten
There's no one smaller than William T. Haller
and no team better than Donald and Jim

Marvin says things that everyone thinks
No one's seen Milly in over six weeks
Milton and his spouse bought their first house
and called Pious the plumber to fix all the leaks

General Jones heads the police force
The newly wed Smith's are getting divorced
In school, Mr. Pence, he tutors science
Amy studied hard, but still failed his course

Donald's a driver, from Denver hes born
Frederick's a farmer who only plants corn
Antones' apple fritter is what's severed after dinner
And Daniel's a devil, whose just missing horns
Jim Mar 2019
Like molten lava red and hot
It swells from in below
Takes me to a tragic place
Where happiness does not go.

An excitation like no other
Uncomfortable, not unique
For others too know this wrath
Others just as weak

10, 9, 8 we count
Until we get to 1
To ease away away the fury
And get back to where we belong

And then once more some petty event
Ignites rage from his slumber
To lead again to the place
When I am at peace no longer.
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