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kromwellfarkus Sep 2020
Red light.

Breathe broken breaths
Clench tighter than before
Blink twice, just to hold back
Nuisance tears.

Disconnect eye contact
Take the deep breath slowly
To deter detection
Of the emptiness within.

Missed calls
Unanswered texts
Notifications mount
Too much for the weak angels.

Responsibility wolves
Gnashing their jowls
Drooling their expectation
Dog food breath on the back of neck.

Tiny frame tightening
Plastic teeth clenched
Eyes, now as bitter slits
Crumpled paper expression...

Green light,

Foot down.
kromwellfarkus Sep 2020
Alone we sit, in stillness
On my shoulders you rest your weight
My sweet sorrow, my bitter tears
Endure this present state.

We talk of pasts and futures
Of nows and thens and ifs
Me mumble and stammer
But understand every word.

You cure my ills with confidence
Caress my soul with your aches
I commit to now and every day forward
Until the bow it breaks.

As days surpass into eves
I yearn for your warmth, your glow
As chaos decides which path to ****
Hold hands tight, my sweet sorrow.
kromwellfarkus Aug 2020
I used to be ten
I had my first kiss then
Then I blinked
And I was forty.

I remembered her
But we drifted away
She remembered me
From so far away.

We lived our own lives
Trauma, pain and angst
Breaking and rebuilding
Finding our way.

We fell in love with others
We started our own families
But somewhere, out there
She still breathed and thought of me.

As fate would have it
I kissed her again
Sometime in July.

As destiny would have it
I loved her again
Sometime in August.

As my choices would have it
A decision is made
In my hearts mind
I'm hers, she's mine.
kromwellfarkus Jul 2020
Christmas lights are tangled
This may take a while
I may need silence
I may need space

It's all too much sometimes.

To the furthest point
Deep in the cave
You'll find me
Untangling lights

She comes hunting
Venturing, cautious
Torch lit, tread carefully
I'm back there somewhere

As the light piercers the darkness
I am crounched, head down
Lights entwined and draped
Look up in fear and curiosity

I see her

She understands

She grabs a bunch of cable

And she helps with the unravelling.

The sobs can be heard
From the entrance
The beautiful pain
We share and heal together.

We'll have tinsel this year.
kromwellfarkus Jul 2020
From what everything once was,
To what everything is now.

Prickles from baby plant talons,
Paper cuts with a hint of sting
Under skin, now paper thin,
ESP now inevitably seen.
Warmth from lost souls,
Misery loves company,
They always have to leave,
Collectable core memories.

Electricity and water
Lessen the resistivity,
Flow over scars as tar feathered,
Healing as they go,
As they glow.
Stalemate black and white affection,
Gloves off, butterfly acceptance,
Just let it bee...
Naked flame of you and me.

Calm water mirror reflections,
No stones thrown today,
Ripples stay in past skims of stones
In other streams, perhaps dreams.
For the now, in this small present,
Give cheese to the skies,
Relect from far away clouds and stars
To reserved hearts.

From what everything is now,
To what everything will be.
Refecting. Right now. Snapshot. Tomorrow is in an hour.
kromwellfarkus Jul 2020
Rose coloured eyes
From across the room
Fate not yet
But soon

Our time is coming

You diamond
I'll see you later

Chauffeured home
Bodies alone

Our time is coming

Collecting memories
Of us and you and me
Open skies and gestured eyes
Every day and all the nights

Our time is here.
kromwellfarkus Jul 2020
She talks a lot
And sometimes, not at all
She is always tired
But finds it hard to sleep
She has the weight of the world
On her little shoulders
And scars from decisions
She made in her youth.

She has a torrid past
Vague and complicated
Scared of going out alone
Because the world is a scary place
She has been used
She has been abused
Broken, distorted
And treated as a fool.

This dark haired fragile angel
Is my world
Her strength gives me strength
And I give her mine
We have allowed eachother
To finally exhale
After so many years
Of holding our breath.

She is not perfect
But, to me, she is
She makes me feel again
Like art should.
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