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12.9k · Feb 2019
Tomorrow never comes
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
If tomorrow never comes for me
If I shall not wake in the morning
Would you know I love you
Would you know I care
2.0k · Oct 2018
How many times
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
How many times
Have I thought about killing myself
How many times
Have I thought about ending it all
How many times
Has that dark angel visited me

Time and time again
The anguish
The pain
The utter emptiness
That is life
Has almost shattered me

My tears fall
Like acid rain
Tearing me apart
Ripping me to shreds
1.5k · Jan 2019
Define yourself
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
Don't let others determine
Who you are
Find your own path
Find your own way
Define yourself
1.3k · Oct 2018
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Combining flavors and spices
The sizzling of the pan
The boiling of the water
Music in the kitchen

The smell of the food
The preparation
The sound of chopping
A wonderful time in the house

Peace with yourself
The peace and joy of creating
Creating meals
Creating joy

The love of food
The joy of food
The comfort of food

1.0k · Feb 2019
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Sweet dreams
May nightmares pass you by

Cuddle up
Close your eyes
Drift away in slumber

Dream of good thing
Flow upon the river off the mind

Sweet dreams
Dear child of mine
907 · Dec 2018
I love you
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
I love you
More than my own life
833 · Mar 2019
A Single Rose
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
A single rose
Within this garden grows
A single rose
With bright red blooms
Like a great fire
My heart is consumed
For the knowledge that it holds
By the beauty of this rose
Perhaps it knows of a love that may be
Either for you
Or for me
For this we wait and see
We stand upon our toes
For only the rose truly knows
766 · May 2019
Tony Anderson May 2019
In the land of fairies, goblins. And kings
In the land of elves, dwarves, and other things
Where anything can happen
Where there are treasures untold
Adventure lurks for the fearless of soul
You never now what lurks ahead
One false move and you might be dead
In the land of dragons
In a constant time of war
You never know what is hiding
Just outside your front door
747 · May 2019
Let's fly away
Tony Anderson May 2019
Let's fly away
To worlds unknown
Playing strange games
meeting people with funny names
discovering treasures untold

Let's fly away
To see dragons and castles
Meet Kings and Queens
Fight alongside knights
To save the land
To win the pretty maidens hand

Let's fly away
High above the clouds
Let's continue to fly
To never touch down
726 · Oct 2018
Don't Laugh
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Don’t laugh at me
I’m just like you
I laugh
I cry
I fall in love to
Yes there are problems that go with this name
They are things I was born with I’m not to blame

Please don’t laugh it hurts me so
Each harmful word is like a nuclear blow
So don’t look on the outside but rather the person within
So we may become the best of friends

Please don’t laugh
Don’t throw your jeers
Don’t get your joy from my tears
I can’t help the way I was born
Please don’t give me all your scorn

Please don’t laugh and give me pain
Can’t you see we are the same
Yes I was born different than you
Yes I have problems this is true
These things are just a part of me
Your hateful words cause pain to me

Please don’t laugh
Can’t you see
We’re all a part of humanity
I wish you could see
How you make me bleed
Just by being so mean to me

Please don’t laugh
I’m human just like you
I just want to be loved to
706 · Feb 2019
Jesus Christ
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
You are my life
You have brought me
Through life's greatest strife

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
You are my Lord
You are the one
I'll praise and adore

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
You are my king
When I have fallen
You lifted me
693 · Oct 2020
Demon Slayer
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
When life's demons come your way
To take the joy out of your day
Blue skies to grey
Sunshine to rain

Don,t give up hope, no need to fall
Even when you're up against the wall
There is someone you need to call
He'll help you through it all

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
Fast and quick

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
He'll never quit

No need to run no need to hide
For the demon Slayer is by your side
He'll never leave you in a jam
He'll hit those demons like a ram

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
Fast and quick

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
He'll never quit
659 · Dec 2018
Tony Anderson Dec 2018
All well up inside me
Like a deep pit

I try to climb out
Put I slip
And fall back in

Is there no light for me?
Is there no laughter?
Why all the darkness?
Why all the suffering?
644 · May 2019
I Love You
Tony Anderson May 2019
I love you
I don't understand it
I just do

You just want to be friends
I am cool with that
My heart
Grows stronger and stronger
With love for you

Before I met you
Before you entered my life
It was dark and dreary
You have opened my heart
You have lit up a spark
To warm the coldness within me

No one else
Has touched my life so
Now that I  have you
I don't want to let you go

You just want to be friends
I agree
But my heart will always long for thee
637 · Oct 2018
Whiskey and Wine
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
He was the whiskey
In the relationship
Rough neck
She was the wine
Upscale life

A relationship grew
Between those two
That created a brew
That was the best
Of both lives

He was the whiskey
She was the wine
Together they built a love
To last for all time
604 · Mar 2019
You are my friend
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Your gentle touch
Let's me know I have a friend
Your gentle touch
Calms my fears

Life doesn't seem so bad
When I am holding your hand
The sky seems more blue
Darkness and trouble
Seemed to stay away
When I am with you

You let me know
I will never be alone
If ever I need someone
You are there

Through the good and the bad
Through the joy and the tears
Even at our worst
I know I can count on you
592 · Nov 2018
You broke my heart
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
You broke my heart
Shattered it
Left it in a pile of ruin

I gave you the best I could
I loved you with all my
But that wasn't good enough

I found out about the cheating
I found out about him
You said you was glad I knew
You hoped it would destroy me

Yes I was broken
Yes I was shattered
Like a mirror fallen off the wall
Your deed had left splinters

But I'm still standing
You will not drag me down
562 · Oct 2020
Vortex to Nowhere
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Vortex to Nowhere
Life sinning around
Death approaches the rim
It tries to take you down

Vortex to nowhere
The mystery beyond
Life in it's final stage
The death race has begun

O great vortex take me home
My life upon this Earth no more
Take me to the world beyond
O great vortex take me home

Vortex to nowhere
Swallow me up
Take away my pain
Let me drink your poisoned cup

Vortex to nowhere
The darkness looms
Death awaits
Within your gloom

O great vortex take me home
My life upon the Earth no more
Take me to the world beyond
Oh great vortex take me home
550 · Mar 2019
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
One by one
The dominoes fall
According to some master plan
The falling dominoes
Setting off a chain reaction

One by one
The dominoes fall
All in a line
Going on until done
Going until the final product is revealled

One by one
The dominoes fall
Life as we know it has finished
543 · Oct 2018
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
She huddles in the corner
Tears flowing from her blackened eyes
She cries in silence
Afraid that he will hear
Afraid her cries will make him mad
Afraid the beatings will continue

She bleeds
Where he has struck her
The salt from her tears
Sting as they wash over the wounds

Still she is silent
For to let him her hear cry
Would mean a victory on his part
That she will not allow
539 · Sep 2020
Happy Birthday Renee
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Renee it's your birthday
God bless you this day
You gave me the gift of a little sister
And I love you more each day

Renee it's your birthday
Happy birthday Renee

I wish for you much peace
I wish you so much joy
I wish for you your heart's desire
And all that you enjoy

Renee it's your birthday
Happy birthday Renee
537 · Mar 2019
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
On the crossroads of death and life
My life's been filled with pain and strife
Lord I need your help to get me through
Send me a sign telling me what to do

On the crossroads of death and life
Looking back
The visions cut like a knife
Lord speak to me in my prayer
Let me know you are there

One the crossroads of death and life
I wish this pain would just subside
Headache, gilt, many tears spilt
All from trying to live life my way
Lord guide me home I went astray
530 · Jan 2019
Happy New Year
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
Happy New year
To one and all
One year ends
Another begins

New hopes
New dreams
New adventures

May it be the vest year
For everyone
520 · Feb 2019
Wash me
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Lord here I stand
At the river's edge
Ready for the cleansing  power
Of the water
Ready for the cleansing power
Of your love

Clean me
Both inside and out
Remove from me
Anything impure
Remold what is left
Into a useful tool
Energize my soul
Tune me to thy will
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Sometimes a good cry is all we need
To wash away the darkness
So our souls can be clean
Then our souls sparkle
with a happy  gleam

Sometimes a good cry is all we need
The heart grows dark
sometimes dark as can be
we open the floodgates
and let the cleaning start
Now we have a happy heart

To cry
To wash out the inside
To push the darkness of life away
So we can move on to brighter things
489 · Apr 2019
I love her
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
I love her
She doesn't even know I exist
When I am around
She looks through me
Like I am not even there

I try to show my affection
She laughs
Like it's a joke

Why do I love her so
Why do I put myself through this
488 · Jan 2019
My teddy bear
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
My teddy bear
My companion
My friend

My teddy bear
Never tells me I"m wrong
Or criticize me in any way

You take away my fears
Calm me when I have bad dreams
You never laugh at or tease me

My teddy bear
I love you
484 · Jan 2019
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
The greatest treasure
Of the greatest worth
Is believing in yourself
479 · May 2019
Tony Anderson May 2019
I am not a puppet on a string
I am not a dog on a leash
I am human I am me
I am my own person
With my own feelings
Please do not try
to control
My life
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Setting up the Christmas tree
Prettiest tree around

Setting up the Christmas tree
Friends and family near
Music playing
Time for memories
Time for cheer

Setting up the Christmas trees
Fireplace aglow
Gathered  in the warmth inside
Watching the falling snow
474 · Mar 2019
To my new girlfriend
Tony Anderson Mar 2019
Please don't judge me
By My past relationships
There are dead and gone
The only relationship that matters
Is the relationship I have with you

Please don't judge me
By My physical and emotional scares
Please help me grow
Please let me know
That this is a relationship of trust

I will give you my heart and soul
It may take a little time
First welcome must remove the walls
My past relationships have left behind
430 · Jan 2019
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
Biscuits and gravy
Hash browns galore
Pile it on
More and more

Waffles too
Orange juice
Grape juice
It all will do

My stomach' s delight
It all sounds right
405 · Feb 2019
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Within the shadows he exists
Walking a lonely road
Covered with skulls and bones

He does not exist in this time
Of any
His sins have separated him from all
He is
Being punished by his past

He cries
Not tears
Blood flows instead
Blood pours
Blood rains down

As he steps on another bone
As he steps on another skull

Demons torment him everyday
As he walks in great dismay
He can not run
He can not hide
They will find him
They will torment this poor soul

He is forever trapped
Between time
Between space
Nevermore to love
Nevermore to be loved
Forever to walk within the shadows
Forever to walk alone
398 · Nov 2018
To Dance
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
To dance
To express oneself through
Movement and rhythm
To show joy
Joy of life
Joy of family
Joy of friends

To dance to the beat of life
To join with all creation
To rejoice in freedom

The freedom of life unbound
Now strings attached
Nothing standing in your way
All inspiring freedom

To dance
For joy
For freedom
For life
397 · Oct 2018
Don't Judge Me
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
Don't judge me
I am not what you see
I know I have Birth defects
I know I was born different than you
I have risen above my problems
To show you my heart beats true

Don't judge me
For the scares upon my skin
They do not define me
Nor the soul that lies within
I just want to be accepted
I just want to be friends

Don't judge me
You have no idea what I've been through
The surgeries
The pain
The heartache
The rain
Cuts and bruises from defending myself
from bullies like you
So shut your mouth

Don't judge me
My birth defects
My problems
Are just a small part of my life
Look beyond all that
See me through new eyes

Don't judge me
Thou I may not be
As smart as you
I am not dumb
I do have a brain
I do know how to use it

Don't judge me
Yes I have birth defects
I am not ashamed
I work hard to rise above
So please stop calling me names

Don't judge me
I just want to be loved
Is that asking to much
To look beyond my outer shell
To see who I truly am

Don't judge me
I am human
Not a freak
395 · Oct 2018
Solitary Trraveler
Tony Anderson Oct 2018
I am a solitary traveler
I walk alone
I've been all over this country
From time to time
I take a small job
As a farm worker
Most of the time
I am on the road
Trodding my path
Toward places unknown

I am a solitary traveler
I make my own rules
I forge my own path
394 · Jan 2019
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
I sit with my head in my hands
Crying an ocean of tears
Life has hit me
Has hit me hard
Feel I will be torn apart

I sit with my head in my hands
Feeling shame
People laughing at me
People calling me names
Why must some be so mean
Why must they hate me so
390 · Nov 2018
When you
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
When you touch me
It's like being touched by an angel
When you kiss me
It's the sweetest and finest wine
When you speak
The words are soft as silk

I could go on and on
Describing how awesome you are
You have touched my life
In so many ways
381 · May 2019
Ten Thousand
Tony Anderson May 2019
Ten thousand soldiers
Upon the hill
Ten thousand bodies
Now lay still
Ten thousand souls
Cry in pain
For freedom’s light
For freedom’s gain

Ten thousand wounded
Battle scared
Ten thousand soldiers
Fighting hard
Ten thousand feel the strain
Through the heat
Though the rain

For freedom
They came to fight
For freedom
They sparked a light

Ten thousand soldiers
Upon the hill
Ten thousand bodies
Now lay still

Freedom is not free
378 · Nov 2020
Drift away
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Like two ships upon the sea
I feel you drifting away from me
Further and further
Apart we grow
Will we find our way back
I hope so
376 · Apr 2019
Fully relying on God
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
Fully relying on God
Fully relying on God

He created Heaven and Earth
He created man from the dust and the dirt
He knows what's best in our lives
He has the best advice
Go to him kneel in prayer
Headed will handle your every care

Fully relying on God
Fully relying on God

He sent his son to settle us free
With his sacrifice upon that trees
A cross made of wood
He rose again and it's understood
Eternal life we may gain
If we just call upon his name

Fully relying on God
Fully relying on God
375 · Apr 2019
My poem
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
This is my poem
My words
The dagger in my heart
The knife in my back

This is my poem
My emotional flood
The pouring of

This is my poem
My journey
The joy of life
The pain that sometimes is

This is my poem
My life
My hurt
My struggles

This is my poem
The flowing of tears
The laughing like a loon

This is my poem
This is me
343 · May 2019
I am The Freak
Tony Anderson May 2019
I am the freak
Bleed me
Destroy me
Burn my soul if you want
I can not change who I am
All I wanted was a friend
You all shun me
You all turn away

I am the freak
I am human
I have feelings
I have emotions
I fall in love
So even though I am a freak
I am not much different than you

I am the freak
Peirce my side
Make me bleed in great waves
You can destroy my body
My spirit
My soul
Can not be destroyed

I am the freak
Though I get laghed at
Though they throw their mud
I still dream
I still aspire
To better myself
To better those around me

I am the freak
You all have pointed that out
You do not know my story
You do not know my background
You call me a freak
You know nothing about me

I am the freak
Though you laugh
Though you throw your mud
I will go on
For I have better things to do
Than standing here
listening to your ****
341 · Feb 2019
I want to play
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
I want to play
I know I'm short
I know I'm scrawny
But give me a chance anyway

I want to play
I know I don't look like much
I will prove my worth
I will prove my stuff

Just a chance
That is all I ask
To have friends
To laugh
To joke
To have fun
339 · Nov 2018
Live your life
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Live your life
Live it to the fullest
Live every
To its fullest measure
Let no time be wasted
333 · Nov 2018
Let it snow
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Let it snow outside
I'll stay here at the fireside
Wrapped in a blanket
Hot cocoa in hand
330 · Apr 2019
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
Abused, beaten, torn
Like a ragdoll tossed around
Blood flows freely from the wounds
She cries silently
Beaten by the one she loved
Hated in an angery rage
324 · Oct 2020
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
The vampires come out at night
They **** you blood what a freight
Beware of their hypnotic stare
Beware of their bite

Vampires are in flight
Upon a moonless night
For living dead
They create and command

Vampires everywhere no place to hide
One bite from them takes your life
Beware of their hypnotic stare
Beware of their bite

Vampires are in flight
Upon a moonless night
For living dead
They create and command
323 · Apr 2019
Come sail away
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
Come sail away
To a land of pure immagination
Come sail away
To a land of your heart's desire

All is possible
All is true
Within this land
Nothinf is old
Everything new

No one grows old
No aches
No pain
Sadness is gone
No tears falling like rain

Your fondest wish comes true
Before the words even exsit your mouth
right there in front of you

So come sail away
Come along with me
Come sail away
Be forever free
321 · Apr 2019
The Path
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
There is a long and winding path
With trials none other can match
I know these trials shall make me strong
So I shall fight my whole life long
For if I falter or if I sway
I may get lost and never find my way
I shall defeat these trials one by one
I shall finish this path which I have begun
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