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Nov 2020 · 375
Drift away
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Like two ships upon the sea
I feel you drifting away from me
Further and further
Apart we grow
Will we find our way back
I hope so
Nov 2020 · 309
Deserved better
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
She deserved better
And I knew it
So I stepped aside
And let her go
Nov 2020 · 261
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Huddled in a corner
Knees pulled up to his chest
Head bowed upon his knees
He crys

Night after night
Day after day
His parents fight
No one is physically hurt
But all the yelling
Drives him mad

As his parents yell at each other
In another room
Tears roll down his face

He wants to run away
He wants to hide
Leave all fighting behind

There are good days
Teese help him hold on
But few and far between they come

He'll sob
He'll cry
As his parents fight
Day after day
Night after night
Nov 2020 · 186
Day by day
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Day by day
Our love just walked away
We tried
We tried
Nothing seemed to work

Day by day
We gave it our all
Put every last ounce we had
To try and make things right

Day by day
We realized we were starting to see the end
No matter how hard we tried
No matter how much we loved each other

Day by day
We drifted further and further apart
Until there was nothing left
Nov 2020 · 206
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Don't just stand there
Spread your wings and fly
Soar to the highest point
Never touch down

You can achieve your dreams
You just have to believe
Nov 2020 · 209
Eternal Glow
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Burning fire in my soul
Love's eternal glow
Nov 2020 · 188
Hey Funny Man
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Hey funny man
Up there dancing and clowning around
Hey funny man
With painted face, baggy clothes, and large shoes

When the show's over
The makeup and the costume removed
The person the audience doesn't see

A man of deep sparrow
A man of gloom
A past that haunts him
Sadness and doom
Nov 2020 · 142
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Love is like a flame in your heart
Passion is the fuel that make the flame go

Do what you love
Do it with passion
Warm this cold world
With the growing fire within you

Do what you love
Do it with passion
Shine bright within this dark world
With the fire that burns within you
Nov 2020 · 113
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
The walls that surround mt heart
Have been there a long time
The coldness of the world
Have built those walls

The walls the surround my heart
were built stone by stone
were built brick by brick
Hateful words
Hateful stares
have helped build those walls

The walls that surround my heart
Is the mortar that holds the walls together
Icy looks and glares
Freezing the mortar tight

The wall that surround my heart
Close in
Trapping me in
All I want to do is to die

The walls that surround my heart
An emotional cage
A prison
Death waiting to happen
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
When I tell you that I love you
I mean it from the bottom of my heart
I mean it from the bottom of my soul
There is no mountain high enough
No valley low enough
No ocean deep enough
No river wide enough
That compares to my love for you
Whe I tell you that I love you
An eternal burning fire
Has been lit within me
The flames of which can never be put out
Even if we part ways
Never speak to each other again
Never see each other again
The flame you lit with my soul
Will continue to burn

When I tell you that I love you
You will never hear words spoken so true
With every fiber of who I am
I will prove those words to you
Nov 2020 · 114
Blood flow
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Red rivers of blood flows
From the wounds upon his body
Left for dead

Abused sexually

Red rivers of blood flows
From the wounds upon his body
Left for dead
Nov 2020 · 108
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
Sometimes I say I'm fine
When in reality
I am fuing inside
I say I'm fine
Because I have no words
To express what is happen

Sometimes I say I'm fine
I am falling apart

Sometimes I say I'm fine
I feel as if I am on
Death's doorstep
Waiting for that door to open
So I may go in
Nov 2020 · 102
Full Moon
Tony Anderson Nov 2020
When the full moon rises
the beast within me comes out to play
My eyes grow wide
My nails long
My hair gets long to

I howl at the moon
I howl for joy
I howl for freedom

I run
a hunting savage I am
chasing my prey through the night
I run
feeling the wind rush by as I go

All through the night
Freedom at it's finest

In the morning
The sun rises
I return to myself once more
The nights adventure as ended
Oct 2020 · 94
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Sometimes you have to walk the edge
Sometimes you must stand on the brink
Before you can start to rebuild your life.

Sometimes you have to lose everything
Sometimes you must start from the very beginning
Before you can recover
Before you can restart

Life is a rollercoaster with many ups and downs
You need to roll with the tide when it comes
Never give in
Never give up
No matter what life throws your way
Oct 2020 · 117
Drinking contest
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
2 competitors
100 shots of whiskey each
One by one
They down their glass
Until one of them
Falls on their ***
Words get said
Words are slurred
Some words are not even heard

Still they go
One after the other.
Drunken and sad
Shot after shot
Until one passes out
Oct 2020 · 98
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
The sun sets over the ocean
Like the paintbrush stroke from a master painter

The sun sets over the ocean
You can almost hear the hiss
As the sun "touches" the water
Upon the horizon

The sun sets over the ocean
The stars come out
The moon rises
Night has fallen
Oct 2020 · 110
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
What is life all about
Has anyone figured it out
It seems to be a confusing mess
Full of pain and distress

I know
I know
I know

Life is what we make of it
Live it full
Don't run away from it
Travel your path
Learn along the way
Learn all you can
Until your dying day
Oct 2020 · 125
Fire in my soul
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
I won't apologize for the fire in my soul
That burning desire to rise above my circumstances
To better myself and those around me

I won't apologize for the fire in my soul
The world can try
But it can't put it out

No matter what the world throws at me
I will burn right through it and move on
That is how hot that fire burns
Once it's lit
Nothing can stand in my way
Nothing can stop me
Oct 2020 · 100
Life crash
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
I run away from my feelings all day
I'm drivin mad by the voice in my head
I can't take this **** all day
My life is going to crash

I try and try to do what I can
But I find my life in the trash again
It seems nothing can go my way
Oct 2020 · 108
Cold world
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Don't let the wickedness of the world, freeze your heart and soul

Let the warmth of love and compassion melt the coldness and hatred away
Oct 2020 · 107
Natural world
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
The trees cry out
They cry sap
For the damage done to the natural world
Oct 2020 · 111
What Promise
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
What promise can you give me
What word can you say
To make me believe you love me
Not just wanting to throw my heart away.

Will you lift me up
To rise and know love once more
Will you let me crash upon the rocks of life
To live no more

I ask again
What promise
What word
What bond
Would make it worth to love you
Oct 2020 · 111
White Rabbit
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole
Follow him to places unknown
All is wonderful and fancy free
An adventure for you and me

Dwarves and more
Come come a brand new world to explore

Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole
Follow the white rabbit and enjoy
Oct 2020 · 81
I am who I am
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
I am who I am
You may not like me
But that's ok
You are entitled to that

I will not change who I am
Just to be liked by you
You either accept me or you don't
That choice is yours

I am who I am
I am a strong willed person
With opinions and ideas
That may not agree with yours
So be it

Just because we don't agree on somethings
Doesn't mean we can't be friends
As long as we respect each other
A friendship can grow
If however you wish to not be friends
So be it
Oct 2020 · 86
You will not change me
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
You hate me
I love you
You despise me
I love you

You want to see me

I want to see you
Be built up

You try and you try to bring me down
You can't change me
No matter how hard you try
I am still who I am
And nothing you say or do will change that
That's right NOTHING

Go ahead do your worst
It will do you no good
Oct 2020 · 90
Religious Robot
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
A religious robot I am not
A mindless
Robot I am not
I have a voice and I will speak
God gave me that voice

I may be young
But through God I am strong
When I think things are not fight
I will voice my opinion

You can tell me to sit down and shut up
You can say I'm to young
Therefore I have no idea what I'm talking about

Go ahead and mock me
See where it gets you
Oct 2020 · 95
Toast to life
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Raise your glasses
A toast to life we make

Life has highs and lows
Ups and downs
A rollercoaster ride of emotions

Toast to life
Joy and fun
Life is a journey
Life is a path
Travel and learn
All that you can

A toast to life
Raise your glasses high
We only live once
Enjoy the ride
Oct 2020 · 120
Night Sky
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
The stars shine bright
The worlds spin in the heavenly dance across the sky
We lay here upon the lawn
Looking up

While the stars shine
While the worlds spin
My thoughts begin to wonder
About this world
And our place in it
Where that place is
As long as you're with me
It will be ok
Oct 2020 · 87
I treasure your love
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
I treasure your love
Every single day we are together
Is magic
You cast a spell upon my heart
Now I am yours forever

I treasure your love
Like a gem hidden deep within the Earth
It took me a while to find it
But now that I have
I shall never let it go

Your love is worth more than
Your love is worth more than
All the money in the world

Your love means so much to me
I would be lost without it
Your love is
My stronghold
My shelter
It protects me from life's raging storms
Oct 2020 · 83
Let's go on a road trip
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Let's go on a road trip
Just pack up and go
No maps
No time limits
Just go and leave it all behind

Let's go on a road trip
Adventures abound
New places
New faces
New memories for life

Let's go on a road trip
The road to place unknown
Let's go on a road trip
Oct 2020 · 125
Life is like a roundabout
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Life is sometimes like a roundabout
The further in you go
You get trapped
Going round and round in circles
With no way to get back

Life is like a roundabout
No matter how hard you try
Someone is blocking your way
So you can't get back to where you need to be

Life is like a roundabout
A vortex pulling you in
With no way to get out
Oct 2020 · 91
Own path
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
If the world knocks you down
Get back up off the ground
Don't let the world hold you
Tell it you're following a different plan

Strike your own path
Find your own way
Do not listen to what the world say

You are not a sheep
So don't follow like one
Blindly going wherever you're told

You are you and there is only one
Live life on your terms
Oct 2020 · 78
Two Hearts
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Two hearts beating
Pounding out a constant rhythm

Two hearts intertwined together
Holding on to the vast truth of life itself
The truth from the dawn of creation

Two hearts alone no more
They have found each other
They are bound to one another
Through love's strong cord
The can't be broken by any force of man

Two hearts forever together
Two hearts as one
Until the end of time and beyond
Oct 2020 · 81
Strolling among the stars
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Here we are
Strolling among the stars
Hand in hand as we move along

Two friends we started out
But more we became as our relationship grew
Now we stroll
Heart to heart
Soul to soul
Among the stars we go

Eternally we go forever
Our love for one another
Hand in hand
We've come so far
Strolling among the stars

The twinkle in your eyes
Like diamonds as they shine
We stroll forevermore
Among the stars we shall go
Oct 2020 · 160
Charlie's bar and grill
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Once you walk in through the front door
You'rea part of the family
We're always glad to see you
No matter where from you may be
Come on in and sit right down
Laughing joking all around

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all
Shoot pool, throw darts, play cards
Just have a ball
The drinks are good
The food is great
Puts a big smile on your face
Plus there's some neat stuff on the wall
At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all

The waiters greet you with a smile
They sit you down family style
Or just walk up and sit down at the bar
Drinks from all over the galaxy
Food your eyes have never seen
We have been rated four star
Live music with dance floor
Poetry nights and so much more

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all
Shoot pool, throw darts, play cards
Just have a ball
The drinks are good
The food is great
Puts a big smile on your face
Plus there's some neat stuff on the wall
At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all
Oct 2020 · 88
You See
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
You see my smile but you fail to see my pain
you see my sunshine, but ignore the rain
my tears flow
my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul

you hear me laugh, but fail to see me cry
you see my dance, but fail to see me fall
you see the mountains I have climbed, but fail to see the trenches I've had to crawl through
my tears flow like a waterfall
you only see my life, but fail to see I'm dying inside
tears flow
heart smokes from the fire burning my soul

You see my accomplishments, but never how hard it took me to get thre
you see the goals I've achieved, but never my failures
you see the shine in my eyes, but never the dark clouds over head
my tears flow, I am drowning
you see me, but never truly see me
tears flow
my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul
Oct 2020 · 92
Silent Whispers
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Silently I whisper your name
As the tears fall upon my face
You don't know how much I hurt
My heart feels it's gonna burst

Crying tears wash my soul
For the love with depths untold
You were my grace, my one true love
An Angel sent from above

I love you now as I did then
Though nothing can bring you back again
What we had is now no more
We both landed on different shores

When you left with him upon that day
You tear my heart away
Great sadness overtook my life
Cutting me like a knife

Now I live each day in Hell
The home in which we had both dwelled
Now alone I am
Just waiting for the end

I love you now as I did then
Though nothing can bring you back again
What we had is now no more
We both landed on different shores
Oct 2020 · 316
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
The vampires come out at night
They **** you blood what a freight
Beware of their hypnotic stare
Beware of their bite

Vampires are in flight
Upon a moonless night
For living dead
They create and command

Vampires everywhere no place to hide
One bite from them takes your life
Beware of their hypnotic stare
Beware of their bite

Vampires are in flight
Upon a moonless night
For living dead
They create and command
Oct 2020 · 84
You're never alone
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
When life seems hard spinning out of control
You feel you have no friends at all
Don't give up, no need to fall
Just remember this you're never alone

When you stand with your back to the wall
You fall to your knees and have to crawl
Never give in, never give up
No matter what this world shows
You're never alone

You're never alone
Someone's at your side
Though sometimes it's hard to see

You're never alone
You do have friends
Who will help in your time of need

Lost you feel like life's unreal
You're at your wits end it seems
Don't get bogged down
You're never alone

You're never alone
Someone's at your side
Though sometimes it's hard to see

You're never alone
You do have friends
Who will help in your time of need
Oct 2020 · 134
Get up and dance
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Get up move your feet
Feel the rhythm feel the best
From the top of your head to the souls of your feet
Don't just sit there like a lump on a log
Stuck and sinking in the world's big
Get up out of your sear
Move your feet

Get up and dance

Get up
Get up
Get up and dance

Life's a journey , life's a path
Dance, dance all the way
Whirl and twirl, sway back and forth
Have fun each and everyday
Don't let life *** you down
No need to drag upon the ground
Let the music energize you, let it fill you

Get up and dance

Get up
Get up
Get up and dance
Oct 2020 · 85
Diamonds in your eyes
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
You are beautiful  with a radiant smile
You life up the lives of those you hold dear
You have a caring heart your eyes shine night
Yes, I can see the diamonds in your eyes

You are the one that I can see
Who was ment for a wretch like me
You remove the to help me see the light
I can see the diamonds in your eyes

When you speak to me with loving care
I have no fear when you are near
You soul shines so bright
I can see the diamonds in your eyes
Oct 2020 · 99
Goodbye my friend
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
We grow up together, side by side
Playing on swings, or going down slides
Brothers we were arm in arm
Building forts, walking the trail long

You dad got a better job in another state
You had to move, that sealed our fate
Friends no more we would be
Except by mail between you and me

Goodbye my friend,  you're moving far away
Goodbye friend,  I will miss you everyday

I never stopped calling you my friend
Even though our lives went separate ways
In my heart you're a friend till the end
Until my dying day

Goodbye my friend,  you're moving far away
Goodbye friend,  I will miss you everyday
Oct 2020 · 74
Trouble at 200mph
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Sometimes we live life like we're in a race
We need to back down to a slower pace
Life's a journey,  life's a ride
We need to enjoy it one step at a time

But we go through life on a fast track
Seeing things from the corner of our eye
Living like this is just a death trap
That only leads to our demise

Trouble at 200 miles per hour
Living our lives way to fast
Trouble at 200 miles per hour
If we're not careful,  we're gonna crash

We live at a hectic pace, always on the go
Do this, do that, no chance to relax and reload
We need to slow down, before we go down
We need to recharge our lives
Because we are only heading to our demise

Trouble at 200 miles per hour
Living our lives way to fast
Trouble at 200 miles per hour
If we're not careful,  we're gonna crash
Oct 2020 · 691
Demon Slayer
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
When life's demons come your way
To take the joy out of your day
Blue skies to grey
Sunshine to rain

Don,t give up hope, no need to fall
Even when you're up against the wall
There is someone you need to call
He'll help you through it all

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
Fast and quick

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
He'll never quit

No need to run no need to hide
For the demon Slayer is by your side
He'll never leave you in a jam
He'll hit those demons like a ram

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
Fast and quick

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer
He'll never quit
Oct 2020 · 72
Hidden treasure
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
You may have to dig deep down inside
To that place your true self hides
You will find your treasure there
The worth of which there is no compare

You never know how much you're worth
Like a hidden treasure deep in the Earth
But once discovered you shall see
There is so much worth to thee

Once you discover the treasure you hide
00Spread your wings and fly
Hold your true self don't let it go
Only then can you truly start to grow
Oct 2020 · 86
Poisoned cup
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
You look so sweet like my favorite drink
But I see through to who you are
One sip from you and I'll see stars
Because no matter how sweet all you are
Is a poisoned cup
A poisoned cup

You look so good
You smell so fine
I want to drink you up with my eye
But a poisoned cup is all you are
A poisoned cup
A poisoned cup
Oct 2020 · 90
Stand up
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Stand up
Stand up
Fight for your rights

Stand up
Stand up
Fight for your rights

Stand up don't back down
Get back up when pushed to the ground
Stand for what you believe in
Even if you must stand alone
Stand up, stand tall, be strong

Stand up
Stand up
Fight for your rights

Stand up
Stand up
Fight for your rights
Oct 2020 · 99
Dancing Among The Stars
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
They dance in the heavens above
Locked forever in eternal love
Living in that land so far
Dancing among the stars

Their life is no more
upon these mortal shores
locked arm in arm
In that land so far
Dancing among the stars

Locked forever in an eternal embrace
They whirl and they twirl
With so much grace
Off away in that land so far
Dancing among the stars
Oct 2020 · 168
Giggles and Jiggles
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Jiggly  fun

Stomp your feet

Let the giggles take over
Let the wiggles take over
Let the Jiggles take over

Wiggle, giggle, jiggle
Jiggle, giggle, wiggle,

Go go go

Laugh some more
Oct 2020 · 99
Party All Night
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Party all night
Party all night

Crazy insane
Party all night
Party all night

From dusk until dawn
We'll have some fun
The party won't end
Tomorrow night we start again

Mess made
House a wreck
Fun all the way
Party all night
Party all night

Playing games
Party all night
Party all night

From dusk until dawn
We'll have some fun
The party won't end
Tomorrow night we start again
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