summer, I loathe you.
you do absolutely nothing for me, that much is true.
my fancy, has never been struck by the likes of you.
summer, your presence never captivates me but instead, leaves me feeling blue.
you make the simplest of tasks unbearable, you stink !
summer, you often bring tempers and patience to the edge, the brink.
i don't need your filthy habits and your disgusting smelling lovers next to me.
i need the freshness of an Autumn breeze that brings a man like me to my tired knees.
so, soon enough it's good riddance to you summer, and your smelly lovers.
soon I can be free of you at long last, and nestle myself underneath a few covers.
summer let me be frank, i detest your filthy, *****, sweaty ways.
so buh bye summer, i have just about as much need for you as I do for tooth decay !