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Unnamed Apr 2022
we never let the sticky vibrant dust stick to your fingers
we never for forget the number, as it lingers

we are a team working toward their dream
they love me like im an unknown gem
we are working towards the goal
of the ultimate control

i am their soul
i work hard to make their bodies turn to stems
and for what reason has my hard work has been condemned

we pay the final price for sticks as bones
it should be known that i wasn't the one who planted the seeds
their jealousy of a thinner branches did indeed

i work hard throughout the trenches
i shield every extra number like a knight in shining armor
im the silly little voice in their head
to let them know to drink water instead
a stick of gum and some ice is better

i am the go getter
the power in their resistant
the savior in their brain
warning them not to eat what's ahead.
Unnamed Feb 2021
I'm scared because sometimes I think I fake my mental illness.
2. I'm scared that I will always be alone.
3. I'm scared because I think I'm a narcissist.
4. I'm scared that I'm a terrible person because when I look at my
           dad all I feel is hatred and disappointment.
5. I don't believe or care enough to believe that my dad is an acholic
           and drug addict because it is easier for me to believe that he
           just didn't want my family or me. it's easier for me to believe
           that he just got stuck with us it's easier to blame him.  
6. I think I'm just as crazy as my mother.
7. I thrive and rely on superior validation, and I'm scared of that
           because I don't want to be stuck in an abusive
           relationship. However, I crave the toxicity that an abusive
           relationship can bring me.
8. I don't want to fix my relationship with my father because if I fix
           it and truly forgive him, then I won't be able to blame him.
9. I know that the reason people aren't here for me is my fault.
10. I oftentimes feel like I'll never be able to trust myself.
Unnamed Feb 2021
I think loneliness is like a disease. like the flu or a common cold. you can try to prevent it. surround yourself with people but, sometimes it just sneaks in. you won't see it at first but eventually you'll feel yourself becoming distant. infected with this disease. and if you're not careful your simple cold will become pneumonia and then turn into bronchitis. before you know it you're in the emergency room for your third suicide attempt.

loneliness is a powerful thing. in my small experience loneliness has two of the bestest friends who will always follow him. loneliness is like a black hole that I find myself sinking into more time than I would like to admit.
Unnamed Jan 2021
I think I'm going through a mid-life crisis.
who am I?
what am I doing here?

am I making an impact or am I just floating through life?

am I really depressed or do I just not know any other feeling than the numbness that travels from my brain to my heart.

or is the numbness that i think im feeling just part of my mind tricking me into not feeling anything at all.
and if so is my mind tricking me to protect me or to hurt me.

maybe i just crazy, who knows

do i really care or am i just bored enough to pretend i care.

and if im just bored enough to pretend to care shouldn't i pick something else to care about.

or am i in the cycle of my mind tricking me over and over again.
i don't know if this is poetry or a journal entry. sorry bout it
Unnamed Jan 2021
I have always believed people do NOT change. They can't.
So when I look in the mirror and come to understand that I hate myself in every way possible and there is nothing I can do about it.
I somehow find myself hating myself even more.
Unnamed Dec 2019
yeah, so i have this math homework
yeah, so i have to clean the laundry
yeah, so i have this essay to write

But all i want to do is think about you.

yeah, so i have a new girl
yeah, so she's better for me
yeah, so i smile when i'm with her
yeah, so i think i might love her

But all i miss is you.

yeah, so i miss your scent
yeah, so i miss your touch
yeah, so i miss your smile
yeah, so i miss you

yeah, so what.
Unnamed Jun 2019
You'll find me alone at midnight

all alone inside my mind

trying to decide me

I take drugs
To decide on my own.
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