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John Destalo Jan 2021
I live in a city and the sounds
I hear are all too human
aching echoes
the desperation
of desolate souls
outsized egos
looking for power
everything is artificially loud
there are no in-between parts
the pauses
the silences
where voices find their freedom
we are reflections
but we never reflect
sometimes I hear the
deepest part of my mind
the sound of a howling wolf
searching for the same
John Destalo Jan 2021
she is stone
one emotion

that someone
tried to express

I’m sure it
was buried

deep inside him
and it took him

years to find it
in this stone

he knew the
fleeting nature

of his emotion
and once he

found it he
didn’t want it

to leave so he
preserved it

in her
John Destalo Jan 2021
we are thunder

earth shaking
brain baking

spoken word prophets
pound your drums
shake your bums

tell this world
danger is coming
if you don’t repent

from your evil ways
you are not the rulers
you are not the truth

we are all humans

we have minds
we have thoughts
we have mouths
we have voices

and we have come
to shake this world

awake with
our thunder
John Destalo Jan 2021
we smooth
into the planet

feel all her

there is no

or will or
will not

we let the

as they


and create
what we

call energy
John Destalo Jan 2021
she wasn’t like
the others

she travelled the
world without

her soul

always full
her mind

occupied and

when I wanted
to feel the chills

I followed her
to the church

and listened
to her sing

amazing grace
like she wrote it
John Destalo Jan 2021
read minds

we are human
we are not simple

to say our minds
are oceans

is to underestimate
its depths


to speak of
the speed of


is to miss
a lifetime

with each word
we say

if we could
read minds

even the

would seem
John Destalo Jan 2021
until midnight

I will release
all the words

the secret spells
so they fall

on these empty


let the
stories twist
and swirl

and become
something magical

and after midnight
I will try to


and hope
any leftover spells

become dreams
light or heavy

I want them

to trap me
until at least dawn
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