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946 · Mar 2019
Funny Little Comments
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
I don't laugh much
But when I do
My soul is tickled black and blue
Not pink
Let's put a few in ink
And leave the kitchen sink
Ok buddy
Now here they go
Why aren't you nicer to girls?
I've seen love in women's eyes when I speak truthfully and cheerfully
But glee is as rare as a leprechaun family
Dancing under a lunar eclipse
On a galaxy of four leaf clovers
On a snowy day in hell
If you're ringing my bell
And actually I don't believe in hell or god
But I'll still say go to hell
Or god proceeded or followed with my expletive of choice
Spoken with a calm monotone voice
That's my choice
When it comes to my voice I've been mocked
Because of dejected tone plenty of times
So when any pretty lady says she likes it
I just laugh in her cute little face
Now label me a grade A+ A-hole
What a disgrace
I've been asked a billion times over
Why haven't you done more with your life
You don't have kid's or a wife
Because the brain was consumed by children who weren't mine
Not even a lover's
At least I could've gotten some *** out of it
But sadly she's just my sister
****** doesn't give me a *****
Why don't you like to give me hugs
She'll usually catch a silent shoulder shrug
Because I've lost everything I've built
Cared about them more than myself
Now they're gone
Here's another
Son you need to set some goals
When that's the very reason I've been kept awake
for multiple days at a time
Catching cat naps in between
Years blend together just like the days
In a continuous haze
Living with thoughts
While running from them
However it's just a maze
When you finally find the opening
Just teleports you back to the start
Oh now that's art
Truly beautiful
Scratching my head
Until there's imprints of cuticles
On my scalp
Here's the last joke that leaves me stunned
When beautiful women laugh and joke at my appearance
But at times I hear
Oh he's actually cute or ****
It's just a haircut and a shave and a bathe
I'm still me
And these thoughts vex me
Like someone put a hex on me
Because I want someone to call mine
But why can't you accept me
Whether I'm polished or not
Because notably usually it will be
**** it.
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Damaged to hell
Somehow still functional
Works when it gets a chance
Only happy that it's not dead yet
That fact is as shocking as a taser
While submerged in water
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Never had a Valentine I'm 27 pathetic right
First kiss was a dancer by profession
Not professional just dim lights and cheap velvet
I was 19 she was 45
Told me I reminded her of her daughter
She's still pushing up daisies in her suicidal garden
I wanted mine to be covered in four leaf clovers
I'm a self proclaimed oddball
Reclusive nature is my cowardice
It leads to uneasy easy comfort
Long for contact from other humans
Yet detest them at the same time
I love music like every breathing being loves water
Still I dance with two left feet
Fashion sense resembles a jester
Yet again it's uneasy easy comfort
Finding balance in chemical imbalance
Had plenty talents
Still too trapped in my own cerebral functioning
Biggest accomplishment is that I'm a caretaker
Oddly enough I barely take care of myself
Thought it just fine as long as I had a wicked liquid buzz
Or heavily ****** like a witch in colonial times
Now I jumped state but I really couldn't flee
From my problems
Said plenty of times that I hate people
Said plenty of times that I hate girls that fawn over
Guys I consider schmucks
Truth is I must hate myself
Most days
537 · Mar 2019
Hope Is
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
All that it takes to turn blackened skies
Back to a beautiful hue of blue
Much like the iris
Of women that never fail to
Give me heart palpitations
There's a slew of variations
An opportunity of great financial gain
After what feels like a century of
Careening going against the grain
A romantic interest peaked
Peeking back at you
Instead of playing a game of
Peeka-Booooo get off the stage
A family member who you're used to being  a failure
Used to be overly concerned
But that junk mail's been sent back to mailer
Signed Woo-hoo What A Relief
Surely used to eating crow pie
Feeling the grief
Eye a toothpick now
Exclaiming that was righteously delicious
Can I have seconds?
Or thirds?
Because I couldn't even successfully **** me
And those occasions were numerous
Nothing in this world is going to stop me
You can throw me in a real cliff hanger
Like the hungry coyote Wile E.
I'd still come out smiling
440 · Mar 2019
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
When in large groups
They're audible
But unintelligible
It's soothing
I don't have to be a tentative listener
White noise is somehow calming
410 · Mar 2019
Humans That Set The Bar Low
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Competence has to be Irrelevance
On page one
Of the irrational book of irresponsible adults
Nothing's ever their fault
Complacence is page two
It's very true
They're fine with absolute nothings
As long as they find a quick dash for some cash
To take their brains to the moon
And free shelter
They think they're doing just fine
It's just plain pitiful
375 · Apr 2019
Swimming in Cesspools
IcarusHatesSun Apr 2019
Stay in clear blue water
The vultures are searching for fish
To pick clean
When found desperately flailing
On dry land
370 · Mar 2019
Your Skin
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Your skin tastes sweeter than
All of my favorite
Ice creams
In a three gallon bowl
On a record temperature day
In hell
314 · Mar 2019
Brightside Of Hearing Loss
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Music is fun
Music is bliss
Music is parallel to an audio kiss
Used to say if I lost the ability
To hear
I'd surely go insane
Wouldn't know what to do
It's true
But now that the biological function is fading
Catch me cynically saying
At least it'll be easier to tune out
Humans with them none the wiser
Guess that's the Brightside
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
You'd think an apology was
An anchor tied to your leg
While in the middle of the ocean
Or a pair of pliers attached to molars
With firm grip ready to pull at full strength
With capability of permanently bruising your jawbone
You'd think an apology was a Louisville Slugger to the knee
Yeah you'd rather take all your winnings and flee
Even when those w's were bought with my own backbone
You'd take my joy
Devour those moments like strawberry scones
Washed down with your choice of ice cream and coffee
Laugh it off and label me softie
Even when strangers would mistakenly
Label me menace
With permanent grimace
When I turn ghoulish and disappear
You'd feel bad
Say you miss your best friend
Hurts to say you'd just miss using me
While I was the fool who didn't mind
Yeah he believed in
Helping one of his Best Friends  make it in life
Sad to say that you don't care for me
Constantly joke about me getting close to ending mine
I'm glad that when I pulled the trigger
It was capsules in bottles
Not the full blown steel
Now I won't feel
Bad when you cry saying you feel like a loser
At this point evidence to confirm
Your own conception
Has quite honestly buried me alive
When I distance myself for good
Just know that
It's all because you were to careless on several occasions
To even mumble a measly
275 · Apr 2019
Brain Full Of Lust
IcarusHatesSun Apr 2019
I want to taste every inch of your epidermis
Blood's boiling like lava in a thermos
When you ambulate
My phallus will gyrate
While my body is at a standstill
I want you to chew me like a vampiress
Gaze deep in your iris
Leave me wide open like a coke ******'s sinus
My libido is poisonous
Your feminine essence
Seems to be the only antidote
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Paint pictures with pre-fractured Phalanges
Sprint with a leg in a splint
Hold punches when you're used to throwing em
Just remember to protect that chin
Grin when bombing gnarly hills on a board
Even if that beautiful road leaves epidermis with wicked rash
Skydive even if you splatter
Plunge deep in waters knowing you have no gills
Dance wildly with no rhythm
Bang that drum even if no one feels the beat
Sing loudly even when alley cats wail like in the old toons
240 · Mar 2019
Family And Funerals
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Funny that the family
Doesn't have any gatherings
Functions or luncheons
Guess they like to cover those Bases
At funerals
235 · Mar 2019
Piqued My Interest
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Sorry to freak you out
When interest is piqued
Have a hard time peeking
My eyes are mega dilated
Blame your mother and father
For forming a true beauty
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Anyone can see dysfunction by
Taking a glance at clothing
If they're heavily soiled
The brain must be
Equally stained
Don't even have to strain
To see closely
If sporting bath robes
While shopping
Psyche must be dropping
Easy to ascertain
The head's dead
Dragging lazybones like Archaeologists
No apologist
Just dreaming of being back
In bed
Or bench
Don't mention the stench if Noticeable
If style goes quirky  or Oddballer
No need for professional sports Caller
To know something about the Clothing articles
Keep their actions on earth
Even with mind spaced outer
When you see someone Displaying the signs
Just say hello
Don't ask about their
211 · Mar 2019
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
The streets you step on look awfully different
When they become your bed
The people you passed by covered in blankets look awfully different
When you're one of them
Especially when you're not comfortable enough to sleep
Had problems with sleep deprivation before
This is a heightened level
The laughs coming from faces feel different
When they're aimed in your direction
Like audible daggers in your ear canal
Already knew people weren't friendly
Just ***** when you're down and out
Searching for a way out
So far it's close but out of sight
Like I'm under a spell where
I've permanently lost my spectacles
Can't wait until I'm no longer down
IcarusHatesSun Apr 2019
It's just as satisfying
As her softly nibbling your ear and the lobe
When said gently
Close enough to her licking the external auditory meatus
Or slowly breathing in it
Instead of being crass
My *******
Tells me just go ahead and bite your lip
192 · Mar 2019
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
I feel hollow
Definitely feel hollow
Swallow me whole
Your stomach won't be full
It'd feel empty
Soul's just an appetizer
For you fools
Shirts drenched by your drools
Swimming pools filled with
No need for fire
Or thermometer
Just stick your fork in my friend
I'm fully cooked
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
More Prone to building walls
With barbed wire water and electric fences
Than I am at open doors for others to walkthrough
Unless that's literal
Takes two seconds
Gotten rather used to others looking for uses
For me
Instead of speaking truthfully
Used to be a joyful person
Until I kept meeting people and became
Unsurprised with the fact
They don't give a ****
Might as well build a dam around the rivers
Made from their saliva
While spewing fictional nonsenses
Look closely at my eyes
I'm definitely a strainer
178 · Mar 2019
First Love Wasn't Mutual
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
You'd wind me up like an old toy
Then point me straight at a wall
To catch a good laugh
Watch me get juiced up just to crash
If your love were a party
I'd be the only kid leaving without cake or ice cream
What a blast
My love was as sweet as candy
In return I'd get a cut to the face
Now add lemon juice with extra salt right to the open wound
I was always picking you up like chairlifts
You were like bungee jumping without rescuers
A real hoot but left me hanging upside down
174 · Mar 2019
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
If I vowed to tell the truth
I'd be that one look in your eye
Would personify that word
Down to the last vowel
The sound your laugh makes
Was like a symphony of beauty to my bleeding ears
Almost brings me tears just to think about it
Not sure if I'll ever find anyone that will match
Or surpass what I felt for you
Funny thing is that you never knew
That's my fault that's very true
Your soul is gorgeous oh of course it's just Euphoria
When I've been up for days with bloodshot eyes
It's no surprise that one thought of you would lead me to
It's pointless
170 · Mar 2019
Your Heartbeats
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
The tune your heartbeat makes
Has the affect of a musicbox
With an exponent of infinity
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Bludgeon me with beauty
Harass me with harshness
When seen speaking from my ****
Drown me with divine courage
When I'm nervous
Slice me in two with your words
When I'm only offering silence
It'll open me up
Just give it time
It doesn't come easily
I only speak to people when
I assume that it's worth it
And I don't feel worthless
You have to excuse my process
160 · Mar 2019
You Have Religon. I Have???
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Spotted schools of sharks
Swimming in life's cesspool
Drunkenly float feeling loss of hope
Religion believers try to send rope
Let's fashion a noose to **** that noise
I'm glad you believe in that story
Girls and boys
I'd sooner believe that I can jump
Two-hundred stories
Then stick the landing
157 · Mar 2019
Wounded Rider
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Fallen off the horse
Kicked right in the teeth
Got back on the bike after crashing and burning
After the ability is attained
Cant forget it
The rider just gets tired of falling
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Forest of infamous fame for Fragility
I'm not in the pageant
Never been the most pearly
I see I can see the sea's
A Stadium
Of fair maidens
Mutually emaculate
Murmurs still studied
Coming from stifled stiff
Stagnant staples
With staple stuck
To a stamp post
It lacks adhesive
Still my best efforts
The maidens that got close weren't fair just Iron
Not the band
The kind featured
In torture chambers
144 · Mar 2019
Thanks For Loving Me Nephew
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Children think you're cool
Even when you feel like a bag of ****
Or when you're behaving like it

They're excited to see your face
Even when you see an ugly mug
Little faces laugh and smile
They say you're funny
When in reality
You were just being a pessimistic realist *******

I'm sorry I didn't take you out more
Should've took you to more fun activities
My selfish brain was stuck in its own miseries

Remember when you made me laugh
When you ****** in the wind
I said find a tree boy
All I could do was laugh with you too
Front of the pizza shop before ice cream
Was fine for you
Parents walk by and angrily mumble
Thinking the cackling ******* must be crazy
Most things in life don't faze me
But the fact you were taken into state custody
Always makes my face turn into a leaking faucet
Now my brain won't turn off it
I'm just your uncle
I know I'm just your uncle
Brings sadness to my heart
You liked me more than your mother
I spent ninety percent of the months we spent together
Mentally checked out
I know it must hurt your heart to feel
Your own mother doesn't give a **** about you
That's alright kid
**** what she thinks
You're stronger than her
You're stronger than me
I'm your zoned out uncle
Thanks for loving me
I don't deserve it.
139 · Mar 2019
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Jovial faces
Cause mopey face
To mirror
Their delightful aura
Is contagious
Like an alluring virus
Can't help but catch it
From time to time
138 · Mar 2019
She Asked Me (Why?)
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
She always had the same two inquiries
She'd ask me
Why do you want me?
Answer was always dead silence
She'd ask me
Why do you look at me like that?
I'd answer in my head jokingly
Guess her multiple babies fathers never loved her before.
136 · Mar 2019
Your Secret is Safe?
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Tell me a secret
Lock it away
In a fortress deep in my melon
Heavily antisocial
So you should know it's safe with me
135 · Mar 2019
Old Expression
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Always been told
You'd lose that head if it weren't attached
It's true
I lose keys cars Identification
Wonder thoughtfulness and imagination
I lose friends time and my patience
As well as the desire to form relations
Vision blurry
In a hurry to go nowhere
You'd lose that head if it weren't attached
Lost that plenty of times also
So don't hit me with that old expression.
134 · Mar 2019
People Watcher
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Looking at passers by
Just concerned with passing time
Caring to chime in
But he favors a mime
134 · Feb 2019
Parable Worth Pennies
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Pennies for parables plenty of variables
Variety of changes
Several ranges
Past parameters with perimeters past parabolas
That parallel previews per pension
No extensions of the imagination
Revelations are non-existent on this station
Variations cost vast declaration
To a nation claiming under god
however I don't believe in him
Web weaved do we still believe in some
Force freely fearing freedom from forms
Of foes frequently fleeing responsibility
Never claiming carefree cadence
Rather chimed from a coarse throat
Past hoarse
Ride your horse or follow the dog
It's definitely a pony show
Showered in sin
Lust for lavish conquests
Moisture of her oyster
Oxygen pulsing while pushing
For a plethora of euphoria
For fantasies and friction in ****** form
Have a diction for distain
What's to gain if the game is fixed
No patterns for print
squint you might find it
Time you wish to rewind it
You wind down many roads to find something
Anything really
A silly notion
Do you have a potion
To reorganize it to your own liking
133 · Feb 2019
My Color Is Jade
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Time flies with no eye spies
Only thing you've spotted is failure for certain
I'm cordial just slightly
Verbal **** flung
I'll simply say alrighty
My own brand is
Generic oddball
Don't know what else you would call it
Wondrous notions compound like potions
Presumable presumptions met for your consumption
Devoured by normality
I just wonder
When my life will share resemblance to social
Straight up demonic savants  
Best believe I have grief filled grievances
Advance aren't made
The games been played
Only colors seen
Have been jade
Serenade all of your woes
I'll never pose if that's ok
Only thing known
Prone to failure in plenty forms
I'm purely noting nothing natural
Nimble nocturnal in nature
Punctual never
Clever thoughts too mundane
To change at all I feel like nothing
Searching for something
Again my friend
It's only the end
Strictly purely surely going to change
Nevertheless it's not yet in sight
My biggest plight is trying not to **** myself
Just trying not to **** myself
My biggest hurdle is trying not to **** myself
I'm trying
Just trying not to **** myself
My only fight in this world is trying not to **** myself
Hope I'm not failing
Truly hope I'm not failing
129 · Feb 2019
Look Into The Minds Eye
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Mundane mutants maturations met during mental breakdowns
Are evident anguish
Can cause annihilation
Relation to rhetorical question unanswered
From a real inquiry
Standard supplemental credentials
Silhouettes surely a handful
Can't hold a candle to the crux or the cortex
Psyche still dicey dissection
128 · Feb 2019
Get It Together
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Pursuits of unhappiness
Unbalanced brains
Match set
Not well played
I'm not an Ace just a *****
Probably low number two too
No face value for my card
If it were it be wildcard joker
Only has value in childish games
If bread no whole grain
Just overly processed loaf
Why do I feel like an oaf with high IQ
Or is it actually low
An abundance of complaints
An abundance of the same restraints
An abundance of open ended promises
An abundance of unsettled claims making the stomach sour
Leading to sicknesses
Tired of overthinking
Leading to not thinking at all
In terms of critical
Just thinking till you're not making important decisions
At all
Pick your jaw up off of the floors
Only way to open up doors
125 · Feb 2019
Annoyance of Longing
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Tuned to trail all curtailed canopies
Final word written in cursive colored crayon
I'm trapped in time
Hands on clocks frozen
Civilians crying in cryo-chambers
Canary echoed foxtrots fandango
They tried to tango
Girls smelled of peach and exotic mango
Forced free-falling foes to shuffle to earth
Like fallen phoenix's
Takes no geniuses
Ceased queasiness from quests and crunch times
The chimes still clanking on crippled spines
Spacious sparrow sprawled along sky
As tapestry spiraling
The creeps' coined cretins on campus
Camper camped out next to caravans
Never nestled next to nuisances
Nightly novel lapping up lateral lapses
Lately longevity leans left toward left in spaces
Spaced out subjects subjected to subjugate sequences
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Tongue-tied tantrums spent in time travel
Gathered by greeters not gracious
Brain space still spacious
All the sages
Check for rearranges
State plasticity tragically transfer
To normal staple on standby picked crucial
Lavish land lanterns
It's not October
Brain can't recall much
Don't mention
Why not  
Who knows
As long as times under continuation
I'm not ready for  Permanence
123 · Feb 2019
Manic Insomia Blues
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Eyes glazed three ways
Vast avenues filled with vultures
Going through cultures of sycophants
Do you believe that you can achieve
I'm used to forcing myself to crash
It's past being a nuisance
My two cents is wanted
Yet rarely offered
I will throw them in a wishing well and cross my fingers
Congruent and parallel to the same thought pattern
When I was a truant student
Why didn't you seize that opportunity
I'm feeling nothing close to unity
Unified to misery
How do artists make money
Some find a special portal like Star Fox via N64
However most starve then die
Along with their burdened minds burning
Mines turning
Stomach churning like old fashioned butter
Slowly with hard work going unnoticed
Until the final product is seen
Surely difficult to maintain focus
Faint remembrance of remnants of functionality
Bypassed fractured frames of previous formality
Casualty of easily landing jobs
Clean ***** was on tap not in a kit or bottle
Attained nothing of notoriety
Definitely hyperbolic there
Did this to **** anxiety
Nevertheless it was only exasperated
Can't remember the last time I was naturally elated
115 · Feb 2019
Focus on Reality
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Dreary daydream duties
Cause digression
Lessons have been learned
At a slow pace
Out to pasture
While they posture spinal column is lacking in posture
Not caring much for closure
No sure things
Exclaimed or clamored from an unsure face
Unfriendly utilized at every turn
Tantalized by brutally balancing brain buoys
Only problem is lack of buoyancy
It won't swim
It'll definitely float while wounded
It'll paddle with one arm
It'll paddle with one leg
Omitting the fact of the matter
That it still has two more that are useful
Disregarding that fact as truthful
Disregarding an obvious statement
That you're not the only one
Whose felt down in their lifetime
What makes you think you're any different
113 · Mar 2019
Only One Critic
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
There's judges for criminal behavior
There are judges for our ****** nature
Judges for who we hate
Judges for who we befriend
Judges for the way we speak
Or don't
State it till the bitter end
Judges for our sense of style
Or lack thereof
Judges for how we succeed
Or fail
I know it was predictable
You didn't need it in braille
Judges with burning eyes
Staring holes through us
While our epidermis begins to blister boil and bleed
Judges for money we handout
Or when we have our hands out
When we've fallen on hard times or just on our hard heads
Can't even pretend
Not to be annoyed
Even if I had an official bright-eyed
Decoy carbon copy of myself
Just to follow me around
There's only one critic that truly matters
Take a look in your fun-house mirror
Dead eyes
111 · Mar 2019
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
Look in the lady's direction
Begin to drift into daydream land
Where the sands in the hourglass are falling slowly
You don't even know me
Millions of thoughts per millisecond
Left with dead eye stare
Two words bring me back to reality
All that was heard was
******* ******
106 · Mar 2019
IcarusHatesSun Mar 2019
What makes me happy
What makes me smile
Haven't thought about that in a while
Wonderful thoughts vanish in thin air
A magic trick lacking the shock and awe
Also lacking in applause
A pause that lasts forever
Like a frozen frame on
An old big screen television
Enjoyed that film
Now the pixels won't fade away
You can't watch another
Oh brother
What makes me happy
Cannot be attained in other people
Have to find it within yourself
That's quite factual
Factual enough to be
Painfully cliché
104 · Feb 2019
Searching For Compatability
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Can you hear me
Can you see me either
Grow tired of asking the questions
Chose to stay stoic and silent
Always choose non-violence
Because thoughts are always filled with unnecessary anger
I still love **** sapiens
Just detest when they lack common decency
Common courtesy
Compassion isn't common at all
Want to interact with others
Oddly find little connection
You're wifi
I'm an old modem
You're a cell
I'm a landline with frayed cords
You're a desktop
I'm a type-writer running out of ink
You're an mp3 or flac-file
I'm vinyl spinning under worn out stiletto
Still trying to find connection
Trying hard to let go
Or at least find similar components
96 · Feb 2019
Keep Pushing
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
No way to gauge status of winners
However there is progression
As long as steady pace is kept
Keep thinking past points where you should've slept
overthinking to the point you've wept
Wilting like a willow in an out of hand storm
Is it a norm for you to breakdown
Like collapsible chairs without a simple cup holder
Time slows for no human
Only stops in permanent fashion
Can you ration anything for pete's sake
Who the hell is pete
The guy has a legendary namesake
94 · Feb 2019
Why Bother
IcarusHatesSun Feb 2019
Blowing hot air surpassing boisterous balloons
Tunes tainted trembling tangents tyrannical
Definitely an animal
That's how they see him
Follow fractions of fellows
Never mind that steady to track
Torrential downpour water
Waves crashing while thunder's cracking
Hitting the same coordinates with repetition
In the same dimension to dim some
Wits whimpering whimsical whims willingly
Ripe with rotten rubies waning wondrous worries
Wenches drenched in trenches
Idiocy in invaluable
Still valid to those who are victorious vandals
At times the deja-vu leaves you weary

— The End —