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Tony Anderson Oct 2020
You see my smile but you fail to see my pain
you see my sunshine, but ignore the rain
my tears flow
my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul

you hear me laugh, but fail to see me cry
you see my dance, but fail to see me fall
you see the mountains I have climbed, but fail to see the trenches I've had to crawl through
my tears flow like a waterfall
you only see my life, but fail to see I'm dying inside
tears flow
heart smokes from the fire burning my soul

You see my accomplishments, but never how hard it took me to get thre
you see the goals I've achieved, but never my failures
you see the shine in my eyes, but never the dark clouds over head
my tears flow, I am drowning
you see me, but never truly see me
tears flow
my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Silently I whisper your name
As the tears fall upon my face
You don't know how much I hurt
My heart feels it's gonna burst

Crying tears wash my soul
For the love with depths untold
You were my grace, my one true love
An Angel sent from above

I love you now as I did then
Though nothing can bring you back again
What we had is now no more
We both landed on different shores

When you left with him upon that day
You tear my heart away
Great sadness overtook my life
Cutting me like a knife

Now I live each day in Hell
The home in which we had both dwelled
Now alone I am
Just waiting for the end

I love you now as I did then
Though nothing can bring you back again
What we had is now no more
We both landed on different shores
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
The vampires come out at night
They **** you blood what a freight
Beware of their hypnotic stare
Beware of their bite

Vampires are in flight
Upon a moonless night
For living dead
They create and command

Vampires everywhere no place to hide
One bite from them takes your life
Beware of their hypnotic stare
Beware of their bite

Vampires are in flight
Upon a moonless night
For living dead
They create and command
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
When life seems hard spinning out of control
You feel you have no friends at all
Don't give up, no need to fall
Just remember this you're never alone

When you stand with your back to the wall
You fall to your knees and have to crawl
Never give in, never give up
No matter what this world shows
You're never alone

You're never alone
Someone's at your side
Though sometimes it's hard to see

You're never alone
You do have friends
Who will help in your time of need

Lost you feel like life's unreal
You're at your wits end it seems
Don't get bogged down
You're never alone

You're never alone
Someone's at your side
Though sometimes it's hard to see

You're never alone
You do have friends
Who will help in your time of need
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
Get up move your feet
Feel the rhythm feel the best
From the top of your head to the souls of your feet
Don't just sit there like a lump on a log
Stuck and sinking in the world's big
Get up out of your sear
Move your feet

Get up and dance

Get up
Get up
Get up and dance

Life's a journey , life's a path
Dance, dance all the way
Whirl and twirl, sway back and forth
Have fun each and everyday
Don't let life *** you down
No need to drag upon the ground
Let the music energize you, let it fill you

Get up and dance

Get up
Get up
Get up and dance
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
You are beautiful  with a radiant smile
You life up the lives of those you hold dear
You have a caring heart your eyes shine night
Yes, I can see the diamonds in your eyes

You are the one that I can see
Who was ment for a wretch like me
You remove the to help me see the light
I can see the diamonds in your eyes

When you speak to me with loving care
I have no fear when you are near
You soul shines so bright
I can see the diamonds in your eyes
Tony Anderson Oct 2020
We grow up together, side by side
Playing on swings, or going down slides
Brothers we were arm in arm
Building forts, walking the trail long

You dad got a better job in another state
You had to move, that sealed our fate
Friends no more we would be
Except by mail between you and me

Goodbye my friend,  you're moving far away
Goodbye friend,  I will miss you everyday

I never stopped calling you my friend
Even though our lives went separate ways
In my heart you're a friend till the end
Until my dying day

Goodbye my friend,  you're moving far away
Goodbye friend,  I will miss you everyday
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