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Unnamed May 2019
I did something wrong

I lost all my words                                                                                              

They all flew away    

I think they flew away because they couldn't handle the mean words that my insecurity showed them.

They didn't like that.
Unnamed Apr 2019
To take air into the lungs and then expel it
especially as a regular physiological process

Then why did He stop
Unnamed Apr 2019
If there's a problem then you fix it

You're not broken just bent

You're not crying just raining

You're not a victim but a survivor

You don't have a slash just a scrap

You're not weak just delicate
Unnamed Apr 2019
Someday i'm going to wake up
And when that day comes
Well i'm going to wake up with a smile


That someday

isn't here yet
Unnamed Apr 2019
**** sadness with science
Pop pill to make me smile
Say goodbye before go
So many letters
So many " I love you"s and " I'm Sorry"s

You say you care
I want to believe

What would you like me to do

"Feel better"

I can't feel

Not better or sad or happy.

I can't feel

Unnamed Mar 2019
I chose her

but i miss him

Why do i need him when i have her
Unnamed Mar 2019
I would like to say i have a

profound sense of the universe

I would like to say i understand the unthinkable
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