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The bloom in boom
The petals of glory in glory
All leaves turning flowers
On our way to El-Dorado
Heaven is with us here
And darkness evaporated
Till light overflows in glory.
The wind is in the belly of the fish
The fish is in the belly of the wind
  Epicenter in boiling *** of madness
And violence takes up storm by storm
As truth and reality are laid bare!
When depth comes to depth truth unveils!
Voice of silence knocking on the door, roaring silence of the deepest erruption in a violent earthquake, tearing down the streets of death in whirlpool of wonders in piercing glory of aquatic splendor!

Let him believe that the blind sees!
Let him believe that the lame walks!
Let him believe that the dead wakes!
In a dark orchard
A dark moon is shining
In a dark firmament

All hope lost
A game of death suggests,

Another word cries, DON'T!

Suicide is a loser's game
Don't play it.

Life is a game of hopes​
Play it till hope creates
From its own wreck.

Always, a dark night
MUST give way to a glorious dawn.
We can see the winds flying
on eagles wings in rainbow
The ecstasy of the roaring sea
stretches beyond the viscera boundaries in sonorous voices,
uprooting the trees of sorrow and grief
into the abyss of the charcoal ocean
As sunrise appears at sunset,
bringing eternal eclipse of the moon
of grief
We cannot forget the ravages of the dead cockcrow at midnight, when songs of oppression were made lullabies,
as our liberties were frozen in iceberg of shame and reproach.
Oh! It's the morning of joy in glorious fantasies unending, laying for us red carpets to victory eternal.
At astronomical dawn,
we met as suns, as
confluence of rainbow
love, discharging our
rivers of fondness into
each other in emerald gold.

Darkness came and *****
the morning. And deep gullies,
craters, hold-ups, pains and
numerous  sorrows on the way
of glory.

But I know the suns'll not die
'cos what is written is written!

... the glory of the morning
suns appeared again in rainbow
folds, bringing rhombus sheaves
in unlimited volume with sublime beauty.

And I told her, I am your poem
and you are my poem in all
Recite and I recite to the power
and glory of the Author of authors.
Ripping my heart open
in dark surgery, as earth
palpitates on eruptive scale,
gushing out blood from the heart.

See the surgeons appareled in death
See the air suffocating the earth in gory stings
See the priests offering sacrilegious
See unholy smoke devouring the glorious sky.

Tell truth to stay on the holy mountain, lest she stained by the hands of surgeons operating my
heart at dawn.

Tell the predators that my victory
is eternal as my life soars above
death and its shadow!
In blood, a precious cake dancing
aflame in whirlpool of
cyclopean darkness.

The triggers of sanguinary
guns are tumbling down tears,
sorrow and grief in gush on
the cliff of darkness.

The moon,  a crimson cake of
venom toasting blind sun in
gory rays as stars twinkling
blood at dawn.

The orphan profusely wailing
for peace in her own bizarre
carnage in bazaar of iniquity
and rivers of blood.

Let the world stop this blood
Lest this blood stops the world!

Rivers of tears flowing
In the furrow of afflictions
Bringing in sheaves of
Uncommon harvest
In unusual glory.

Weep  not on this
Fiery  field of labor
Bountiful harvest
Is yours to come in glory

Till you know tears
Are the seeds of great harvest
I bid you not farewell!
Countless acres of diamond
And gold is your mind!

Countless acres of diamond
And gold is my mind!

Tell the world the truth
Tell the world the word
Tell the world the secret

The mind of a man
Is more fertile than
The Ukraine black soil
Tell the world the secret

Tell the world the word
The treasure is the treasure
Treasure the treasure
Cultivate the treasure
With purity of thought
With good imagination

Sow good seeds of imagination
Sow good seeds of thought
On your mind soil
And your harvest come
Tell the world the word

Your World is your Word
Sown on soil of your mind
Tell the world the word
Tell the world the secret
Tell the world the truth.
Mountains are subdued in triumph
Valleys are crossed in glory
Battles are tamed to surrender
Whirlwinds are made still in valor
Faith conquers fear in victory
With discipline, the ace-axe!

I am discipline
The soul of the winning army
The refining army of the inimitable
Procuring success to the weak
Making small numbers formidable
Turning talent to power
Turning disability to ability
I am discipline, the almighty formula!
I called roaringly like
a hungry lion looking
desperately for meat
to survive.

I demanded for my meat
to survive in this wilderness
of world of wants and plenty

And His favor came tumbling
down in waterfall of glut of supply
on the cliff of amazement, shooting
down fear in glory of signs and

The Almighty is mighty in His
mightiness, working wonders
in the midst of the Earth. He is
Jehovah, the One that  is more
than enough!
I have run the race
I have finished the course
I have paid a classic price
Now the prize, a delicate angel,
In my hands in bold gold!

Oh! What a diadem of glory
On my head at eventide
Rushing in a morning dawn
With armada of royal rainbows
Arching my violet sky
On wings of glory in glory!
All sitting on the winds wings
  in the season of darkness.

The sky in charcoal voices
as the earth quakes in quivers of
in a ****** arcade of hell, all
wearing a black mask!

Carnivorous virus tearing flesh
    for flesh in
         defiance of gravity of
      humanity, leaving the living
     dead at awakening of the gory

A century of dead flu suddenly
awoke  from bizarre grave, burying million lives and their freedom
in tomb of emptiness
  and fiery fear!

The night in her full hell-armor blaring,  shelling the earth with darkness, but the day came in rushing winds on its wings, defeated the night and buried her in the ugliness of the pit. Yeah! Buried the night in grave's oven, to  resurrect no more  !
No matter the intensity of the darkness, at the appearance of the day, the night ends. Only hope in faith to conquer, the light will come.
Deadly in lethal assaults
Stinging life to death
Ushering in a gory season
In palls of black smoke.

A malignant virus in mutations
Felling the dwarfs and the giants.

A viral deadly irritant
As spectra visitant
On dastard assignment
Rumbling ominously
In devouring voices of death
In global face menace
Bringing down powers
In eerie harvest.

Oh grim reaper
Oh angel of mortals
Preying on mortals
Harvesting death as grains
Fulling its cart of wagons
With indignant cadavers.

Woe unto you scorpion
Afflicting the people
New Year, New Hope
Routing victory over adder
That stings at dawn.
The floods are violently rising
against the glory
The clouds of adverse winds
blowing war in boom
All hope perishing in perilous

Rising in glory the King of kings
who is mightier than the voice
of many waters
Rebuking the enemies, swallowing them in victory as my soul magnifying Him who is more than sufficient!

The triumphant King rides in victory on the swirling flaming contours of the world gyrating circles.

Praise the triumphant King of glory my soul and forget not not His greatness which tamed and put to rout all adverse winds.

Magnify the immortal God O my soul with all within and without walls of my existence.

Praise Him!
Praise Him in His power!
Praise Him in the praise!
A spring rose,
gold in a love

A flower exploding
petals of glory in an​
incandescent morning.

Who can pluck?
Like bay tree
The tree of His faithfulness
Spreading glory in glory

Oh what a mystery tree
Is Your faithfulness
Flourishing in all season

Your faithfulness is eternal
Roaring in all season
Devouring all unfaithfulness

Earth may come to an end
Heaven may be no more
Your faithfulness abides forever

The night may be fierily dark
Devouring the unborn day
Your faithfulness is sure to win

Let the earth rejoice
Let heaven rejoice
His faithfulness is eternally victorious.
The mind is the man-horse
Don't let it go astray.

The mind has appetite for food
Feed it with  the right diet.

The mind is the eye of your destiny
Give to it the food of glory.

The mind is your acre of diamond
Prospect it with all diligence.

Fertile is mind than the black soil
Beware of what you plant on it.
It's eternal darkness
For the rats that take refuge
In the cat's house.

Yes, it's a feast  for the lion
That  dogs visit at morning dawn.

The long night is over
As our light comes to eternal glory
And rivers of our  joy flooding
Our abode in gold and diamond.
The poet is a universe
In the universe
Having the universe in him
Vibrating the universe in his head
Kicking the ball in the mind field
In complex tapestry of words woven
To attain infinity in infinity.

Wonder not, the poet
In the universe knows
What others know not
By unravelling the universe
In complex poetic rhythms
From deep afflatus.

Living in the universe and
Carrying the universe on head
Are they equal?
I know the poet is a universe
Thinking the universe
Carrying the universe
In complex colors of night and day
Complicating the universe in issues
But resolving them in poetry

The poet is a universe
Growing tap root into the ocean soil
Shooting foliage to hell and heaven
Engaging the the universe in dialogue
To grow tall trees of wisdom and understanding
In the universe in which he is a universe.

The poet, a universe
Isolated in the universe
To think the universe in the plains,
Valleys and mountains of a universe
In the universe bewildering complexities
The poet is a universe!
He writes in
  in the sky and all,
    I say all can read.

He writes on the sea
  and neither it nor the waves
     can wash away His writings.

He writes everywhere
  and never suffers dryness of
    ink but His ink keeps overflowing.

Let's celebrate the Poet of poets
  who writes on the immortal
          canvass of glory in all seasons.

Let's lionise the Golden Pen
  that writes on the pages of
      eternity and can outwit
Yesterday, the sun set at midday,
a lot of rivers lost their flows
as confusion engulfed us in conflagration of confusion
Today the sunrise has chased away
the fiery sundown into the abyss
What a glorious augury overshadowing the dark shadow in the labyrinth of the unknown to come.
It's the power of the Power beyond!
The roses are wearing​ ornaments of thorns
As the moon wearing darkness in diadem!

Resurrection​ without death is born to impossibility!

Enemies rejoice not in your infamy,
without death and its sting the glory of resurrection is ruled out of existence and favor.
colorful butterflies painting the sky
in opulent glorious colors of victory
celebrating us in unbounded grace

skies in waves of melodious voices
in thunderous love ectastic bloom
rapturing us to nirvana boom

tortoise of eon in acrobatics
displaying ancient wisdom in fair
festooning airs with roaring laughter

long turbulent journey
today your end we celebrate
in rhythmic flowing rivers of joy

down falling eerie rain of blessings
powering us to a happy freedom
ballooning us to the king's wonders!
The hoodlums are in hoods
Unlike Santa Clause
Ready to unleash evil in deluge
But the Creator will block evil
And will not allow it to prevail
Good will triumph over evil
So it's been from the beginning
And so it'll be till the end
By the power of the Omnipotent
Remember,  as a man sows
So shall he reap
It's the Law of life
As it can never alter, then
Let's be aware that nobody
Can fool the jar of life.
Courage on wings soars than eagles
Overpowering the deep dark sky
Illumination in the bluest sky
Bringing home sheaves in victory!

Lion may roar storm from the darkest
Bees may sting dead at dawn
But fire courage stone from its armory
Victory'll come in glory dancing  gold!
Laugh not with every man that
laughs with you
Weep not with every man that
weeps with you
Let your moves be guided by
the angels of the sun
Let your steps be made by
the cherubim of the moon, for
The world is an abyss hosting mountains of darkness
In eternity be the searchlight
locating the truth in immortal light with eternal compass.
Not that I'm through
By the time I'm through
I'll be through!

This silly world
With silly words
From silly friends
From silly foes
Wholly sickens me.

Not that I'm through
By the time I'm through
I will be through
And the world will know
I'm true in this silly world

And the world will know
An elephant is not a buffalo.
Control your thoughts, for
they are wheel of victory!

Control your thoughts, for
they are lever of destiny!

Thoughts controlled in
alignment with divine
lines bring harvest in
sheaves of glory in
rainbow beauty!

"As a man thinks, so he is",
goes the word of the Master
which no storm or wave
can neither create nor
in a bistro
on knowledge stands
in unity of obedience
dining with wisdom
three we were!

community powers in conclave
powers in sobriety
probing discourse
of three enterprises
sun invitation in colors
rainbow shooting ideas
into whirlpool of questions
stars fathoming answers
in prodigy of time in queer season
three we were!
In grandeur of eminence the Sun celebrates her power
In the thick forest of the darkest the Moon flourishes in her glory

The tidal wave is in tinder of a brand new glory, catching fire of a mad harmattan, refining gold and diamond in the expansive field of a glitzy pearl

And transcendence on our way it's roaring of the tidal wave, uprooting dark moons and burying scourging suns in infernal graves!

See our warriors surfing on the tidal wave of this season of victorious glory,
manifesting us to the world, declaring the glory of the Glory, shooting pearly flames in clouds of glory and power

As quotidian stinging tides are being uprooted in routing defeat with eerie eruption of volcano of joy and power in uncommon grandeur.

Oh! Alluring sun of glory
Oh! Alluring moon of majesty
Festooning our sky with power-stars
As rain of victory drowning us in splendor!

Oh! Tidal wave of beatific season, harvesting us barn-full glory at morning dawn of the victory crow!
On the
behemoth ocean of life I sail
Hosting​ my flag of victory aloft
Water I am not afraid of
Fire I am not afraid of
Neither am I afraid of either land or air
Because none of them worths my fear
Unlike time when lost
Difficult it is to regain
Of all enterprises time is gold
Flying away with unseen ferocious wings
And very difficult to manage
Because it is unstoppable
With creative imagination
I write a paragraph
With countless chapters
And make my ink indelible
On the ocean of time!
Yawddi w
My season is in

My boom is in

And my petals of glory
explodes in
transcendental beauty
glory to glory!

We sat at the feet of the morning
Kissing the glory of the dawn
Eerie clouds in colours of victory
Assurance of power in the airs
Welcoming us to glory in splendor.

Tell us not that the party is done
As darkness knocking steely
Vowing to swallow the morning
But in this enterprise, we know
The light'll outwit the dark.

Time, iconic and iconoclastic force
Raging to devour all oppositions
Defying their force of gravity
To bring them to routing defeat!
Don't know what to say but
I open my mouth and I
fill the void!

I know what to say but
my mouth remain glued to the wall and could not utter a word but
deplete the words already on the
marble of the world!

There's​ no clouds in the air and it's raining torrentially, swelling the ocean into boisterous rage!

The air is saturated with moisturing clouds of lightening and thunder and we are not having rain!

Who can understand the Mystery ruling as King?

I know when Time'll come it'll reveal the secret behind the deep dark apparition tormenting  the season.
Early morning sun on the ocean
With rising waves and billows
Eerie golden gold in the blue skies
And trees of glory in verdant joy
And glorious festival in celebration
With powers exchanging banters
In banters of glorious splendour
With rainbows jubilations in sky filled
As eerie glory in cavorting blues.
Early morning gold
Turned priceless treasure
In vortex of noon furnace
Then glowing platinum in galaxy stars

Aureate treasure in golden prize
Cascading in effulgence on love plateau
Roaringly flowing violet waters in emerald

You are my priceless jewel
You are my priceless jewel
You are my priceless jewel

Rolling love waves blooming
On the immortal golden love- ocean
On the infinite love tapestry
Reigning eternal in my heart

Joan! A sapphire in platinum
A treasure in treasure
A gold of countless karat

You are an invaluable treasure!
You are an invaluable treasure!
You are an invaluable treasure!
a radar piercing through the
foggy dark night, oblivious of
stormy roaring sea and dead
to the ravenous voices
of the hungry lions at the portal
of glory!

...a confident leap in the dark
into the luminous light, declaring
victory at darkest hour.

faith, yeah faith in God , the almighty voice of many still waters,  roaringly opening all doors closed by Satan, the father of all  liars!
Heaps of mountains in gold and diamonds running rivers in perfect glory into ocean of abundance.

Rampaging beasts in rumbustious death errand,  pushing​ darkening the air of glory and gorging out the eyes of the earth in violent showbiz.

Bowels of the earth gushing out in falls cascading rapidly down in galls of shame and infamy.

Whirlwinds​ in whirlpools, thundering down powers in thunderbolt, routing down powers of darkness in triumphant victory.

It's the dawn of light in rainbows in canopies,  shooting earth to vortex  of power transcendental,  praises in glorious colors, with cherubims and seraphims dancing in colony of glory.
Floating beauty in surreal
And roses rising in petals of glory
Dancing in opulence of love

In this vortex of power conflicts
Roses arrayed in glittering gold
Shooting light beyond the
Darkness of the blooming gloom
Saying, rejoice not over me
Fiery sting of the darkest dark
For I am the rainbow at sundown!
In true praise is humility running
roaringly in blue cataracts
In true humility is jewels of priceless value exploding in luminous glory.

Come, let us stand on the highest mountain of humility and offer our praise to the Highest.

Come to the tallest tree with birds of praise and sing in nightingale voices to the tallest who planted the tallest tree on deepest soil.

Come with your loudest trumpets and trumpet to the Trumpet that deafens in total silence the loudest voice of the adversaries.
In the whole world
There's no world where
The world is a whole!
In the market of iniquity
Truth is put for sale
Men of darkness buys not
As the price is prohibitive
For darkness and its agents.

Truth'll surely triumph eternally
Over falsehood and its sting
And shall  ruthlessly overcome
In the apparel of immortal glory.
The thorns are the ornaments
of roses in the sunshine as
darkness baptised the moon to
its inestimable jewelry of glory.

Enemies rejoice not at your
wickedness, without you the sun
of glory will not shine in bloom.

Without death the glory of
ressurection is not  born!
Dark forces from Hell
With dark apparel
Dropping flaming coals
On the earth face
Burning the Earth's heart
Burying the Messiah in grave

Then came the power
On the third day
Routing Hell and its army to defeat
With Alleluiyas ringing victory
To eternity with songs triumphant
Forever in praise of the LORD!
Evil men are subsidizing
evil in the market of sin!

Good men coming to market
of equity, making articles of
truth free!

Tell them the wicked shall be
frozen in their own iceberg
of wickedness and freely burn
in their own pyre flame.
Some writers feed truth
Some writers feed falsehood
Read anyway!

Too difficult to be sane
When insanity is the law
Be sane anyway!

The deep calls to the deep
At the voice of its waterspouts
Lightening devours darkness
At the roaring of its thunder.

Truth bears light's armor
As falsehood bears darkness' armor.

Be a light and roar
Like million lions in lonely desert
Darkness on the way be like shroud
Even you alone be the crying voice
Be the trumpet blowing unhindered!

Be the writer of truth for the truth
Be the preacher of truth for the truth
Generation will come
Generation will go
Till all be no more
And no generation will be
But truth'll ring, reign eternal!
Curdling me on walking
the aisle, she was beaming
with sunshine smile.

I look at the altar of love
I weep gently but profusely.

Can't you  see the
rainbows in the sky of the
festive moon? She queried.

I smile and cry for the the
uncertainties on the mountain
we are about climbing.

Faith navigates all seas
and conquers all   oceans,
no matter how cloudy,
no matter how stormy.
She muttered!
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