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John Destalo Oct 2020
nature is so
easily buried

beneath the
artifacts of man

their rules are
my structure

and I walk in
straight lines

and I step on
no cracks

but I know
when I meet you

you will change me
you will set me free

we will have a

like the wolf
and the moon
John Destalo Sep 2020
she bends like
a young branch

or a flowing river
there is no resistance

in her
when I see her

magical movements

I think we
need to create

a different name
for her body

and declare her
the new truth

and create a
place like her

where we
can all fit in
John Destalo Sep 2020
when I asked
for your breath

it didn’t mean
I couldn’t breathe

but I saw how
easy it was for you

and I really meant

I forgot how
to exhale

in a way that

some of the pressure
I placed on myself

and you seemed
to have mastered

the process I
thought maybe

I could learn
from you
John Destalo Sep 2020
I pricked my skull
and dug around

a little

to find the

hoping to create
a tiny hole

create a leak
where only the

best parts of me
would drip

a tiny hole
from which

I could escape
and leave behind

all the crap I
let build up

before I knew me
John Destalo Sep 2020
the body is
a blooming


the color
of the sun

the fragrance
is a message

floating in
crisp air

the morning is
a moment

we first meet
and face the

day together
John Destalo Sep 2020
I was the sun god
the radiance
the dance of dust
they said don’t look
directly at me
I will burn your eyes
they said don’t name me
I will burn your soul
you were the brave one
never one to believe
the words of the ancients
you entered my realm naked
green eyes wide open
ready for whatever came
you looked right at me
called me love
and now you stand
next to me
and they tell the next
generation to never
look directly at them
John Destalo Sep 2020
swallow all
my words


like pills
release their


into you
let them


through all
your deep


let them
break your


and turn
you into a

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