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Burning yellow courgettes,
wave and greet each other
with the wild green spinach.
Accompanied by light purple artichokes,
ruby red rhododendrons.
A gentle breeze embraces her naughty but proud smiles,
Will fragrant lavender keep their long lasting seduction to a dancing butterfly?
Sun and moon shining in our high heaven
Graceful thanks rising,
We thank you,
nature preciously given
Will all the world and love were young,
And truth in every Shakespearean’s tongue,
Are pretty pleasures might me transit
To live with thee and be thy fantasy dance,

When flowers fade, and wanton fields
To wayward winter reckoning yields;
Would honey tongue, melting a heart of gall?

Is fancy’s spring, but sorrow’s fall.
Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten
In folly ripe, in season rotten.
Were you reminding me?
the famous equation E=mc^2,
investigates c­orrelation between
Mass and Energy?
Although,Hawking argues 
it b­egins this way—
a thought expressing itself in the
darkness of no­thing: 'no thing'
and then exploding itself across thevast expans­e of time,
we are composites of these deposits - 
particles shoot­ing
I saw a pair of shooting stars,
arc its way across the 
sable­ tapestry,
from the Big Bang of the universe
spewing its essence ­across the
facade of time.
I see a pair of shooting stars
Duane's­ cleft moon in concert
with the universe's Big Bang
both expendin­g themselves in the darkness
By: Angel. XJ/30/10/2018
English Channel links,
from Paris to London,
compare and contrast,
moments of timeline images,
framed memories within our friendship conversations

Were the days of wind,fire laughter,debate eventually
to a box of friendship treasure books?

Shall we read, review and reflect together,
to our mutual memories and common learning path?
Were those dining, wining, partying
the best method to digest,
economics, philosophy,science, arts, languages?

As time goes by,
Who is the first one to claim?
Am I a friend of yours in your life?
She looks through her window, upon the secret garden.. …
At the clutter in the street, from her safe retreat
She races to her drawing board,
she starts afresh …
To realize her dream, in her eyes a gleam …
Her lines are curvy, the strokes are slim…
With passion in her heart, she practices her art of science,
Was there a moment of architecture of happiness?
Greenland never preserves greenly summer,
Penguins dancing with frozen souls,
Iceland indeed not chill
a pleasant surprise to surrounded by crust of volcano
Icelandic internal heat,
blue lagoon lake,
sparkles our eternal hope.
Would Modelling Network Complexity
is like onion or web?
Some peel it
Layer by layer

Some may shed tears
Just on first layer
Then stop there

With passion
Some may explore deep
Inside the core

Some chop it, at once
Exploring all the layers
Revealing a delicate soul

Some make it simple
Some complicate the simple
escape become love of Complexity
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