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John Destalo Oct 2020
I wake
at night
the stars dance
to god’s hum
nature plays
her tunes
that blend
so easily
knows it
part by heart
there is no
stopping to
there are no
streams into
or out of
this place
you have to
get here alone
through silence
John Destalo Oct 2020
there is no
light in the sky

this dark has
no name

she is not

she is absence
somehow she

knows me

with black cat
eyes she calls me

by my name

I am obedient
to her every sin

scared of my
own potential

I could only
really live

when inside
her skin
John Destalo Oct 2020
all cells are alive
the first night

goose bumps
and heart thumps

bones ache
the earth quakes

time suspends itself
on a loop

all sounds blend
when bodies bend

the dictionary

is filled with
empty pages

there is no desire
to explain anything
John Destalo Oct 2020
she wanted to
be his escape

someplace he
could get lost

someplace with
no direction

or destination

someplace too
dark to see

where all speech
is touch

but she offered
him too much

so he never
wanted to leave

and thus it was

that she had to
break him
John Destalo Oct 2020
white bird
so sensitive
to sound
I do not
want to
scare you
I want to
be near
you so
I can
tell you
I am you
in my own
I cannot fly
to get away
but I can
of living free
like you
John Destalo Oct 2020
there was
no time

on this day
I disappeared

and existed
all at once

merged into
an idea

that would
impact the


dancing with
two godheads

the destroyer
of form

the creator
of change
John Destalo Oct 2020
carve out
of me

that does

not belong
you can see

what I can be
without all

this excess
I have allowed

to enter me

leave me
this skinny


praying for

for all that I
could have

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