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164 · Mar 2019
Amazing Grace
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
You took this lost man
And made him found
Your mercy covers me

Amazing Grace
Oh how sweet
You think of
A sinner like me
You have never let me down
163 · Jan 2019
Biscuits and Gravy
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
Biscuits and gravy
Heaven on a plate
162 · Feb 2019
Bind us together
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Bind us together Lord
Bring us together as one
We are a broken nation
We need you

Your Love
Your mercy
Your grace
Bind us together Lord
So we may love you
161 · Jan 2019
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
Down a dark cold alley there is a child waiting for help
Do you venture to help the child not knowing where it will lead
Or do you pass by and think nothing of it at all
160 · Jan 2019
Wonderful words of life
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
Your teachings are beautiful
Honest and true
Teach me to hear your call
And we I do
May I answer that call
With a full hear, mind, and spirit

May your words
Reach into my soul
May they change me
From the person I once was
Into the person you need me to be
159 · Feb 2019
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Move your feet

To life's beat

The rythm of life
The joy of life
Flows in every step
158 · Nov 2018
Don't Stop
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Don't stop believing in yourself
Reach for the stars
158 · Oct 2020
Charlie's bar and grill
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Once you walk in through the front door
You'rea part of the family
We're always glad to see you
No matter where from you may be
Come on in and sit right down
Laughing joking all around

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all
Shoot pool, throw darts, play cards
Just have a ball
The drinks are good
The food is great
Puts a big smile on your face
Plus there's some neat stuff on the wall
At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all

The waiters greet you with a smile
They sit you down family style
Or just walk up and sit down at the bar
Drinks from all over the galaxy
Food your eyes have never seen
We have been rated four star
Live music with dance floor
Poetry nights and so much more

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all
Shoot pool, throw darts, play cards
Just have a ball
The drinks are good
The food is great
Puts a big smile on your face
Plus there's some neat stuff on the wall
At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all
158 · May 2019
I am the Alpha-wolf
Tony Anderson May 2019
I am the Alpha-wolf
Leader of my pack
Leader of me family
Protecter of those I care about

I am the hunter-wolf
Providing all the need around me
Providing for those who can not hunt themselves
Giving nourishment
Giving hope
Giving life
158 · Mar 2019
Born Country
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
The Sound of water running through the creek
Cows on the hillside grazing
Warm breeze through the treetops
Wild animals in the woods

I was born country
These things run through my blood
Like a mighty river
That can not be stopped

Fixing fence
Hauling hay
Cutting wood
Fishing in the pond

I was born country
It is forever a part of who I am

Family dinners
Catching Fireflies
Sitting out at night
Watching the starlight

I was born country
The spirit of nature
Is one with my soul
For it truly is
God's creation

Hay rides
Fresh fruits and vegetables
From the garden

I was born country
Nothing like a job well done
Being with friends
Getting along

Dogs in the yard
Mom's cooking
Cat's in the barn
Kids playing in the yard

I was born country
It is who I am
The values passed down
Can not be taught
Only can be learned
Off the land

Gathering Walnuts
Camping out at night
Tire swings

I was born country
I always will be
156 · Feb 2019
BBQ steak
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Steak on the grill
Corn on the cob beside it
BBQ sauce to be spread on
Potato salad in the fridge

Lots of fun

Folks from down the street

BBQ time
Is fun time
156 · Mar 2019
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
A mighty dragon breathing fire
Is what lights up the giant lantern
Called the sun

My child, now you know
It's dragon's breathe
That gives it it's mighty glow

(A smaller dragon lights the moon)
156 · Jan 2019
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
My everything

I come to worship and praise
To glorify you
To bring you honor
May I don't right in your sight

My life is yours
Mold it
Shape it
Me mentally, physically, and spiritually
For the task you have
For my life

Wssh me clean
Remove all impurities
All that gets in the way of living for you
Like the ocean's tide
May your Spirit
Drag away all that is
Unworthy and unholy

Transform me
Rebuild me
Reshape me
According to thy will

Energize me
Set me on fire
So that I may reach out
To others
Bring them home to you
Bring them into the fold
153 · May 2019
Tony Anderson May 2019
The emotional dam has burst
Blood rushes
It heats up as the anger grows
The madder I get
The more my blood boils
The more I feel
I will burst into flames

Life has delt me a nasty blow
I was cheated
I was hurt
When life attacked

I want to fight back
To prove I am no coward
To prove I am strong
To prove I am not someone to ***** with
152 · Oct 2018
I want
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
I Want

I want to hold your hand
To let you know I care
That I am and always will be there

I want to hug you
So you know my love is true
To squeeze away all fear and doubt
To let all the sadness out

I want to wipe away your tears
Give you a shoulder to cry on
Just to hold you near

I want to listen to your hopes and dreams
To build a future together
No matter how impossible it seems

When you are having a bad day
Please don't go away
Talk to me
Let me know
I want you help you carry on

I want to share with you my love
My heart and soul
To show you it's true
I really do love you
152 · Feb 2019
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Jesus you're my
Lord and savior
I will praise you
Forever and ever
I'm no longer lonely
For you gave a family
To share my love
Til the end of time
151 · Dec 2018
Broken Family
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
I'm not a man.
Just a boy.
What could I possibly understand?
What is there left to enjoy?
My memories will continue to carry on.
Just as long as you can stay strong.
I thought I had a family.
My eyes opened up, I see the reality.
This is a heart broken tragedy.
Please, just save me from my tragedy.
I can't just run away.
I'm stuck. Forced here to stay.
Bury me with all of my remains.
For even after death I'll still live with this pain.
So tell me then, what of me will truly remain?...
150 · Mar 2019
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
The bones of the past
They haunt me
The blood of the past
Spills over me like a waterfall
The sins of the past
Causes many tears

I had a dream one night
I was walking through a field of complete waste
Bones started coming out of the ground
Voices from these remains
Started shouting accusing me of such shame
As punishment I am to walk the land
Alone until the end of time

A stack of bone lies in the middle of the field
The skulls start their chanting of accusation
“You left me hungry”
“You did not cloth me”
“You left me out in the cold”
On and on the accusations came without end
Blood starts in the center of the stack and is forced outward
Before the blood reaches me I move on

The ghosts of my victims Float around me
Taunting me and shouting their curses
They throw their bones at me
I beg for forgiveness
However they give me none

I woke in a pool of sweat
Tears streaming from my face
“I am sorry “I shout
“I am sorry”

Their bones forever haunt me
Their blood seeps into my skin
Their voices constantly scream
I can run
I can not hide
149 · Mar 2019
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
In the corner of her room
She sits with leg between her legs
She has been abused
By those she called family and friends
By those she was supposed to trust

Trust, yeah right whatever
Those demons stoll from her
Those demon tore her soul apart

In the corner of her room
She sits with leg between her legs
She does not cry
For crying would let them win
Give them a victory
She can not
She will not allow
148 · Nov 2018
Be who you are
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Be who you are
Don't apologize for it
Celebrate it
147 · Nov 2018
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Her eyes were like gems
As she pressed her lips to mine
Then my eyes closed
I was overtaken in the moment
Sweet bliss
Sweet bliss
Just ourselves and nothing more
That kiss was only a moment
But the memory lasting a lifetime
146 · Apr 2019
I need a hug
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
I need a hug
The warm embrace of another
A gesture of friendship and care

I need a hug
I am feeling qite low
A hug to refuel my energy

I need a hug
A kind soul
A loving hert
Willing to warm this icy void
I feel I've become

Do I not count to anyone
I want to know someone cares
I want to know that someone is happy
That I exist
145 · Dec 2018
Christmas Funny 2
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
Christmas time
Christmas marry
Santa Cluase sure is hairy
145 · Oct 2018
Amber the Ghost Girll
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Her name is Amber
Or at least
That is the name she has been given
For nobody knows her true name
She is 6 years old
Or at least that is how she appears
For she is a ghost child

Raven black long hair
Blue eyes
Pale white skin
She wears a white nightgown
And always carries a teddy bear

I said she is 6 years old
However she is much much older
Her exact age is unknown
However some guess 2-3 hundred years

She is mostly harmless
Wandering here and there
In the dead of night
Farmers have seen her
Walking through their Hayfield
One claims that while he was out
Hunting one early morning
He saw her rise from the depths
Of the pond

She can be seen wandering the streets in town as well
Some say that sometimes
She carriers a lantern with her
She always has her teddy bear

Some say she burned in a house fire
Some say she wandered away from home and got lost in the nearby woods
There are even weirder and more gruesome tales about her dimise

Most of the time she is harmless
When she gets into a mood
Her eyes turn bloodshot
Her hair turns to flames
Some say her teddy bear
Becomes a real bear
She uses other worldly powers
To create much mischief
Throwing objects
With the wave of her hand
She could stand on one end of the street
Her screeching yell could break every glass object along that street,  and some tales say the whole block

After she's had her "fun"
She'd turn back into an innocent child
Holding her teddy bear once more
And continue on her wandering ways
144 · Feb 2019
Brother and Sister
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
They came from a broken family
Child abuse

Their parents fight all the times
Father wants "special" treatment
From his daughter
Sometimes he hungers
For his son
And when it is not father
Mother wants these special times
With the kids

What have these children done
To be treated like this

Brother and Sister
Wish to run away
Leave and never return
To this dreadful place

But for now
They must hang on
As best they can
Drawing strength from each other
143 · Nov 2018
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Dare to excell
Dare to succeed
Reach for the sky
Dream high
Dream high
143 · Mar 2019
I am a solder
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
I am a solder
Though I fight a different kind of war

Day by day my inner demons come
Marching in line
Banging their drums
Flags waving
Acting proud
Ready to tear this poor man down

Day by day
I fight
I can't let them win
Each day's a victory
Or sometimes a loss
Upon the waves of desturction
My emotions get tossed

I know if I continue fighting
If I never back down
That in the end
I shall win

I am a solder
Though I fight a different kind of war
143 · Dec 2018
I love you
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
I love you
I cherish the ground
Upon which you walk
My life means nothing
Without you
142 · Mar 2019
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Waterfalls plummet on the rocks creating clouds of mist
141 · Nov 2020
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Love is like a flame in your heart
Passion is the fuel that make the flame go

Do what you love
Do it with passion
Warm this cold world
With the growing fire within you

Do what you love
Do it with passion
Shine bright within this dark world
With the fire that burns within you
141 · Nov 2018
Tulip Girl
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
There she stands on the street corner
Selling tulips from her cart
Her family is poor
So she helps to support
The only way that she can

Nine years old
Dressed in tatered worn clothes
She has never been to school
Selling flowers is all she knows
She sells the flowers
To those who pass by

Many have sean her
She is a regular sight upon the corner
A few have bought flowers
Many more just pass by
Not even with a glance her way

She sells the flowers
To better herself
To better her family
To prove
Though they are poor
They are not helpless
141 · Jan 2019
Miss you
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
Tears stream from my eyes
For my heart aches
When you are away
141 · Dec 2018
Sitting at the bar
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
Sitting at the bar
Drowning my sorrow
Drowning my sadness

She left me
My life is shattered
She left me
Cry my tears

Sitting at the bar
Wasting away
Sitting at the bar
No more left to say
141 · Dec 2018
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
1round of beer
Doing alright
2 rounds of beer
Blurred my sight
3 rounds of beer
Getting a little tipsy
4 rounds of beer
Voice becoming slurred
5 rounds of beer

Who's keeping track here
I lost count
I lost my place
Maybe after number 5
I will just fall on my face
140 · Feb 2019
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Lord guide me
Step by step
Upon the road before me

When I stumble
When I fall
Give me the strength
To get back up
To move on

When my heart feels heavy
And the load I can't bear
Let me know you are with me
I don't have to carry it alone
You will share the weight

When I am tired
And my footsteps sway
Guide me back
Give me rest
Energize me for the rest of the way
139 · Mar 2019
Where Are You
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Hi, are you listening
Hi, do you even care

I talk to you
It seems each word
Goes in one ear and
Out the other

A relationship is built upon
That takes two listeners
As well as
Two talkers
Talking and sharing ideas

However you ignore me
Throw me out
Shut me out
I'm starting to feel like
The only one living in this house

We used to talk
Sharing our
Giving comfort to each other

Now you seam distant
Off in your own little world
Can I not coexsist in that world with you
Can we not be together again

I'm alone
I'm scared
I wish I could hold you near
Everytime I try to get close
You back away
Like you're afraid of me

Why is that
What have I done
To make you this way
If I have
I'm sorry
Whatever it was
I'm sorry

Please come back
Please let me in
I want to feel your touch
I want to hear your voice
Not this silence
Not this coldness
Not this lonelyness

Hi, are you listening
Hi, do you even care
139 · Mar 2019
Lord help
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Like a thorn from a rosebush
Sticking in my veigns
This world is making me insane
Lord I need your light to help me through

Blood is she'd tears are spilt
For my sins and my gilt
Lord I need your mercy and your grace

Headed down a one way street
Into a brick wall I can't see
Life goes by to quickly sometimes

Lord help me slow down
Give me the strength
Help me take one moment at a time
139 · Apr 2019
Sing your song
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
From the dawning of a new day
To the setting of the sun
There within your heart
Is a song

Praise to Jesus
Jesus Christ our Lord
For all he has given us

Sing your song
Let it be heard
From the mountain top
To the lowest valley

Praise to Jesus
Jesus Christ our Lord
For all he has given us
139 · Dec 2018
Freedom’s Call
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
To fight
To sound freedom’s call
To show my strength
To give it my all

For freedom I have come to fight
If needed
For freedom I have come to die

To risk my life
Through pain and strife
So others may live
So others may sound freedom’s call
So others may give their all

I will not back down
I will stand tall
I will fight the fight
For freedom’s call
139 · Dec 2018
Night Sky
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
Stars at night
Shine so bright
Just like gems
138 · Dec 2018
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
The trees sway as the wind blows
Leaves fall to the ground
Twigs snap as we walk the path
In the woods in the fall

The air is crisp
A chill is there
Jack frost has made his yearly visit once again
137 · Apr 2019
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
I confessed my love for you
You say you just wanted to be friends

Though I agreed
I feel like my heart was ripped apart
I feel like all the blood in my veigns has poured out upon the floor
I feel like the world is ending
I feel like I am burning to ashes inside  a mighty fire

I confessed my love to you
You said you just wanted to be friends
I'm cool with that
137 · Dec 2018
Christmas funny
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
Christmas tree
It does inspire
Why is it now on fire

When I said light the tree
That's not what I ment
137 · Mar 2019
Mega bomb
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Your love
Is like a mega bomb
The walls left behind
By past relationships
136 · Mar 2019
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Fire burning bright and warm
As I set up camp tonight
Roasting hot dogs on a stick
Looking at the stars
136 · May 2019
Tony Anderson May 2019
Passion is red
Sorrow is blue
Greed is green
What color are you
Purity is white
friendship is yellow
Like a good and gracious fellow
Death is black
Like a knife dealt harshly in the back
With all these colors and all these hues
I ask once again what color are you
136 · Sep 2020
Navigate the stars
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Navigate the stars
here in space
with these two hearts

Love was found
with just a kiss
eternal bliss

Our lives forevermore
together they shine

bliss that skyrocketed to the sky
you and I
arm in arm
walking life together
Navigating through the stars
136 · May 2019
I Think
Tony Anderson May 2019
I think therefore I am
I think
I mean I hope so
I’m sure that’s right

I am therefore I think
I think so anyway
I am what
I think
I am not sure

Am I even here
Where is here
Does it think it’s here
Am I only here because I think I’m here
What if I thought I was there
Would I still be here

Where is there
Does it still exist without me being there
Would it still be there if I stopped thinking about there
Am I there and just don’t know it
Could I be there just by thinking I was there
Where is there
Could it be here

I think therefore I am
I am therefore I think
I think I’m lost
135 · May 2019
Playing my drum
Tony Anderson May 2019
When I play my drum
Every beat
Every pulsating rhythm
An extension of
Joining together as one
To praise and glorify
It's maker

When I play my drum
It is like an electric current
Flowing through me
A band of energy
Whose origins I can not explain
I feel closer to
The universe

When I play my drum
I feel a freedom
I feel pure joy
God is with me
God joins me as I sing
As I worship
As I praise his awesome name
134 · Feb 2019
Love 2
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Love is a seed
Let it grow
Let it bloom
Within your heart
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